8 changed files with 489 additions and 441 deletions
@ -1,228 +1,167 @@ |
from odoo import models, fields, api, SUPERUSER_ID |
# Copyright 2020 Coop IT Easy SCRL fs |
# Robin Keunen <robin@coopiteasy.be> |
# Vincent Van Rossem <vincent@coopiteasy.be> |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). |
from odoo import models, fields, api, _ |
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError |
class ComputedPurchaseOrder(models.Model): |
_description = 'Computed Purchase Order' |
_name = 'computed.purchase.order' |
_order = 'id desc' |
name = fields.Char( |
string='CPO Reference', |
size=64, |
default='New') |
_description = "Computed Purchase Order" |
_name = "computed.purchase.order" |
_order = "id desc" |
name = fields.Char(string="CPO Reference", default=_("New")) |
order_date = fields.Datetime( |
string='Purchase Order Date', |
string="Purchase Order Date", |
default=fields.Datetime.now, |
help="Depicts the date where the Quotation should be validated and converted into a purchase order.") # noqa |
help="Date at which the Quotation should be validated and " |
"converted into a purchase order.", |
) |
date_planned = fields.Datetime( |
string='Date Planned' |
string="Date Planned", |
default=fields.Datetime.now, # default=lambda _: fields.Datetime.now() |
) |
supplier_id = fields.Many2one( |
'res.partner', |
string='Supplier', |
comodel_name="res.partner", |
string="Supplier", |
readonly=True, |
help="Supplier of the purchase order.") |
order_line_ids = fields.One2many( |
'computed.purchase.order.line', |
'computed_purchase_order_id', |
string='Order Lines', |
help="Supplier of the purchase order.", |
) |
cpo_line_ids = fields.One2many( |
comodel_name="computed.purchase.order.line", |
inverse_name="cpo_id", |
string="Order Lines", |
) |
total_amount = fields.Float( |
string='Total Amount (w/o VAT)', |
compute='_compute_cpo_total', |
store=True, |
string="Total Amount (w/o VAT)", compute="_compute_cpo_total" |
) |
generated_purchase_order_ids = fields.One2many( |
'purchase.order', |
'original_cpo_id', |
string='Generated Purchase Orders', |
comodel_name="purchase.order", |
inverse_name="original_cpo_id", |
string="Generated Purchase Orders", |
) |
generated_po_count = fields.Integer( |
string='Generated Purchase Order count', |
compute='_compute_generated_po_count', |
string="Generated Purchase Order count", |
compute="_compute_generated_po_count", |
) |
@api.multi |
@api.depends("cpo_line_ids", "cpo_line_ids.purchase_quantity") |
def _compute_cpo_total(self): |
for cpo in self: |
total_amount = sum(cpol.subtotal for cpol in cpo.cpo_line_ids) |
cpo.total_amount = total_amount |
@api.model |
def default_get(self, fields_list): |
record = super(ComputedPurchaseOrder, self).default_get(fields_list) |
record['date_planned'] = self._get_default_date_planned() |
record['supplier_id'] = self._get_selected_supplier_id() |
record['order_line_ids'] = self._create_order_lines() |
record['name'] = self._compute_default_name() |
return record |
def _get_default_date_planned(self): |
return fields.Datetime.now() |
def _get_selected_supplier_id(self): |
""" |
Calcule le vendeur associé qui a la date de début la plus récente et |
plus petite qu’aujourd’hui pour chaque article sélectionné. |
Will raise an error if more than two sellers are set |
""" |
if 'active_ids' not in self.env.context: |
return False |
product_ids = self.env.context['active_ids'] |
products = self.env['product.template'].browse(product_ids) |
suppliers = set() |
for product in products: |
main_supplier_id = product.main_supplier_id.id |
suppliers.add(main_supplier_id) |
if len(suppliers) == 0: |
raise ValidationError('No supplier is set for selected articles.') |
def _get_selected_supplier(self): |
product_ids = self.env.context.get("active_ids", []) |
products = self.env["product.template"].browse(product_ids) |
suppliers = products.mapped("main_supplier_id") |
if not suppliers: |
raise ValidationError("No supplier is set for selected articles.") |
elif len(suppliers) == 1: |
return suppliers.pop() |
return suppliers |
else: |
raise ValidationError( |
'You must select article from a single supplier.') |
def _create_order_lines(self): |
product_tmpl_ids = self._get_selected_products() |
cpol_ids = [] |
OrderLine = self.env['computed.purchase.order.line'] |
for product_id in product_tmpl_ids: |
cpol = OrderLine.create( |
{'computed_purchase_order_id': self.id, |
'product_template_id': product_id, |
} |
"You must select article from a single supplier." |
) |
# should ideally be set in cpol defaults |
cpol.purchase_quantity = cpol.minimum_purchase_qty |
cpol_ids.append(cpol.id) |
return cpol_ids |
def _compute_default_name(self): |
supplier_id = self._get_selected_supplier_id() |
if supplier_id: |
supplier_name = ( |
self.env['res.partner'] |
.browse(supplier_id) |
.name) |
name = 'CPO {} {}'.format( |
supplier_name, |
fields.Date.today()) |
else: |
name = 'New' |
return name |
def _get_selected_products(self): |
if 'active_ids' in self.env.context: |
return self.env.context['active_ids'] |
else: |
return [] |
@api.multi |
def _compute_generated_po_count(self): |
for cpo in self: |
cpo.generated_po_count = len(cpo.generated_purchase_order_ids) |
@api.multi |
def get_generated_po_action(self): |
self.ensure_one() |
@api.model |
def generate_cpo(self): |
order_line_obj = self.env["computed.purchase.order.line"] |
product_ids = self.env.context.get("active_ids", []) |
supplier = self._get_selected_supplier() |
name = "CPO {} {}".format(supplier.name, fields.Date.today()) |
cpo = self.create({"name": name, "supplier_id": supplier.id}) |
for product_id in product_ids: |
supplierinfo = self.env["product.supplierinfo"].search( |
[ |
("product_tmpl_id", "=", product_id), |
("name", "=", supplier.id), |
] |
) |
min_qty = supplierinfo.min_qty if supplierinfo else 0 |
order_line_obj.create( |
{ |
"cpo_id": cpo.id, |
"product_template_id": product_id, |
"purchase_quantity": min_qty, |
} |
) |
action = { |
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', |
'res_model': 'purchase.order', |
'view_mode': 'tree,form,kanban', |
'target': 'current', |
'domain': [('id', 'in', self.generated_purchase_order_ids.ids)], |
"type": "ir.actions.act_window", |
"res_model": "computed.purchase.order", |
"views": [[False, "form"]], |
# "view_mode": "form,tree", |
# "view_type": "form", |
# "target": "current", |
"res_id": cpo.id, |
} |
return action |
@api.depends('order_line_ids.subtotal') |
@api.multi |
def _compute_cpo_total(self): |
for cpo in self: |
total_amount = sum(cpol.subtotal for cpol in cpo.order_line_ids) |
cpo.total_amount = total_amount |
@api.multi |
def create_purchase_order(self): |
self.ensure_one() |
if sum(self.order_line_ids.mapped('purchase_quantity')) == 0: |
raise ValidationError('You need at least a product to generate ' |
'a Purchase Order') |
if sum(self.cpo_line_ids.mapped("purchase_quantity")) == 0: |
raise ValidationError( |
"You need at least a product to generate " "a Purchase Order" |
) |
PurchaseOrder = self.env['purchase.order'] |
PurchaseOrderLine = self.env['purchase.order.line'] |
purchase_order = self.env["purchase.order"].create( |
{ |
"date_order": self.order_date, |
"partner_id": self.supplier_id.id, |
"date_planned": self.date_planned, |
} |
) |
po_values = { |
'name': 'New', |
'date_order': self.order_date, |
'partner_id': self.supplier_id.id, |
'date_planned': self.date_planned, |
} |
purchase_order = PurchaseOrder.create(po_values) |
for cpo_line in self.order_line_ids: |
for cpo_line in self.cpo_line_ids: |
if cpo_line.purchase_quantity > 0: |
if cpo_line.supplierinfo_id.product_code: |
pol_name = '[%s] %s' % (cpo_line.supplierinfo_id.product_code, cpo_line.name) |
else: |
pol_name = cpo_line.name |
pol_values = { |
'name': pol_name, |
'product_id': cpo_line.get_default_product_product().id, |
'product_qty': cpo_line.purchase_quantity, |
'price_unit': cpo_line.product_price, |
'product_uom': cpo_line.uom_po_id.id, |
'order_id': purchase_order.id, |
'date_planned': self.date_planned, |
} |
pol = PurchaseOrderLine.create(pol_values) |
pol = self.env["purchase.order.line"].create( |
{ |
"name": cpo_line.name, |
"product_id": cpo_line.product_template_id.product_variant_id.id, |
"product_qty": cpo_line.purchase_quantity, |
"price_unit": cpo_line.product_price, |
"product_uom": cpo_line.uom_po_id.id, |
"order_id": purchase_order.id, |
"date_planned": self.date_planned, |
} |
) |
pol.compute_taxes_id() |
self.generated_purchase_order_ids += purchase_order |
action = { |
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', |
'res_model': 'purchase.order', |
'res_id': purchase_order.id, |
'view_type': 'form', |
'view_mode': 'form', |
'target': 'current', |
"type": "ir.actions.act_window", |
"res_model": "purchase.order", |
"res_id": purchase_order.id, |
"view_type": "form", |
"view_mode": "form,tree", |
"target": "current", |
} |
return action |
class PurchaseOrderLine(models.Model): |
_inherit = 'purchase.order.line' |
@api.multi |
def compute_taxes_id(self): |
for pol in self: |
if self.env.uid == SUPERUSER_ID: |
company_id = self.env.user.company_id.id |
else: |
company_id = self.company_id.id |
fpos_id = ( |
self.env['account.fiscal.position'] |
.with_context(company_id=company_id) |
.get_fiscal_position(pol.partner_id.id) |
) |
fpos = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].browse(fpos_id) |
pol.order_id.fiscal_position_id = fpos |
taxes = self.product_id.supplier_taxes_id |
taxes_id = fpos.map_tax(taxes) if fpos else taxes |
if taxes_id: |
taxes_id = taxes_id.filtered( |
lambda t: t.company_id.id == company_id) |
@api.depends("generated_purchase_order_ids") |
def _compute_generated_po_count(self): |
for cpo in self: |
cpo.generated_po_count = len(cpo.generated_purchase_order_ids) |
pol.taxes_id = taxes_id |
@api.multi |
def get_generated_po_action(self): |
self.ensure_one() |
action = { |
"type": "ir.actions.act_window", |
"res_model": "purchase.order", |
"view_mode": "tree,form,kanban", |
"target": "current", |
"domain": [("id", "in", self.generated_purchase_order_ids.ids)], |
} |
return action |
@ -1,11 +1,45 @@ |
from odoo import models, fields |
# Copyright 2020 Coop IT Easy SCRL fs |
# Robin Keunen <robin@coopiteasy.be> |
# Vincent Van Rossem <vincent@coopiteasy.be> |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). |
from odoo import models, fields, api, SUPERUSER_ID |
class PurchaseOrder(models.Model): |
_inherit = "purchase.order" |
original_cpo_id = fields.Many2one( |
'computed.purchase.order', |
string='Original CPO', |
help='CPO used to generate this Purchase Order' |
"computed.purchase.order", |
string="Original CPO", |
help="CPO used to generate this Purchase Order", |
) |
class PurchaseOrderLine(models.Model): |
_inherit = "purchase.order.line" |
@api.multi |
def compute_taxes_id(self): |
for pol in self: |
if self.env.uid == SUPERUSER_ID: |
company_id = self.env.user.company_id.id |
else: |
company_id = self.company_id.id |
fpos_id = ( |
self.env["account.fiscal.position"] |
.with_context(company_id=company_id) |
.get_fiscal_position(pol.partner_id.id) |
) |
fpos = self.env["account.fiscal.position"].browse(fpos_id) |
pol.order_id.fiscal_position_id = fpos |
taxes = self.product_id.supplier_taxes_id |
taxes_id = fpos.map_tax(taxes) if fpos else taxes |
if taxes_id: |
taxes_id = taxes_id.filtered( |
lambda t: t.company_id.id == company_id |
) |
pol.taxes_id = taxes_id |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
from . import test_cpo |
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ |
# Copyright (C) 2019 - Today: GRAP (http://www.grap.coop) |
# @author: Robin Keunen <robin@coopiteasy.be> |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). |
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase, Form |
class TestCPO(TransactionCase): |
def setUp(self): |
super().setUp() |
self.supplier = self.browse_ref("base.res_partner_1") |
self.pproduct1 = self.browse_ref("product.product_product_25") |
self.ptemplate1 = self.pproduct1.product_tmpl_id |
self.pproduct2 = self.browse_ref("product.product_delivery_02") |
self.ptemplate2 = self.pproduct2.product_tmpl_id |
def test_generate_cpo(self): |
supplierinfo_obj = self.env["product.supplierinfo"] |
supplierinfo = supplierinfo_obj.search( |
[ |
("name", "=", self.supplier.id), |
("product_tmpl_id", "=", self.ptemplate1.id), |
] |
) |
supplierinfo2 = supplierinfo_obj.search( |
[ |
("name", "=", self.supplier.id), |
("product_tmpl_id", "=", self.ptemplate2.id), |
] |
) |
cpo_obj = self.env["computed.purchase.order"] |
cpo_action = cpo_obj.with_context( |
active_ids=[self.ptemplate1.id] |
).generate_cpo() |
cpo = cpo_obj.browse(cpo_action["res_id"]) |
cpol = cpo.cpo_line_ids # expect one line |
self.assertEquals(cpo.supplier_id, self.supplier) |
self.assertEquals(cpol.product_template_id, self.ptemplate1) |
self.assertEquals(cpol.product_price, supplierinfo.price) |
self.assertEquals(cpol.purchase_quantity, supplierinfo.min_qty) |
# testing triggers |
expected_subtotal = supplierinfo.price * supplierinfo.min_qty |
self.assertEquals(cpol.subtotal, expected_subtotal) |
cpol.purchase_quantity = 4 |
expected_subtotal = supplierinfo.price * 4 |
self.assertEquals(cpol.subtotal, expected_subtotal) |
cpo_form = Form(cpo) |
with cpo_form.cpo_line_ids.edit(index=0) as line_form: |
line_form.product_template_id = self.ptemplate2 |
self.assertEquals(line_form.product_template_id, self.ptemplate2) |
cpo = cpo_form.save() |
cpol = cpo.cpo_line_ids |
expected_subtotal = supplierinfo2.price * supplierinfo2.min_qty |
self.assertEquals(cpol.product_price, supplierinfo2.price) |
self.assertEquals(cpol.purchase_quantity, supplierinfo2.min_qty) |
self.assertEquals(cpol.subtotal, expected_subtotal) |
def test_generate_po(self): |
cpo_obj = self.env["computed.purchase.order"] |
cpo_action = cpo_obj.with_context( |
active_ids=[self.ptemplate1.id, self.ptemplate2.id] |
).generate_cpo() |
cpo = cpo_obj.browse(cpo_action["res_id"]) |
po_action = cpo.create_purchase_order() |
po = self.env["purchase.order"].browse(po_action["res_id"]) |
self.assertEquals(cpo.supplier_id, po.partner_id) |
self.assertEquals(len(cpo.cpo_line_ids), len(po.order_line)) |
lines = zip( |
cpo.cpo_line_ids.sorted(lambda l: l.product_template_id), |
po.order_line.sorted(lambda l: l.product_id.product_tmpl_id), |
) |
for cpol, pol in lines: |
self.assertEquals( |
cpol.product_template_id, pol.product_id.product_tmpl_id |
) |
self.assertEquals(cpol.purchase_quantity, pol.product_qty) |
@ -1,115 +1,118 @@ |
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<!-- views--> |
<!-- views--> |
<!--tree--> |
<record id="computed_purchase_order_tree" model="ir.ui.view"> |
<field name="name">computed.purchase.order.tree</field> |
<field name="model">computed.purchase.order</field> |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
<tree> |
<field name="name"/> |
<field name="supplier_id"/> |
<field name="order_date"/> |
<field name="date_planned"/> |
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<record id="computed_purchase_order_tree" model="ir.ui.view"> |
<field name="name">computed.purchase.order.tree</field> |
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<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
<tree> |
<field name="name"/> |
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<field name="model">computed.purchase.order</field> |
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<header> |
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name="create_purchase_order" |
string="Create Purchase Order" |
class="oe_highlight"/> |
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</group> |
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type="object" |
icon="fa-shopping-cart" |
name="get_generated_po_action" |
help="Generated Purchase Orders" > |
<field string="Purchase orders" |
name="generated_po_count" |
widget="statinfo"/> |
</button> |
</div> |
</group> |
<field name="order_line_ids"> <!--context="{'cpo_seller_id': supplier_id}"> --> |
<tree name="order_lines" string="Order Lines" editable='bottom'> |
<field name="product_template_id"/> <!--domain="[('main_seller_id', '=', cpo_seller_id)]"/> --> |
<field name="qty_available" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="virtual_available" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="uom_id" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="daily_sales" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="stock_coverage" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="virtual_coverage" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="product_price" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="uom_po_id" readonly='1'/> |
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</form> |
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</record> |
<!-- filters--> |
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<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
<search> |
<field name="supplier_id"/> |
</search> |
</field> |
</record> |
<!-- Menu item --> |
<record id="action_computed_purchase_order" model="ir.actions.act_window"> |
<field name="name">Computed Purchase Orders</field> |
<field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field> |
<field name="res_model">computed.purchase.order</field> |
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field> |
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parent="purchase.menu_procurement_management" |
action="action_computed_purchase_order"/> |
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<field name="model">computed.purchase.order</field> |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
<form> |
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<button type="object" |
name="create_purchase_order" |
string="Create Purchase Order" |
class="oe_highlight"/> |
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<group> |
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<field name="supplier_id"/> |
<field name="order_date"/> |
<field name="date_planned"/> |
<field name="total_amount"/> |
<field name="generated_purchase_order_ids" |
invisible='1'/> |
</group> |
<div name="buttons" class="oe_right oe_button_box"> |
<button class="oe_inline oe_stat_button" |
type="object" |
icon="fa-shopping-cart" |
name="get_generated_po_action" |
help="Generated Purchase Orders"> |
<field string="Purchase orders" |
name="generated_po_count" |
widget="statinfo"/> |
</button> |
</div> |
</group> |
<field name="cpo_line_ids"> <!--context="{'cpo_seller_id': supplier_id}"> --> |
<tree name="order_lines" string="Order Lines" |
editable='bottom'> |
<field name="product_template_id"/> <!--domain="[('main_seller_id', '=', cpo_seller_id)]"/> --> |
<field name="qty_available" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="virtual_available" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="uom_id" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="daily_sales" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="stock_coverage" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="virtual_coverage" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="product_price" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="uom_po_id" readonly='1'/> |
<field name="purchase_quantity"/> |
<field name="subtotal" readonly='1'/> |
</tree> |
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</sheet> |
</form> |
</field> |
</record> |
<!-- filters--> |
<record id="computed_purchase_order_filter" model="ir.ui.view"> |
<field name="model">computed.purchase.order</field> |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
<search> |
<field name="supplier_id"/> |
</search> |
</field> |
</record> |
<!-- Menu item --> |
<record id="action_computed_purchase_order" model="ir.actions.act_window"> |
<field name="name">Computed Purchase Orders</field> |
<field name="res_model">computed.purchase.order</field> |
</record> |
<menuitem id="computed_purchase_order" |
parent="purchase.menu_procurement_management" |
action="action_computed_purchase_order"/> |
<!-- Actions --> |
<act_window id="action_view_form_computed_purchase_order" |
name="Compute Purchase Order" |
src_model="product.template" |
res_model="computed.purchase.order" |
view_mode="form" |
view_id="computed_purchase_order_form" |
target="current" |
key2="client_action_multi" |
/> |
<record id="action_generate_cpo" model="ir.actions.server"> |
<field name="name">Compute Purchase Order</field> |
<field name="model_id" ref="model_computed_purchase_order"/> |
<field name="binding_model_id" ref="product.model_product_template"/> |
<field name="state">code</field> |
<field name="code"> |
model.generate_cpo() |
</field> |
</record> |
<menuitem id='menu_testing' name='Testing' sequence="100" |
parent="purchase.menu_procurement_management" |
action="action_generate_cpo"/> |
</odoo> |
Reference in new issue