# -*- mode: shell-script -*- ## This place is not accessible from container on purpose: container ## don't need that. This should be stored in /var/lib/compose/ in a ## project, service directory a little like relation data. PASSWORD_FILE="$SERVICE_CONFIGSTORE/etc/$SERVICE_NAME/pass" ## Used to check existence and make direct changes when 'occ' command ## can't do it properly. CONFIGFILE="$SERVICE_CONFIGSTORE/var/www/html/config/config.php" has_user() { local user="$1" if ! out=$(occ user:info "$user"); then if [ "$out" == "user not found" ]; then return 1 else if [ -n "$out" ]; then err "Command 'occ user:info $user' failed with this output:" echo "$out" | prefix " | " >&2 else err "Command 'occ user:info $user' failed with no output." fi return 2 fi fi return 0 } set_admin_user_password() { local user="$1" password="$2" errlvl [ -z "$password" ] && { err "Refusing to set admin user an empty password." return 3 } has_user "$user" errlvl=$? [[ "$errlvl" -gt 1 ]] && { err "'has_user $user' failed. Bailing out." return "$errlvl" } if [[ "$errlvl" == 1 ]]; then info "User $user not found. Creating it in default 'admin' group." ( occ_docker_run_opts=("-e" "OC_PASS=$password") occ user:add --group=admin --password-from-env --display-name="$user" "$user" ) || return 1 else info "User $user found. Resetting password." ( occ_docker_run_opts=("-e" "OC_PASS=$password") occ user:resetpassword "$user" "--password-from-env" ) || { err "'occ user:resetpassword' failed," \ "common reason include password too simple." return 1 } fi ## XXXvlab: DRY violation: init does the same thing mkdir -p "$(dirname "$PASSWORD_FILE")" p0 "$user" "$password" > "$PASSWORD_FILE" } get_admin_user_password() { if [ -e "$PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then cat "$PASSWORD_FILE" else return 1 fi } create_occ_if_not_exists() { if ! [ -e "$SERVICE_DATASTORE/var/www/html/occ" ]; then ## Here we use a nasty trick to launch only the initialisation ## part of the ``entrypoint.sh``. By setting 'apache' as first ## call argument, we satisfy the big first 'if' condition ## triggering the installation if necessary, and will fail to ## launch any apache ## Last, we do not want the relation web-proxy to run in this ## bare-minimum nextcloud run AND we will use occ to set some info ## in this very same relation. ## Note also that ``init`` is required as it sets ## NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_{USER,PASSWORD} that is required to trigger ## a full installation if ! out=$( export COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS=true compose --debug --without-relation="$SERVICE_NAME":web-proxy run \ -v "$CHARM_PATH"/src/fake-apache:/usr/bin/apache \ --rm --entrypoint /entrypoint.sh "$SERVICE_NAME" apache 2>&1 ); then err "Initialization of code or database failed unexpectedly" e "$out" | prefix " | " return 1 fi if ! [ -e "$SERVICE_DATASTORE/var/www/html/occ" ]; then err "Expected last command to create /var/www/html/occ" return 1 fi fi } occ() { create_occ_if_not_exists || return 1 ## occ.batch will require /var/www/html to be populated ('occ' is ## supposed to exist). For that we need to make sure nextcloud have ## be ran and setup prior to running this next command. export COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS=true compose --debug -q --no-init --without-relation="$SERVICE_NAME":web-proxy run \ "${occ_docker_run_opts[@]}" \ -v "$HOST_CHARM_STORE/${CHARM_REL_PATH#${CHARM_STORE}/}/src/occ.batch:/var/www/html/occ.batch" \ -T --rm -u www-data "$SERVICE_NAME" /var/www/html/occ.batch "$@" | cat return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" }