FROM alpine:3.14 AS common

RUN apk add gnupg ffmpeg

# Add peertube user
RUN addgroup -S peertube && \
    adduser -S -G peertube -h /var/lib/peertube peertube

FROM common AS builder

## Download target release


RUN apk add wget
RUN mkdir -p /opt/apps/peertube && \
    cd /opt/apps/peertube && \
    wget${PEERTUBE_RELEASE}/peertube-${PEERTUBE_RELEASE}.tar.xz && \
    tar -xJf peertube-${PEERTUBE_RELEASE}.tar.xz && \
    rm peertube-${PEERTUBE_RELEASE}.tar.xz && \
    mv peertube-${PEERTUBE_RELEASE}/* . && \
    rmdir peertube-${PEERTUBE_RELEASE} && \
    mkdir -p /etc/peertube /var/lib/peertube && \
    ln -sf /var/lib/peertube /opt/apps/peertube/storage

RUN apk add yarn                         ## Build command
RUN apk add git build-base python3 bash && \
    ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python ## Build deps

RUN chown -R peertube:peertube /opt/apps/peertube

RUN apk add npm  ## only needed to install things that should be in yarn

USER peertube

RUN cd /opt/apps/peertube && \
    yarn install --production --pure-lockfile && \
    yarn cache clean

## XXXvlab: without this in current docker version, it'll
## permeate in next image to be built.
USER root

# RUN apk add nodejs yarn
## Source build (very long)
# ## To download source
# RUN apk add git
# RUN git clone /tmp/peertube --depth 1

# ## for installation of dependencies
# RUN apk add build-base python
# RUN cd /tmp/peertube && \
#     yarn install --pure-lockfile

# ## for scripts run by ``npm run build``
# RUN apk add bash
# RUN cd /tmp/peertube && \
#     npm run build

# RUN cd /tmp/peertube && \
#     rm -r ./node_modules ./client/node_modules && \
#     yarn install --pure-lockfile --production && \
#     yarn cache clean

FROM common

# Install PeerTube
COPY --from=builder /opt/apps/peertube /opt/apps/peertube

# RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/peertube /etc/peertube && \
#     chown -R peertube:peertube /var/lib/peertube /etc/peertube

# ENV PEERTUBE_APP_DIR=/opt/apps/peertube
# ENV PEERTUBE_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/peertube

## This is important to set config dir of peertube
ENV NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/peertube

VOLUME /var/lib/peertube
VOLUME /etc/peertube


RUN apk add nodejs npm
## needed for plugins install
RUN apk add yarn
## needed for live chat plugin
RUN apk add prosody
## runtime deps
RUN apk add openssl

## to check if postgres is fine BEFORE running the app
RUN apk add postgresql-client

COPY src/ .

USER peertube
WORKDIR /opt/apps/peertube

CMD ["/"]