<p>You have been recorded as non-attended during your last shift (${format_tz(object.start_time,object.replaced_id.tz or 'Europe/Brussels','%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M')}).
<br/><br/> You were supposed to replace ${object.worker_id.name}. <br/><br/>
% endif
% if object.worker_id:
<p>Hello ${object.worker_id.name},</p>
<p>You have been recorded as non-attended during your last shift (${format_tz(object.start_time,object.worker_id.tz or 'Europe/Brussels','%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M')}).
% endif
% if object.state == 'absent_0':
Super-cooperator assigned you 0 compensation, so you won't have any additionnal shift to do.
% endif
% if object.state == 'absent_1':
Super-cooperator assigned you 1 compensation, so you have to attend another shift.
% endif
% if object.state == 'absent_2':
Super-cooperator assigned you 2 compensations, so you have to attend 2 anothers shifts.
% endif
<br/><br/>Your status have been updated to "${object.worker_id.state}".
<br/><br/>If you have any question regarding this non-attendance, just answer this e-mail.
<p>Cooperatively yours,<br/>
The Members' office volunteers</p>
% if object.worker_id.company_id.street:
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.street2:
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.city or object.worker_id.company_id.zip:
${object.worker_id.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % object.worker_id.company_id.state_id.name) or ''} ${object.worker_id.company_id.country_id.name or ''}<br/>
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.phone:
Phone: ${object.worker_id.company_id.phone}
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.website:
Web : <ahref="${object.worker_id.company_id.website}">${object.worker_id.company_id.website}</a>
<br><br>You have been recorded as non-attended during your last shift (${format_tz(object.start_time,object.replaced_id.tz or 'Europe/Brussels','%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M')}),
and you were supposed to replace ${object.worker_id.name}.
<br><br>Your current status is "${object.worker_id.cooperative_status_ids.get_status_value()}".
% endif
% if not object.replaced_id:
</p><p>Hello ${object.worker_id.name},</p>
<p>You have been recorded as non-attended during your last shift (${format_tz(object.start_time,object.worker_id.tz or 'Europe/Brussels','%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M')}).
<br><br>Your current status is "${object.worker_id.cooperative_status_ids.get_status_value()}".
% endif
% if object.worker_id.working_mode == 'regular':
% if object.state == 'absent_0':
<br><br>Super-cooperator assigned you 0 compensation, so you won't have any additionnal shift to do before your next regular shift.
% endif
% if object.state == 'absent_1':
<br><br>Super-cooperator assigned you 1 compensation, so you have to attend one additionnal shift before your next regular shift.
% endif
% if object.state == 'absent_2':
<br><br>Super-cooperator assigned you 2 compensations, so you have to attend two additionnal shifts before your next regular shift.
% endif
% endif
% if object.worker_id.working_mode == 'irregular':
Your shift counter is ${object.worker_id.cooperative_status_ids.sr}.
You should be at a minimum of 0 before the ${object.worker_id.cooperative_status_ids.future_alert_date}.
% endif
<br>If you have any question regarding this non-attendance, just answer this e-mail.
<p>Cooperatively yours,<br>
The Members' office volunteers</p>
% if object.worker_id.company_id.street:
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.street2:
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.city or object.worker_id.company_id.zip:
${object.worker_id.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % object.worker_id.company_id.state_id.name) or ''} ${object.worker_id.company_id.country_id.name or ''}<br>
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.phone:
Phone: ${object.worker_id.company_id.phone}
% endif
% if object.worker_id.company_id.website:
Web : <ahref="${object.worker_id.company_id.website}">${object.worker_id.company_id.website}</a>