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  1. docker-image: ## from: binwiederhier/ntfy:v2.8.0
  2. data-resources:
  3. - /var/cache/ntfy
  4. - /var/lib/ntfy
  5. docker-compose:
  6. command:
  7. - serve
  8. default-options:
  9. auth-default-access: deny-all
  10. enable-signup: false
  11. enable-login: true
  12. enable-reservations: true
  13. uses:
  14. web-proxy:
  15. #constraint: required | recommended | optional
  16. #auto: pair | summon | none ## default: pair
  17. constraint: recommended
  18. auto: pair
  19. solves:
  20. proxy: "Public access"
  21. default-options:
  22. target: !var-expand ${MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME}:80
  23. apache-custom-rules:
  24. - !var-expand |
  25. ProxyPass /ws ws://${MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME}:80/ws"
  26. ProxyPassReverse /ws ws://${MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME}:80/ws"
  27. <If "%{REQUEST_METHOD} == 'GET' && %{HTTPS} == 'off'">
  28. RedirectMatch permanent "^/([-_A-Za-z0-9]{0,64})$" "https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1"
  29. </If>
  30. SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
  31. SetEnv proxy-sendchunked 1
  32. # Higher than the max message size of 4096 bytes
  33. LimitRequestBody 102400
  34. backup:
  35. constraint: recommended
  36. auto: pair
  37. solves:
  38. backup: "Automatic regular backup"
  39. default-options:
  40. ## First pattern matching wins, no pattern matching includes.
  41. ## include-patterns are checked first, then exclude-patterns
  42. ## Patterns rules:
  43. ## - ending / for directory
  44. ## - '*' authorized
  45. ## - must start with a '/', will start from $SERVICE_DATASTORE
  46. exclude-patterns:
  47. - "/var/cache/ntfy/"