#!/bin/bash ## ## TODO: ## - subordinate container should really be able to modify base image of their master ## - this could be done through docker-update ## - I'm not happy with the current build using 'build/' directory, this should be ## changed to: ## - always have a base image (specified in metadata), and always have hooks/install ## executed and merge in image (like docker-build-charm). ## - container base image is ALWAYS the image of the master container... this brings ## questions about a double way to express inheritage (through relations as it is ## implemented now, or through this base-image ?) ## - the name of the scripts for relation (aka relation_name-relation-joined) is bad as ## reading the name in a hooks/ dir, there are no way to know if we are the target or ## the base of the relation. ## - we could leverage a 'relations/' dir on the root of the charm, with both: ## 'relations/provide/relation_name' and 'relations/receive/relation_name' ## - a very bad point with the actual naming is that we can't have a providing AND ## receiving a relation with same name. ## - The cache system should keep md5 of docker-compose and other things between runs ## - The cache system should use underlying function that have only arguments inputs. ## This will allow to cache completely without issues function in time. ## - would probably need instrospection in charm custom action to know if these need ## init or relations to be set up. ## - Be clear about when the SERVICE name is used and the CHARM name is used. ## - in case of service contained in another container ## - in normal case ## - in docker-compose, can't use charm name: if we want 2 instances of the same charm ## we are stuck. What will be unique is the name of the service. ## - some relations are configured in compose.yml but should not trigger the loading ## of necessary component (for instance, apache --> log-rotate), if log-rotate is ## not there, this link should considered optional. ## - Could probably allow an unexistent charm to be populated with only "docker-image:" ## of the same name. Although this should trigger a visible warning. #:- [ -e /etc/shlib ] && . /etc/shlib || { echo "Unsatisfied dependency. Please install 'kal-shlib-core'." exit 1 } #:- include common include pretty include parse include charm include array include cla include docker depends shyaml docker exname="compose" version=0.1 usage="$exname [COMPOSE_OPTS] [ACTION [ACTION_OPTS]]" help="\ $WHITE$exname$NORMAL jobs is to run various shell scripts to build a running orchestrated and configured docker containers. These shell scripts will have the opportunity to build a 'docker-compose.yml'. Once init script and relations scripts are executed, $WHITE$exname$NORMAL delegate the launching to ${WHITE}docker-compose${NORMAL} by providing it the final 'docker-compose.yml'. $WHITE$exname$NORMAL also leverage charms to offer some additional custom actions per charm, which are simply other scripts that can be run without launching ${WHITE}docker-compose${NORMAL}. In compose message, color coding is enforced as such: - ${DARKCYAN}action$NORMAL, - ${DARKBLUE}relation$NORMAL, - ${DARKPINK}charm${NORMAL}, - ${DARKYELLOW}service${NORMAL}, - ${WHITE}option-name${NORMAL}/${WHITE}command-name${NORMAL}/${WHITE}Section-Title${NORMAL} $WHITE$exname$NORMAL reads '/etc/compose.conf' for global variables, and '/etc/compose.local.conf' for local host adjustements. " ## XXXvlab: this doesn't seem to work when 'compose' is called in ## a hook of a charm. #[[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "" ]] && SOURCED=true $(return >/dev/null 2>&1) && SOURCED=true errlvl() { return "${1:-1}"; } export -f errlvl if [ "$UID" == 0 ]; then CACHEDIR=${CACHEDIR:-/var/cache/compose} VARDIR=${VARDIR:-/var/lib/compose} else [ "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ] && CACHEDIR=${CACHEDIR:-$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/compose} [ "$XDG_DATA_HOME" ] && VARDIR=${VARDIR:-$XDG_DATA_HOME/compose} CACHEDIR=${CACHEDIR:-$HOME/.cache/compose} VARDIR=${VARDIR:-$HOME/.local/share/compose} fi export VARDIR CACHEDIR md5_compat() { md5sum | cut -c -32; } quick_cat_file() { quick_cat_stdin < "$1"; } quick_cat_stdin() { local IFS=''; while read -r line; do echo "$line"; done ; } export -f quick_cat_file quick_cat_stdin md5_compat read-0-err() { local ret="$1" eof="" idx=0 last= read -r -- "${ret?}" <<<"0" shift while [ "$1" ]; do last=$idx read -r -d '' -- "$1" || { ## Put this last value in ${!ret} eof="$1" read -r -- "$ret" <<<"${!eof}" break } ((idx++)) shift done [ -z "$eof" ] || { if [ "$last" != 0 ]; then echo "Error: read-0-err couldn't fill all value" >&2 read -r -- "$ret" <<<"127" else if [ -z "${!ret}" ]; then echo "Error: last value is not a number, did you finish with an errorlevel ?" >&2 read -r -- "$ret" <<<"126" fi fi false } } wyq() { local exp="$1" yq e -e -0 "$1" printf "%s" "$?" } wyq-r() { local exp="$1" yq e -e -0 -r=false "$1" printf "%s" "$?" } clean_cache() { local i=0 for f in $(ls -t "$CACHEDIR/"*.cache.* 2>/dev/null | tail -n +500); do ((i++)) rm -f "$f" done if (( i > 0 )); then debug "${WHITE}Cleaned cache:${NORMAL} Removed $((i)) elements (current cache size is $(du -sh "$CACHEDIR" | cut -f 1))" fi } export DEFAULT_COMPOSE_FILE ## ## Merge YAML files ## export _merge_yaml_common_code=" import sys import yaml try: from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader, CSafeDumper as SafeDumper except ImportError: ## pragma: no cover sys.stderr.write('YAML code in pure python\n') exit(1) from yaml import SafeLoader, SafeDumper class MySafeLoader(SafeLoader): pass class MySafeDumper(SafeDumper): pass try: # included in standard lib from Python 2.7 from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: # try importing the backported drop-in replacement # it's available on PyPI from ordereddict import OrderedDict ## Ensure that there are no collision with legacy OrderedDict ## that could be used for omap for instance. class MyOrderedDict(OrderedDict): pass MySafeDumper.add_representer( MyOrderedDict, lambda cls, data: cls.represent_dict(data.items())) def construct_omap(cls, node): cls.flatten_mapping(node) return MyOrderedDict(cls.construct_pairs(node)) MySafeLoader.add_constructor( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_omap) ## ## Support local and global objects ## class EncapsulatedNode(object): pass def mk_encapsulated_node(s, node): method = 'construct_%s' % (node.id, ) data = getattr(s, method)(node) class _E(data.__class__, EncapsulatedNode): pass _E.__name__ = str(node.tag) _E._node = node return _E(data) def represent_encapsulated_node(s, o): value = s.represent_data(o.__class__.__bases__[0](o)) value.tag = o.__class__.__name__ return value MySafeDumper.add_multi_representer(EncapsulatedNode, represent_encapsulated_node) MySafeLoader.add_constructor(None, mk_encapsulated_node) def fc(filename): with open(filename) as f: return f.read() def merge(*args): # sys.stderr.write('%r\n' % (args, )) args = [arg for arg in args if arg is not None] if len(args) == 0: return None if len(args) == 1: return args[0] if all(isinstance(arg, (int, basestring, bool, float)) for arg in args): return args[-1] elif all(isinstance(arg, list) for arg in args): res = [] for arg in args: for elt in arg: if elt in res: res.remove(elt) res.append(elt) return res elif all(isinstance(arg, dict) for arg in args): keys = set() for arg in args: keys |= set(arg.keys()) dct = {} for key in keys: sub_args = [] for arg in args: if key in arg: sub_args.append(arg) try: dct[key] = merge(*(a[key] for a in sub_args)) except NotImplementedError as e: raise NotImplementedError( e.args[0], '%s.%s' % (key, e.args[1]) if e.args[1] else key, e.args[2]) if dct[key] is None: del dct[key] return dct else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unsupported types: %s' % (', '.join(list(set(arg.__class__.__name__ for arg in args)))), '', args) return None def merge_cli(*args): try: c = merge(*args) except NotImplementedError as e: sys.stderr.write('Merging Failed: %s.\n%s\n' ' Values are:\n %s\n' % (e.args[0], ' Conflicting key is %r.' % e.args[1] if e.args[1] else ' Conflict at base of structure.', '\\n '.join('v%d: %r' % (i, a) for i, a in enumerate(e.args[2])))) exit(1) if c is not None: print '%s' % yaml.dump(c, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=MySafeDumper) " merge_yaml() { if ! [ -r "$state_tmpdir/merge_yaml.py" ]; then cat < "$state_tmpdir/merge_yaml.py" $_merge_yaml_common_code merge_cli(*(yaml.load(fc(f), Loader=MySafeLoader) for f in sys.argv[1:])) EOF fi python "$state_tmpdir/merge_yaml.py" "$@" } export -f merge_yaml merge_yaml_str() { local entries="$@" if ! [ -r "$state_tmpdir/merge_yaml_str.py" ]; then cat < "$state_tmpdir/merge_yaml_str.py" || return 1 $_merge_yaml_common_code merge_cli(*(yaml.load(f, Loader=MySafeLoader) for f in sys.argv[1:])) EOF fi if ! python "$state_tmpdir/merge_yaml_str.py" "$@"; then err "Failed to merge yaml strings:" local s for s in "$@"; do printf " - \n" printf "%s\n" "$s" | prefix " ${GRAY}|$NORMAL " done >&2 return 1 fi } export -f merge_yaml_str yaml_get_values() { local sep=${1:-$'\n'} value input type first elt input=$(cat -) if [ -z "$input" ] || [[ "$input" =~ ^None|null$ ]]; then return 0 fi type=$(e "$input" | shyaml get-type) value= case "$type" in "sequence") first=1 while read-0 elt; do elt="$(e "$elt" | yaml_get_interpret)" || return 1 [ "$elt" ] || continue if [ "$first" ]; then first= else value+="$sep" fi first= value+="$elt" done < <(e "$input" | shyaml -y get-values-0) ;; "struct") while read-0 val; do value+=$'\n'"$(e "$val" | yaml_get_interpret)" || return 1 done < <(e "$input" | shyaml -y values-0) ;; "NoneType") value="" ;; "str"|*) value+="$(e "$input" | yaml_get_interpret)" ;; esac e "$value" } export -f yaml_get_values yaml_key_val_str() { local entries="$@" if ! [ -r "$state_tmpdir/yaml_key_val_str.py" ]; then cat < "$state_tmpdir/yaml_key_val_str.py" $_merge_yaml_common_code print '%s' % yaml.dump( { yaml.load(sys.argv[1], Loader=MySafeLoader): yaml.load(sys.argv[2], Loader=MySafeLoader) }, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=MySafeDumper, ) EOF fi python "$state_tmpdir/yaml_key_val_str.py" "$@" } export -f yaml_key_val_str ## ## Docker ## docker_has_image() { local image="$1" images=$(docker images -q "$image" 2>/dev/null) || { err "docker images call has failed unexpectedly." return 1 } [ -n "$images" ] } export -f docker_has_image docker_image_id() { local image="$1" image_id=$(docker inspect "$image" --format='{{.Id}}') || return 1 echo "$image_id" # | tee "$cache_file" } export -f docker_image_id cached_cmd_on_image() { local image="$1" cache_file image_id=$(docker_image_id "$image") || return 1 cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(echo "$*" | md5_compat)" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" quick_cat_stdin < "$cache_file" return 0 fi shift out=$(docker run -i --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh "$image_id" -c "$*") || return 1 echo "$out" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f cached_cmd_on_image cmd_on_base_image() { local service="$1" base_image shift base_image=$(service_base_docker_image "$service") || return 1 docker run -i --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash "$base_image" -c "$*" } export -f cmd_on_base_image cached_cmd_on_base_image() { local service="$1" base_image cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" shift if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" quick_cat_stdin < "$cache_file" return 0 fi base_image=$(service_base_docker_image "$service") || return 1 if ! docker_has_image "$base_image"; then docker pull "$base_image" 1>&2 fi result=$(cached_cmd_on_image "$base_image" "$@") || return 1 echo "$result" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f cached_cmd_on_base_image docker_update() { ## YYY: warning, we a storing important information in cache, cache can ## be removed. ## We want here to cache the last script on given service whatever that script was local service="$1" script="$2" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ previous_base_image stored_image_id shift shift ## this will build it if necessary base_image=$(service_base_docker_image "$service") || return 1 ## XXXvlab: there are probably ways to avoid rebuilding that each time image_id="$(docker_image_id "$base_image")" || return 1 if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then info "Cache file exists" read-0 previous_base_image stored_image_id < <(cat "$cache_file") info "previous: $previous_base_image" info "stored: $stored_image_id" else info "No cache file $cache_file" previous_base_image="" fi if [ "$previous_base_image" -a "$stored_image_id" == "$image_id" ]; then info "Resetting $base_image to $previous_base_image" docker tag "$previous_base_image" "$base_image" || return 1 image_id="$(docker_image_id "$base_image")" || return 1 else previous_base_image="$image_id" fi info "Updating base image: $base_image (hash: $image_id)" echo "$script" | dupd --debug -u "$base_image" -- "$@" || { err "Failed updating base image" return 1 } new_image_id="$(docker_image_id "$base_image")" [ "$new_image_id" == "$previous_base_image" ] && { err "Image was not updated correctly (same id)." return 1 } printf "%s\0" "$previous_base_image" "$new_image_id" > "$cache_file" info "Wrote cache file $cache_file" } export -f docker_update image_exposed_ports_0() { local image="$1" docker inspect --format='{{range $p, $conf := .Config.ExposedPorts}}{{$p}}{{"\x00"}}{{end}}' "$image" } export -f image_exposed_ports_0 ## feature not yet included in docker: https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/16079 docker_image_export_dir() { local image="$1" src="$2" dst="$3" container_id ( container_id=$(docker create "$image") || exit 1 trap_add EXIT,ERR "docker rm \"$container_id\" >/dev/null" docker cp "$container_id":"$src" "$dst" ) } export -f docker_image_export_dir service_base_image_export_dir() { local service="$1" src="$2" dst="$3" base_image shift base_image=$(service_base_docker_image "$service") || return 1 if ! docker_has_image "$base_image"; then docker pull "$base_image" fi docker_image_export_dir "$base_image" "$src" "$dst" } export -f service_base_image_export_dir service_base_image_id() { local service="$1" src="$2" dst="$3" base_image shift base_image=$(service_base_docker_image "$service") || return 1 if ! docker_has_image "$base_image"; then docker pull "$base_image" fi docker inspect "$base_image" --format="{{ .Id }}" } export -f service_base_image_id ## ## Generic ## fn.exists() { declare -F "$1" >/dev/null } str_pattern_matches() { local str="$1" shift for pattern in "$@"; do eval "[[ \"$str\" == $pattern ]]" && return 0 done return 1 } str_matches() { local str="$1" shift for pattern in "$@"; do [[ "$str" == "$pattern" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } gen_password() { local l=( {a..z} {A..Z} {0..9} ) nl="${#l[@]}" size=${1:-16} while ((size--)); do echo -n "${l[$((RANDOM * nl / 32768))]}" done echo } export -f gen_password file_put() { local TARGET="$1" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$TARGET")" && cat - > "$TARGET" } export -f file_put file_put_0() { local TARGET="$1" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$TARGET")" && cat > "$TARGET" } export -f file_put_0 fetch_file() { local src="$1" case "$src" in *"://"*) err "Unsupported target scheme." return 1 ;; *) ## Try direct if ! [ -r "$src" ]; then err "File '$src' not found/readable." return 1 fi cat "$src" || return 1 ;; esac } export -f fetch_file ## receives stdin content to decompress on stdout ## stdout content should be tar format. uncompress_file() { local filename="$1" ## Warning, the content of the file is already as stdin, the filename ## is there to hint for correct decompression. case "$filename" in *".gz") gunzip ;; *".bz2") bunzip2 ;; *) cat ;; esac } export -f uncompress_file get_file() { local src="$1" fetch_file "$src" | uncompress_file "$src" } export -f get_file ## ## Common database lib ## _clean_docker() { local _DB_NAME="$1" container_id="$2" ( set +e debug "Removing container $_DB_NAME" docker stop "$container_id" docker rm "$_DB_NAME" docker network rm "${_DB_NAME}" rm -vf "$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.state" ) >&2 } export -f _clean_docker get_service_base_image_dir_uid_gid() { local service="$1" dir="$2" uid_gid uid_gid=$(cached_cmd_on_base_image "$service" "stat -c '%u %g' '$dir'") || { debug "Failed to query '$dir' uid in ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL} base image." return 1 } info "uid and gid from ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}:$dir is '$uid_gid'" echo "$uid_gid" } export -f get_service_base_image_dir_uid_gid get_service_type() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" if [ -z "$service" ]; then print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: Please specify a service as first argument." return 1 fi if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi master_target_service="$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$service")" || return 1 charm=$(get_service_charm "$master_target_service") || return 1 metadata=$(charm.metadata "$charm") || return 1 printf "%s" "$metadata" | shyaml get-value type service 2>/dev/null | tee "$cache_file" } export -f get_service_type are_files_locked_in_dir() { local dir="$1" device hdev ldev device=$(stat -c %d "$dir") || { err "Can't stat '$dir'." return 1 } device=$(printf "%04x" $device) hdev=${device:0:2} ldev=${device:2:2} inodes=$(find "$dir" -printf ':%i:\n') found= while read -r inode; do debug "try inode:$inode" if [[ "$inodes" == *":$inode:"* ]]; then found=1 break fi done < <(cat /proc/locks | grep " $hdev:$ldev:" | sed -r "s/^.*$hdev:$ldev:([0-9]+).*$/\1/g") [ "$found" ] } export -f are_files_locked_in_dir set_db_params() { local docker_ip="$1" docker_network="$2" if [ -z "$DB_PARAMS_LOADED" ]; then DB_PARAMS_LOADED=1 _set_db_params "$docker_ip" "$docker_network" fi } export -f set_db_params export _PID="$$" ensure_db_docker_running () { local _STATE_FILE errlvl project _DB_NAME="db_${DB_NAME}_${_PID}" _STATE_FILE="$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.state" if [ -e "$_STATE_FILE" ]; then IFS=: read DOCKER_NETWORK DOCKER_IP <<<"$(cat "$_STATE_FILE")" debug "Re-using previous docker/connection '$DOCKER_IP'." set_db_params "$DOCKER_IP" "$DOCKER_NETWORK" return 0 fi if [ -e "$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.working" ]; then ## avoid recursive calls. if [ -z "$DOCKER_IP" ]; then err "Currently figuring up DOCKER_IP, please set it yourself before this call if needed." return 1 else debug "ignoring recursive call of 'ensure_db_docker_running'." fi return 0 fi touch "$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.working" docker rm "$_DB_NAME" 2>/dev/null || true host_db_working_dir="$HOST_DATASTORE/${SERVICE_NAME}$DB_DATADIR" if is_db_locked; then info "Some process is using '$host_db_working_dir'. Trying to find a docker that would do this..." found= for docker_id in $(docker ps -q); do has_volume_mounted=$( docker inspect \ --format "{{range .Mounts}}{{if eq .Destination \"$DB_DATADIR\"}}{{.Source}}{{end}}{{end}}" \ "$docker_id") if [ "$has_volume_mounted" == "$host_db_working_dir" ]; then info "docker '$docker_id' uses '$has_volume_mounted'." project=$(docker inspect "$docker_id" \ --format "{{index .Config.Labels \"compose.project\" }}") || continue info "docker '$docker_id' is from project '$project' (current project is '$PROJECT_NAME')." [ "$project" == "$PROJECT_NAME" ] || continue found="$docker_id" break fi done if [ -z "$found" ]; then err "Please shutdown any other docker using this directory." return 1 fi export container_id="$found" info "Found docker $docker_id is already running." else verb "Database is not locked." if ! docker_has_image "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE"; then docker pull "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" fi _set_server_db_params || return 1 debug docker network create "$_DB_NAME" if ! network_id=$(docker network create "$_DB_NAME"); then err "'docker network create $_DB_NAME' failed !" _clean_docker "$_DB_NAME" "$container_id" rm "$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.working" return 1 fi debug docker run -d \ --name "$_DB_NAME" \ "${server_docker_opts[@]}" \ --network "$_DB_NAME" \ -v "$host_db_working_dir:$DB_DATADIR" \ "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" if ! container_id=$( docker run -d \ --name "$_DB_NAME" \ "${server_docker_opts[@]}" \ --network "$_DB_NAME" \ -v "$host_db_working_dir:$DB_DATADIR" \ "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" ); then err "'docker run' failed !" _clean_docker "$_DB_NAME" "$container_id" rm "$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.working" return 1 fi trap_add EXIT,ERR "_clean_docker \"$_DB_NAME\" \"$container_id\"" fi if docker_ip=$(wait_for_docker_ip "$container_id"); then IFS=: read DOCKER_NETWORK DOCKER_IP <<<"$docker_ip" echo "$docker_ip" > "$_STATE_FILE" debug "written '$_STATE_FILE'" rm "$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.working" set_db_params "$DOCKER_IP" "$DOCKER_NETWORK" return 0 else errlvl="$?" err "Db not found (errlvl: $errlvl). Tail of docker logs follows:" docker logs --tail=5 "$container_id" 2>&1 | prefix " | " >&2 rm "$state_tmpdir/${_DB_NAME}.working" return "$errlvl" fi } export -f ensure_db_docker_running ## Require to set $db_docker_opts if needed, and $DB_PASSFILE ## _dcmd() { local docker_opts command="$1" shift debug "Db> $command $@" if [ "$HOST_DB_PASSFILE" -a -f "$LOCAL_DB_PASSFILE" -a "$CLIENT_DB_PASSFILE" ]; then verb "Found and using '$HOST_DB_PASSFILE' as '$CLIENT_DB_PASSFILE'." docker_opts=("${db_docker_opts[@]}" "-v" "$HOST_DB_PASSFILE:$CLIENT_DB_PASSFILE") else docker_opts=("${db_docker_opts[@]}") fi ## XXXX was here: actualy, we need only connection between this version and the client version debug docker run -i --rm \ "${docker_opts[@]}" \ --entrypoint "$command" "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" "${db_cmd_opts[@]}" "$@" docker run -i --rm \ "${docker_opts[@]}" \ --entrypoint "$command" "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" "${db_cmd_opts[@]}" "$@" } export -f _dcmd ## Executes code through db dcmd() { local fun [ "$DB_NAME" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$DB_NAME." [ "$DB_DATADIR" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$DB_DATADIR." # [ "$DB_PASSFILE" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$DB_PASSFILE." [ "$_PID" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$_PID." for fun in is_db_locked _set_db_params ddb; do [ "$(type -t "$fun")" == "function" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide function '$fun'." done ensure_db_docker_running /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "default:$(docker inspect --format='{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' "$name" 2>/dev/null)" else format='{{range $name, $conf := .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{$name}}{{"\x00"}}{{$conf.IPAddress}}{{"\x00"}}{{end}}' while read-0 network_id ip; do printf "%s:%s\n" "$network_id" "$ip" done < <(docker inspect --format="$format" "$name") fi } export -f get_docker_ips get_docker_ip() { local name="$1" get_docker_ips "$name" } export -f get_docker_ip wait_docker_ip() { local name="$1" timeout="${2:-15}" timeout_count=0 docker_ip= start=$SECONDS while [ -z "$docker_ip" ]; do sleep 0.5 docker_ip=$(get_docker_ip "$name") && break elapsed=$((SECONDS - start)) if ((elapsed > timeout)); then err "${RED}timeout error${NORMAL}(${timeout}s):" \ "Could not find '$name' docker container's IP." return 1 fi [ "$elapsed" == "$old_elapsed" ] || verb "Waiting for docker $name... ($elapsed/$timeout)" old_elapsed="$elapsed" done verb "Found docker $name network and IP: $docker_ip" echo "$docker_ip" } export -f wait_docker_ip wait_for_tcp_port() { local network=$1 host_port=$2 timeout=${3:-60} verb "Trying to connect to $host_port" bash_image=${DEFAULT_BASH_IMAGE:-docker.0k.io/bash} #echo docker run --rm -i --network "$network" "$bash_image" >&2 docker run --rm -i --network "$network" "$bash_image" </dev/null 2>&1 && break sleep 0.2 if [ "\$((SECONDS - start))" -gt "$timeout" ]; then exit 1 fi done exit 0 EOF if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then err "${RED}timeout error${NORMAL}(${timeout}s):"\ "Could not connect to $host_port." return 1 fi return 0 } export -f wait_for_tcp_port ## Warning: requires a ``ddb`` matching current database to be checked wait_for_docker_ip() { local name=$1 DOCKER_IP= DOCKER_NETWORK= docker_ips= docker_ip= elapsed timeout=10 docker_ip=$(wait_docker_ip "$name" 5) || return 1 IFS=: read DOCKER_NETWORK DOCKER_IP <<<"$docker_ip" if ! str_is_ipv4 "$DOCKER_IP"; then err "internal 'wait_docker_ip' did not return a valid IP. Returned IP is '$DOCKER_IP'." return 1 fi set_db_params "$DOCKER_IP" "$DOCKER_NETWORK" while read-0 port; do IFS="/" read port type <<<"$port" [ "$type" == "tcp" ] || continue wait_for_tcp_port "$DOCKER_NETWORK" "$DOCKER_IP:${port}" || return 17 info "Host/Port $DOCKER_IP:${port} checked ${GREEN}open${NORMAL}." ## XXXvlab: what to do with more than one port ? break done < <(image_exposed_ports_0 "$container_id") ## Checking direct connection timeout=120 start=$SECONDS while true; do if err=$(echo "$check_command" | ddb 2>&1 >/dev/null); then break fi if ! [[ "$err" == *"the database system is starting up" ]]; then err "${RED}db connection error${NORMAL}:" \ "Could not connect to db on $DOCKER_IP container's IP." echo " Note: IP up, TCP ports is(are) open" >&2 if [ "$err" ]; then echo " Error:" >&2 printf "%s\n" "$err" | prefix " ${RED}!${NORMAL} " >&2 fi return 18 fi debug "Got 'database system is starting up' error." elapsed=$((SECONDS - start)) if ((elapsed > timeout)); then err "${RED}db connection error${NORMAL}:"\ "Could not connect to db on $DOCKER_IP" \ "container's IP. (IP up, TCP ports is(are) open, sql answer after ${timeout}s)" return 1 fi sleep 0.2 done echo "${DOCKER_NETWORK}:${DOCKER_IP}" return 0 } export -f wait_for_docker_ip docker_add_host_declaration() { local src_docker=$1 domain=$2 dst_docker=$3 dst_docker_ip= dst_docker_network dst_docker_ip=$(wait_docker_ip "$dst_docker") || exit 1 IFS=: read dst_docker_ip dst_docker_network <<<"$dst_docker_ip" docker exec -i "$src_docker" bash < /dev/null 2>&1; then sed -ri "s/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s+$domain\$/$dst_docker_ip $domain/g" /etc/hosts else echo "$dst_docker_ip $domain" >> /etc/hosts fi EOF } export -f docker_add_host_declaration get_running_containers_for_service() { local service="$1" project="$2" project=${project:-$PROJECT_NAME} [ -n "$project" ] || { err "No project name was defined yet." return 1 } docker ps \ --filter label="compose.project=$project" \ --filter label="compose.master-service=$service" \ --format="{{.ID}}" } export -f get_running_containers_for_service get_container_network_ips() { local container="$1" docker inspect "$container" \ --format='{{range $key, $val :=.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{$key}}{{"\x00"}}{{$val.IPAddress}}{{"\x00"}}{{end}}' } export -f get_container_network_ips get_container_network_ip() { local container="$1" while read-0 network ip; do printf "%s\0" "$network" "$ip" break done < <(get_container_network_ips "$container") } export -f get_container_network_ip ## ## Internal Process ## get_docker_compose_links() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ deps master_service master_target_service _relation_name \ target_service _relation_config tech_dep if [ -z "$service" ]; then print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: Please specify a service as first argument." return 1 fi if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi master_service=$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$service") || return 1 deps=() while read-0 _relation_name target_service _relation_config tech_dep; do master_target_service="$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$target_service")" || return 1 [ "$master_service" == "$master_target_service" ] && continue type="$(get_service_type "$target_service")" || return 1 [ "$type" == "stub" ] && continue [ "$type" == "run-once" ] && continue if [ "$tech_dep" == "reversed" ]; then deps+=("$(echo -en "$master_target_service:\n links:\n - $master_service")") elif [[ "$tech_dep" =~ "^True|true$" ]]; then deps+=("$(echo -en "$master_service:\n links:\n - $master_target_service")") fi ## XXXvlab: an attempt to add depends_on, but this doesn't work well actually ## as there's a circular dependency issue. We don't really want the full feature ## of depends_on, but just to add it as targets when doing an 'up' # deps+=("$(echo -en "$master_service:\n depends_on:\n - $master_target_service")") done < <(get_service_relations "$service") merge_yaml_str "${deps[@]}" | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" != 0 ]; then rm "$cache_file" err "Failed to merge YAML from all ${WHITE}links${NORMAL} dependencies." return 1 fi } _get_docker_compose_opts() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ compose_def master_service docker_compose_opts if [ -z "$service" ]; then print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: Please specify a service as first argument." return 1 fi if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi compose_def="$(get_compose_service_def "$service")" || return 1 master_service="$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$service")" if docker_compose_opts=$(echo "$compose_def" | shyaml get-value -y "docker-compose" 2>/dev/null); then yaml_key_val_str "$master_service" "$docker_compose_opts" fi | tee "$cache_file" if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" != 0 ]; then rm "$cache_file" return 1 fi } ## ## By Reading the metadata.yml, we create a docker-compose.yml mixin. ## Some metadata.yml (of subordinates) will indeed modify other ## services than themselves. _get_docker_compose_service_mixin() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ links_yaml base_mixin links_yaml docker_compose_options \ charm charm_part if [ -z "$service" ]; then print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: Please specify a service as first argument." return 1 fi if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi type=$(get_service_type "$service") || return 1 [ "$type" == "stub" ] && return 0 master_service=$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$service") || { err "Failed to get top master service for service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL" return 1 } ## The compose part base_mixin="$master_service: labels: - compose.service=$service - compose.master-service=${master_service} - compose.project=$(get_default_project_name)" links_yaml=$(get_docker_compose_links "$service") || return 1 docker_compose_options=$(_get_docker_compose_opts "$service") || return 1 ## the charm part charm_part=$(get_docker_compose_mixin_from_metadata "$service") || return 1 ## Merge results if [ "$charm_part" ]; then charm_yaml="$(yaml_key_val_str "$master_service" "$charm_part")" || return 1 merge_yaml_str "$base_mixin" "$links_yaml" "$charm_yaml" "$docker_compose_options" || return 1 else merge_yaml_str "$base_mixin" "$links_yaml" "$docker_compose_options" || return 1 fi | tee "$cache_file" if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" != 0 ]; then err "Failed to constitute the base YAML for service '${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}'" rm "$cache_file" return 1 fi } export -f _get_docker_compose_service_mixin ## ## Get full `docker-compose.yml` format for all listed services (and ## their deps) ## ## @export ## @cache: !system !nofail +stdout get_docker_compose () { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(echo "$*" | md5_compat)" \ entries services service start docker_compose_services if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi ## ## Adding sub services configurations ## declare -A entries start_compilation=$SECONDS debug "Compiling 'docker-compose.yml' base for ${DARKYELLOW}$*$NORMAL..." for target_service in "$@"; do start=$SECONDS services=($(get_ordered_service_dependencies "$target_service")) || { err "Failed to get dependencies for $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL" return 1 } if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then debug " $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL deps:$DARKYELLOW" \ "${services[@]::$((${#services[@]} - 1))}" \ "$NORMAL$GRAY(in $((SECONDS - start))s)$NORMAL" fi for service in "${services[@]}"; do if [ "${entries[$service]}" ]; then ## Prevent double inclusion of same service if this ## service is deps of two or more of your ## requirements. continue fi ## mark the service as "loaded" as well as it's containers ## if this is a subordinate service start_service=$SECONDS entries[$service]=$(_get_docker_compose_service_mixin "$service") || { err "Failed to get service mixin for $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL" return 1 } debug " Applied $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL charm metadata mixins $GRAY(in $((SECONDS - start_service))s)$NORMAL" done debug " ..finished all mixins for $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL $GRAY(in $((SECONDS - start))s)$NORMAL" done docker_compose_services=$(merge_yaml_str "${entries[@]}") || { err "Failed to merge YAML services entries together." return 1 } base_v2="version: '2.0'" merge_yaml_str "$(yaml_key_val_str "services" "$docker_compose_services")" \ "$base_v2" > "$cache_file" || return 1 export _current_docker_compose="$(cat "$cache_file")" echo "$_current_docker_compose" debug " ..compilation of base 'docker-compose.yml' done $GRAY(in $((SECONDS - start_compilation))s)$NORMAL" || true # debug " ** ${WHITE}docker-compose.yml${NORMAL}:" # debug "$_current_docker_compose" } export -f get_docker_compose _get_compose_service_def_cached () { local service="$1" docker_compose="$2" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(echo "$*" | md5_compat)" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: STATIC cache hit" cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi value=$(echo "$docker_compose" | shyaml get-value "${service//./\\.}" 2>/dev/null) [ "$value" == None ] && value="" if ! echo "$value" | shyaml get-value "charm" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if charm.exists "$service"; then value=$(merge_yaml <(echo "charm: $service") <(echo "$value")) || { err "Can't merge YAML infered 'charm: $service' with base ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL} YAML definition." return 1 } else err "No ${WHITE}charm${NORMAL} value for service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL" \ "in compose, nor same name charm found." return 1 fi fi echo "$value" | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 # if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" != 0 ]; then # rm "$cache_file" # return 1 # fi return 0 # if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" != 0 -o \! -s "$cache_file" ]; then # rm "$cache_file" # err "PAS OK $service: $value" # return 1 # fi } export -f _get_compose_service_def_cached ## XXXvlab: a lot to be done to cache the results get_compose_service_def () { local service="$1" docker_compose cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ result if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit" cat "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi [ -z "$service" ] && print_syntax_error "Missing service as first argument." docker_compose=$(get_compose_yml_content) || return 1 result=$(_get_compose_service_def_cached "$service" "$docker_compose") || return 1 charm=$(echo "$result" | shyaml get-value charm 2>/dev/null) || return 1 metadata=$(charm.metadata "$charm") || return 1 if default_options=$(printf "%s" "$metadata" | shyaml -y -q get-value default-options); then default_options=$(yaml_key_val_str "options" "$default_options") || return 1 result=$(merge_yaml_str "$default_options" "$result") || return 1 fi echo "$result" | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } export -f get_compose_service_def _get_service_charm_cached () { local service="$1" service_def="$2" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(echo "$*" | md5_compat)" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi charm=$(echo "$service_def" | shyaml get-value charm 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$charm" ]; then err "Missing ${WHITE}charm${NORMAL} value in service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL definition." return 1 fi echo "$charm" | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } export -f _get_service_charm_cached get_service_charm () { local service="$1" if [ -z "$service" ]; then echo ${FUNCNAME[@]} >&2 print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: Please specify a service as first argument." return 1 fi service_def=$(get_compose_service_def "$service") || return 1 _get_service_charm_cached "$service" "$service_def" } export -f get_service_charm ## built above the docker-compose abstraction, so it relies on the ## full docker-compose.yml to be already built. get_service_def () { local service="$1" def if [ -z "$_current_docker_compose" ]; then print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME is meant to be called after"\ "\$_current_docker_compose has been calculated." fi def=$(echo "$_current_docker_compose" | shyaml get-value "services.${service//./\\.}" 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$def" ]; then err "No definition for service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL in compiled 'docker-compose.yml'." return 1 fi echo "$def" } export -f get_service_def ## Return the base docker image name of a service service_base_docker_image() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ master_service service_def service_image service_build service_dockerfile if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi master_service="$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$service")" || { err "Could not compute master service for service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL." return 1 } service_def="$(get_service_def "$master_service")" || { err "Could not get docker-compose service definition for $DARKYELLOW$master_service$NORMAL." return 1 } service_image=$(echo "$service_def" | shyaml get-value image 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then ## According to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32230577 , if there's a build, ## then the builded image will get name ${project}_${service} project=$(get_default_project_name) || return 1 image_name="${project}_${service}" if ! docker_has_image "$image_name"; then service_build=$(echo "$service_def" | shyaml get-value build 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then err "Service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL has no ${WHITE}image${NORMAL} nor ${WHITE}build${NORMAL} parameter." echo "$service_def" >&2 return 1 fi docker build "$service_build" -t "${project}_${service}" >&2 || { err "Failed to build image for ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}." return 1 } fi printf "%s" "${project}_${service}" else printf "%s" "${service_image}" fi | tee "$cache_file" if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" != 0 ]; then rm "$cache_file" return 1 fi } export -f service_base_docker_image get_charm_relation_def () { local charm="$1" relation_name="$2" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1.$2" \ relation_def metadata if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi metadata="$(charm.metadata "$charm")" || return 1 relation_def="$(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-value "provides.${relation_name}" 2>/dev/null)" echo "$relation_def" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f get_charm_relation_def get_charm_tech_dep_orientation_for_relation() { local charm="$1" relation_name="$2" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1.$2" \ relation_def value if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi relation_def=$(get_charm_relation_def "$charm" "$relation_name" 2>/dev/null) value=$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-value 'tech-dep' 2>/dev/null) value=${value:-True} printf "%s" "$value" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f get_charm_tech_dep_orientation_for_relation get_service_relation_tech_dep() { local service="$1" relation_name="$2" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1.$2" \ charm tech_dep if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 tech_dep="$(get_charm_tech_dep_orientation_for_relation "$charm" "$relation_name")" || return 1 printf "%s" "$tech_dep" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f get_service_relation_tech_dep ## ## Use compose file to get deps, and relation definition in metadata.yml ## for tech-dep attribute. get_service_deps() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(H "$@" "$ALL_RELATIONS")" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi ( set -o pipefail get_service_relations "$service" | \ while read-0 relation_name target_service _relation_config tech_dep; do echo "$target_service" done | tee "$cache_file" ) || return 1 } export -f get_service_deps ## XXXvlab: cache was disabled because improper. Indeed, this needs to cache ## 'depths' full state. Second, it should be _rec_get_depth() { local elt=$1 dep deps max [ "${depths[$elt]}" ] && return 0 local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(H "$@" "$(declare -pA depths)" "$ALL_RELATIONS")" if [ -e "$cache_file.depths" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*) - $cache_file.depths" while read-0 k v; do depths["$k"]="$v" done < "$cache_file.depths" while read-0 k v; do visited["$k"]="$v" done < "$cache_file.visited" return 0 fi visited[$elt]=1 #debug "Setting visited[$elt]" #debug "Asking for $DARKYELLOW$elt$NORMAL dependencies" deps=$(get_service_deps "$elt") || { debug "Failed get_service_deps $elt" return 1 } # debug "$elt deps are:" $deps max=0 for dep in $deps; do [ "${visited[$dep]}" ] && { #debug "Already computing $dep" continue } _rec_get_depth "$dep" || return 1 #debug "Requesting depth[$dep]" if (( ${depths[$dep]} > max )); then max="${depths[$dep]}" fi done # debug "Setting depth[$elt] to $((max + 1))" depths[$elt]=$((max + 1)) array_kv_to_stdin depths > "$cache_file.depths" array_kv_to_stdin visited > "$cache_file.visited" # debug "DEPTHS: $(declare -pA depths)" # debug "$FUNCNAME: caching hit ($*) - $cache_file" } export -f _rec_get_depth get_ordered_service_dependencies() { local services=("$@") cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(H "$@" "$ALL_RELATIONS")" \ i value key heads depths visited if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi #debug "Figuring ordered deps of $DARKYELLOW${services[@]}$NORMAL" if [ -z "${services[*]}" ]; then return 0 # print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: no arguments" # return 1 fi declare -A depths declare -A visited heads=("${services[@]}") while [ "${#heads[@]}" != 0 ]; do array_pop heads head _rec_get_depth "$head" || return 1 done i=0 while [ "${#depths[@]}" != 0 ]; do for key in "${!depths[@]}"; do value="${depths[$key]}" if [ "$value" == "$i" ]; then echo "$key" unset depths[$key] fi done ((i++)) done | tee "$cache_file" } export -f get_ordered_service_dependencies run_service_hook () { local action="$1" service subservice subservices loaded shift declare -A loaded for service in "$@"; do subservices=$(get_ordered_service_dependencies "$service") || return 1 for subservice in $subservices; do if [ "${loaded[$subservice]}" ]; then ## Prevent double inclusion of same service if this ## service is deps of two or more of your ## requirements. continue fi charm=$(get_service_charm "$subservice") || return 1 charm.has_hook "$charm" "$action" >/dev/null || continue type=$(get_service_type "$subservice") || return 1 PROJECT_NAME=$(get_default_project_name) || return 1 MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME=$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$subservice") || return 1 MASTER_BASE_CHARM_NAME=$(get_service_charm "$MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME") || return 1 if [ "$type" != "stub" ]; then DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=$(service_base_docker_image "$MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME") || return 1 fi Wrap "${wrap_opts[@]}" -d "running $YELLOW$action$NORMAL hook of $DARKYELLOW$subservice$NORMAL in charm $DARKPINK$charm$NORMAL" </dev/null) || { err "Missing ${WHITE}type$NORMAL option in ${WHITE}get$NORMAL config for location '$location'" return 1 } if fn.exists host_resource_get_$type; then host_resource_get_$type "$location" "$cfg" else err "Source ${WHITE}source$NORMAL type '$type' unknown for" \ "${WHITE}host-resource$NORMAL '$location' defined in" \ "$DARKYELLOW$subservice$NORMAL config." return 1 fi } export -f host_resource_get host_resource_get_git() { local location="$1" cfg="$2" branch parent url branch=$(echo "$cfg" | shyaml get-value branch 2>/dev/null) branch=${branch:-master} url=$(echo "$cfg" | shyaml get-value url 2>/dev/null) parent="$(dirname "$location")" ( mkdir -p "$parent" && cd "$parent" && git clone -b "$branch" "$url" "$(basename "$location")" ) || return 1 } export -f host_resource_get_git host_resource_get_git-sub() { local location="$1" cfg="$2" branch parent url branch=$(echo "$cfg" | shyaml get-value branch 2>/dev/null) branch=${branch:-master} url=$(echo "$cfg" | shyaml get-value url 2>/dev/null) parent="$(dirname "$location")" ( mkdir -p "$parent" && cd "$parent" && git sub clone -b "$branch" "$url" "$(basename "$location")" ) || return 1 } export -f host_resource_get_git-sub setup_host_resource () { local subservice="$1" service_def location get cfg service_def=$(get_compose_service_def "$subservice") || return 1 while read-0 location cfg; do ## XXXvlab: will it be a git resources always ? if [ -d "$location" -a ! -d "$location/.git" ]; then err "Hum, location '$location' does not seem to be a git directory." return 1 fi if [ -d "$location" ]; then info "host resource '$location' already set up." continue fi get=$(echo "$cfg" | shyaml get-value get 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$get" ]; then err "No host directory '$location' found, and no ${WHITE}source$NORMAL" \ "specified for $DARKYELLOW$subservice$NORMAL." return 1 fi host_resource_get "$location" "$get" || return 1 done < <(echo "$service_def" | shyaml key-values-0 host-resources 2>/dev/null) } export -f setup_host_resource setup_host_resources () { local service subservices subservice loaded declare -A loaded for service in "$@"; do subservices=$(get_ordered_service_dependencies "$service") || return 1 for subservice in $subservices; do if [ "${loaded[$subservice]}" ]; then ## Prevent double inclusion of same service if this ## service is deps of two or more of your ## requirements. continue fi setup_host_resource "$subservice" || return 1 loaded[$subservice]=1 done done return 0 } export -f setup_host_resources ## Works on stdin cfg-get-value () { local key="$1" out if [ -z "$key" ]; then yaml_get_interpret || return 1 return 0 fi if ! out=$(shyaml -y get-value "$key" 2>/dev/null); then err "The key $WHITE$key$NORMAL was not found in relation's data." return 1 fi printf "%s\n" "$out" | yaml_get_interpret } export -f cfg-get-value relation-get () { cfg-get-value "$1" < "$RELATION_DATA_FILE" } export -f relation-get expand_vars() { local unlikely_prefix="UNLIKELY_PREFIX" content=$(cat -) ## find first identifier not in content remaining_lines=$(echo "$content" | grep "^$unlikely_prefix") while [ "$(echo "$remaining_lines" | grep "^$unlikely_prefix$")" ]; do size_prefix="${#unlikely_prefix}" first_matching=$(echo "$remaining_lines" | grep -v "^$unlikely_prefix$" | uniq -w "$((size_prefix + 1))" -c | sort -rn | head -n 1) first_matching=${first_matching#"${x%%[![:space:]]*}"} first_matching="${first_matching#* }" next_char=${first_matching:$size_prefix:1} if [ "$next_char" != "0" ]; then unlikely_prefix+="0" else unlikely_prefix+="1" fi remaining_lines=$(echo "$remaining_lines" | grep "^$unlikely_prefix") done eval "cat <<$unlikely_prefix $content $unlikely_prefix" } export -f expand_vars yaml_get_interpret() { local content tag content=$(cat -) tag=$(echo "$content" | shyaml get-type) || return 1 content=$(echo "$content" | shyaml get-value) || return 1 if ! [ "${tag:0:1}" == "!" ]; then echo "$content" || return 1 return 0 fi case "$tag" in "!bash-stdout") echo "$content" | bash || { err "shell code didn't end with errorlevel 0" return 1 } ;; "!var-expand") echo "$content" | expand_vars || { err "shell expansion failed" return 1 } ;; "!file-content") source=$(echo "$content" | expand_vars) || { err "shell expansion failed" return 1 } cat "$source" || return 1 ;; *) err "Invalid object tag ${WHITE}$tag${NORMAL}" return 1 ;; esac } export -f yaml_get_interpret options-get () { local key="$1" out service_def=$(get_compose_service_def "$SERVICE_NAME") || return 1 if ! out=$(echo "$service_def" | shyaml -y get-value "options.$key" 2>/dev/null); then err "The key $WHITE$key$NORMAL was not found in base service compose definition.." return 1 fi echo "$out" | yaml_get_interpret } export -f options-get relation-base-compose-get () { local key="$1" out if ! out=$(echo "$RELATION_BASE_COMPOSE_DEF" | shyaml -y get-value "options.$key" 2>/dev/null); then err "The key $WHITE$key$NORMAL was not found in base service compose definition.." return 1 fi echo "$out" | yaml_get_interpret } export -f relation-base-compose-get relation-target-compose-get () { local key="$1" out if ! out=$(echo "$RELATION_TARGET_COMPOSE_DEF" | shyaml -y get-value "options.$key" 2>/dev/null); then err "The key $WHITE$key$NORMAL was not found in base service compose definition.." return 1 fi echo "$out" | yaml_get_interpret } export -f relation-target-compose-get relation-set () { local key="$1" value="$2" if [ -z "$RELATION_DATA_FILE" ]; then err "$FUNCNAME: relation does not seems to be correctly setup." return 1 fi if ! [ -r "$RELATION_DATA_FILE" ]; then err "$FUNCNAME: can't read relation's data." >&2 return 1 fi _config_merge "$RELATION_DATA_FILE" <(yaml_key_val_str "$key" "$value") } export -f relation-set _config_merge() { local config_filename="$1" mixin="$2" touch "$config_filename" && merge_yaml "$config_filename" "$mixin" > "$config_filename.tmp" || return 1 mv "$config_filename.tmp" "$config_filename" } export -f _config_merge ## XXXvlab; this can be used only in relation, I'd like to use it in init. config-add() { local metadata="$1" _config_merge "$RELATION_CONFIG" <(echo "$metadata") } export -f config-add ## XXXvlab; this can be used only in relation, I'd like to use it in init. init-config-add() { local metadata="$1" _config_merge "$state_tmpdir/to-merge-in-docker-compose.yml" \ <(yaml_key_val_str "services" "$metadata") } export -f init-config-add docker_get_uid() { local service="$1" user="$2" uid uid=$(cached_cmd_on_base_image "$service" "id -u \"$user\"") || { debug "Failed to query for '$user' uid in ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL} base image." return 1 } info "uid from ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL} for user '$user' is '$uid'" echo "$uid" } export -f docker_get_uid docker_get_uid_gid() { local service="$1" user="$2" group="$3" uid uid_gid=$(cached_cmd_on_base_image "$service" "id -u \"$user\"; id -g \"$group\"") || { debug "Failed to query for '$user' uid in ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL} base image." return 1 } info "uid from ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL} for user '$user' is '$uid_gid'" echo "$uid_gid" } export -f docker_get_uid_gid logstdout() { local name="$1" sed -r 's%^%'"${name}"'> %g' } export -f logstdout logstderr() { local name="$1" sed -r 's%^(.*)$%'"${RED}${name}>${NORMAL} \1"'%g' } export -f logstderr _run_service_relation () { local relation_name="$1" service="$2" target_service="$3" relation_config="$4" relation_dir services local errlvl charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 target_charm=$(get_service_charm "$target_service") || return 1 base_script_name=$(charm.has_relation_hook "$charm" "$relation_name" relation-joined) || true target_script_name=$(charm.has_relation_hook "$target_charm" "$relation_name" relation-joined) || true [ -n "$base_script_name" ] || [ -n "$target_script_name" ] || return 0 relation_dir=$(get_relation_data_dir "$service" "$target_service" "$relation_name") || return 1 RELATION_DATA_FILE=$(get_relation_data_file "$service" "$target_service" "$relation_name" "$relation_config") || return 1 export BASE_SERVICE_NAME=$service export BASE_CHARM_NAME=$charm export BASE_CHARM_PATH=$(charm.get_dir "$charm") export TARGET_SERVICE_NAME=$target_service export TARGET_CHARM_NAME=$target_charm export TARGET_CHARM_PATH=$(charm.get_dir "$target_charm") export RELATION_DATA_FILE target_errlvl=0 if [ -z "$target_script_name" ]; then verb "No relation script $DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL in target $DARKPINK$target_charm$NORMAL." else verb "Running ${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL} relation-joined script" \ "for target $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL (charm $DARKPINK$target_charm$NORMAL)" RELATION_CONFIG="$relation_dir/config_provider" type=$(get_service_type "$target_service") || return 1 if [ "$type" != "stub" ]; then DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=$(service_base_docker_image "$target_service") || return 1 fi export DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE RELATION_CONFIG RELATION_DATA { ( SERVICE_NAME=$target_service SERVICE_DATASTORE="$DATASTORE/$target_service" SERVICE_CONFIGSTORE="$CONFIGSTORE/$target_service" export SERVICE_NAME DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE SERVICE_DATASTORE SERVICE_CONFIGSTORE charm.run_relation_hook local "$target_charm" "$relation_name" relation-joined echo "$?" > "$relation_dir/target_errlvl" ) | logstdout "$DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL/$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL (joined) ${GREEN}@${NORMAL}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | logstderr "$DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL/$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL (joined) ${RED}@${NORMAL}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 target_errlvl="$(cat "$relation_dir/target_errlvl")" || { err "Relation script '$script_name' in $DARKPINK$target_charm$NORMAL" \ "failed before outputing an errorlevel." ((target_errlvl |= "1" )) } if [ -e "$RELATION_CONFIG" ]; then debug "Merging some new config info in $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL" _config_merge "$state_tmpdir/to-merge-in-docker-compose.yml" "$RELATION_CONFIG" && rm "$RELATION_CONFIG" ((target_errlvl |= "$?")) fi fi if [ "$target_errlvl" == 0 ]; then errlvl=0 if [ "$base_script_name" ]; then verb "Running ${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL} relation-joined script" \ "for $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL (charm $DARKPINK$charm$NORMAL)" RELATION_CONFIG="$relation_dir/config_providee" RELATION_DATA="$(cat "$RELATION_DATA_FILE")" DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=$(service_base_docker_image "$service") || return 1 export DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE RELATION_CONFIG RELATION_DATA { ( SERVICE_NAME=$service SERVICE_DATASTORE="$DATASTORE/$service" SERVICE_CONFIGSTORE="$CONFIGSTORE/$service" export SERVICE_NAME DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE SERVICE_DATASTORE SERVICE_CONFIGSTORE charm.run_relation_hook local "$charm" "$relation_name" relation-joined echo "$?" > "$relation_dir/errlvl" ) | logstdout "$DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL/$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL (joined) ${GREEN}@${NORMAL}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | logstderr "$DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL/$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL (joined) ${RED}@$NORMAL" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 errlvl="$(cat "$relation_dir/errlvl")" || { err "Relation script '$script_name' in $DARKPINK$charm$NORMAL" \ "failed before outputing an errorlevel." ((errlvl |= "1" )) } if [ -e "$RELATION_CONFIG" ]; then _config_merge "$state_tmpdir/to-merge-in-docker-compose.yml" "$RELATION_CONFIG" && rm "$RELATION_CONFIG" ((errlvl |= "$?" )) fi if [ "$errlvl" != 0 ]; then err "Relation $DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL on $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL failed to run properly." fi else verb "No relation script '$script_name' in charm $DARKPINK$charm$NORMAL. Ignoring." fi else err "Relation $DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL on $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL failed to run properly." fi if [ "$target_errlvl" == 0 -a "$errlvl" == 0 ]; then debug "Relation $DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL is established" \ "between $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL and $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL." return 0 else return 1 fi } export -f _run_service_relation _get_compose_relations_cached () { local compose_service_def="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(echo "$*" | md5_compat)" \ relation_name relation_def target_service if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: STATIC cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi ( set -o pipefail if [ "$compose_service_def" ]; then while read-0 relation_name relation_def; do ## XXXvlab: could we use braces here instead of parenthesis ? ( case "$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-type 2>/dev/null)" in "str") target_service="$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-value 2>/dev/null)" || return 1 tech_dep="$(get_service_relation_tech_dep "$target_service" "$relation_name")" || return 1 printf "%s\0" "$relation_name" "$target_service" "" "$tech_dep" ;; "sequence") while read-0 target_service; do tech_dep="$(get_service_relation_tech_dep "$target_service" "$relation_name")" || return 1 printf "%s\0" "$relation_name" "$target_service" "" "$tech_dep" done < <(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-values-0 2>/dev/null) ;; "struct") while read-0 target_service relation_config; do tech_dep="$(get_service_relation_tech_dep "$target_service" "$relation_name")" || return 1 printf "%s\0" "$relation_name" "$target_service" "$relation_config" "$tech_dep" done < <(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml key-values-0 2>/dev/null) ;; esac ) > "$cache_file" || return 1 done < <(echo "$compose_service_def" | shyaml key-values-0 relations 2>/dev/null) fi ) if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then err "Error while looking for compose relations." rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi [ -e "$cache_file" ] && cat "$cache_file" return 0 } export -f _get_compose_relations_cached get_compose_relations () { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ compose_def if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi compose_def="$(get_compose_service_def "$service")" || return 1 _get_compose_relations_cached "$compose_def" > "$cache_file" if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi cat "$cache_file" } export -f get_compose_relations get_all_services() { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(H "$ALL_RELATIONS")" \ s rn ts rc td services if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi if [ -z "$ALL_RELATIONS" ]; then err "Can't access global \$ALL_RELATIONS" return 1 fi declare -A services while read-0 s _ ts _ _; do for service in "$s" "$ts"; do [ "${services[$service]}" ] && continue services["$service"]=1 echo "$service" done done < <(cat "$ALL_RELATIONS") > "$cache_file" cat "$cache_file" } export -f get_all_services get_service_relations () { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(H "$@" "$ALL_RELATIONS")" \ s rn ts rc td if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi if [ -z "$ALL_RELATIONS" ]; then err "Can't access global \$ALL_RELATIONS" return 1 fi while read-0 s rn ts rc td; do [[ "$s" == "$service" ]] || continue printf "%s\0" "$rn" "$ts" "$rc" "$td" done < <(cat "$ALL_RELATIONS") > "$cache_file" cat "$cache_file" } export -f get_service_relations get_service_relation() { local service="$1" relation="$2" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1.$2" \ rn ts rc td if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi while read-0 rn ts rc td; do [ "$relation" == "$rn" ] && { printf "%s\0" "$ts" "$rc" "$td" break } done < <(get_service_relations "$service") > "$cache_file" if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi cat "$cache_file" } export -f get_service_relation export TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR=: ## Traverse on first service satisfying relation service:traverse() { local service_path="$1" { SEPARATOR=: read -d "$TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR" service while read -d "$TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR" relation; do ## XXXvlab: Take only first service if ! read-0 ts _ _ < <(get_service_relation "${service}" "${relation}"); then err "Couldn't find relation ${DARKCYAN}${relation}${NORMAL}" \ "from ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}." return 1 fi service="$ts" done echo "$service" } < <(e "${service_path}${TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR}") } export -f service:traverse service:relation-file() { local service_path="$1" relation service relation_file if ! [[ "$service_path" == *"$TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR"* ]]; then err "Invalid argument '$service_path'." \ "Must provide a service path (no '${TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR}' found)." return 1 fi relation="${service_path##*${TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR}}" service=$(service:traverse "${service_path%${TRAVERSE_SEPARATOR}*}") || return 1 if ! read-0 ts rc _ < <(get_service_relation "${service}" "${relation}"); then err "Couldn't find relation ${DARKCYAN}${relation}${NORMAL}" \ "from ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}." return 1 fi relation_dir=$(get_relation_data_dir "$service" "$ts" "$relation") || { err "Failed to find relation file" return 1 } relation_file="$relation_dir/data" if ! [ -e "$relation_file" ]; then e "$rc" > "$relation_file" chmod go-rwx "$relation_file" ## protecting this file fi echo "$relation_file" } export -f service:relation-file service:relation-options() { local service_path="$1" relation_file relation_file=$(service:relation-file "$service_path") || { err "Failed to find relation file" return 1 } cat "$relation_file" } export -f service:relation-options relation:get() { local service_path="$1" query="$2" relation_file relation_file=$(service:relation-file "$service_path") || { err "Failed to find relation file" return 1 } cfg-get-value "$query" < "$relation_file" } export -f relation:get _get_charm_metadata_uses() { local metadata="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi printf "%s" "$metadata" | { shyaml key-values-0 uses 2>/dev/null || true; } | tee "$cache_file" } export -f _get_charm_metadata_uses _get_service_metadata() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ charm if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi charm="$(get_service_charm "$service")" || return 1 charm.metadata "$charm" > "$cache_file" if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi cat "$cache_file" } export -f _get_service_metadata _get_service_uses() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ metadata if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi metadata="$(_get_service_metadata "$service")" || return 1 _get_charm_metadata_uses "$metadata" > "$cache_file" if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi cat "$cache_file" } export -f _get_service_uses _get_services_uses() { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" \ service rn rd if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi for service in "$@"; do _get_service_uses "$service" | while read-0 rn rd; do printf "%s\0" "$service" "$rn" "$rd" done [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" == 0 ] || { return 1 } done > "${cache_file}.wip" mv "${cache_file}"{.wip,} && cat "$cache_file" || return 1 } export -f _get_services_uses _get_provides_provides() { local provides="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" \ service rn rd if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: CACHEDIR cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi type=$(printf "%s" "$provides" | shyaml get-type) case "$type" in sequence) while read-0 prov; do printf "%s\0" "$prov" "" done < <(echo "$provides" | shyaml get-values-0) ;; struct) printf "%s" "$provides" | shyaml key-values-0 ;; str) printf "%s\0" "$(echo "$provides" | shyaml get-value)" "" ;; *) err "Unexpected type '$type' for provider identifier in charm '$charm'." return 1 esac | tee "$cache_file" return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } _get_metadata_provides() { local metadata="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" \ service rn rd if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: CACHEDIR cache hit" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi provides=$(printf "%s" "$metadata" | shyaml -q get-value -y provides "") [ "$provides" -a "$provides" != "''" ] || { touch "$cache_file"; return 0; } _get_provides_provides "$provides" | tee "$cache_file" return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } _get_services_provides() { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" \ service rn rd if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi ## YYY: replace the inner loop by a cached function for service in "$@"; do metadata="$(_get_service_metadata "$service")" || return 1 while read-0 rn rd; do printf "%s\0" "$service" "$rn" "$rd" done < <(_get_metadata_provides "$metadata") done > "$cache_file" if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi cat "$cache_file" } export -f _get_services_provides _get_charm_provides() { local cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(charm.store_metadata_hash)" errlvl if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi start="$SECONDS" debug "Getting charm provider list..." while read-0 charm _ realpath metadata; do metadata="$(charm.metadata "$charm")" || continue # echo "reading $charm" >&2 while read-0 rn rd; do printf "%s\0" "$charm" "$rn" "$rd" done < <(_get_metadata_provides "$metadata") done < <(charm.ls) | tee "$cache_file" errlvl="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" debug " ..charm provider list done $GRAY(in $((SECONDS - start))s)$NORMAL" return "$errlvl" } _get_charm_providing() { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" \ relation="$1" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi while read-0 charm relation_name relation_def; do [ "$relation_name" == "$relation" ] || continue printf "%s\0" "$charm" "$relation_def" done < <(_get_charm_provides) > "$cache_file" if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi cat "$cache_file" } _get_services_providing() { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(printf "%s\0" "$@" | md5_compat)" \ relation="$1" shift ## services is "$@" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi while read-0 service relation_name relation_def; do [ "$relation_name" == "$relation" ] || continue printf "%s\0" "$service" "$relation_def" done < <(_get_services_provides "$@") > "$cache_file" if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "$cache_file" ## no cache return 1 fi cat "$cache_file" } export -f _get_services_provides _out_new_relation_from_defs() { local service="$1" rn="$2" ts="$3" prov_def="$4" rel_def="$5" rc td rc_prov rc_prov=$(printf "%s" "$prov_def" | shyaml -y get-value "default-options" 2>/dev/null) ## YYYvlab: should be seen even in no debug mode no ? rc=$(printf "%s" "$rel_def" | shyaml -y get-value "default-options" 2>/dev/null) td=$(echo "$prov_def" | shyaml get-value 'tech-dep' 2>/dev/null) td=${td:-True} rc=$(merge_yaml_str "$rc_prov" "$rc") || return 1 after=$(_out_after_value_from_def "$service" "$rn" "$rel_def") || return 1 printf "%s\0" "$after" "$service" "$relation_name" "$ts" "$rc" "$td" } _out_after_value_from_def() { local service="$1" relation_name="$2" relation_def="$3" after_t after if after_t=$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-type after 2>/dev/null); then case "$after_t" in sequence) after="$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-values after 2>/dev/null)" || return 1 after=",$service:${after//$'\n'/,$service:}," ;; struct) err "Invalid type for ${WHITE}after${NORMAL}'s value in ${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL}'s definition." return 1 ;; str) after=",$service:$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-value after "" 2>/dev/null)," || return 1 ;; esac else after="" fi e "$after" } get_all_relations () { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(H "$@" "$(declare -p without_relations)")" \ services if [ -n "$ALL_RELATIONS" ]; then cat "$ALL_RELATIONS" || return 1 return 0 fi if [ -e "${cache_file}" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit $1" export ALL_RELATIONS="$cache_file" cat "${cache_file}" return 0 fi declare -A services services_uses=() ## XXXvlab: bwerk, leveraging cache to be able to get the errorlevel here. _get_services_uses "$@" || return 1 array_read-0 services_uses < <(_get_services_uses "$@") services_provides=() ## XXXvlab: bwerk, leveraging cache to be able to get the errorlevel here. _get_services_provides "$@" || return 1 array_read-0 services_provides < <(_get_services_provides "$@") for service in "$@"; do services[$service]=1 done all_services=("$@") while [ "${#all_services[@]}" != 0 ]; do array_pop all_services service while read-0 relation_name ts relation_config tech_dep; do [ "${without_relations[$service:$relation_name]}" ] && { debug "Ignoring compose $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL --$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL--> ${DARKYELLOW}$ts$NORMAL" continue } ## First is priority, that can be adjusted in second step printf "%s\0" "" "$service" "$relation_name" "$ts" "$relation_config" "$tech_dep" ## adding target services ? [ "${services[$ts]}" ] && continue array_read-0 services_uses < <(_get_services_uses "$ts") all_services+=("$ts") services[$ts]=1 done < <(get_compose_relations "$service") done > "${cache_file}.wip" while true; do changed= new_services_uses=() summon=() required=() recommended=() optional=() while [ "${#services_uses[@]}" != 0 ]; do service="${services_uses[0]}" relation_name="${services_uses[1]}" relation_def="${services_uses[2]}" services_uses=("${services_uses[@]:3}") [ "${without_relations[$service:$relation_name]}" ] && { debug "Skipping $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL --$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL--> $DARKYELLOW*$NORMAL" continue } default_options=$(printf "%s" "$relation_def" | shyaml -y get-value "default-options" 2>/dev/null) after=$(_out_after_value_from_def "$service" "$relation_name" "$relation_def") || return 1 ## is this "use" declaration satisfied ? found= while read-0 p s rn ts rc td; do if [ -z "$found" -a "$service" == "$s" -a "$relation_name" == "$rn" ]; then if [ "$default_options" ]; then rc=$(merge_yaml_str "$default_options" "$rc") || return 1 fi found="$ts" p="$after" fi printf "%s\0" "$p" "$s" "$rn" "$ts" "$rc" "$td" done < "${cache_file}.wip" > "${cache_file}.wip.new" mv "${cache_file}.wip.new" "${cache_file}.wip" if [ "$found" ]; then ## this "use" declaration was satisfied debug "${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL} use declaration for relation" \ "${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL} is satisfied with ${DARKYELLOW}$found${NORMAL}" continue fi auto=$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-value auto pair 2>/dev/null) auto=${auto:-pair} case "$auto" in "pair"|"summon") service_list=() array_read-0 service_list < <(array_keys_to_stdin services) providers=() providers_def=() array_read-0 providers providers_def < <(_get_services_providing "$relation_name" "${service_list[@]}") if [ "${#providers[@]}" == 1 ]; then ts="${providers[0]}" debug "Auto-pairs ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}" \ "--${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL}--> ${DARKYELLOW}$ts${NORMAL}" _out_new_relation_from_defs "$service" "$relation_name" "$ts" \ "${providers_def[0]}" "$relation_def" \ >> "${cache_file}.wip" ## Adding service [ "${services[$ts]}" ] && continue array_read-0 new_services_uses < <(_get_services_uses "$ts") services[$ts]=1 changed=1 continue elif [ "${#providers[@]}" -gt 1 ]; then msg="" warn "No auto-pairing ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}" \ "--${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL}--> ($DARKYELLOW""${providers[@]}""$NORMAL)"\ "(> 1 provider)." continue else if [ "$auto" == "summon" ]; then summon+=("$service" "$relation_name" "$relation_def") fi fi ;; null|disable|disabled) : ;; *) err "Invalid ${WHITE}auto${NORMAL} value '$auto'." return 1 ;; esac constraint=$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-value constraint 2>/dev/null) constraint=${constraint:-optional} case "$constraint" in "required") required+=("$service" "$relation_name" "$relation_def") ;; "recommended") recommended+=("$service" "$relation_name" "$relation_def") ;; "optional") optional+=("$service" "$relation_name" "$relation_def") ;; *) err "Invalid ${WHITE}constraint${NORMAL} value '$constraint'." return 1 ;; esac new_services_uses+=("$service" "$relation_name" "$relation_def") ## re-queue it done services_uses=("${new_services_uses[@]}") if [ "$changed" ]; then continue fi ## situation is stable if [ "${#summon[@]}" != 0 ]; then declare -A summon_requeued=() while [ "${#summon[@]}" != 0 ]; do service="${summon[0]}" relation_name="${summon[1]}" relation_def="${summon[2]}" summon=("${summon[@]:3}") providers=() providers_def=() array_read-0 providers providers_def < <(_get_charm_providing "$relation_name" "${service_list[@]}") if [ "${#providers[@]}" == 0 ]; then err "Summoning a ${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL} provider failed: none were found in charm store." return 1 fi if [ "${#providers[@]}" -gt 1 ]; then if [ -z "${summon_requeued[$service/$relation_name]}" ]; then debug "Auto-summon ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}" \ "--${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL}--> ($DARKYELLOW""${providers[@]}""$NORMAL)"\ "(> 1 provider). Requeing." summon+=("$service" "$relation_name" "$relation_def") ## re-queue it summon_requeued["$service/$relation_name"]=1 continue else warn "Auto-summon ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}" \ "--${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL}--> ($DARKYELLOW""${providers[@]}""$NORMAL)"\ "(> 1 provider). Choosing first." fi fi ts="${providers[0]}" ## YYYvlab: should be seen even in no debug mode no ? debug "Auto-summon ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}" \ "--${DARKBLUE}$relation_name${NORMAL}--> ${DARKYELLOW}$ts${NORMAL}" _out_new_relation_from_defs "$service" "$relation_name" "$ts" \ "${providers_def[0]}" "$relation_def" \ >> "${cache_file}.wip" ## Adding service [ "${services[$ts]}" ] && continue array_read-0 services_uses < <(_get_services_uses "$ts") services[$ts]=1 changed=1 continue 2 done continue fi [ "$NO_CONSTRAINT_CHECK" ] && break if [ "${#required[@]}" != 0 ]; then echo "$(_display_solves required)" | sed -r "s/^/${RED}||${NORMAL} /g" >&2 err "Required relations not satisfied" return 1 fi if [ "${#recommended[@]}" != 0 ]; then ## make recommendation echo "$(_display_solves recommended)" | sed -r "s/^/${YELLOW}||${NORMAL} /g" >&2 fi if [ -z "$QUIET" ]; then if [ "${#optional[@]}" != 0 ]; then ## inform about options echo "$(_display_solves optional)" | sed -r "s/^/${BLUE}||${NORMAL} /g" >&2 fi fi # if [ "${#required[@]}" != 0 ]; then # err "Required relations not satisfied" # return 1 # fi if [ "${#recommended[@]}" != 0 ]; then warn "Recommended relations not satisfied" fi break done if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then rm -f "${cache_file}"{,.wip,.wip.new} ## no cache return 1 fi ## ## Sort relations thanks to uses =metadata.yml= relations. ## mv "${cache_file}.wip"{,.in} && rm -f "${cache_file}.wip.final" && touch "${cache_file}.wip.final" || { err "Unexpected error when mangling cache files." return 1 } declare -A relation_done=() while true; do had_remaining_relation= had_new_relation= while read-0 p s rn ts rc td; do if [ -z "$p" ] || [ "$p" == "," ]; then relation_done["$s:$rn"]=1 # printf " .. %-30s %-30s %-30s\n" "--" "$s" "$rn" >&2 printf "%s\0" "$s" "$rn" "$ts" "$rc" "$td" >> "${cache_file}.wip.final" had_new_relation=1 else # printf " !! %-30s %-30s %-30s\n" "$p" "$s" "$rn" >&2 printf "%s\0" "$p" "$s" "$rn" "$ts" "$rc" "$td" >> "${cache_file}.wip.out" had_remaining_relation=1 fi done < "${cache_file}.wip.in" [ -z "$had_remaining_relation" ] && break mv "${cache_file}.wip."{out,in} while read-0 p s rn ts rc td; do for rel in "${!relation_done[@]}"; do p="${p//,$rel,/,}" done # printf " CC %-30s %-30s %-30s\n" "$p" "$s" "$rn" >&2 if [ -z "$had_new_relation" ]; then err "${DARKYELLOW}$s${NORMAL} --${DARKBLUE}$rn${NORMAL}--> ${DARKYELLOW}$ts${NORMAL} missing required ${WHITE}after${NORMAL} relations:" for rel in ${p//,/ }; do rel_s=${rel%%:*} rel_r=${rel##*:} echo " - ${DARKYELLOW}$rel_s${NORMAL} --${DARKBLUE}$rel_r${NORMAL}--> ${DARKGRAY}*${NORMAL}" >&2 done else printf "%s\0" "$p" "$s" "$rn" "$ts" "$rc" "$td" >> "${cache_file}.wip.out" fi done < "${cache_file}.wip.in" if [ -z "$had_new_relation" ]; then rm -f "${cache_file}"{,.wip{,new,in,out,final}} ## no cache return 1 fi mv "${cache_file}.wip."{out,in} done export ALL_RELATIONS="$cache_file" mv "${cache_file}"{.wip.final,} || return 1 cat "$cache_file" } export -f get_all_relations _display_solves() { local array_name="$1" by_relation msg ## inform about options msg="" declare -A by_relation while read-0 service relation_name relation_def; do solves=$(printf "%s" "$relation_def" | shyaml -y get-value solves 2>/dev/null); auto=$(printf "%s" "$relation_def" | shyaml get-value auto 2>/dev/null); if [ -z "$solves" ]; then continue fi by_relation[$relation_name]+=$(printf "\n %s" "${DARKYELLOW}$service$NORMAL for:") if [ "$auto" == "pair" ]; then requirement="add provider in cluster to auto-pair" else requirement="add explicit relation" fi while read-0 name def; do by_relation[$relation_name]+=$(printf "\n - ${DARKCYAN}%-15s${NORMAL} %s (%s)" "$name" "$def" "$requirement") done < <(printf "%s" "$solves" | shyaml key-values-0) done < <(array_values_to_stdin "$array_name") while read-0 relation_name message; do msg+="$(printf "\n${DARKBLUE}%s$NORMAL provider is $array_name by%s" \ "$relation_name" "$message" )" done < <(array_kv_to_stdin by_relation) if [ "$msg" ]; then printf "%s\n" "${msg:1}" fi } get_compose_relation_def() { local service="$1" relation="$2" relation_name target_service relation_config tech_dep while read-0 relation_name target_service relation_config tech_dep; do [ "$relation_name" == "$relation" ] || continue printf "%s\0%s\0%s\0" "$target_service" "$relation_config" "$tech_dep" done < <(get_compose_relations "$service") || return 1 } export -f get_compose_relation_def run_service_relations () { local service services loaded subservices subservice PROJECT_NAME=$(get_default_project_name) || return 1 export PROJECT_NAME declare -A loaded subservices=$(get_ordered_service_dependencies "$@") || return 1 for service in $subservices; do # debug "Upping dep's relations of ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}:" for subservice in $(get_service_deps "$service") "$service"; do [ "${loaded[$subservice]}" ] && continue export BASE_SERVICE_NAME=$service MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME=$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$subservice") || return 1 MASTER_BASE_CHARM_NAME=$(get_service_charm "$MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME") || return 1 RELATION_BASE_COMPOSE_DEF=$(get_compose_service_def "$subservice") || return 1 export RELATION_BASE_COMPOSE_DEF MASTER_BASE_{CHARM,SERVICE}_NAME # debug " Relations of ${DARKYELLOW}$subservice${NORMAL}:" while read-0 relation_name target_service relation_config tech_dep; do [ "${without_relations[$service:$relation_name]}" ] && { debug "Skipping $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL --$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL--> $DARKYELLOW*$NORMAL" continue } export relation_config export TARGET_SERVICE_NAME=$target_service MASTER_TARGET_SERVICE_NAME=$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$target_service") || return 1 MASTER_TARGET_CHARM_NAME=$(get_service_charm "$MASTER_TARGET_SERVICE_NAME") || return 1 RELATION_TARGET_COMPOSE_DEF=$(get_compose_service_def "$target_service") || return 1 export RELATION_TARGET_COMPOSE_DEF MASTER_TARGET_{CHARM,SERVICE}_NAME Wrap "${wrap_opts[@]}" -d "Building $DARKYELLOW$subservice$NORMAL --$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL--> $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL" </dev/null)" ]; then new=true fi else new=true fi if [ "$new" ]; then e "$relation_config" > "$relation_data_file" chmod go-rwx "$relation_data_file" ## protecting this file e "$relation_config" | md5_compat > "$relation_data_file.md5_ref" fi echo "$relation_data_file" } export -f get_relation_data_file has_service_action () { local service="$1" action="$2" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ charm target_charm relation_name target_service relation_config _tech_dep \ path if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 ## Action directly provided ? if path=$(charm.has_direct_action "$charm" "$action"); then p0 "direct" "$charm" "$path" | tee "$cache_file" return 0 fi ## Action provided by relation ? while read-0 relation_name target_service relation_config _tech_dep; do target_charm=$(get_service_charm "$target_service") || return 1 if path=$(charm.has_relation_action "$target_charm" "$relation_name" "$action"); then p0 "relation" "$charm" "$target_service" "$target_charm" "$relation_name" "$relation_config" "$path" | tee "$cache_file" return 0 fi done < <(get_service_relations "$service") return 1 # master=$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$service") # [ "$master" == "$charm" ] && return 1 # has_service_action "$master" "$action" } export -f has_service_action run_service_action () { local service="$1" action="$2" errlvl shift ; shift exec 6<&0 ## saving stdin { if ! read-0 action_type; then info "Service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL does not have any action $DARKCYAN$action$NORMAL defined." info " Add an executable script to 'actions/$action' to implement action." return 1 fi "_run_service_action_${action_type}" "$service" "$action" "$@" errlvl="$?" } < <(has_service_action "$service" "$action") exec 0<&6 6<&- ## restoring stdin return "$errlvl" } export -f run_service_action get_compose_relation_config() { local service=$1 relation_config cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi compose_service_def=$(get_compose_service_def "$service") || return 1 echo "$compose_service_def" | shyaml get-value "relations" 2>/dev/null | tee "$cache_file" } export -f get_compose_relation_config # ## Return key-values-0 # get_compose_relation_config_for_service() { # local service=$1 relation_name=$2 relation_config # compose_service_relations=$(get_compose_relation_config "$service") || return 1 # if ! relation_config=$( # echo "$compose_service_relations" | # shyaml get-value "${relation_name}" 2>/dev/null); then # err "Couldn't find $DARKYELLOW${service}$NORMAL/${WHITE}${relation_name}$NORMAL" \ # "relation config in compose configuration." # return 1 # fi # if [ -z "$relation_config" ]; then # err "Relation ${WHITE}mysql-database$NORMAL is empty in compose configuration." # return 1 # fi # if ! echo "$relation_config" | shyaml key-values-0 2>/dev/null; then # err "No key/values in ${DARKBLUE}mysql-database$NORMAL of compose config." # return 1 # fi # } # export -f get_compose_relation_config_for_service _get_container_relation() { local metadata=$1 found relation_name relation_def found= while read-0 relation_name relation_def; do [ "$(echo "$relation_def" | shyaml get-value "scope" 2>/dev/null)" == "container" ] && { found="$relation_name" break } done < <(_get_charm_metadata_uses "$metadata") if [ -z "$found" ]; then err "Charm $DARKPINK$charm$NORMAL is a subordinate but does not have any required relation declaration with" \ "${WHITE}scope${NORMAL} set to 'container'." return 1 fi printf "%s" "$found" } _get_master_service_for_service_cached () { local service="$1" charm="$2" metadata="$3" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(echo "$*" | md5_compat)" \ charm requires master_charm target_charm target_service service_def found if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: STATIC cache hit ($1)" cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi if ! [[ "$(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-value "subordinate" 2>/dev/null)" =~ ^True|true$ ]]; then ## just return service name echo "$service" | tee "$cache_file" return 0 fi ## Action provided by relation ? container_relation=$(_get_container_relation "$metadata") || return 1 read-0 target_service _ _ < <(get_service_relation "$service" "$container_relation") if [ -z "$target_service" ]; then err "Couldn't find ${WHITE}relations.${container_relation}${NORMAL} in" \ "${DARKYELLOW}$service$NORMAL compose definition." err ${FUNCNAME[@]} return 1 fi echo "$target_service" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f _get_master_service_for_service_cached get_master_service_for_service() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ charm metadata result if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 metadata=$(charm.metadata "$charm" 2>/dev/null) || { metadata="" warn "No charm $DARKPINK$charm$NORMAL found." } result=$(_get_master_service_for_service_cached "$service" "$charm" "$metadata") || return 1 echo "$result" | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } export -f get_master_service_for_service get_top_master_service_for_service() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" \ current_service if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then # debug "$FUNCNAME: cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi current_service="$service" while true; do master_service=$(get_master_service_for_service "$current_service") || return 1 [ "$master_service" == "$current_service" ] && break current_service="$master_service" done echo "$current_service" | tee "$cache_file" return 0 } export -f get_top_master_service_for_service ## ## The result is a mixin that is not always a complete valid ## docker-compose entry (thinking of subordinates). The result ## will be merge with master charms. _get_docker_compose_mixin_from_metadata_cached() { local service="$1" charm="$2" metadata="$3" \ has_build_dir="$4" \ cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$(echo "$*" | md5_compat)" \ metadata_file metadata volumes docker_compose subordinate image \ mixin mixins tmemory memory limit docker_memory if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: STATIC cache hit $1" cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi mixins=("$(echo -en "labels:\n- compose.charm=$charm")") if [ "$metadata" ]; then ## resources to volumes volumes=$( for resource_type in data config; do while read-0 resource; do eval "echo \" - \$HOST_${resource_type^^}STORE/\$service\$resource:\$resource:rw\"" done < <(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-values-0 "${resource_type}-resources" 2>/dev/null) done while read-0 resource; do if [[ "$resource" == /*:/*:* ]]; then echo " - $resource" elif [[ "$resource" == /*:/* ]]; then echo " - $resource:rw" elif [[ "$resource" == /*:* ]]; then echo " - ${resource%%:*}:$resource" elif [[ "$resource" =~ ^/[^:]+$ ]]; then echo " - $resource:$resource:rw" else die "Invalid host-resource specified in 'metadata.yml'." fi done < <(printf "%s" "$metadata" | shyaml get-values-0 "host-resources" 2>/dev/null) while read-0 resource; do dest="$(charm.get_dir "$charm")/resources$resource" if ! [ -e "$dest" ]; then die "charm-resource: '$resource' does not exist (file: '$dest')." fi echo " - $dest:$resource:ro" done < <(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-values-0 "charm-resources" 2>/dev/null) ) || return 1 if [ "$volumes" ]; then mixins+=("volumes:"$'\n'"$volumes") fi type="$(printf "%s" "$metadata" | shyaml get-value type 2>/dev/null)" || true if [ "$type" != "run-once" ]; then mixins+=("restart: unless-stopped") fi docker_compose=$(printf "%s" "$metadata" | shyaml get-value -y "docker-compose" 2>/dev/null) || true if [ "$docker_compose" ]; then mixins+=("$docker_compose") fi if [[ "$(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-value "subordinate" 2>/dev/null)" =~ ^True|true$ ]]; then subordinate=true fi fi image=$(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-value "docker-image" 2>/dev/null) [ "$image" == "None" ] && image="" if [ -n "$image" ]; then if [ -n "$subordinate" ]; then err "Subordinate charm can not have a ${WHITE}docker-image${NORMAL} value." return 1 fi mixins+=("image: $image") elif [ "$has_build_dir" ]; then if [ "$subordinate" ]; then err "Subordinate charm can not have a 'build' sub directory." return 1 fi mixins+=("build: $(charm.get_dir "$charm")/build") fi limit=$(e "$metadata" | yq '.limit' 2>/dev/null) || return 1 [ "$limit" == "null" ] && limit="" if [ -n "$limit" ]; then if ! read-0-err E tmemory memory < <(e "$limit" | wyq ".memory | type, .memory") || [ "$E" != 0 ]; then err "Unexpected error in ${DARKPINK}$charm${NORMAL}'s metadata when parsing ${WHITE}.limit${NORMAL}" return 1 fi case "$tmemory" in '!!str'|'!!int') docker_memory="$(e "$memory" | numfmt --from iec)" || { err "Invalid format specified for .limit.memory: '$memory'." return 1 } ;; '!!float') err "Unexpected value in ${DARKPINK}$charm${NORMAL}'s metadata for ${WHITE}.limit.memory${NORMAL}." echo " You need to specify a unit (like 'K', 'M', 'G' ...)." >&2 return 1 ;; '!!null') : ;; *) err "Unexpected type '${tmemory#!!}' in ${DARKPINK}$charm${NORMAL}'s metadata" \ "for ${WHITE}.limit.memory${NORMAL}." echo " You need to check ${DARKPINK}$charm${NORMAL}'s metadata " \ "for ${WHITE}.limit.memory${NORMAL} and provide a valid value" >&2 echo " Example values: '1.5G', '252M', ..." >&2 return 1 ;; esac if [ -n "$docker_memory" ]; then if [[ "$docker_memory" -lt 6291456 ]]; then err "Can't limit service to lower than 6M." echo " Specified limit of $memory (=$docker_memory) is lower than docker's min limit of 6M (=6291456)." >&2 echo " The provided limit to memory is lower than minimum memory for a container." >&2 echo " Please remove memory limit in ${DARKPINK}$charm${NORMAL}'s metadata or raise it." >&2 return 1 fi mixins+=( "mem_limit: $docker_memory" "memswap_limit: $docker_memory" ) fi fi ## Final merging mixin=$(merge_yaml_str "${mixins[@]}") || { err "Failed to merge mixins from ${DARKPINK}${charm}${NORMAL} metadata." return 1 } echo "$mixin" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f _get_docker_compose_mixin_from_metadata_cached get_docker_compose_mixin_from_metadata() { local service="$1" cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache.$1" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then #debug "$FUNCNAME: SESSION cache hit ($*)" cat "$cache_file" return 0 fi charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 metadata="$(charm.metadata "$charm" 2>/dev/null)" || return 1 has_build_dir= [ -d "$(charm.get_dir "$charm")/build" ] && has_build_dir=true mixin=$(_get_docker_compose_mixin_from_metadata_cached "$service" "$charm" "$metadata" "$has_build_dir") || return 1 echo "$mixin" | tee "$cache_file" } export -f get_docker_compose_mixin_from_metadata _save() { local name="$1" cat - | tee -a "$docker_compose_dir/.data/$name" } export -f _save get_default_project_name() { if [ -n "$DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME" ]; then echo "$DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME" return 0 fi local normalized_path compose_yml_location name compose_yml_location="$(get_compose_yml_location)" || return 1 if [ -n "$compose_yml_location" ]; then if normalized_path=$(readlink -f "$compose_yml_location"); then name="${normalized_path%/*}" ## dirname name="${name##*/}" ## basename name="${name%%-deploy}" ## remove any '-deploy' name="${name,,}" ## lowercase e "$name" return 0 fi fi echo "orphan" return 0 } export -f get_default_project_name get_running_compose_containers() { ## XXXvlab: docker bug: there will be a final newline anyway docker ps --filter label="compose.service" --format='{{.ID}}' } export -f get_running_compose_containers get_healthy_container_ip_for_service () { local service="$1" port="$2" timeout=${3:-60} local containers container container_network container_ip containers="$(get_running_containers_for_service "$service")" if [ -z "$containers" ]; then err "No containers running for service $DARKYELLOW$service$NORMAL." return 1 fi ## XXXvlab: taking first container is probably not a good idea container="$(echo "$containers" | head -n 1)" ## XXXvlab: taking first ip is probably not a good idea read-0 container_network container_ip < <(get_container_network_ip "$container") if [ -z "$container_ip" ]; then err "Can't get container's IP. You should check health of" \ "${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}'s container." return 1 fi wait_for_tcp_port "$container_network" "$container_ip:$port" "$timeout" || { err "TCP port of ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}'s container doesn't seem open" echo " Please check that container is healthy. Here are last logs:" >&2 docker logs "$container" --tail=10 | prefix " ${GRAY}|${NORMAL} " >&2 return 1 } info "Host/Port ${container_ip}:${port} checked ${GREEN}open${NORMAL}." echo "$container_network:$container_ip" } export -f get_healthy_container_ip_for_service switch_to_relation_service() { local relation="$1" ## XXXvlab: can't get real config here if ! read-0 ts _ _ < <(get_service_relation "$SERVICE_NAME" "$relation"); then err "Couldn't find relation ${DARKCYAN}$relation${NORMAL}." return 1 fi export SERVICE_NAME="$ts" export SERVICE_DATASTORE="$DATASTORE/$SERVICE_NAME" DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=$(service_base_docker_image "$SERVICE_NAME") export DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE target_charm=$(get_service_charm "$ts") || return 1 target_charm_path=$(charm.get_dir "$target_charm") || return 1 cd "$target_charm_path" } export -f switch_to_relation_service get_volumes_for_container() { local container="$1" docker inspect \ --format '{{range $mount := .Mounts}}{{$mount.Source}}{{"\x00"}}{{$mount.Destination}}{{"\x00"}}{{end}}' \ "$container" } export -f get_volumes_for_container is_volume_used() { local volume="$1" container_id src dst while read -r container_id; do while read-0 src dst; do [[ "$src/" == "$volume"/* ]] && return 0 done < <(get_volumes_for_container "$container_id") done < <(get_running_compose_containers) return 1 } export -f is_volume_used clean_unused_docker_compose() { for f in /var/lib/compose/docker-compose/*; do [ -e "$f" ] || continue is_volume_used "$f" && continue debug "Cleaning unused docker-compose ${f##*/}" rm -rf "$f" || return 1 done return 0 } export -f clean_unused_docker_compose stdin_get_hash() { local sha sha=$(sha256sum) || return 1 sha=${sha:0:64} echo "$sha" } export -f stdin_get_hash file_get_hash() { stdin_get_hash < "$1" || return 1 } export -f file_get_hash docker_compose_store() { local file="$1" sha sha=$(file_get_hash "$file") || return 1 project=$(get_default_project_name) || return 1 dst="/var/lib/compose/docker-compose/$sha/$project" mkdir -p "$dst" || return 1 cat < "$dst/.env" || return 1 DOCKER_COMPOSE_PATH=$dst COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=7200 EOF cp "$file" "$dst/docker-compose.yml" || return 1 mkdir -p "$dst/bin" || return 1 cat < "$dst/bin/dc" || return 1 #!/bin/bash $(declare -f read-0) docker_run_opts=() while read-0 opt; do if [[ "\$opt" == "!env:"* ]]; then opt="\${opt##!env:}" var="\${opt%%=*}" value="\${opt#*=}" export "\$var"="\$value" else docker_run_opts+=("\$opt") fi done < <(cat "$COMPOSE_LAUNCHER_OPTS") docker_run_opts+=( "-w" "$dst" "--entrypoint" "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose" ) [ -t 1 ] && { docker_run_opts+=("-ti") } exec docker run --rm "\${docker_run_opts[@]}" "\${COMPOSE_DOCKER_IMAGE:-docker.0k.io/compose}" "\$@" EOF chmod +x "$dst/bin/dc" || return 1 printf "%s" "$sha" } export -f docker_compose_store launch_docker_compose() { local charm docker_compose_tmpdir docker_compose_dir docker_compose_tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) #debug "Creating temporary docker-compose directory in '$docker_compose_tmpdir'." trap_add EXIT "rm -rf \"$docker_compose_tmpdir\"" ## docker-compose will name network from the parent dir name project=$(get_default_project_name) mkdir -p "$docker_compose_tmpdir/$project" docker_compose_dir="$docker_compose_tmpdir/$project" get_docker_compose $SERVICE_PACK > "$docker_compose_dir/docker-compose.yml" || return 1 if [ -e "$state_tmpdir/to-merge-in-docker-compose.yml" ]; then # debug "Merging some config data in docker-compose.yml:" # debug "$(cat $state_tmpdir/to-merge-in-docker-compose.yml)" _config_merge "$docker_compose_dir/docker-compose.yml" "$state_tmpdir/to-merge-in-docker-compose.yml" || return 1 fi if [ -z "$(echo $(cat "$docker_compose_dir/docker-compose.yml"))" ]; then die "Generated 'docker-compose.yml' is unexpectedly empty." fi ## XXXvlab: could be more specific and only link the needed charms ## XXXvlab: why do we need these links ? If this is for the build command, then it is not useful anymore. # for charm in $(shyaml keys services < "$docker_compose_dir/docker-compose.yml"); do # if charm.exists "$charm"; then # ln -sf "$(charm.get_dir "$charm")" "$docker_compose_dir/$charm" || exit 1 # fi # done mkdir "$docker_compose_dir/.data" if [ -z "$COMPOSE_DISABLE_DOCKER_COMPOSE_STORE" ]; then sha=$(docker_compose_store "$docker_compose_dir/docker-compose.yml") || return 1 fi { { { if [ -z "$COMPOSE_DISABLE_DOCKER_COMPOSE_STORE" ]; then cd "/var/lib/compose/docker-compose/$sha/$project" || return 1 else cd "$docker_compose_dir" || return 1 fi if [ -f ".env" ]; then debug "${WHITE}.env$NORMAL for $DARKYELLOW$SERVICE_PACK$NORMAL:" debug "$(cat ".env" | prefix " $GRAY|$NORMAL ")" fi debug "${WHITE}docker-compose.yml$NORMAL for $DARKYELLOW$SERVICE_PACK$NORMAL:" debug "$(cat "docker-compose.yml" | prefix " $GRAY|$NORMAL ")" debug "${WHITE}Launching$NORMAL: docker-compose $@" if [ "$DRY_COMPOSE_RUN" ]; then echo docker-compose "$@" else docker-compose "$@" fi echo "$?" > "$docker_compose_dir/.data/errlvl" } | _save stdout } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | _save stderr } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 if tail -n 1 "$docker_compose_dir/.data/stderr" | grep -E "Service .+ failed to build: Error getting container [0-9a-f]+ from driver devicemapper: (open|Error mounting) /dev/mapper/docker-.*: no such file or directory$" >/dev/null 2>&1; then err "Detected bug https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/4036 ... " err "Please re-launch your command, or switch from 'devicemapper' driver to 'overlayfs' or 'aufs'." fi docker_compose_errlvl="$(cat "$docker_compose_dir/.data/errlvl" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$docker_compose_errlvl" ]; then err "Something went wrong before you could gather docker-compose errorlevel." return 1 fi return "$docker_compose_errlvl" } export -f launch_docker_compose get_compose_yml_location() { if ! [ -z ${COMPOSE_YML_FILE+x} ]; then ## if set, even if empty echo "$COMPOSE_YML_FILE" return 0 fi parent=$(while ! [ -f "./compose.yml" ]; do [ "$PWD" == "/" ] && exit 0 cd .. done; echo "$PWD" ) if [ "$parent" ]; then echo "$parent/compose.yml" return 0 fi ## XXXvlab: do we need this additional environment variable, ## COMPOSE_YML_FILE is not sufficient ? if [ "$DEFAULT_COMPOSE_FILE" ]; then if ! [ -e "$DEFAULT_COMPOSE_FILE" ]; then warn "No 'compose.yml' was found in current or parent dirs," \ "and \$DEFAULT_COMPOSE_FILE points to an unexistent file." \ "(${DEFAULT_COMPOSE_FILE})" return 0 fi echo "$DEFAULT_COMPOSE_FILE" return 0 fi warn "No 'compose.yml' was found in current or parent dirs, and no \$DEFAULT_COMPOSE_FILE was set." return 0 } export -f get_compose_yml_location get_compose_yml_content() { local cache_file="$state_tmpdir/$FUNCNAME.cache" if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi if [ -z "$COMPOSE_YML_FILE" ]; then COMPOSE_YML_FILE=$(get_compose_yml_location) || return 1 fi if [ -e "$COMPOSE_YML_FILE" ]; then debug "Found $WHITE$exname$NORMAL YAML file in '$COMPOSE_YML_FILE'." COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT=$(cat "$COMPOSE_YML_FILE") || { err "Could not read '$COMPOSE_YML_FILE'." return 1 } else debug "No compose file found. Using an empty one." COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT="" fi COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT=$(merge_yaml_str "$COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT" "${compose_contents[@]}") || return 1 output=$(echo "$COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT"| shyaml get-value 2>&1) if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then outputed_something= while IFS='' read -r line1 && IFS='' read -r line2; do [ "$outputed_something" ] || err "Invalid YAML in '$COMPOSE_YML_FILE':" outputed_something=true echo "$line1 $GRAY($line2)$NORMAL" done < <(echo "$output" | grep ^yaml.scanner -A 100 | sed -r 's/^ in "", //g' | sed -r 's/^yaml.scanner.[a-zA-Z]+: //g') | prefix " $GRAY|$NORMAL " [ "$outputed_something" ] || { err "Unexpected error while running 'shyaml get-value' on '$COMPOSE_YML_FILE':" echo "$output" | prefix " $GRAY|$NORMAL " } return 1 fi echo "$COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT" | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } export -f get_compose_yml_content get_default_target_services() { local services=("$@") if [ -z "${services[*]}" ]; then if [ "$DEFAULT_SERVICES" ]; then debug "No service provided, using $WHITE\$DEFAULT_SERVICES$NORMAL variable." \ "Target services: $DARKYELLOW$DEFAULT_SERVICES$NORMAL" services="$DEFAULT_SERVICES" else err "No service provided." return 1 fi fi echo "${services[*]}" } export -f get_default_target_services get_master_services() { local loaded master_service service declare -A loaded for service in "$@"; do master_service=$(get_top_master_service_for_service "$service") || return 1 if [ "${loaded[$master_service]}" ]; then continue fi echo "$master_service" loaded["$master_service"]=1 done | nspc return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } export -f get_master_services get_current_docker_container_id() { local line line=$(cat "/proc/self/cpuset") || return 1 [[ "$line" == *docker* ]] || return 1 echo "${line##*/}" } export -f get_current_docker_container_id ## if we are in a docker compose, we might want to know what is the ## real host path of some local paths. get_host_path() { local path="$1" path=$(realpath "$path") || return 1 container_id=$(get_current_docker_container_id) || { print "%s" "$path" return 0 } biggest_dst= current_src= while read-0 src dst; do [[ "$path" == "$dst"* ]] || continue if [[ "${#biggest_dst}" < "${#dst}" ]]; then biggest_dst="$dst" current_src="$src" fi done < <(get_volumes_for_container "$container_id") if [ "$current_src" ]; then printf "%s" "$current_src" else return 1 fi } export -f get_host_path _setup_state_dir() { export state_tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) #debug "Creating temporary state directory in '$state_tmpdir'." # trap_add EXIT "debug \"Removing temporary state directory in $state_tmpdir.\";\ # rm -rf \"$state_tmpdir\"" trap_add EXIT "rm -rf \"$state_tmpdir\"" } get_docker_compose_help_msg() { local action="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$({ p0 "$1"; cat "$(which docker-compose)"; } | md5_compat)" \ docker_compose_help_msg if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi docker_compose_help_msg=$(docker-compose $action --help 2>/dev/null) || return 1 echo "$docker_compose_help_msg" | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } get_docker_compose_usage() { local action="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$({ p0 "$1"; cat "$(which docker-compose)"; } | md5_compat)" \ docker_compose_help_msg if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi docker_compose_help_msg=$(get_docker_compose_help_msg $action) || return 1 echo "$docker_compose_help_msg" | grep -m 1 "^Usage:" -A 10000 | egrep -m 1 "^\$" -B 10000 | nspc | sed -r 's/^Usage: //g' | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } get_docker_compose_opts_help() { local action="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$({ p0 "$1"; cat "$(which docker-compose)"; } | md5_compat)" \ docker_compose_help_msg if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi docker_compose_opts_help=$(get_docker_compose_help_msg $action) || return 1 echo "$docker_compose_opts_help" | grep '^Options:' -A 20000 | tail -n +2 | { cat ; echo; } | egrep -m 1 "^\S*\$" -B 10000 | head -n -1 | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } get_docker_compose_commands_help() { local action="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$({ p0 "$1"; cat "$(which docker-compose)"; } | md5_compat)" \ docker_compose_help_msg if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi docker_compose_opts_help=$(get_docker_compose_help_msg $action) || return 1 echo "$docker_compose_opts_help" | grep '^Commands:' -A 20000 | tail -n +2 | { cat ; echo; } | egrep -m 1 "^\S*\$" -B 10000 | head -n -1 | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } get_docker_compose_opts_list() { local action="$1" cache_file="$CACHEDIR/$FUNCNAME.cache.$({ p0 "$1"; cat "$(which docker-compose)"; } | md5_compat)" \ docker_compose_help_msg if [ -e "$cache_file" ]; then cat "$cache_file" && touch "$cache_file" || return 1 return 0 fi docker_compose_opts_help=$(get_docker_compose_opts_help $action) || return 1 echo "$docker_compose_opts_help" | egrep "^\s+-" | sed -r 's/\s+((((-[a-zA-Z]|--[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)( [A-Z=]+|=[^ ]+)?)(, )?)+)\s+.*$/\1/g' | tee "$cache_file" || return 1 } options_parser() { sed -r 's/^(\s+(((-[a-zA-Z]|--[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)([ =]([a-zA-Z_=\"\[]|\])+)?(, | )?)+)\s+)[^ ].*$/\x0\2\x0\0/g' printf "\0" } remove_options_in_option_help_msg() { { read-0 null if [ "$null" ]; then err "options parsing error, should start with an option line." return 1 fi while read-0 opt full_txt;do multi_opts="$(printf "%s " $opt | multi_opts_filter)" single_opts="$(printf "%s " $opt | single_opts_filter)" for to_remove in "$@"; do str_matches "$to_remove" $multi_opts $single_opts && { continue 2 } done echo -n "$full_txt" done } < <(options_parser) } _MULTIOPTION_REGEX='^((-[a-zA-Z]|--[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)(, )?)+' _MULTIOPTION_REGEX_LINE_FILTER=$_MULTIOPTION_REGEX'(\s|=)' multi_opts_filter() { egrep "$_MULTIOPTION_REGEX_LINE_FILTER" | sed -r "s/^($_MULTIOPTION_REGEX)(\s|=).*$/\1/g" | tr ',' "\n" | nspc } single_opts_filter() { egrep -v "$_MULTIOPTION_REGEX_LINE_FILTER" | tr ',' "\n" | nspc } get_docker_compose_multi_opts_list() { local action="$1" opts_list opts_list=$(get_docker_compose_opts_list "$action") || return 1 echo "$opts_list" | multi_opts_filter } get_docker_compose_single_opts_list() { local action="$1" opts_list opts_list=$(get_docker_compose_opts_list "$action") || return 1 echo "$opts_list" | single_opts_filter } display_commands_help() { local charm_actions echo echo "${WHITE}Commands${NORMAL} (thanks to docker-compose):" get_docker_compose_commands_help | sed -r "s/ ([a-z]+)(\s+)/ ${DARKCYAN}\1${NORMAL}\2/g" charm_actions_help=$(get_docker_charm_action_help) || return 1 if [ "$charm_actions_help" ]; then echo echo "${WHITE}Charm actions${NORMAL}:" printf "%s\n" "$charm_actions_help" | \ sed -r "s/^ ([a-z0-9-]+)(\s+)([a-z0-9-]+)(\s+)/ ${DARKCYAN}\1${NORMAL}\2${DARKYELLOW}\3${NORMAL}\4/g" fi } get_docker_charm_action() { local services service charm relation_name target_service relation_config \ target_charm services=($(get_compose_yml_content | yq -r 'keys().[]' 2>/dev/null)) || return 1 NO_CONSTRAINT_CHECK=1 get_all_relations "${services[@]}" >/dev/null || return 1 services=($(get_all_services)) || return 1 for service in "${services[@]}"; do printf "%s:\n" "$service" charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 for action in $(charm.ls_direct_actions "$charm"); do printf " %s:\n" "$action" printf " type: %s\n" "direct" done while read-0 relation_name target_service _relation_config _tech_dep; do target_charm=$(get_service_charm "$target_service") || return 1 for action in $(charm.ls_relation_actions "$target_charm" "$relation_name"); do printf " %s:\n" "$action" printf " type: %s\n" "indirect" printf " inherited: %s\n" "$target_charm" done done < <(get_service_relations "$service") done } export -f get_docker_charm_action get_docker_charm_action_help() { local services service charm relation_name target_service relation_config \ target_charm services=($(get_compose_yml_content | shyaml keys 2>/dev/null)) NO_CONSTRAINT_CHECK=1 get_all_relations "${services[@]}" >/dev/null || return 1 for service in "${services[@]}"; do out=$( charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 for action in $(charm.ls_direct_actions "$charm"); do printf " %-28s %s\n" "$action $service" "Direct action from ${DARKPINK}$charm${NORMAL}" done while read-0 relation_name target_service _relation_config _tech_dep; do target_charm=$(get_service_charm "$target_service") || return 1 for action in $(charm.ls_relation_actions "$target_charm" "$relation_name"); do printf " %-28s %s\n" "$action $service" "Indirect action from ${DARKPINK}$target_charm${NORMAL}" done done < <(get_service_relations "$service") ) if [ "$out" ]; then echo " for ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}:" printf "%s\n" "$out" fi done } display_help() { print_help echo "${WHITE}Usage${NORMAL}:" echo " $usage" echo "${WHITE}Options${NORMAL}:" echo " -h, --help Print this message and quit" echo " (ignoring any other options)" echo " -V, --version Print current version and quit" echo " (ignoring any other options)" echo " --dirs Display data dirs and quit" echo " (ignoring any other options)" echo " --get-project-name Display project name and quit" echo " (ignoring any other options)" echo " --get-available-actions Display all available actions and quit" echo " (ignoring any other options)" echo " -v, --verbose Be more verbose" echo " -q, --quiet Be quiet" echo " -d, --debug Print full debugging information (sets also verbose)" echo " --dry-compose-run If docker-compose will be run, only print out what" echo " command line will be used." echo " --no-relations Do not run any relation script" echo " --no-hooks Do not run any hook script" echo " --no-init Do not run any init script" echo " --no-post-deploy Do not run any post-deploy script" echo " --no-pre-deploy Do not run any pre-deploy script" echo " --without-relation RELATION " echo " Do not run given relation" echo " -R, --rebuild-relations-to-service SERVICE" echo " Will rebuild all relations to given service" echo " --add-compose-content, -Y YAML" echo " Will merge some direct YAML with the current compose" echo " -c, --color Force color mode (default is to detect if in tty mode)" get_docker_compose_opts_help | remove_options_in_option_help_msg --version --help --verbose | filter_docker_compose_help_message display_commands_help } _graph_service() { local service="$1" base="$1" charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 metadata=$(charm.metadata "$charm") || return 1 subordinate=$(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-value "subordinate" 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$subordinate" =~ ^True|true$ ]]; then requires="$(echo "$metadata" | shyaml get-value "requires" 2>/dev/null)" master_charm= while read-0 relation_name relation; do [ "$(echo "$relation" | shyaml get-value "scope" 2>/dev/null)" == "container" ] || continue interface="$(echo "$relation" | shyaml get-value "interface" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$interface" ]; then err "No ${WHITE}$interface${NORMAL} set for relation $relation_name." return 1 fi ## Action provided by relation ? target_service= while read-0 relation_name candidate_target_service _relation_config _tech_dep; do [ "$interface" == "$relation_name" ] && { target_service="$candidate_target_service" break } done < <(get_service_relations "$service") if [ -z "$target_service" ]; then err "Couldn't find ${WHITE}relations.$interface${NORMAL} in" \ "${DARKYELLOW}$service$NORMAL compose definition." return 1 fi master_service="$target_service" master_charm=$(get_service_charm "$target_service") || return 1 break done < <(echo "$requires" | shyaml key-values-0 2>/dev/null) fi _graph_node_service "$service" "$base" "$charm" _graph_edge_service "$service" "$subordinate" "$master_service" } _graph_node_service() { local service="$1" base="$2" charm="$3" cat < ]; EOF } _graph_edge_service() { local service="$1" subordinate="$2" master_service="$3" while read-0 relation_name target_service relation_config tech_dep; do cat < "$(_graph_node_service_label ${target_service})" [ penwidth = $([ "$master_service" == "$target_service" ] && echo 3 || echo 2) fontsize = 16 fontcolor = "black" style = $([ "$master_service" == "$target_service" ] && echo dashed || echo "\"\"") weight = $([ "$master_service" == "$target_service" ] && echo 2.0 || echo 1.0) dir = $([ "$master_service" == "$target_service" ] && echo none || echo both) arrowtail = odot # arrowhead = dotlicurve taillabel = "$relation_name" ]; EOF done < <(get_service_relations "$service") || return 1 } _graph_node_service_label() { local service="$1" echo "service_$service" } _graph_node_service_content() { local service="$1" charm=$(get_service_charm "$service") || return 1 cat < $service $(if [ "$charm" != "$service" ]; then cat < charm: $charm EOF2 fi) EOF } cla_contains () { local e for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } filter_docker_compose_help_message() { cat - | sed -r "s/docker-compose run/${DARKWHITE}compose${NORMAL} ${DARKCYAN}$action${NORMAL}/g; s/docker-compose.yml/compose.yml/g; s/SERVICES?/${DARKYELLOW}\0${NORMAL}/g; s/^(\s+)\\$/\1${WHITE}\$${NORMAL}/g; s/^(\s+)run/\1${DARKCYAN}$action${NORMAL}/g; s/docker-compose/${DARKWHITE}compose${NORMAL}/g" } graph() { local services=("$@") declare -A entries cat <&2; } export -f log ;; --version|-V) print_version docker-compose --version docker --version exit 0 ;; -f|--file) read-0 value [ -e "$value" ] || die "File $value doesn't exists" export COMPOSE_YML_FILE="$value" shift ;; -p|--project-name) read-0 value export DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME="$value" compose_opts+=("--project-name $value") shift ;; --color|-c) if [ "$color" == "0" ]; then err "Conflicting option --color with previous --no-ansi." exit 1 fi color=1 ansi_color yes ;; --no-ansi) if [ "$color" == "1" ]; then err "Conflicting option --no-ansi with previous --color." exit 1 fi color=0 ansi_color no compose_opts+=("--no-ansi") ;; --no-relations) export no_relations=true ;; --without-relation) read-0 value without_relations["$value"]=1 shift ;; --no-hooks) export no_hooks=true ;; --no-init) export no_init=true ;; --no-post-deploy) export no_post_deploy=true ;; --no-pre-deploy) export no_pre_deploy=true ;; --rebuild-relations-to-service|-R) read-0 value rebuild_relations_to_service+=("$value") shift ;; --debug|-d) export DEBUG=true export VERBOSE=true #compose_opts+=("--verbose" "--log-level" "DEBUG") ;; --add-compose-content|-Y) read-0 value compose_contents+=("$value") shift ;; --dirs) echo "CACHEDIR: $CACHEDIR" echo "VARDIR: $VARDIR" exit 0 ;; --get-project-name) project=$(get_default_project_name) || exit 1 echo "$project" exit 0 ;; --get-available-actions) get_docker_charm_action exit $? ;; --dry-compose-run) export DRY_COMPOSE_RUN=true ;; --*|-*) if str_pattern_matches "$arg" $DC_MATCH_MULTI; then read-0 value compose_opts+=("$arg" "$value") shift; elif str_pattern_matches "$arg" $DC_MATCH_SINGLE; then compose_opts+=("$arg") else err "Unknown option '$arg'. Please check help:" display_help >&2 exit 1 fi ;; *) action="$arg" stage="action" if DC_USAGE=$(get_docker_compose_usage "$action"); then is_docker_compose_action=true DC_MATCH_MULTI=$(get_docker_compose_multi_opts_list "$action") && DC_MATCH_SINGLE="$(get_docker_compose_single_opts_list "$action")" if [ "$DC_MATCH_MULTI" ]; then DC_MATCH_SINGLE="$DC_MATCH_SINGLE $(echo "$DC_MATCH_MULTI" | sed -r 's/( |$)/=\* /g')" fi pos_args=($(echo "$DC_USAGE" | sed -r 's/\[-[^]]+\] ?//g;s/\[options\] ?//g')) pos_args=("${pos_args[@]:1}") # echo "USAGE: $DC_USAGE" # echo "pos_args: ${pos_args[@]}" # echo "MULTI: $DC_MATCH_MULTI" # echo "SINGLE: $DC_MATCH_SINGLE" # exit 1 else stage="remainder" fi ;; esac ;; "action") ## Only for docker-compose actions case "$arg" in --help|-h) no_init=true ; no_hooks=true ; no_relations=true action_opts+=("$arg") ;; --*|-*) if [ "$is_docker_compose_action" ]; then if str_pattern_matches "$arg" $DC_MATCH_MULTI; then read-0 value action_opts+=("$arg" "$value") shift elif str_pattern_matches "$arg" $DC_MATCH_SINGLE; then action_opts+=("$arg") else err "Unknown option '$arg'. Please check '${DARKCYAN}$action${NORMAL}' help:" docker-compose "$action" --help | filter_docker_compose_help_message >&2 exit 1 fi fi ;; *) # echo "LOOP $1 : pos_arg: $pos_arg_ct // ${pos_args[$pos_arg_ct]}" if [[ "${pos_args[$pos_arg_ct]}" == "[SERVICE...]" ]]; then services_args+=("$arg") elif [[ "${pos_args[$pos_arg_ct]}" == "SERVICE" ]]; then services_args=("$arg") || exit 1 stage="remainder" else action_posargs+=("$arg") ((pos_arg_ct++)) fi ;; esac ;; "remainder") remainder_args+=("$arg") while read-0 arg; do remainder_args+=("$arg") done break 3 ;; esac shift done < <(cla.normalize "$@") export compose_contents [ "${services_args[*]}" ] && debug " ${DARKWHITE}Services:$NORMAL ${DARKYELLOW}${services_args[*]}$NORMAL" [ "${compose_opts[*]}" ] && debug " ${DARKWHITE}Main docker-compose opts:$NORMAL ${compose_opts[*]}" [ "${action_posargs[*]}" ] && debug " ${DARKWHITE}Main docker-compose pos args:$NORMAL ${action_posargs[*]}" [ "${action_opts[*]}" ] && debug " ${DARKWHITE}Action $DARKCYAN$action$NORMAL with opts:$NORMAL ${action_opts[*]}" [ "${remainder_args[*]}" ] && debug " ${DARKWHITE}Remainder args:$NORMAL ${remainder_args[*]}" aexport remainder_args ## ## Actual code ## COMPOSE_YML_FILE=$(get_compose_yml_location) || exit 1 COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT=$(get_compose_yml_content) || exit 1 export COMPOSE_YML_FILE COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT charm.sanity_checks || die "Sanity checks about charm-store failed. Please correct." ## ## Get services in command line. ## if [ -z "$is_docker_compose_action" -a "$action" ]; then action_service=${remainder_args[0]} if [ -z "$action_service" ]; then err "No such command or action: ${DARKCYAN}$action${NORMAL}" display_commands_help exit 1 fi ## Required by has_service_action array_read-0 services_args < <(printf "%s" "$COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT" | shyaml keys-0 2>/dev/null) NO_CONSTRAINT_CHECK=1 get_all_relations "${services_args[@]}" >/dev/null || exit 1 remainder_args=("${remainder_args[@]:1}") if has_service_action "$action_service" "$action" >/dev/null; then is_service_action=true services_args=("$action_service") { read-0 action_type case "$action_type" in "relation") read-0 _ target_service _target_charm relation_name _ action_script_path debug "Found action $DARKYELLOW${action_service}$NORMAL/$DARKBLUE$relation_name$NORMAL/$DARKCYAN$action$NORMAL (in $DARKYELLOW$target_service$NORMAL)" services_args+=("$target_service") ;; "direct") read-0 _ action_script_path debug "Found action $DARKYELLOW${action_service}$NORMAL.$DARKCYAN$action$NORMAL" ;; esac } < <(has_service_action "$action_service" "$action") get_all_relations "${services_args[@]}" >/dev/null || { echo " Hint: if this is unexpected, you can try to delete caches, and re-run the command." >&2 exit 1 } ## Divert logging to stdout to stderr log () { cat >&2; } export -f log else die "Unknown action '${DARKCYAN}$action$NORMAL': It doesn't match any docker-compose commands nor inner charm actions." fi else case "$action" in ps|up) if [ "${#services_args[@]}" == 0 ]; then array_read-0 services_args < <(printf "%s" "$COMPOSE_YML_CONTENT" | shyaml keys-0 2>/dev/null) fi ;; config) services_args=("${action_posargs[@]}") ;; esac fi export COMPOSE_ACTION="$action" NO_CONSTRAINT_CHECK=True case "$action" in up) NO_CONSTRAINT_CHECK= ;; esac get_all_relations "${services_args[@]}" >/dev/null || exit 1 if [ "$is_docker_compose_action" -a "${#services_args[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then services=($(get_master_services "${services_args[@]}")) || exit 1 if [ "$action" == "up" ]; then declare -A seen for service in $(get_ordered_service_dependencies "${services_args[@]}"); do mservice=$(get_master_service_for_service "$service") || exit 1 [ "${seen[$mservice]}" ] && continue type="$(get_service_type "$mservice")" || exit 1 ## remove run-once [ "$type" == "run-once" ] && continue [ "$type" == "stub" ] && continue seen[$mservice]=1 action_posargs+=("$mservice") done else action_posargs+=("${services[@]}") fi ## Get rid of subordinates action_posargs=($(get_master_services "${action_posargs[@]}")) || exit 1 fi get_docker_compose "${services_args[@]}" >/dev/null || { ## precalculate variable \$_current_docker_compose err "Fails to compile base 'docker-compose.yml'" exit 1 } ## ## Pre-action ## full_init= case "$action" in up|run) full_init=true post_hook=true ;; ""|down|restart|logs|config|ps) full_init= ;; *) if [ "$is_service_action" ]; then full_init=true keywords=($(egrep "^#*\s*compose:" "$action_script_path" | cut -f 2- -d:)) for keyword in "${keywords[@]}"; do case "$keyword" in no-hooks) no_hooks=true ;; hooks) full_init=true ;; esac done fi ;; esac if [ -n "$full_init" ]; then ## init in order if [[ -z "$no_init" && -z "$no_hooks" ]]; then Section setup host resources setup_host_resources "${services_args[@]}" || exit 1 Section initialisation run_service_hook init "${services_args[@]}" || exit 1 fi ## Get relations if [[ -z "$no_relations" && -z "$no_hooks" ]]; then if [ "${#rebuild_relations_to_service[@]}" != 0 ]; then rebuild_relations_to_service=$(get_master_services "${rebuild_relations_to_service[@]}") || return 1 rebuild_relations_to_service=($rebuild_relations_to_service) project=$(get_default_project_name) || return 1 for service in "${rebuild_relations_to_service[@]}"; do for dir in "$VARDIR/relations/$project/"*"-${service}/"*; do [ -d "$dir" ] && { debug rm -rf "$dir" rm -rf "$dir" } done done fi run_service_relations "${services_args[@]}" || exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$no_pre_deploy" && -z "$no_hooks" ]]; then run_service_hook pre_deploy "${services_args[@]}" || exit 1 fi fi | log if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi if [ "$action" == "run" ] && [ "${#services_args}" != 0 ]; then charm=$(get_service_charm "${services_args[0]}") || exit 1 metadata=$(charm.metadata "$charm") || exit 1 SERVICE_TYPE="$(printf "%s" "$metadata" | shyaml get-value type 2>/dev/null)" || true if [ "$SERVICE_TYPE" == "run-once" ]; then run_service_hook dc-pre-run "${services_args[@]}" || exit 1 fi fi export SERVICE_PACK="${services_args[*]}" ## ## Docker-compose ## errlvl="0" case "$action" in up|start|stop|build|run) ## force daemon mode for up if [[ "$action" == "up" ]]; then if ! array_member action_opts -d; then action_opts+=("-d") fi if ! array_member action_opts --remove-orphans; then action_opts+=("--remove-orphans") fi fi launch_docker_compose "${compose_opts[@]}" "$action" "${action_opts[@]}" "${action_posargs[@]}" "${remainder_args[@]}" ;; logs) if ! array_member action_opts --tail; then ## force daemon mode for up action_opts+=("--tail" "10") fi launch_docker_compose "${compose_opts[@]}" "$action" "${action_opts[@]}" "${action_posargs[@]}" "${remainder_args[@]}" ;; "") launch_docker_compose "${compose_opts[@]}" ;; graph) graph $SERVICE_PACK ;; config) ## removing the services services=($(get_master_services "${action_posargs[@]}")) || exit 1 ## forcing docker-compose config to output the config file to stdout and not stderr out=$(launch_docker_compose "${compose_opts[@]}" "$action" "${action_opts[@]}" "${remainder_args[@]}" 2>&1) || { echo "$out" exit 1 } echo "$out" warn "Runtime configuration modification (from relations) are not included here." ;; down) if ! array_member action_opts --remove-orphans; then ## force daemon mode for up debug "Adding a default argument of '--remove-orphans'" action_opts+=("--remove-orphans") fi launch_docker_compose "${compose_opts[@]}" "$action" "${action_opts[@]}" "${remainder_args[@]}" ;; *) if [ "$is_service_action" ]; then run_service_action "$action_service" "$action" "${remainder_args[@]}" errlvl="$?" errlvl "$errlvl" else launch_docker_compose "${compose_opts[@]}" "$action" "${action_opts[@]}" "${action_posargs[@]}" "${remainder_args[@]}" fi ;; esac || exit 1 if [ "$post_hook" -a "${#services_args[@]}" != 0 -a -z "$no_hooks" -a -z "$no_post_deploy" ]; then run_service_hook post_deploy "${services_args[@]}" || exit 1 fi if [ "$action" == "run" -a "${#services_args}" != 0 ]; then if [ "$SERVICE_TYPE" == "run-once" ]; then run_service_hook dc-post-run "${services_args[@]}" || exit 1 fi fi clean_unused_docker_compose || exit 1 exit "$errlvl"