# MuK Preview MS Office Extendes the Preview Dialog to support MS Office files. Currently the following file extensions are supported: * Word (*.doc | *.docx, application/msword) * Excel (*.xls | *.xlsx, application/msexcel) * PowerPoint (*.ppt | *.pptx, application/mspowerpoint) ## Dependencies ### PDF Converter ([pdfconv](https://github.com/keshrath/pdfconv)) The Python library pdfconv can be used to convert a variety of different file types to PDF. It can be used on Windows as well as Linux. ### Windows * MS Office [comtypes](http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/comtypes/) * LibreOffice [unoconv](https://github.com/dagwieers/unoconv) ### Linux * LibreOffice [unoconv](https://github.com/dagwieers/unoconv)