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  1. from odoo import models, fields, api, _
  2. from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
  3. class TemporaryExemption(models.TransientModel):
  4. _name = 'beesdoo.shift.temporary_exemption'
  5. _inherit = 'beesdoo.shift.action_mixin'
  6. temporary_exempt_reason_id = fields.Many2one('cooperative.exempt.reason', 'Exempt Reason', required=True)
  7. temporary_exempt_start_date = fields.Date(, required=True)
  8. temporary_exempt_end_date = fields.Date(required=True)
  9. @api.multi
  10. def exempt(self):
  11. self = self._check() #maybe a different group
  12. status_id = self.env['cooperative.status'].search([('cooperator_id', '=',])
  13. if status_id.temporary_exempt_end_date and status_id.temporary_exempt_end_date >=
  14. raise ValidationError(_("You cannot encode new temporary exemption since the previous one are not over yet"))
  15. status_id.sudo().write({
  16. 'temporary_exempt_start_date': self.temporary_exempt_start_date,
  17. 'temporary_exempt_end_date': self.temporary_exempt_end_date,
  18. 'temporary_exempt_reason_id':,
  19. })
  20. self.env['beesdoo.shift.shift'].sudo().unsubscribe_from_today([], today=self.temporary_exempt_start_date, end_date=self.temporary_exempt_end_date)