odoo.define('muk_web_utils.tests.fields', function (require) { "use strict";
var basicFields = require('web.basic_fields'); var concurrency = require('web.concurrency'); var config = require('web.config'); var core = require('web.core'); var FormView = require('web.FormView'); var KanbanView = require('web.KanbanView'); var ListView = require('web.ListView'); var session = require('web.session'); var testUtils = require('web.test_utils'); var field_registry = require('web.field_registry');
var createView = testUtils.createView; var createAsyncView = testUtils.createAsyncView; var DebouncedField = basicFields.DebouncedField; var JournalDashboardGraph = basicFields.JournalDashboardGraph; var _t = core._t;
QUnit.module('muk_web_utils', {}, function () {
QUnit.module('fields', { beforeEach: function () { this.data = { partner: { fields: { display_name: { string: "Displayed name", type: "char", searchable: true }, short: { string: "Short", type: "char", searchable: true, trim: true }, long: { string: "Long", string: "txt", type: "text", }, document: { string: "Binary", type: "binary", attachment: true, }, }, records: [{ id: 1, display_name: "first record", short: "Short Text", long: "Super looooooong Text", document: 'coucou==\n', }], }, }; } }, function () { QUnit.module('BinaryFileCopy');
QUnit.test('Fields is correctly rendered', function (assert) { assert.expect(2);
var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: ( '<form string="Partners">' + '<field name="document" widget="copy_binary" filename="short"/>' + '<field name="short"/>' + '</form>' ), res_id: 1, });
assert.strictEqual( form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .mk_copy_binary > .mk_copy_button').length, 1, "the copy button should be visible in readonly mode" );
assert.strictEqual( form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .mk_copy_binary').length, 0, "the copy button shouldn't be visible in edit mode" ); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.module('CharShare');
QUnit.test('Fields is correctly rendered', function (assert) { assert.expect(1);
var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: ( '<form string="Partners">' + '<div>' + '<field name="short" widget="share_char"/>' + '</div>' + '</form>' ), res_id: 1, });
assert.strictEqual( form.$('span.o_field_widget[name="short"] > .mk_share_dropdown.mk_share_char').length, 1, "the copy button should be visible in readonly mode" ); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.module('TextShare');
QUnit.test('Fields is correctly rendered', function (assert) { assert.expect(1);
var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: ( '<form string="Partners">' + '<div>' + '<field name="long" widget="share_text"/>' + '</div>' + '</form>' ), res_id: 1, });
assert.strictEqual( form.$('span.o_field_widget[name="long"] > .mk_share_dropdown.mk_share_text').length, 1, "the copy button should be visible in readonly mode" ); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.module('BinaryFileShare');
QUnit.test('Fields is correctly rendered', function (assert) { assert.expect(2);
var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'partner', data: this.data, arch: ( '<form string="Partners">' + '<field name="document" widget="share_binary" filename="short"/>' + '<field name="short"/>' + '</form>' ), res_id: 1, });
assert.strictEqual( form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .mk_share_dropdown > .mk_share_button').length, 1, "the share dropdown should be visible in readonly mode" );
assert.strictEqual( form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .mk_share_dropdown > .mk_share_button').length, 0, "the share dropdown shouldn't be visible in edit mode" ); form.destroy(); }); });