# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lxml import etree
from openerp import models, exceptions, fields, api from openerp.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from datetime import datetime from lxml import etree
class AttendanceSheetShift(models.Model): _name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet.shift" _description = "Copy of an actual shift into an attendance sheet"
# Related actual shift, not required because doesn't exist for added shift before validation # To update after validation task_id = fields.Many2one("beesdoo.shift.shift", string="Task") attendance_sheet_id = fields.Many2one( "beesdoo.shift.sheet", string="Attendance Sheet", required=True, ondelete="cascade", ) stage = fields.Selection( [ ("present", "Present"), ("absent", "Absent"), ("cancelled", "Cancelled"), ], string="Shift Stage", copy=False, )
worker_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Worker", domain=[ ("eater", "=", "worker_eater"), ("working_mode", "in", ("regular", "irregular")), ("state", "not in", ("unsubscribed", "resigning")), ], required=True, ) task_type_id = fields.Many2one("beesdoo.shift.type", string="Task Type") working_mode = fields.Selection( related="worker_id.working_mode", string="Working Mode", store=True )
def get_actual_stage(self): """
Mapping function returning the actual id of corresponding beesdoo.shift.stage This behavior should be temporary (increases lack of understanding). """
if not self.working_mode or not self.stage: raise UserError( "Impossible to map task status, all values are not set." ) if self.working_mode == "regular": if self.stage == "present": return "done" if self.stage == "absent" and self.compensation_nb: if self.compensation_nb == "0": return "excused_necessity" if self.compensation_nb == "1": return "excused" if self.compensation_nb == "2": return "absent" if self.stage == "cancelled": return "cancel" if self.working_mode == "irregular": if self.stage == "present": return "done" if self.stage == "cancelled": return "cancel" return "absent"
class AttendanceSheetShiftExpected(models.Model): _name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet.expected" _description = "Expected Shift" _inherit = ["beesdoo.shift.sheet.shift"]
compensation_nb = fields.Selection( [("0", "0"), ("1", "1"), ("2", "2")], string="Compensations (if absent)", )
replacement_worker_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Replacement Worker", domain=[ ("eater", "=", "worker_eater"), ("working_mode", "=", "regular"), ("state", "not in", ("unsubscribed", "resigning")), ], )
# The webclient has display issues with this method. @api.onchange("stage") def on_change_stage(self): if self.working_mode == "irregular": if self.stage == "present" or "cancelled": self.compensation_nb = False if self.stage == "absent": self.compensation_nb = "1" if self.working_mode == "regular": if self.stage == "present" or "cancelled": self.compensation_nb = False if self.stage == "absent": self.compensation_nb = "2"
class AttendanceSheetShiftAdded(models.Model): """The added shifts stage must be Present
(add an SQL constraint ?) """
_name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet.added" _description = "Added Shift" _inherit = ["beesdoo.shift.sheet.shift"]
# Change the previously determined two booleans for a more comprehensive field regular_task_type = fields.Selection( [("normal", "Normal"), ("compensation", "Compensation")], string="Task Mode (if regular)", help="Shift type for regular workers. ", )
@api.model def create(self, vals): vals["stage"] = "present" return super(AttendanceSheetShiftAdded, self).create(vals)
@api.onchange("working_mode") def on_change_working_mode(self): self.stage = "present" if self.working_mode == "regular": self.regular_task_type = "compensation" if self.working_mode == "irregular": self.regular_task_type = False
class AttendanceSheet(models.Model): _name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet" _inherit = ["mail.thread", "ir.needaction_mixin"] _description = "Attendance sheets with all the shifts in one time range." _order = "start_time"
name = fields.Char(string="Name", compute="_compute_name", store=True) state = fields.Selection( [ ("not_validated", "Not Validated"), ("validated", "Validated"), ("cancelled", "Cancelled"), ], string="Status", readonly=True, index=True, copy=False, default="not_validated", track_visibility="onchange", )
start_time = fields.Datetime( string="Start Time", required=True, readonly=True ) end_time = fields.Datetime(string="End Time", required=True, readonly=True)
expected_shift_ids = fields.One2many( "beesdoo.shift.sheet.expected", "attendance_sheet_id", string="Expected Shifts", ) added_shift_ids = fields.One2many( "beesdoo.shift.sheet.added", "attendance_sheet_id", string="Added Shifts", )
max_worker_nb = fields.Integer( string="Maximum number of workers", default=0, readonly=True, help="Indicative maximum number of workers for the shifts.", ) expected_worker_nb = fields.Integer( string="Number of expected workers", readonly=True, default=0 ) added_worker_nb = fields.Integer( compute="_compute_added_shift_nb", string="Number of added workers", readonly=True, default=0, )
annotation = fields.Text( "Attendance Sheet annotation", default="", track_visibility="onchange" ) is_annotated = fields.Boolean( compute="_compute_is_annotated", string="Annotation", readonly=True, store=True, ) is_read = fields.Boolean( string="Mark as read", help="Has annotation been read by an administrator ?", default=False, track_visibility="onchange", ) feedback = fields.Text( "Attendance Sheet feedback", track_visibility="onchange" ) worker_nb_feedback = fields.Selection( [ ("not_enough", "Not enough"), ("enough", "Enough"), ("too much", "Too much"), ], string="Feedback regarding the number of workers.", track_visibility="onchange", ) attended_worker_nb = fields.Integer( string="Number of attended workers", default=0, help="Number of workers who attended the session.", ) validated_by = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Validated by", domain=[ ("eater", "=", "worker_eater"), ("super", "=", True), ("working_mode", "=", "regular"), ("state", "not in", ("unsubscribed", "resigning")), ], track_visibility="onchange", )
_sql_constraints = [ ( "check_no_annotation_mark_read", "CHECK ((is_annotated=FALSE AND is_read=FALSE) OR is_annotated=TRUE)", "Non-annotated sheets can't be marked as read. ", ) ]
@api.constrains("expected_shift_ids", "added_shift_ids") def _constrain_unique_worker(self): added_workers = set(self.added_shift_ids.mapped("worker_id").ids) expected_workers = self.expected_shift_ids.mapped("worker_id").ids replacement_workers = self.expected_shift_ids.mapped( "replacement_worker_id" ).ids if len( added_workers.intersection(replacement_workers + expected_workers) ): raise UserError("You can't add an already expected worker.")
@api.depends("added_shift_ids") def _compute_added_shift_nb(self): self.added_worker_nb = len(self.added_shift_ids) return
# Compute name (not hardcorded to prevent incoherence with timezone) # Actually not working, should depends on timezone as well @api.depends("start_time", "end_time") def _compute_name(self):
start_time_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_time) start_time_dt = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, start_time_dt) end_time_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.end_time) end_time_dt = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, end_time_dt)
self.name = ( start_time_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " " + start_time_dt.strftime("%H:%M") + " - " + end_time_dt.strftime("%H:%M") ) return
# Is this method necessary ? @api.depends("annotation") def _compute_is_annotated(self): if self.annotation: self.is_annotated = len(self.annotation) != 0 return
@api.model def create(self, vals): new_sheet = super(AttendanceSheet, self).create(vals)
# Creation and addition of the expected shifts corresponding # to the time range tasks = self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"] tasks = tasks.search( [ ("start_time", "=", new_sheet.start_time), ("end_time", "=", new_sheet.end_time), ] ) expected_shift = self.env["beesdoo.shift.sheet.expected"] task_templates = set() for task in tasks: if task.working_mode == "irregular": compensation_nb = "1" else: compensation_nb = "2" new_expected_shift = expected_shift.create( { "attendance_sheet_id": new_sheet.id, "task_id": task.id, "worker_id": task.worker_id.id, "replacement_worker_id": task.replaced_id.id, "task_type_id": task.task_type_id.id, "stage": "absent", "compensation_nb": compensation_nb, "working_mode": task.working_mode, } ) task_templates.add(task.task_template_id) new_sheet.expected_worker_nb += 1 # Maximum number of workers calculation for task_template in task_templates: new_sheet.max_worker_nb += task_template.worker_nb return new_sheet
# Workaround to display notifications only for unread and not validated # sheets, via a check on domain. @api.model def _needaction_count(self, domain=None): if domain == [ ("is_annotated", "=", True), ("is_read", "=", False), ] or domain == [("state", "=", "not_validated")]: return self.search_count(domain) return
@api.multi def write(self, vals): if self.state == "validated" and not self.env.user.has_group( "beesdoo_shift.group_cooperative_admin" ): raise UserError( "The sheet has already been validated and can't be edited." ) return super(AttendanceSheet, self).write(vals)
@api.one def validate(self): self.ensure_one() if self.state == "validated": raise UserError("The sheet has already been validated.")
shift = self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"] stage = self.env["beesdoo.shift.stage"]
# Fields validation for added_shift in self.added_shift_ids: if ( not added_shift.stage or not added_shift.worker_id or not added_shift.task_type_id or not added_shift.working_mode or ( added_shift.worker_id.working_mode == "regular" and not added_shift.regular_task_type ) ): raise UserError("All fields must be set before validation.")
# Expected shifts status update for expected_shift in self.expected_shift_ids: actual_shift = expected_shift.task_id actual_stage = stage.search( [("code", "=", expected_shift.get_actual_stage())] ) # If the actual stage has been deleted, the sheet is still validated. # Raising an exception would stop this. # How can we show a message without stopping validation ? if actual_stage: actual_shift.stage_id = actual_stage actual_shift.replaced_id = expected_shift.replacement_worker_id
# Added shifts status update for added_shift in self.added_shift_ids: actual_stage = stage.search( [("code", "=", added_shift.get_actual_stage())] ) # WARNING: mapping the selection field to the booleans used in Task is_regular_worker = added_shift.worker_id.working_mode == "regular" is_regular_shift = added_shift.regular_task_type == "normal" # Add an annotation if a regular worker is doing its regular shift if is_regular_shift and is_regular_worker: self.annotation += ( "\n\nWarning : %s attended its shift as a normal one but was not expected." " Something may be wrong in his/her personnal informations.\n" % added_shift.worker_id.name ) # Edit a non-assigned shift or create one if none non_assigned_shifts = shift.search( [ ("worker_id", "=", False), ("start_time", "=", self.start_time), ("end_time", "=", self.end_time), ("task_type_id", "=", added_shift.task_type_id.id) ] )
if len(non_assigned_shifts): actual_shift = non_assigned_shifts[0] actual_shift.write( { "stage_id": actual_stage.id, "worker_id": added_shift.worker_id.id, "stage_id": actual_stage.id, "is_regular": is_regular_shift and is_regular_worker, "is_compensation": not is_regular_shift and is_regular_worker, } ) else: actual_shift = self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"].create( { "name": "Added shift TEST %s" % self.start_time, "task_type_id": added_shift.task_type_id.id, "worker_id": added_shift.worker_id.id, "start_time": self.start_time, "end_time": self.end_time, "stage_id": actual_stage.id, "is_regular": is_regular_shift and is_regular_worker, "is_compensation": not is_regular_shift and is_regular_worker, } ) added_shift.task_id = actual_shift.id
self.state = "validated" return
# @api.multi is needed to call the wizard, but doesn't match @api.one # from the validate() method @api.multi def validate_via_wizard(self): if self.env.user.has_group("beesdoo_shift.group_cooperative_admin"): self.validated_by = self.env.user.partner_id self.validate() return return { "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "res_model": "beesdoo.shift.sheet.validate", "view_type": "form", "view_mode": "form", "target": "new", }