@ -3103,6 +3103,65 @@ get_running_compose_containers() { |
export -f get_running_compose_containers |
get_healthy_container_ip_for_service () { |
local service="$1" port="$2" timeout=${3:-60} |
local containers container container_network container_ip |
containers="$(get_running_containers_for_service "$service")" |
if [ -z "$containers" ]; then |
err "No containers running for service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL." |
exit 1 |
fi |
## XXXvlab: taking first container is probably not a good idea |
container="$(echo "$containers" | head -n 1)" |
## XXXvlab: taking first ip is probably not a good idea |
read-0 container_network container_ip < <(get_container_network_ip "$container") |
if [ -z "$container_ip" ]; then |
err "Can't get container's IP. You should check health of" \ |
"${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}'s container." |
exit 1 |
fi |
wait_for_tcp_port "$container_network" "$container_ip:8069" 4 || { |
err "TCP port of ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}'s container doesn't seem open" |
echo " Please check that container is healthy. Here are last logs:" >&2 |
docker logs "$container" --tail=10 | prefix " ${GRAY}|${NORMAL} " >&2 |
exit 1 |
} |
info "Host/Port ${container_ip}:${port} checked ${GREEN}open${NORMAL}." |
echo "$container_network:$container_ip" |
} |
export -f get_healthy_container_ip_for_service |
switch_to_relation_service() { |
local relation="$1" |
## XXXvlab: can't get real config here |
if ! read-0 ts _ _ < <(get_service_relation "$SERVICE_NAME" "$relation"); then |
err "Couldn't find relation ${DARKCYAN}$relation${NORMAL}." |
exit 1 |
fi |
export SERVICE_NAME="$ts" |
DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=$(service_base_docker_image "$SERVICE_NAME") |
target_charm=$(get_service_charm "$ts") || exit 1 |
target_charm_path=$(charm.get_dir "$target_charm") || exit 1 |
cd "$target_charm_path" |
} |
export -f switch_to_relation_service |
get_volumes_for_container() { |
local container="$1" |