/* * http://github.com/deitch/jstree-grid * * This plugin handles adding a grid to a tree to display additional data * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Works only with jstree version >= 3.3.0 * * $Date: 2017-04-19 $ * $Revision: 3.8.2 $ */ /*jslint nomen:true */ /*jshint unused:vars */ /*global console, navigator, document, jQuery, define, localStorage */ /* AMD support added by jochenberger per https://github.com/deitch/jstree-grid/pull/49 * */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery', 'jstree'], factory); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { var BLANKRE = /^\s*$/g, IDREGEX = /[\\:&!^|()\[\]<>@*'+~#";,= \/${}%]/g, escapeId = function (id) { return (id||"").replace(IDREGEX,'\\$&'); }, NODE_DATA_ATTR = "data-jstreegrid", COL_DATA_ATTR = "data-jstreegrid-column", SEARCHCLASS = "jstree-search", SPECIAL_TITLE = "_DATA_", LEVELINDENT = 24, styled = false, MINCOLWIDTH = 10, generateCellId = function (tree,id) { return("jstree_"+tree+"_grid_"+escapeId(id)+"_col"); }, getIds = function (nodes) { return $.makeArray(nodes.map(function(){return this.id;})); }, findDataCell = function (uniq, ids, col, scope) { if (scope == undefined) { scope = $(); }; if (ids === null || ids === undefined || ids.length === 0) { return scope; } var ret = $(), columns = [].concat(col), cellId; if (typeof (ids) === "string") { cellId = generateCellId(uniq,ids); ret = columns.map(function (col) { return "#"+cellId+col; }).join(", "); } else { ret = [] ids.forEach(function (elm,i) { var cellId = generateCellId(uniq,elm); ret = ret.concat(columns.map(function (col) { return "#"+cellId+col; })); }); ret = ret.join(", "); } return columns.length ==1 ? scope.find(ret) : $(ret); }, isClickedSep = false, toResize = null, oldMouseX = 0, newMouseX = 0, /*jslint regexp:true */ htmlstripre = /<\/?[^>]+>/gi, /*jslint regexp:false */ getIndent = function(node,tree) { var div, i, li, width; // did we already save it for this tree? tree._gridSettings = tree._gridSettings || {}; if (tree._gridSettings.indent > 0) { width = tree._gridSettings.indent; } else { // create a new div on the DOM but not visible on the page div = $("
"); i = node.prev("i"); li = i.parent(); // add to that div all of the classes on the tree root div.addClass(tree.get_node("#",true).attr("class")); // move the li to the temporary div root li.appendTo(div); // attach to the body quickly div.appendTo($("body")); // get the width width = i.width() || LEVELINDENT; // detach the li from the new div and destroy the new div li.detach(); div.remove(); // save it for the future tree._gridSettings.indent = width; } return(width); }, copyData = function (fromtree,from,totree,to,recurse) { var i, j; to.data = $.extend(true, {}, from.data); if (from && from.children_d && recurse) { for(i = 0, j = from.children_d.length; i < j; i++) { copyData(fromtree,fromtree.get_node(from.children_d[i]),totree,totree.get_node(to.children_d[i]),recurse); } } }, findLastClosedNode = function (tree,id) { // first get our node var ret, node = tree.get_node(id), children = node.children; // is it closed? if (!children || children.length <= 0 || !node.state.opened) { ret = id; } else { ret = findLastClosedNode(tree,children[children.length-1]); } return(ret); }, renderAWidth = function(node,tree) { var depth, width, fullWidth = parseInt(tree.settings.grid.columns[0].width,10) + parseInt(tree._gridSettings.treeWidthDiff,10); // need to use a selector in jquery 1.4.4+ depth = tree.get_node(node).parents.length; width = fullWidth - depth*getIndent(node,tree); // the following line is no longer needed, since we are doing this inside a //a.css({"vertical-align": "top", "overflow":"hidden"}); return(fullWidth); }, renderATitle = function(node,t,tree) { var a = node.hasClass("jstree-anchor") ? node : node.children("[class~='jstree-anchor']"), title, col = tree.settings.grid.columns[0]; // get the title title = ""; if (col.title) { if (col.title === SPECIAL_TITLE) { title = tree.get_text(t); } else if (t.attr(col.title)) { title = t.attr(col.title); } } // strip out HTML title = title.replace(htmlstripre, ''); if (title) { a.attr("title",title); } }, getCellData = function (value,data) { var val; // get the contents of the cell - value could be a string or a function if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { if (typeof(value) === "function") { val = value(data); } else if (data.data !== null && data.data !== undefined && data.data[value] !== undefined) { val = data.data[value]; } else { val = ""; } } else { val = ""; } return val; }; $.jstree.defaults.grid = { width: 'auto' }; $.jstree.plugins.grid = function(options,parent) { this._initialize = function () { if (!this._initialized) { var s = this.settings.grid || {}, styles, container = this.element, i, gs = this._gridSettings = { columns : s.columns || [], treeClass : "jstree-grid-col-0", context: s.contextmenu || false, columnWidth : s.columnWidth, defaultConf : {"*display":"inline","*+display":"inline"}, isThemeroller : !!this._data.themeroller, treeWidthDiff : 0, resizable : s.resizable, draggable : s.draggable, stateful: s.stateful, indent: 0, sortOrder: 'text', sortAsc: true, caseInsensitive: s.caseInsensitive, fixedHeader: s.fixedHeader !== false, width: s.width, height: s.height, gridcontextmenu : s.gridcontextmenu, treecol: 0, gridcols: [] }, cols = gs.columns, treecol = 0, columnSearch = false; if(gs.gridcontextmenu === true) { gs.gridcontextmenu = function (grid,tree,node,val,col,t,target) { return { "edit": { label: "Edit", "action": function (data) { var obj = t.get_node(node); grid._edit(obj,col,target); } } } } } else if (gs.gridcontextmenu === false) { gs.gridcontextmenu = false; } // find which column our tree shuld go in for (var i = 0, len = s.columns.length;i'+styles.join("\n")+'').appendTo("head"); } this.gridWrapper = $("
").addClass("jstree-grid-wrapper").insertAfter(container); this.midWrapper = $("
").addClass("jstree-grid-midwrapper").appendTo(this.gridWrapper); // set the wrapper width if (s.width) { this.gridWrapper.width(s.width); } if (s.height) { this.gridWrapper.height(s.height); } // create the data columns for (var i = 0, len = cols.length;i").addClass("jstree-default jstree-grid-column jstree-grid-column-"+i+" jstree-grid-column-root-"+this.rootid).appendTo(this.midWrapper); } this.midWrapper.children("div:eq("+treecol+")").append(container); container.addClass("jstree-grid-cell"); //move header with scroll if (gs.fixedHeader) { this.gridWrapper.scroll(function() { $(this).find('.jstree-grid-header').css('top', $(this).scrollTop()); }); } // copy original sort function var defaultSort = $.proxy(this.settings.sort, this); // override sort function this.settings.sort = function (a, b) { var bigger, colrefs = this.colrefs; if (gs.sortOrder==='text') { var caseInsensitiveSort = this.get_text(a).toLowerCase().localeCompare(this.get_text(b).toLowerCase()); bigger = gs.caseInsensitive ? (caseInsensitiveSort === 1) : (defaultSort(a, b) === 1); } else { // gs.sortOrder just refers to the unique random name for this column // we need to get the correct value var nodeA = this.get_node(a), nodeB = this.get_node(b), value = colrefs[gs.sortOrder].value, valueA = typeof(value) === 'function' ? value(nodeA) : nodeA.data[value], valueB = typeof(value) === 'function' ? value(nodeB) : nodeB.data[value]; if(typeof(valueA) && typeof(valueB) !== 'undefined') { bigger = gs.caseInsensitive ? valueA.toLowerCase() > valueB.toLowerCase(): valueA > valueB ; } } if (!gs.sortAsc) bigger = !bigger; return bigger ? 1 : -1; }; // sortable columns when jQuery UI is available if (gs.draggable) { if (!$.ui || !$.ui.sortable) { console.warn('[jstree-grid] draggable option requires jQuery UI'); } else { var from, to; $(this.midWrapper).sortable({ axis: "x", handle: ".jstree-grid-header", cancel: ".jstree-grid-separator", start: function (event, ui) { from = ui.item.index(); }, stop: function (event, ui) { to = ui.item.index(); gs.columns.splice(to, 0, gs.columns.splice(from, 1)[0]); } }); } } //public function. validate searchObject keys, set columnSearch flag, calls jstree search and reset columnSearch flag this.searchColumn = function (searchObj) { var validatedSearchObj = {}; if(typeof searchObj == 'object') { for(var columnIndex in searchObj) { if(searchObj.hasOwnProperty(columnIndex)) { // keys should be the index of a column. This means the following: // only integers and smaller than the number of columns and bigger or equal to 0 // (possilbe idea for in the future: ability to set key as a more human readable term like the column header and then map it here to an index) if (columnIndex % 1 === 0 && columnIndex < cols.length && columnIndex >= 0) { validatedSearchObj[columnIndex] = searchObj[columnIndex]; } } } } columnSearch = validatedSearchObj; if(Object.keys(validatedSearchObj).length !== 0){ //the search string doesn't matter. we'll use the search string in the columnSearch object! this.search('someValue'); } else { // nothing to search so reset jstree's search by passing an empty string this.search(''); } columnSearch = false; } // set default search for each column with no user defined search function (used when doing a columnSearch) for (var i = 0, len = cols.length; idiv.jstree-grid-cell-root-'+this.rootid+' {line-height: '+anchorHeight+'px; height: '+anchorHeight+'px;}').appendTo("head"); // add container classes to the wrapper - EXCEPT those that are added by jstree, i.e. "jstree" and "jstree-*" q = cls.split(/\s+/).map(function(i){ var match = i.match(/^jstree(-|$)/); return (match ? "" : i); }); this.gridWrapper.addClass(q.join(" ")); },this)) .on("move_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(e,data){ var node = data.new_instance.element; //renderAWidth(node,this); // check all the children, because we could drag a tree over node.find("li > a").each($.proxy(function(i,elm){ //renderAWidth($(elm),this); },this)); },this)) .on("hover_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(node,selected,event){ var id = selected.node.id; if (this._hover_node !== null && this._hover_node !== undefined) { findDataCell(this.uniq,this._hover_node,this._gridSettings.gridcols).removeClass("jstree-hovered"); } this._hover_node = id; findDataCell(this.uniq,id,this._gridSettings.gridcols).addClass("jstree-hovered"); },this)) .on("dehover_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(node,selected,event){ var id = selected.node.id; this._hover_node = null; findDataCell(this.uniq,id,this._gridSettings.gridcols).removeClass("jstree-hovered"); },this)) .on("select_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(node,selected,event){ var id = selected.node.id; findDataCell(this.uniq,id,this._gridSettings.gridcols).addClass("jstree-clicked"); this.get_node(selected.node.id,true).children("div.jstree-grid-cell").addClass("jstree-clicked"); },this)) .on("deselect_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(node,selected,event){ var id = selected.node.id; findDataCell(this.uniq,id,this._gridSettings.gridcols).removeClass("jstree-clicked"); },this)) .on("deselect_all.jstree",$.proxy(function(node,selected,event){ // get all of the ids that were unselected var ids = selected.node || [], i; findDataCell(this.uniq,ids,this._gridSettings.gridcols).removeClass("jstree-clicked"); },this)) .on("search.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { // search sometimes filters, so we need to hide all of the appropriate grid cells as well, and show only the matches var grid = this.gridWrapper, that = this, nodesToShow, startTime = new Date().getTime(), ids = getIds(data.nodes.filter(".jstree-node")), endTime; this.holdingCells = {}; if (data.nodes.length) { var id = _guid(); // save the cells we will hide var cells = grid.find('div.jstree-grid-cell-regular'); this._detachColumns(id); if(this._data.search.som) { // create the list of nodes we want to look at if(this._data.search.smc) { nodesToShow = data.nodes.add(data.nodes.find('.jstree-node')); } nodesToShow = (nodesToShow || data.nodes).add(data.nodes.parentsUntil(".jstree")); // hide all of the grid cells cells.hide(); // show only those that match nodesToShow.filter(".jstree-node").each(function (i,node) { var id = node.id; if (id) { that._prepare_grid(node); for (var i = 0, len = that._gridSettings.gridcols.length; i < len; i++) { if (i === that._gridSettings.treecol) { continue; } findDataCell(that.uniq, id, that._gridSettings.gridcols[i], $(that._domManipulation.columns[i])).show(); } } }); } for (var i = 0, len = this._gridSettings.gridcols.length; i < len; i++) { if (i === this._gridSettings.treecol) { continue; } findDataCell(that.uniq, ids, this._gridSettings.gridcols[i], $(this._domManipulation.columns[i])).addClass(SEARCHCLASS); } this._reattachColumns(id); endTime = new Date().getTime(); this.element.trigger("search-complete.jstree-grid", [{time:endTime-startTime}]); } return true; }, this)) .on("clear_search.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { // search has been cleared, so we need to show all rows var grid = this.gridWrapper, ids = getIds(data.nodes.filter(".jstree-node")); grid.find('div.jstree-grid-cell').show(); findDataCell(this.uniq,ids,this._gridSettings.gridcols).removeClass(SEARCHCLASS); return true; }, this)) .on("copy_node.jstree", function (e, data) { var newtree = data.new_instance, oldtree = data.old_instance, obj = newtree.get_node(data.node,true); copyData(oldtree, data.original, newtree, data.node, true); newtree._detachColumns(obj.id); newtree._prepare_grid(obj); newtree._reattachColumns(obj.id); return true; }) .on("show_ellipsis.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this.gridWrapper.find(".jstree-grid-cell").add(".jstree-grid-header", this.gridWrapper).addClass("jstree-grid-ellipsis"); return true; }, this)) .on("hide_ellipsis.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this.gridWrapper.find(".jstree-grid-cell").add(".jstree-grid-header", this.gridWrapper).removeClass("jstree-grid-ellipsis"); return true; }, this)) .on("enable_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { var id = data.node.id; findDataCell(this.uniq,id,this._gridSettings.gridcols).removeClass("jstree-disabled"); this.get_node(data.node.id,true).children("div.jstree-grid-cell").removeClass("jstree-disabled"); }, this)) .on("disable_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { var id = data.node.id; findDataCell(this.uniq,id,this._gridSettings.gridcols).addClass("jstree-disabled"); this.get_node(data.node.id,true).children("div.jstree-grid-cell").addClass("jstree-disabled"); }, this)) ; if (this._gridSettings.isThemeroller) { this.element .on("select_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(e,data){ data.rslt.obj.children("[class~='jstree-anchor']").nextAll("div").addClass("ui-state-active"); },this)) .on("deselect_node.jstree deselect_all.jstree",$.proxy(function(e,data){ data.rslt.obj.children("[class~='jstree-anchor']").nextAll("div").removeClass("ui-state-active"); },this)) .on("hover_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(e,data){ data.rslt.obj.children("[class~='jstree-anchor']").nextAll("div").addClass("ui-state-hover"); },this)) .on("dehover_node.jstree",$.proxy(function(e,data){ data.rslt.obj.children("[class~='jstree-anchor']").nextAll("div").removeClass("ui-state-hover"); },this)); } if (this._gridSettings.stateful) { this.element .on("resize_column.jstree-grid",$.proxy(function(e,col,width){ localStorage['jstree-root-'+this.rootid+'-column-'+col] = width; },this)); } }; // tear down the tree entirely this.teardown = function() { var gw = this.gridWrapper, container = this.element, gridparent = gw.parent(); container.detach(); gw.remove(); gridparent.append(container); parent.teardown.call(this); }; // clean the grid in case of redraw or refresh entire tree this._clean_grid = function (target,id) { var grid = this.gridWrapper; if (target) { findDataCell(this.uniq,id,this._gridSettings.gridcols).remove(); } else { // get all of the `div` children in all of the `td` in dataRow except for :first (that is the tree itself) and remove grid.find("div.jstree-grid-cell-regular").remove(); } }; // prepare the headers this._prepare_headers = function() { var header, i, col, _this = this, gs = this._gridSettings,cols = gs.columns || [], width, defaultWidth = gs.columnWidth, resizable = gs.resizable || false, cl, ccl, val, name, last, tr = gs.isThemeroller, classAdd = (tr?"themeroller":"regular"), puller, hasHeaders = false, gridparent = this.gridparent, rootid = this.rootid, conf = gs.defaultConf, coluuid, borPadWidth = 0, totalWidth = 0; // save the original parent so we can reparent on destroy this.parent = gridparent; // save the references to columns by unique ID this.colrefs = {}; // create the headers for (var i = 0, len = cols.length;i"); //col.appendTo(colgroup); cl = cols[i].headerClass || ""; ccl = cols[i].columnClass || ""; val = cols[i].header || ""; do { coluuid = String(Math.floor(Math.random()*10000)); } while(this.colrefs[coluuid] !== undefined); // create a unique name for this column name = cols[i].value ? coluuid : "text"; this.colrefs[name] = cols[i]; if (val) {hasHeaders = true;} if(gs.stateful && localStorage['jstree-root-'+rootid+'-column-'+i]) width = localStorage['jstree-root-'+rootid+'-column-'+i]; else width = cols[i].width || defaultWidth; var minWidth = cols[i].minWidth || width; var maxWidth = cols[i].maxWidth || width; // we only deal with borders if width is not auto and not percentages borPadWidth = tr ? 1+6 : 2+8; // account for the borders and padding if (width !== 'auto' && typeof(width) !== "string") { width -= borPadWidth; } col = this.midWrapper.children("div.jstree-grid-column-"+i); last = $("
").css(conf).addClass("jstree-grid-div-"+this.uniq+"-"+i+" "+(tr?"ui-widget-header ":"")+" jstree-grid-header jstree-grid-header-cell jstree-grid-header-"+classAdd+" "+cl+" "+ccl).html(val); last.addClass((tr?"ui-widget-header ":"")+"jstree-grid-header jstree-grid-header-"+classAdd); if (this.settings.core.themes.ellipsis === true){ last.addClass('jstree-grid-ellipsis'); } last.prependTo(col); last.attr(COL_DATA_ATTR, name); totalWidth += last.outerWidth(); puller = $("
").appendTo(last); col.width(width); col.css("min-width", minWidth); col.css("max-width", maxWidth); } last.addClass((tr?"ui-widget-header ":"")+"jstree-grid-header jstree-grid-header-last jstree-grid-header-"+classAdd); // if there is no width given for the last column, do it via automatic if (cols[cols.length-1].width === undefined) { totalWidth -= width; col.css({width:"auto"}); last.addClass("jstree-grid-width-auto").next(".jstree-grid-separator").remove(); } if (hasHeaders) { // save the offset of the div from the body //gs.divOffset = header.parent().offset().left; gs.header = header; } else { $("div.jstree-grid-header").hide(); } if (!this.bound && resizable) { this.bound = true; $(document).mouseup(function () { var ref, cols, width, headers, currentTree, colNum; if (isClickedSep) { colNum = toResize.prevAll(".jstree-grid-column").length; currentTree = toResize.closest(".jstree-grid-wrapper").find(".jstree"); ref = $.jstree.reference(currentTree); cols = ref.settings.grid.columns; headers = toResize.parent().children("div.jstree-grid-column"); if (isNaN(colNum) || colNum < 0) { ref._gridSettings.treeWidthDiff = currentTree.find("ins:eq(0)").width() + currentTree.find("[class~='jstree-anchor']:eq(0)").width() - ref._gridSettings.columns[0].width; } width = ref._gridSettings.columns[colNum].width = parseFloat(toResize.css("width")); isClickedSep = false; toResize = null; currentTree.trigger("resize_column.jstree-grid", [colNum,width]); } }).mousemove(function (e) { if (isClickedSep) { newMouseX = e.pageX; var diff = newMouseX - oldMouseX, oldPrevHeaderInner, oldPrevColWidth, newPrevColWidth; if (diff !== 0){ oldPrevHeaderInner = toResize.width(); oldPrevColWidth = parseFloat(toResize.css("width")); // handle a Chrome issue with columns set to auto // thanks to Brabus https://github.com/side-by-side if (!oldPrevColWidth) {oldPrevColWidth = toResize.innerWidth();} // make sure that diff cannot be beyond the left/right limits diff = diff < 0 ? Math.max(diff,-oldPrevHeaderInner) : diff; newPrevColWidth = oldPrevColWidth+diff; // only do this if we are not shrinking past 0 on left - and limit it to that amount if ((diff > 0 || oldPrevHeaderInner > 0) && newPrevColWidth > MINCOLWIDTH) { toResize.width(newPrevColWidth+"px"); toResize.css("min-width",newPrevColWidth+"px"); toResize.css("max-width",newPrevColWidth+"px"); oldMouseX = newMouseX; } } } }); this.gridWrapper.on("selectstart", ".jstree-grid-resizable-separator", function () { return false; }).on("mousedown", ".jstree-grid-resizable-separator", function (e) { isClickedSep = true; oldMouseX = e.pageX; toResize = $(this).closest("div.jstree-grid-column"); // the max rightmost position we will allow is the right-most of the wrapper minus a buffer (10) return false; }) .on("dblclick", ".jstree-grid-resizable-separator", function (e) { var clickedSep = $(this), col = clickedSep.closest("div.jstree-grid-column"), oldPrevColWidth = parseFloat(col.css("width")), newWidth = 0, diff, colNum = col.prevAll(".jstree-grid-column").length, oldPrevHeaderInner = col.width(), newPrevColWidth; //find largest width col.find(".jstree-grid-cell").each(function() { var item = $(this), width; item.css("position", "absolute"); item.css("width", "auto"); width = item.outerWidth(); item.css("position", "relative"); if (width>newWidth) { newWidth = width; } }); diff = newWidth-oldPrevColWidth; // make sure that diff cannot be beyond the left limits diff = diff < 0 ? Math.max(diff,-oldPrevHeaderInner) : diff; newPrevColWidth = (oldPrevColWidth+diff)+"px"; col.width(newPrevColWidth); col.css("min-width",newPrevColWidth); col.css("max-width",newPrevColWidth); $(this).closest(".jstree-grid-wrapper").find(".jstree").trigger("resize_column.jstree-grid",[colNum,newPrevColWidth]); }) .on("click", ".jstree-grid-separator", function (e) { // don't sort after resize e.stopPropagation(); }); } this.gridWrapper.on("click", ".jstree-grid-header-cell", function (e) { if (!_this.sort) { return; } // get column var name = $(this).attr(COL_DATA_ATTR); // sort order var symbol; if (gs.sortOrder === name && gs.sortAsc === true) { gs.sortAsc = false; symbol = "↓"; } else { gs.sortOrder = name; gs.sortAsc = true; symbol = "↑"; } // add sort arrow $(this.closest('.jstree-grid-wrapper')).find(".jstree-grid-sort-icon").remove(); $("").addClass("jstree-grid-sort-icon").appendTo($(this)).html(symbol); // sort by column var rootNode = _this.get_node('#'); _this.sort(rootNode, true); _this.redraw_node(rootNode, true); }); }; this._domManipulation = null; // We'll store the column nodes in this object and an id for the grid-node that started the manipulation { id: "id of the node that started the manipulation", columns: { Key-Value-Pair col-No: Column }} function _guid() { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); } /* * Trys to detach the tree columns on massive dom manipulations */ this._detachColumns = function (id) { // if the columns are not detached, then detach them if (this._domManipulation == null) { var cols = this._gridSettings.columns || [], treecol = this._gridSettings.treecol, mw = this.midWrapper; this._domManipulation = { id: id, columns: {} }; for (var i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; i++) { //if (treecol === i) { // continue; //} this._domManipulation.columns[i] = mw.children(".jstree-grid-column-" + i)[0]; this._domManipulation.columns[i].parentNode.removeChild(this._domManipulation.columns[i]); } } return this._domManipulation; } this._reattachColumns = function (id) { if (this._domManipulation == null) { return false; } if (this._domManipulation.id === id) { var cols = this._gridSettings.columns || [], treecol = this._gridSettings.treecol, mw = this.midWrapper; for (var i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; i++) { //if (treecol === i) { // continue; //} mw[0].appendChild(this._domManipulation.columns[i]); } this._domManipulation = null; } return true; } /* * Override open_node to detach the columns before redrawing child-nodes, and do reattach them afterwarts */ this.open_node = function (obj, callback, animation) { var isArray = $.isArray(obj); var node = null; if (!isArray) { node = this.get_node(obj); if (node.id === "#") { return; } // wtf??? we ar in the root and do not need a open! } var id = isArray ? _guid() : node.id; this._detachColumns(id); var ret = parent.open_node.call(this, obj, callback, animation); this._reattachColumns(id); return ret; } /* * Override redraw_node to correctly insert the grid */ this.redraw_node = function (obj, deep, is_callback, force_render) { var id = $.isArray(obj) ? _guid() : this.get_node(obj).id; // we detach the columns once this._detachColumns(id); // first allow the parent to redraw the node obj = parent.redraw_node.call(this, obj, deep, is_callback, force_render); // next prepare the grid for a redrawn node - but only if ths node is not hidden (search does that) if (obj) { this._prepare_grid(obj); } // don't forget to reattach this._reattachColumns(id); return obj; }; this.refresh = function () { this._clean_grid(); return parent.refresh.apply(this,arguments); }; /* * Override set_id to update cell attributes */ this.set_id = function (obj, id) { var old, uniq = this.uniq; if(obj) { old = obj.id; } var result = parent.set_id.apply(this,arguments); if(result) { if (old !== undefined) { var grid = this.gridWrapper, oldNodes = [old], i; // get children if (obj && obj.children_d) { oldNodes = oldNodes.concat(obj.children_d); } // update id in children findDataCell(uniq,oldNodes,this._gridSettings.gridcols) .attr(NODE_DATA_ATTR, obj.id) .removeClass(generateCellId(uniq,old)) .addClass(generateCellId(uniq,obj.id)) .each(function(i,node) { $(node).attr('id', generateCellId(uniq,obj.id)+(i+1)); }); } } return result; }; this._hideOrShowTree = function(node, hide) { //Hides or shows a tree this._detachColumns(node.id); // show cells in each detachted column this._hideOrShowNode(node, hide, this._gridSettings.columns || [], this._gridSettings.treecol); this._reattachColumns(node.id); } this._hideOrShowNode = function(node, hide, cols, treecol) { //Hides or shows a node with recursive calls to all open child-nodes for (var i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; i++) { if (i === treecol) { continue; } var cells = findDataCell(this.uniq, node.id, i, $(this._domManipulation.columns[i])); if (hide) { cells.addClass("jstree-grid-hidden"); } else { cells.removeClass("jstree-grid-hidden"); } } if (node.state.opened && node.children) { for (var i = 0, len = node.children.length; i < len; i++) { this._hideOrShowNode(this.get_node(node.children[i]), hide, cols, treecol); } } } this._hide_grid = function (node) { if (!node) { return true; } this._detachColumns(node.id); var children = node.children ? node.children : [], cols = this._gridSettings.columns || [], treecol = this._gridSettings.treecol; // try to remove all children for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) { var child = this.get_node(children[i]); // go through each column, remove all children with the correct ID name for (var j = 0, lenj = cols.length; j < lenj; j++) { if (j === treecol) { continue; } findDataCell(this.uniq, child.id, j, $(this._domManipulation.columns[j])).remove(); } if (child.state.opened) { this._hide_grid(child);} } this._reattachColumns(node.id); }; this.holdingCells = {}; this.getHoldingCells = function (obj, col, hc) { if (obj.state.hidden || !obj.state.opened) { return $(); } var ret = $(), children = obj.children || [], child, i, uniq = this.uniq; // run through each child, render it, and then render its children recursively for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { child = generateCellId(uniq, children[i]) + col; if (hc[child]) { ret = ret.add(hc[child]).add(this.getHoldingCells(this.get_node(children[i]), col, hc)); //delete hc[child]; } } return (ret); }; /** * put a grid cell in edit mode (input field to edit the data) * @name edit(obj, col) * @param {mixed} obj * @param {obj} col definition * @param {element} cell element, either span or wrapping div */ this._edit = function (obj, col, element) { if(!obj) { return false; } if (!obj.data) {obj.data = {};} if (element) { element = $(element); if (element.prop("tagName").toLowerCase() === "div") { element = element.children("span:first"); } } else { // need to find the element - later return false; } var rtl = this._data.core.rtl, w = this.element.width(), t = obj.data[col.value], h1 = $("<"+"div />", { css : { "position" : "absolute", "top" : "-200px", "left" : (rtl ? "0px" : "-1000px"), "visibility" : "hidden" } }).appendTo("body"), h2 = $("<"+"input />", { "value" : t, "class" : "jstree-rename-input", "css" : { "padding" : "0", "border" : "1px solid silver", "box-sizing" : "border-box", "display" : "inline-block", "height" : (this._data.core.li_height) + "px", "lineHeight" : (this._data.core.li_height) + "px", "width" : "150px" // will be set a bit further down }, "blur" : $.proxy(function () { var v = h2.val(); // save the value if changed if(v === "" || v === t) { v = t; } else { obj.data[col.value] = v; this.element.trigger('update_cell.jstree-grid', { node: obj, col: col.value, value: v, old: t }); var id = _guid(); this._detachColumns(id); this._prepare_grid(this.get_node(obj, true)); this._reattachColumns(id); } h2.remove(); element.show(); }, this), "keydown" : function (event) { var key = event.which; if(key === 27) { this.value = t; } if(key === 27 || key === 13 || key === 37 || key === 38 || key === 39 || key === 40 || key === 32) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } if(key === 27 || key === 13) { event.preventDefault(); this.blur(); } }, "click" : function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, "mousedown" : function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, "keyup" : function (event) { h2.width(Math.min(h1.text("pW" + this.value).width(),w)); }, "keypress" : function(event) { if(event.which === 13) { return false; } } }), fn = { fontFamily : element.css('fontFamily') || '', fontSize : element.css('fontSize') || '', fontWeight : element.css('fontWeight') || '', fontStyle : element.css('fontStyle') || '', fontStretch : element.css('fontStretch') || '', fontVariant : element.css('fontVariant') || '', letterSpacing : element.css('letterSpacing') || '', wordSpacing : element.css('wordSpacing') || '' }; element.hide(); element.parent().append(h2); h2.css(fn).width(Math.min(h1.text("pW" + h2[0].value).width(),w))[0].select(); }; this.grid_hide_column = function (col) { this.midWrapper.find(".jstree-grid-column-"+col).hide(); }; this.grid_show_column = function (col) { this.midWrapper.find(".jstree-grid-column-"+col).show(); }; this._prepare_grid = function (obj) { var gs = this._gridSettings, c = gs.treeClass, _this = this, t, cols = gs.columns || [], width, tr = gs.isThemeroller, uniq = this.uniq, treecol = gs.treecol, tree = this.element, rootid = this.rootid, classAdd = (tr?"themeroller":"regular"), img, objData = this.get_node(obj), defaultWidth = gs.columnWidth, conf = gs.defaultConf, cellClickHandler = function (tree,node,val,col,t) { return function(e) { //node = tree.find("#"+node.attr("id")); var event = jQuery.Event("select_cell.jstree-grid"); tree.trigger(event, [{value: val,column: col.header,node: node,grid:$(this),sourceName: col.value}]); if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) { node.children(".jstree-anchor").trigger("click.jstree",e); } }; }, cellRightClickHandler = function (tree,node,val,col,t) { return function (e) { if (gs.gridcontextmenu) { e.preventDefault(); $.vakata.context.show(this,{ 'x' : e.pageX, 'y' : e.pageY }, gs.gridcontextmenu(_this,tree,node,val,col,t,e.target)); } }; }, hoverInHandler = function (node, jsTreeInstance) { return function() { jsTreeInstance.hover_node(node); }; }, hoverOutHandler = function (node, jsTreeInstance) { return function() { jsTreeInstance.dehover_node(node); }; }, i, val, cl, wcl, ccl, a, last, valClass, wideValClass, span, paddingleft, title, gridCellName, gridCellParentId, gridCellParent, gridCellPrev, gridCellPrevId, gridCellNext, gridCellNextId, gridCellChild, gridCellChildId, col, content, tmpWidth, mw = this.midWrapper, column, lid = objData.id, highlightSearch, isClicked, peers = this.get_node(objData.parent).children, // find my position in the list of peers. "peers" is the list of everyone at my level under my parent, in order pos = $.inArray(lid,peers), hc = this.holdingCells, rendered = false, closed; // get our column definition t = $(obj); // find the a children a = t.children("[class~='jstree-anchor']"); highlightSearch = a.hasClass(SEARCHCLASS); isClicked = a.hasClass("jstree-clicked"); if (a.length === 1) { closed = !objData.state.opened; gridCellName = generateCellId(uniq,lid); gridCellParentId = objData.parent === "#" ? null : objData.parent; a.addClass(c); //renderAWidth(a,_this); renderATitle(a,t,_this); last = a; // calculate position ids once gridCellPrevId = pos <= 0 ? objData.parent : findLastClosedNode(this, peers[pos - 1]); gridCellNextId = pos >= peers.length - 1 ? "NULL" : peers[pos + 1]; gridCellChildId = objData.children && objData.children.length > 0 ? objData.children[0] : "NULL"; // find which column our tree shuld go in var s = this.settings.grid; for (var i = 0, len = cols.length;i' : '';} } else { content = val; } // content cannot be blank, or it messes up heights if (content === undefined || content === null || BLANKRE.test(content)) { content = " "; } // get the valueClass valClass = col.valueClass && objData.data !== null && objData.data !== undefined ? objData.data[col.valueClass] || "" : ""; if (valClass && col.valueClassPrefix && col.valueClassPrefix !== "") { valClass = col.valueClassPrefix + valClass; } // get the wideValueClass wideValClass = col.wideValueClass && objData.data !== null && objData.data !== undefined ? objData.data[col.wideValueClass] || "" : ""; if (wideValClass && col.wideValueClassPrefix && col.wideValueClassPrefix !== "") { wideValClass = col.wideValueClassPrefix + wideValClass; } // get the title title = col.title && objData.data !== null && objData.data !== undefined ? objData.data[col.title] || "" : ""; // strip out HTML title = title.replace(htmlstripre, ''); // get the width paddingleft = 7; width = col.width || defaultWidth; if (width !== 'auto') { width = tmpWidth || (width - paddingleft); } last = findDataCell(uniq, lid, i, column); if (!last || last.length < 1) { last = $("
"); $("").appendTo(last); last.attr("id",gridCellName+i); last.addClass(gridCellName); last.attr(NODE_DATA_ATTR,lid); if (highlightSearch) { last.addClass(SEARCHCLASS); } else { last.removeClass(SEARCHCLASS); } if (isClicked) { last.addClass("jstree-clicked"); } else { last.removeClass("jstree-clicked"); } if (this.settings.core.themes.ellipsis === true && i !== treecol) { last.addClass('jstree-grid-ellipsis'); } } // we need to check the hidden-state and see if we need to hide the node if (objData.state.hidden) { last.addClass("jstree-grid-hidden"); } else { last.removeClass("jstree-grid-hidden"); } // ditto for the disabled-state and disabling the node if (objData.state.disabled) { last.addClass('jstree-disabled'); } else { last.removeClass('jstree-disabled'); } // we need to put it in the dataCell - after the parent, but the position matters // if we have no parent, then we are one of the root nodes, but still need to look at peers // if we are first, i.e. pos === 0, we go right after the parent; // if we are not first, and our previous peer (one before us) is closed, we go right after the previous peer cell // if we are not first, and our previous peer is opened, then we have to find its youngest & lowest closed child (incl. leaf) // // probably be much easier to go *before* our next one // but that one might not be drawn yet // here is the logic for jstree drawing: // it draws peers from first to last or from last to first // it draws children before a parent // // so I can rely on my *parent* not being drawn, but I cannot rely on my previous peer or my next peer being drawn // so we do the following: // 1- We are the first child: install after the parent // 2- Our previous peer is already drawn: install after the previous peer // 3- Our previous peer is not drawn, we have a child that is drawn: install right before our first child // 4- Our previous peer is not drawn, we have no child that is drawn, our next peer is drawn: install right before our next peer // 5- Our previous peer is not drawn, we have no child that is drawn, our next peer is not drawn: install right after parent gridCellPrev = findDataCell(uniq, gridCellPrevId, i, column); gridCellNext = findDataCell(uniq, gridCellNextId, i, column); gridCellChild = findDataCell(uniq, gridCellChildId, i, column); gridCellParent = findDataCell(uniq, gridCellParentId, i, column); // if our parent is already drawn, then we put this in the right order under our parent if (gridCellParentId) { if (gridCellParent && gridCellParent.length > 0) { if (gridCellPrev && gridCellPrev.length > 0) { last.insertAfter(gridCellPrev); } else if (gridCellChild && gridCellChild.length > 0) { last.insertBefore(gridCellChild); } else if (gridCellNext && gridCellNext.length > 0) { last.insertBefore(gridCellNext); } else { last.insertAfter(gridCellParent); } rendered = true; } else { rendered = false; } // always put it in the holding cells, and then sort when the parent comes in, in case parent is (re)drawn later hc[gridCellName+i] = last; } else { if (gridCellPrev && gridCellPrev.length > 0) { last.insertAfter(gridCellPrev); } else if (gridCellChild && gridCellChild.length > 0) { last.insertBefore(gridCellChild); } else if (gridCellNext && gridCellNext.length > 0) { last.insertBefore(gridCellNext); } else { last.appendTo(column); } rendered = true; } // do we have any children waiting for this cell? walk down through the children/grandchildren/etc tree if (rendered) { var toRen = this.getHoldingCells(objData,i,hc); last.after(toRen); } // need to make the height of this match the line height of the tree. How? span = last.children("span"); // create a span inside the div, so we can control what happens in the whole div versus inside just the text/background span.addClass(cl+" "+valClass).html(content); last = last.css(conf).addClass("jstree-grid-cell jstree-grid-cell-regular jstree-grid-cell-root-"+rootid+" jstree-grid-cell-"+classAdd+" "+wcl+ " " + wideValClass + (tr?" ui-state-default":"")).addClass("jstree-grid-col-"+i).addClass("jstree-animated"); // add click handler for clicking inside a grid cell last.click(cellClickHandler(tree,t,val,col,this)); last.on("contextmenu",cellRightClickHandler(tree,t,val,col,this)); last.hover(hoverInHandler(t, this), hoverOutHandler(t, this)); if (title) { span.attr("title",title); } tree.trigger("render_cell.jstree-grid", [{value: val, column: col.header, node: t, sourceName: col.value}]); } last.addClass("jstree-grid-cell-last"+(tr?" ui-state-default":"")); // if there is no width given for the last column, do it via automatic if (cols[cols.length-1].width === undefined) { last.addClass("jstree-grid-width-auto").next(".jstree-grid-separator").remove(); } } this.element.css({'overflow-y':'auto !important'}); }; // clean up holding cells this.holdingCells = {}; // need to do alternating background colors or borders }; }));