/* ImageViewer v 1.1.3 Author: Sudhanshu Yadav Copyright (c) 2015-2016 to Sudhanshu Yadav - ignitersworld.com , released under the MIT license. Demo on: http://ignitersworld.com/lab/imageViewer.html */ /*** picture view plugin ****/ (function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; //an empty function var noop = function () {}; var $body = $('body'), $window = $(window), $document = $(document); //constants var ZOOM_CONSTANT = 15; //increase or decrease value for zoom on mouse wheel var MOUSE_WHEEL_COUNT = 5; //A mouse delta after which it should stop preventing default behaviour of mouse wheel //ease out method /* t : current time, b : intial value, c : changed value, d : duration */ function easeOutQuart(t, b, c, d) { t /= d; t--; return -c * (t * t * t * t - 1) + b; }; // http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ // http://my.opera.com/emoller/blog/2011/12/20/requestanimationframe-for-smart-er-animating // requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller // fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel (function () { var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']; for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback, element) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function () { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (id) { clearTimeout(id); }; }()); //function to check if image is loaded function imageLoaded(img) { return img.complete && (typeof img.naturalWidth === 'undefined' || img.naturalWidth !== 0); } var imageViewHtml = '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; //add a full screen view $(function () { if(!$body.length) $body = $('body'); $body.append('
' + imageViewHtml + '
'); }); function Slider(container, options) { this.container = container; this.onStart = options.onStart || noop; this.onMove = options.onMove || noop; this.onEnd = options.onEnd || noop; this.sliderId = options.sliderId || 'slider' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000000); } Slider.prototype.init = function () { var self = this, container = this.container, eventSuffix = '.' + this.sliderId; //assign event on snap image wrap this.container.on('touchstart' + eventSuffix + ' mousedown' + eventSuffix, function (estart) { estart.preventDefault(); var touchMove = (estart.type == "touchstart" ? "touchmove" : "mousemove") + eventSuffix, touchEnd = (estart.type == "touchstart" ? "touchend" : "mouseup") + eventSuffix, eOrginal = estart.originalEvent, sx = eOrginal.clientX || eOrginal.touches[0].clientX, sy = eOrginal.clientY || eOrginal.touches[0].clientY; var start = self.onStart(estart, { x: sx, y: sy }); if (start === false) return; var moveListener = function (emove) { emove.preventDefault(); eOrginal = emove.originalEvent; //get the cordinates var mx = eOrginal.clientX || eOrginal.touches[0].clientX, my = eOrginal.clientY || eOrginal.touches[0].clientY; self.onMove(emove, { dx: mx - sx, dy: my - sy, mx: mx, my: my }); }; var endListener = function () { $document.off(touchMove, moveListener); $document.off(touchEnd, endListener); self.onEnd(); }; $document.on(touchMove, moveListener); $document.on(touchEnd, endListener); }); return this; } function ImageViewer(container, options) { var self = this; if (container.is('#iv-container')) { self._fullPage = true; } self.container = container; options = self.options = $.extend({}, ImageViewer.defaults, options); self.zoomValue = 100; if (!container.find('.snap-view').length) { container.prepend(imageViewHtml); } container.addClass('iv-container'); if (container.css('position') == 'static') container.css('position', 'relative'); self.snapView = container.find('.iv-snap-view'); self.snapImageWrap = container.find('.iv-snap-image-wrap'); self.imageWrap = container.find('.iv-image-wrap'); self.snapHandle = container.find('.iv-snap-handle'); self.zoomHandle = container.find('.iv-zoom-handle'); self._viewerId = 'iv' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); } ImageViewer.prototype = { constructor: ImageViewer, _init: function () { var viewer = this, options = viewer.options, zooming = false, // tell weather we are zooming trough touch container = this.container; var eventSuffix = '.' + viewer._viewerId; //cache dom refrence var snapHandle = this.snapHandle; var snapImgWrap = this.snapImageWrap; var imageWrap = this.imageWrap; var snapSlider = new Slider(snapImgWrap, { sliderId: viewer._viewerId, onStart: function () { if (!viewer.loaded) return false; var handleStyle = snapHandle[0].style; this.curHandleTop = parseFloat(handleStyle.top); this.curHandleLeft = parseFloat(handleStyle.left); this.handleWidth = parseFloat(handleStyle.width); this.handleHeight = parseFloat(handleStyle.height); this.width = snapImgWrap.width(); this.height = snapImgWrap.height(); //stop momentum on image clearInterval(imageSlider.slideMomentumCheck); cancelAnimationFrame(imageSlider.sliderMomentumFrame); }, onMove: function (e, position) { var xPerc = this.curHandleLeft + position.dx * 100 / this.width, yPerc = this.curHandleTop + position.dy * 100 / this.height; xPerc = Math.max(0, xPerc); xPerc = Math.min(100 - this.handleWidth, xPerc); yPerc = Math.max(0, yPerc); yPerc = Math.min(100 - this.handleHeight, yPerc); var containerDim = viewer.containerDim, imgWidth = viewer.imageDim.w * (viewer.zoomValue / 100), imgHeight = viewer.imageDim.h * (viewer.zoomValue / 100), imgLeft = imgWidth < containerDim.w ? (containerDim.w - imgWidth) / 2 : -imgWidth * xPerc / 100, imgTop = imgHeight < containerDim.h ? (containerDim.h - imgHeight) / 2 : -imgHeight * yPerc / 100; snapHandle.css({ top: yPerc + '%', left: xPerc + '%' }) viewer.currentImg.css({ left: imgLeft, top: imgTop }) } }).init(); /*Add slide interaction to image*/ var imageSlider = viewer._imageSlider = new Slider(imageWrap, { sliderId: viewer._viewerId, onStart: function (e, position) { if (!viewer.loaded) return false; if (zooming) return; var self = this; snapSlider.onStart(); self.imgWidth = viewer.imageDim.w * viewer.zoomValue / 100; self.imgHeight = viewer.imageDim.h * viewer.zoomValue / 100; self.positions = [position, position]; self.startPosition = position; //clear all animation frame and interval viewer._clearFrames(); self.slideMomentumCheck = setInterval(function () { if (!self.currentPos) return; self.positions.shift(); self.positions.push({ x: self.currentPos.mx, y: self.currentPos.my }) }, 50); }, onMove: function (e, position) { if (zooming) return; this.currentPos = position; snapSlider.onMove(e, { dx: -position.dx * snapSlider.width / this.imgWidth, dy: -position.dy * snapSlider.height / this.imgHeight }); }, onEnd: function () { if (zooming) return; var self = this; var xDiff = this.positions[1].x - this.positions[0].x, yDiff = this.positions[1].y - this.positions[0].y; function momentum() { if (step <= 60) { self.sliderMomentumFrame = requestAnimationFrame(momentum); } positionX = positionX + easeOutQuart(step, xDiff / 3, -xDiff / 3, 60); positionY = positionY + easeOutQuart(step, yDiff / 3, -yDiff / 3, 60) snapSlider.onMove(null, { dx: -((positionX) * snapSlider.width / self.imgWidth), dy: -((positionY) * snapSlider.height / self.imgHeight) }); step++; } if (Math.abs(xDiff) > 30 || Math.abs(yDiff) > 30) { var step = 1, positionX = self.currentPos.dx, positionY = self.currentPos.dy; momentum(); } } }).init(); /*Add zoom interation in mouse wheel*/ var changedDelta = 0; imageWrap.on("mousewheel" + eventSuffix + " DOMMouseScroll" + eventSuffix, function (e) { if(!options.zoomOnMouseWheel) return; if (!viewer.loaded) return; //clear all animation frame and interval viewer._clearFrames(); // cross-browser wheel delta var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta || -e.originalEvent.detail))), zoomValue = viewer.zoomValue * (100 + delta * ZOOM_CONSTANT) / 100; if(!(zoomValue >= 100 && zoomValue <= options.maxZoom)){ changedDelta += Math.abs(delta); } else{ changedDelta = 0; } if(changedDelta > MOUSE_WHEEL_COUNT) return; e.preventDefault(); var contOffset = container.offset(), x = (e.pageX || e.originalEvent.pageX) - contOffset.left, y = (e.pageY || e.originalEvent.pageY) - contOffset.top; viewer.zoom(zoomValue, { x: x, y: y }); //show the snap viewer showSnapView(); }); //apply pinch and zoom feature imageWrap.on('touchstart' + eventSuffix, function (estart) { if (!viewer.loaded) return; var touch0 = estart.originalEvent.touches[0], touch1 = estart.originalEvent.touches[1]; if (!(touch0 && touch1)) { return; } zooming = true; var contOffset = container.offset(); var startdist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touch1.pageX - touch0.pageX, 2) + Math.pow(touch1.pageY - touch0.pageY, 2)), startZoom = viewer.zoomValue, center = { x: ((touch1.pageX + touch0.pageX) / 2) - contOffset.left, y: ((touch1.pageY + touch0.pageY) / 2) - contOffset.top } var moveListener = function (emove) { emove.preventDefault(); var touch0 = emove.originalEvent.touches[0], touch1 = emove.originalEvent.touches[1], newDist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touch1.pageX - touch0.pageX, 2) + Math.pow(touch1.pageY - touch0.pageY, 2)), zoomValue = startZoom + (newDist - startdist) / 2; viewer.zoom(zoomValue, center); }; var endListener = function () { $document.off('touchmove', moveListener); $document.off('touchend', endListener); zooming = false; }; $document.on('touchmove', moveListener); $document.on('touchend', endListener); }); //handle double tap for zoom in and zoom out var touchtime = 0, point; imageWrap.on('click' + eventSuffix, function (e) { if (touchtime == 0) { touchtime = Date.now(); point = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }; } else { if ((Date.now() - touchtime) < 500 && Math.abs(e.pageX - point.x) < 50 && Math.abs(e.pageY - point.y) < 50) { if (viewer.zoomValue == options.zoomValue) { viewer.zoom(200) } else { viewer.resetZoom() } touchtime = 0; } else { touchtime = 0; } } }); //zoom in zoom out using zoom handle var slider = viewer.snapView.find('.iv-zoom-slider'); var zoomSlider = new Slider(slider, { sliderId: viewer._viewerId, onStart: function (eStart) { if (!viewer.loaded) return false; this.leftOffset = slider.offset().left; this.handleWidth = viewer.zoomHandle.width(); this.onMove(eStart); }, onMove: function (e, position) { var newLeft = (e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX) - this.leftOffset - this.handleWidth / 2; newLeft = Math.max(0, newLeft); newLeft = Math.min(viewer._zoomSliderLength, newLeft); var zoomValue = 100 + (options.maxZoom - 100) * newLeft / viewer._zoomSliderLength; viewer.zoom(zoomValue); } }).init(); //display snapView on interaction var snapViewTimeout, snapViewVisible; function showSnapView(noTimeout) { if(!options.snapView) return; if (snapViewVisible || viewer.zoomValue <= 100 || !viewer.loaded) return; clearTimeout(snapViewTimeout); snapViewVisible = true; viewer.snapView.css('opacity', 1); if (!noTimeout) { snapViewTimeout = setTimeout(function () { viewer.snapView.css('opacity', 0); snapViewVisible = false; }, 4000); } } imageWrap.on('touchmove' + eventSuffix + ' mousemove' + eventSuffix, function () { showSnapView(); }); var snapEventsCallback = {}; snapEventsCallback['mouseenter' + eventSuffix + ' touchstart' + eventSuffix] = function () { snapViewVisible = false; showSnapView(true); }; snapEventsCallback['mouseleave' + eventSuffix + ' touchend' + eventSuffix] = function () { snapViewVisible = false; showSnapView(); }; viewer.snapView.on(snapEventsCallback); //calculate elments size on window resize if (options.refreshOnResize) $window.on('resize' + eventSuffix, function () { viewer.refresh() }); if (viewer._fullPage) { //prevent scrolling the backside if container if fixed positioned container.on('touchmove' + eventSuffix + ' mousewheel' + eventSuffix + ' DOMMouseScroll' + eventSuffix, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); //assign event on close button container.find('.iv-close').on('click' + eventSuffix, function () { viewer.hide(); }); } }, //method to zoom images zoom: function (perc, point) { perc = Math.round(Math.max(100, perc)); perc = Math.min(this.options.maxZoom, perc); point = point || { x: this.containerDim.w / 2, y: this.containerDim.h / 2 }; var self = this, maxZoom = this.options.maxZoom, curPerc = this.zoomValue, curImg = this.currentImg, containerDim = this.containerDim, curLeft = parseFloat(curImg.css('left')), curTop = parseFloat(curImg.css('top')); self._clearFrames(); var step = 0; //calculate base top,left,bottom,right var containerDim = self.containerDim, imageDim = self.imageDim; var baseLeft = (containerDim.w - imageDim.w) / 2, baseTop = (containerDim.h - imageDim.h) / 2, baseRight = containerDim.w - baseLeft, baseBottom = containerDim.h - baseTop; function zoom() { step++; if (step < 20) { self._zoomFrame = requestAnimationFrame(zoom); } var tickZoom = easeOutQuart(step, curPerc, perc - curPerc, 20); var ratio = tickZoom / curPerc, imgWidth = self.imageDim.w * tickZoom / 100, imgHeight = self.imageDim.h * tickZoom / 100, newLeft = -((point.x - curLeft) * ratio - point.x), newTop = -((point.y - curTop) * ratio - point.y); //fix for left and top newLeft = Math.min(newLeft, baseLeft); newTop = Math.min(newTop, baseTop); //fix for right and bottom if((newLeft + imgWidth) < baseRight){ newLeft = baseRight - imgWidth; //newLeft - (newLeft + imgWidth - baseRight) } if((newTop + imgHeight) < baseBottom){ newTop = baseBottom - imgHeight; //newTop + (newTop + imgHeight - baseBottom) } curImg.css({ height: imgHeight + 'px', width: imgWidth + 'px', left: newLeft + 'px', top: newTop + 'px' }); self.zoomValue = tickZoom; self._resizeHandle(imgWidth, imgHeight, newLeft, newTop); //update zoom handle position self.zoomHandle.css('left', ((tickZoom - 100) * self._zoomSliderLength) / (maxZoom - 100) + 'px'); } zoom(); }, _clearFrames: function () { clearInterval(this._imageSlider.slideMomentumCheck); cancelAnimationFrame(this._imageSlider.sliderMomentumFrame); cancelAnimationFrame(this._zoomFrame) }, resetZoom: function () { this.zoom(this.options.zoomValue); }, //calculate dimensions of image, container and reset the image _calculateDimensions: function () { //calculate content width of image and snap image var self = this, curImg = self.currentImg, container = self.container, snapView = self.snapView, imageWidth = curImg.width(), imageHeight = curImg.height(), contWidth = container.width(), contHeight = container.height(), snapViewWidth = snapView.innerWidth(), snapViewHeight = snapView.innerHeight(); //set the container dimension self.containerDim = { w: contWidth, h: contHeight } //set the image dimension var imgWidth, imgHeight, ratio = imageWidth / imageHeight; imgWidth = (imageWidth > imageHeight && contHeight >= contWidth) || ratio * contHeight > contWidth ? contWidth : ratio * contHeight; imgHeight = imgWidth / ratio; self.imageDim = { w: imgWidth, h: imgHeight } //reset image position and zoom curImg.css({ width: imgWidth + 'px', height: imgHeight + 'px', left: (contWidth - imgWidth) / 2 + 'px', top: (contHeight - imgHeight) / 2 + 'px', 'max-width': 'none', 'max-height': 'none' }); //set the snap Image dimension var snapWidth = imgWidth > imgHeight ? snapViewWidth : imgWidth * snapViewHeight / imgHeight, snapHeight = imgHeight > imgWidth ? snapViewHeight : imgHeight * snapViewWidth / imgWidth; self.snapImageDim = { w: snapWidth, h: snapHeight } self.snapImg.css({ width: snapWidth, height: snapHeight }); //calculate zoom slider area self._zoomSliderLength = snapViewWidth - self.zoomHandle.outerWidth(); }, refresh: function () { if (!this.loaded) return; this._calculateDimensions(); this.resetZoom(); }, _resizeHandle: function (imgWidth, imgHeight, imgLeft, imgTop) { var curImg = this.currentImg, imageWidth = imgWidth || this.imageDim.w * this.zoomValue / 100, imageHeight = imgHeight || this.imageDim.h * this.zoomValue / 100, left = Math.max(-(imgLeft || parseFloat(curImg.css('left'))) * 100 / imageWidth, 0), top = Math.max(-(imgTop || parseFloat(curImg.css('top'))) * 100 / imageHeight, 0), handleWidth = Math.min(this.containerDim.w * 100 / imageWidth, 100), handleHeight = Math.min(this.containerDim.h * 100 / imageHeight, 100); this.snapHandle.css({ top: top + '%', left: left + '%', width: handleWidth + '%', height: handleHeight + '%' }); }, show: function (image, hiResImg) { if (this._fullPage) { this.container.show(); if (image) this.load(image, hiResImg); } }, hide: function () { if (this._fullPage) { this.container.hide(); } }, options: function (key, value) { if (!value) return this.options[key]; this.options[key] = value; }, destroy: function (key, value) { var eventSuffix = '.' + this._viewerId; if (this._fullPage) { container.off(eventSuffix); container.find('[class^="iv"]').off(eventSuffix); } else { this.container.remove('[class^="iv"]'); } $window.off(eventSuffix); return null; }, load: function (image, hiResImg) { var self = this, container = this.container; container.find('.iv-snap-image,.iv-large-image').remove(); var snapImageWrap = this.container.find('.iv-snap-image-wrap'); snapImageWrap.prepend(''); this.imageWrap.prepend(''); if (hiResImg) { this.imageWrap.append('') } var currentImg = this.currentImg = this.container.find('.iv-large-image'); this.snapImg = this.container.find('.iv-snap-image'); self.loaded = false; //show loader container.find('.iv-loader').show(); currentImg.hide(); self.snapImg.hide(); //refresh the view function refreshView() { self.loaded = true; self.zoomValue = 100; //reset zoom of images currentImg.show(); self.snapImg.show(); self.refresh(); self.resetZoom(); //hide loader container.find('.iv-loader').hide(); } if (imageLoaded(currentImg[0])) { refreshView(); } else { $(currentImg[0]).on('load', refreshView); } } } ImageViewer.defaults = { zoomValue: 100, snapView: true, maxZoom: 500, refreshOnResize: true, zoomOnMouseWheel : true } window.ImageViewer = function (container, options) { var imgElm, imgSrc, hiResImg; if (!(container && (typeof container == "string" || container instanceof Element || container[0] instanceof Element))) { options = container; container = $('#iv-container'); } container = $(container); if (container.is('img')) { imgElm = container; imgSrc = imgElm[0].src; hiResImg = imgElm.attr('high-res-src') || imgElm.attr('data-high-res-src'); container = imgElm.wrap('
').parent(); imgElm.css({ opacity: 0, position: 'relative', zIndex: -1 }); } else { imgSrc = container.attr('src') || container.attr('data-src'); hiResImg = container.attr('high-res-src') || container.attr('data-high-res-src'); } var viewer = new ImageViewer(container, options); viewer._init(); if (imgSrc) viewer.load(imgSrc, hiResImg); return viewer; }; $.fn.ImageViewer = function (options) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var viewer = window.ImageViewer($this, options); $this.data('ImageViewer', viewer); }); } }((window.jQuery), window, document));