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  1. <odoo>
  2. <record model="ir.ui.view" id="validate_attendance_sheet_form">
  3. <field name="name">Validate Attendance Sheet</field>
  4. <field name="model">beesdoo.shift.sheet.validate</field>
  5. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  6. <form>
  7. <sheet>
  8. <separator string="Validation" style="position:absolute; top:0px;"/>
  9. <field name="card_support" invisible="1" />
  10. <field name="active_sheet" invisible="1" />
  11. <field name="_barcode_scanned" widget="barcode_handler"/>
  12. <group col="1">
  13. <field name="notes" />
  14. <field name="feedback" />
  15. </group>
  16. <group>
  17. <field name="worker_nb_feedback"/>
  18. </group>
  19. <group string="Login"
  20. attrs="{'invisible': [('card_support', '=', True)]}"
  21. >
  22. <field name="login" />
  23. <field name="password" password="True"/>
  24. </group>
  25. <group string="Scan your card"
  26. attrs="{'invisible': [('card_support', '=', False)]}"
  27. >
  28. <field name="barcode" />
  29. </group>
  30. <field name="warning_regular_workers"
  31. readonly="1"
  32. attrs="{'invisible': [('warning_regular_workers', '=', False)]}"
  33. />
  34. </sheet>
  35. <footer>
  36. <button type="object"
  37. name="validate_sheet"
  38. string="Comment and validate"
  39. class="oe_highlight"
  40. />
  41. <button type="object" name="save"
  42. string="Save" />
  43. <button special="cancel" string="Cancel" />
  44. </footer>
  45. </form>
  46. </field>
  47. </record>
  48. </odoo>