/********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2017 MuK IT GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * **********************************************************************************/ odoo.define('muk_preview.PreviewManager', function (require) { "use strict"; var core = require('web.core'); var ajax = require('web.ajax'); var session = require('web.session'); var framework = require('web.framework'); var Widget = require('web.Widget'); var utils = require('muk_web_utils.utils'); var registry = require('muk_preview.registry'); var QWeb = core.qweb; var _t = core._t; var PreviewManager = Widget.extend({ template: "muk_preview.PreviewManager", events: _.extend({}, Widget.prototype.events, { 'click .mk_preview_previous a': '_onPreviousClick', 'click .mk_preview_next a': '_onNextClick', 'click .mk_preview_page a': '_onPageClick', 'click .mk_preview_print': '_onPrintClick', }), jsLibs: [ '/muk_web_preview/static/lib/printThis/printThis.js', ], files: [], init: function (parent, files, index) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.files = files; this.index = index; this.activeFile = files[index]; this.pagerSize = 9; }, willStart: function() { return $.when( this._super.apply(this, arguments), ajax.loadLibs(this) ); }, start: function () { var res = this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$actions = this.$('.mk_preview_actions'); this.$wrapper = this.$('.mk_preview_wrapper'); this.$pager = this.$('.mk_preview_pager'); this._render(); return res; }, _render: function () { this._renderPreviewWithLoading(); this._renderIndexPager(); this._updateActions(); }, _renderPreviewWithLoading: function () { var $loader = this._renderLoader(); this._destroyPreview(); this._renderPreview($loader); }, _renderLoader: function () { var $loader = $(QWeb.render('muk_preview.PreviewLoader', { loading_text: _t("Loading ..."), loading_text_00: _t("Loading"), loading_text_25: _t("Loading ."), loading_text_50: _t("Loading .."), loading_text_75: _t("Loading ..."), })); this.$wrapper.html($loader); return $loader; }, _renderPreview: function (element) { var PreviewWidget = undefined; var mimetype = this.activeFile.mimetype; var filename = this.activeFile.filename; if (mimetype && registry.contains(mimetype)) { PreviewWidget = registry.get(mimetype); } if (!PreviewWidget && filename) { var extension = filename.split('.').pop(); if (extension && registry.contains(extension)) { PreviewWidget = registry.get(extension); } } if (!PreviewWidget) { PreviewWidget = registry.defaultPreview(); } var content = new PreviewWidget(this, this.activeFile.url, mimetype, filename ); content.replace(element); this.activePreview = content; }, _renderIndexPager: function () { this.$pager.find('.pagination').empty(); if (this.files.length <= 1) { this.$pager.hide(); } else { var $previous = $("
  • ", { 'class': "page-item mk_preview_previous", 'title': _t("Previous"), }).append($("", { 'class': "page-link", 'href': "#", 'html': '', })); var $next = $("
  • ", { 'class': "page-item mk_preview_next", 'title': _t("Next"), }).append($("", { 'class': "page-link", 'href': "#", 'html': '', })); this.$pager.find('.pagination').append($previous); this.$pager.find('.pagination').append($next); var pageList = utils.partitionPageList( this.files.length, this.index + 1, this.pagerSize ); _.each(pageList, function(page) { var index = page && page - 1; var $item = $("
  • ", { 'class': "page-item", }); if (!page) { $item.addClass("disabled"); } else if (index === this.index) { $item.addClass("active"); } else { $item.addClass("mk_preview_page"); } $item.append($("", { 'class': "page-link", 'data-index': index, 'text': page || '...', 'href': "javascript:void(0)", })); $item.insertBefore($next); }, this); if (this.index === 0) { $previous.addClass("disabled"); $next.removeClass("disabled"); } else if (this.index === this.files.length - 1) { $previous.removeClass("disabled"); $next.addClass("disabled"); } else { $previous.removeClass("disabled"); $next.removeClass("disabled"); } this.$pager.show(); } }, _updateActions: function () { this.$actions.empty(); if (this.activePreview) { if (this.activePreview.downloadable) { this.$actions.append($("", { 'class': "mk_preview_download", 'html': '', 'title': _t("Download"), 'href': this.activeFile.url, })); } if (this.activePreview.printable) { this.$actions.append($("", { 'class': "mk_preview_print", 'html': '', 'title': _t("Print"), 'href': '#', })); } _.each(this.activePreview.contentActions(), function(action) { this.$actions.append(action); }, this); } }, _destroyPreview: function () { if (this.activePreview) { this.activePreview.destroy(); } this.activePreview = undefined; }, _onPreviousClick: function(event) { if (this.index > 0) { this.index = this.index - 1; this.activeFile = this.files[this.index]; this._render(); } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, _onNextClick: function (event) { if (this.index < this.files.length - 1) { this.index = this.index + 1; this.activeFile = this.files[this.index]; this._render(); } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, _onPageClick: function(event) { var $target = $(event.currentTarget); var index = $target.data('index'); if (index >= 0 && index < this.files.length) { this.index = index; this.activeFile = this.files[this.index]; this._render(); } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, _onPrintClick: function(event) { var preview = this.activePreview; var delay = preview.printDelay; framework.blockUI(); setTimeout(function() { framework.unblockUI(); }, delay|| 950); this.$wrapper.printThis({ importCSS: true, importStyle: true, printDelay: delay|| 950, }); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, }); return PreviewManager; });