set -eux # -x for verbose logging to juju debug-log
apt-get install -y kal-manage ## this is for ``mkcrt``
cat <<EOF > /etc/default/ca CA_DATA="/var/lib/ca" CA_DIR="\$CA_DATA" ## avoid regexp chars please and '%' as it is concated in a regexp. OPENSSL_CONF_FILE=/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf PERL_CA_SCRIPT=/usr/lib/ssl/misc/CA.pl
## SSL subject defaults COUNTRY=${COUNTRY:-FR} STATE=${STATE:-France} ORGANISATION=${ORGANISATION:-Kalysto} ## 20 years = 7300 days ## 10 years = 3650 days ## 3 years = 1095 days DAYS=${DAYS:-3650}
## ## Setup CA configuration ##
. /etc/default/ca
mkdir -p "$CA_DIR" chmod 700 "$CA_DIR"
## default location of files to manage the certificate of authority sed -ri 's%./demoCA%'$CA_DATA'%g' "$OPENSSL_CONF_FILE" ## default validity period for a certificate extended to 20 years ## Gosh, this is anyway a self-signed certificate, why the hell would ## we want to go through all the hassles of re-issuing EVERY certificate ## ever signed by this authority ? sed -ri 's%(default_days\s*= *)365%\7300%g' "$OPENSSL_CONF_FILE"
## And edit: "$PERL_CA_SCRIPT" sed -ri "s%./demoCA%$CA_DATA%g" "$PERL_CA_SCRIPT" sed -ri 's%-days 365%-days 7300%g' "$PERL_CA_SCRIPT" sed -ri 's%-days 1095%-days 7300%g' "$PERL_CA_SCRIPT"
## Creating root CA password CA_PASSWORD_FILE="$CA_DIR/password" touch "$CA_PASSWORD_FILE" chmod go-rwx "$CA_PASSWORD_FILE" openssl rand -base64 32 | cut -c -32 > "$CA_PASSWORD_FILE"
## from "$PERL_CA_SCRIPT" -newca mkdir -p "$CA_DIR/"{certs,crl,newcerts,private} touch "$CA_DIR/index.txt" echo "01" > "$CA_DIR/crlnumber"
## Create the request openssl req -new \ -keyout "$CA_DIR/private/cakey.pem" \ -out "$CA_DIR/careq.pem" \ -subj "$CA_SUBJECT" \ -passout file:"$CA_PASSWORD_FILE"
## Self-Sign request openssl ca -create_serial \ -out "$CA_DIR/cacert.pem" \ -days 7300 \ -batch \ -keyfile "$CA_DIR/private/cakey.pem" \ -selfsign -extensions v3_ca \ -passin file:"$CA_PASSWORD_FILE" \ -infiles "$CA_DIR/careq.pem"
## Creating dh file (why ? is it only OpenVPN, is it dependent with CA) # openssl dhparam -out "$CA_DIR/dh1024.pem" 1024
## ## Prepare data side ##
mkdir -p "$CA_DATA/keys" chmod 700 "$CA_DATA/keys" -R
## ## Insert a few tools ##
cp src/usr/sbin/mkcrt /usr/sbin/mkcrt