You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
732 B

  1. git+
  2. unicodecsv
  3. unidecode
  4. py3o.template
  5. PyPDF2
  6. py3o.formats
  7. zeep
  8. parse-accept-language
  9. pyquerystring
  10. cerberus==1.3.2
  11. apispec>=4.0.0
  12. marshmallow
  13. marshmallow-objects>=2.0.0
  14. cachetools
  15. boto
  16. pycups
  17. bravado_core
  18. facebook_business
  19. python-telegram-bot
  20. swagger_spec_validator
  21. viberbot
  22. PyMuPDF==1.16.14
  23. factur-x
  24. regex
  25. dateparser==1.1.1
  26. pycairo
  27. rocketchat_API
  28. ovh
  29. weboob
  30. payplug
  31. qrcode
  32. markdownify
  33. requests_oauthlib
  34. pyocclient
  35. cryptography>=2.3
  36. jwcrypto==0.5.0
  37. freezegun
  38. pysaml2
  39. formio-data
  40. pysaml2
  41. odoo_test_helper
  42. python-jose
  43. click-odoo-contrib
  44. python-jose
  45. pdfplumber
  46. openpyxl
  47. PyGithub
  48. caldav
  49. python-stdnum==1.17
  50. vatnumber
  51. pydrive
  52. weboob
  53. dropbox
  54. pysftp
  55. icalendar
  56. jsondiff
  57. extendable-pydantic