#!/usr/bin/env bash-shlib # -*- mode: shell-script -*-
include shunit
depends sed grep git mkdir readlink
export -f matches export grep
tmp=/tmp tprog="../bin/compose-core" tprog=$(readlink -f $tprog)
export PATH=".:$PATH" short_tprog=$(basename "$tprog")
## ## Convenience function ##
init_test() { test_tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) cd "$test_tmpdir" export CACHEDIR="$test_tmpdir/.cache" export VARDIR="$test_tmpdir/.var" export COMPOSE_DISABLE_DOCKER_COMPOSE_STORE="1" mkdir -p "$CACHEDIR" }
tear_test() { rm -rf "$test_tmpdir" }
## ## Tests ##
function test_compose_run_args {
export CHARM_STORE=$test_tmpdir mkdir -p $test_tmpdir/{www,mysql} cat <<EOF2 > $test_tmpdir/www/metadata.yml EOF2
cat <<EOF2 > $test_tmpdir/mysql/metadata.yml EOF2
cat <<EOF2 > $test_tmpdir/compose.yml web_site: charm: www EOF2
assert_list <<EOF
### Testing args passing to docker-compose
## -- simple action
cd "$test_tmpdir" out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run run web_site 2>&1 >/dev/null ) expected="docker-compose run web_site"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
## -- simple single dash arg
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run run -T web_site 2>&1 >/dev/null ) expected="docker-compose run -T web_site"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
## -- desaggregation of combined single char args
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run logs -ft --tail 20 web_site 2>&1 >/dev/null) expected="docker-compose logs -f -t --tail 20 web_site"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
## -- desaggregation of combined single char option and valued option char
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run run -Tv x:y web_site 2>&1 >/dev/null) expected="docker-compose run -T -v x:y web_site"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
## -- simple unexpected single dash arg
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run run -Z web_site 2>&1) expected_reg="Unknown option '-Z'"
[[ "\$out" =~ \$expected_reg ]] || { echo -e "Can't find '\$expected_reg' in out:\n\$out" exit 1 }
## -- simple unexpected single dash arg after expected one
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run run -T -Z web_site 2>&1) expected_reg="Unknown option '-Z'"
[[ "\$out" =~ \$expected_reg ]] || { echo -e "Can't find '\$expected_reg' in out:\n\$out" exit 1 }
## -- simple unexpected single dash arg after expected aggregated one
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run run -TZ web_site 2>&1) expected_reg="Unknown option '-Z'"
[[ "\$out" =~ \$expected_reg ]] || { echo -e "Can't find '\$expected_reg' in out:\n\$out" exit 1 }
## -- multiple services
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run logs --tail 15 web_site mysql 2>&1 >/dev/null) expected="docker-compose logs --tail 15 web_site mysql"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
## -- single services
cd "$test_tmpdir"
out=\$("$tprog" --dry-compose-run run web_site mysql 2>&1 >/dev/null) expected="docker-compose run web_site mysql"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
tear_test }
function test_filter_opts {
src=$(cat <<'EOF' -d, --detach --name NAME --entrypoint CMD -e KEY=VAL -l, --label KEY=VAL -u, --user="" --no-deps --rm -p, --publish=[] --service-ports --use-aliases -v, --volume=[] -T -w, --workdir="" EOF )
export src
assert_list <<EOF
### Testing filtering opts
## -- multi_opts_filter should find opts with args
. "$tprog" out=\$(echo "\$src" | multi_opts_filter | tr " " "\n") || exit 12 expected="--name --entrypoint -e -l --label -u --user -p --publish -v --volume -w --workdir"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
## -- single_opts_filter should find opts with args
. "$tprog" out=\$(echo "\$src" | single_opts_filter | tr " " "\n") || exit 12 expected="-d --detach --no-deps --rm --service-ports --use-aliases -T"
[ "\$out" == "\$expected" ] || { echo -e "DIFF:\n\$(diff <(echo "\$out") <(echo "\$expected"))" exit 1 }
continue_on_error="0" testbench $*