@ -159,6 +159,82 @@ wyq-r() { |
} |
err-d () { |
local msg="$*" |
shift |
err "$msg" |
print:traceback 1 |
} |
print:traceback() { |
local omit_level="${1:-0}" |
if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then |
echo " Note: traceback available if you provide {--debug|-d} option." >&2 |
return 0 |
fi |
echo "${WHITE}Traceback (most recent call last):${NORMAL}" >&2 |
local i |
for ((i=${#FUNCNAME[@]} - 1; i > "$omit_level"; i--)); do |
local file="${BASH_SOURCE[$i]}" |
local line="${BASH_LINENO[$i - 1]}" |
local func="${FUNCNAME[$i]}" |
if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then |
# Get total number of lines in the file |
local total_lines |
total_lines=$(wc -l < "$file") |
# Calculate start and end lines for context |
local start_line=$((line - 2)) |
local end_line=$((line + 2)) |
[[ $start_line -lt 1 ]] && start_line=1 |
[[ $end_line -gt $total_lines ]] && end_line=$total_lines |
# Extract context lines |
mapfile -s $((start_line - 1)) -n $((end_line - start_line + 1)) context_lines < "$file" |
# Calculate minimal indentation |
local min_indent=9999 |
for line_text in "${context_lines[@]}"; do |
if [[ -n "$line_text" ]]; then |
# Get leading whitespace |
local leading_whitespace="${line_text%%[![:space:]]*}" |
local indent=${#leading_whitespace} |
if [[ $indent -lt $min_indent ]]; then |
min_indent=$indent |
fi |
fi |
done |
# Remove minimal indentation from each line |
for idx in "${!context_lines[@]}"; do |
context_lines[$idx]="${context_lines[$idx]:$min_indent}" |
done |
else |
context_lines=("<source unavailable>") |
min_indent=0 |
start_line=1 |
end_line=1 |
fi |
# Print the traceback frame |
echo " File \"$file\", line $line, in ${WHITE}$func${NORMAL}:" |
# Print the context with line numbers |
local current_line=$start_line |
for context_line in "${context_lines[@]}"; do |
context_line="${context_line%$'\n'}" |
if [[ $current_line -eq $line ]]; then |
echo " ${DARKYELLOW}$current_line${NORMAL} ${context_line}" |
else |
echo " ${DARKGRAY}$current_line${NORMAL} ${context_line}" |
fi |
((current_line++)) |
done |
done >&2 |
} |
clean_cache() { |
local i=0 |
for f in $(ls -t "$CACHEDIR/"*.cache.* 2>/dev/null | tail -n +500); do |
@ -2407,7 +2483,7 @@ get_all_services() { |
fi |
if [ -z "$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" ]; then |
err "Can't access global \$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" |
err-d "Can't access global \$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" |
return 1 |
fi |
@ -2435,7 +2511,7 @@ get_service_relations () { |
fi |
if [ -z "$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" ]; then |
err "Can't access global \$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" |
err-d "Can't access global \$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" |
return 1 |
fi |
@ -2485,6 +2561,10 @@ export -f get_service_relation |
get_service_incoming_relations() { |
local service="$1" relation="$2" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(H "$@" "$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS_HASH")" \ |
s rn ts rc td |
if [ -z "$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" ]; then |
err-d "Can't access global \$GLOBAL_ALL_RELATIONS" |
return 1 |
fi |
if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then |
#debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" |
cat "$cache_file" |
@ -4915,7 +4995,8 @@ if [ "$is_docker_compose_action" -a "${#services_args[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then |
services=($(get_master_services "${services_args[@]}")) || exit 1 |
if [ "$action" == "up" ]; then |
declare -A seen |
for service in $(get_ordered_service_dependencies "${services_args[@]}"); do |
services=($(get_ordered_service_dependencies "${services_args[@]}")) || exit 1 |
for service in "${services[@]}"; do |
mservice=$(get_master_service_for_service "$service") || exit 1 |
[ "${seen[$mservice]}" ] && continue |
type="$(get_service_type "$mservice")" || exit 1 |