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5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
  1. # This module is, for now, specific to the BEES coop.
  2. # Therefore, this module depends on `beesdo_worker_status`.
  3. # If someone needs this module but has another worker_status rules
  4. # this module can be splitted into a generic part, and a specific part
  5. # that implement the worker_status rules.
  6. {
  7. "name": "Beescoop Shift Attendance Sheet",
  8. "summary": """
  9. Volonteer Timetable Management
  10. Attendance Sheet for BEES coop""",
  11. "description": """
  12. """,
  13. "author": "Elouan Le Bars, Coop It Easy",
  14. "website": "",
  15. "category": "Cooperative management",
  16. "version": "",
  17. "depends": [
  18. "beesdoo_base",
  19. "beesdoo_shift",
  20. "beesdoo_worker_status",
  21. "mail",
  22. "barcodes",
  23. ],
  24. "data": [
  25. "data/system_parameter.xml",
  26. "data/cron.xml",
  27. "data/mail_template.xml",
  28. "security/group.xml",
  29. "security/ir.model.access.csv",
  30. "views/res_config_settings_view.xml",
  31. "wizard/validate_attendance_sheet.xml",
  32. "wizard/generate_missing_attendance_sheets.xml",
  33. "views/attendance_sheet.xml",
  34. ],
  35. "demo": ["demo/users.xml",],
  36. }