73 lines
3.8 KiB

6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
  1. FROM ubuntu:18.04
  2. ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
  3. # Install the basics
  4. RUN ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels /etc/localtime && \
  5. apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl git postgresql python3-psycopg2 python3-pip && \
  6. dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
  7. # Install wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5
  8. RUN curl -L https://downloads.wkhtmltopdf.org/0.12/0.12.5/wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.bionic_amd64.deb \
  9. --output wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.bionic_amd64.deb && \
  10. (dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.bionic_amd64.deb || apt-get -f install -y) && \
  11. ln -s /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage /usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage && \
  12. ln -s /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf && \
  13. rm -f wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.bionic_amd64.deb
  14. # Node (ubuntu 14 version of node is Old as f*)
  15. RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - && \
  16. apt-get install -y nodejs && \
  17. npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css
  18. RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash odoo
  19. USER odoo
  20. RUN mkdir -p /home/odoo/extra-addons
  21. WORKDIR /home/odoo
  22. RUN git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/OCB.git /home/odoo/odoo -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  23. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/addons.git /home/odoo/addons -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  24. git clone https://github.com/beescoop/Obeesdoo.git /home/odoo/obeesdoo -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  25. git clone https://github.com/OCA/partner-contact.git /home/odoo/partner-contact -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  26. # git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/procurement-addons.git /home/odoo/procurement-addons -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  27. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/vertical-cooperative.git /home/odoo/vertical-cooperative -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  28. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/account-financial-reporting.git /home/odoo/account-financial-reporting -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  29. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/account-financial-tools.git /home/odoo/account-financial-tools -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  30. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/bank-payment.git /home/odoo/bank-payment -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  31. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/l10n-belgium.git /home/odoo/l10n-belgium -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  32. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/mis-builder.git /home/odoo/mis-builder -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  33. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/pos.git /home/odoo/pos -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  34. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/reporting-engine.git /home/odoo/reporting-engine -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  35. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/server-tools.git /home/odoo/server-tools -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  36. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/web.git /home/odoo/web -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  37. git clone https://github.com/coopiteasy/website.git /home/odoo/website -b 12.0 --depth 1 && \
  38. echo "That's all folks!"
  39. USER root
  40. # RUN pip4 install --upgrade pip
  41. # adding dependencies here so that we don't have to rebuild the previous steps if it changes.
  42. # python3 c header files
  43. # pillow dependencies
  44. # more pillow dependencies
  45. # python3-lxml
  46. # python3-ldap
  47. RUN apt-get install -y python3-dev \
  48. libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev \
  49. libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev \
  50. libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev \
  51. libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev
  52. USER odoo
  53. # Installing in user space because system-libraries cannot be uninstalled and conflict.
  54. # Simpler than creating a virtualenv
  55. RUN sed -i '/psycopg2/d' /home/odoo/odoo/requirements.txt && \
  56. sed -i '/python3-ldap/d' /home/odoo/odoo/requirements.txt && \
  57. sed -i '/xlwt/d' /home/odoo/odoo/requirements.txt && \
  58. sed -i '/xlrd/d' /home/odoo/odoo/requirements.txt && \
  59. pip3 install --user -r /home/odoo/odoo/requirements.txt \
  60. -r /home/odoo/reporting-engine/requirements.txt \
  61. -r /home/odoo/server-tools/requirements.txt
  62. WORKDIR /home/odoo/odoo
  63. CMD python3 odoo.py