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582 B

7 years ago
  1. /*!
  2. * numbro.js language configuration
  3. * language : Norwegian Bokmål (nb)
  4. * author : Tim McIntosh (StayinFront NZ)
  5. */
  6. (function(){"use strict";var a={langLocaleCode:"nb",cultureCode:"nb",delimiters:{thousands:" ",decimal:","},abbreviations:{thousand:"t",million:"mil",billion:"mia",trillion:"b"},ordinal:function(){return"."},currency:{symbol:"kr"}};
  7. // Node
  8. "undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=a),
  9. // Browser
  10. "undefined"!=typeof window&&window.numbro&&window.numbro.culture&&window.numbro.culture("nb",a)}).call("undefined"==typeof window?this:window);