Thibault Francois
[CHANGE] -1 instead of -2 when not attempting a shift, -2 only when alert time is not set, remove alert time only once you reach +1
6 years ago
Thibault Francois
[CHANGE] Change the computation for unsubscribed status of irregular worker
They become unsubscribe when the regular counter fall under a value that can be define in parameter
[FIX] don't show unsubscribed or resigning worker in the list of worker you can assign on a shift
6 years ago
Thibault Francois
[TASK 48l] take irregular worker holidays into account: Don't change counterduring cron when they are on holidays
6 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD][TASK 0048j]
Cooperative status des personnes archivées à archiver aussi
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[IMP][TASK 0048i] Statut a jour mais pas de créneau - cannot shop?
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[FIX] Irregular worker in holiday cannot shop
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[FIX] Regular worker in holiday cannot shop
7 years ago
Rémy Taymans
[ADD] beesdoo_shift: Future alert date
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] 0048g- Statut démissionnaire: possible when unscribed to check the box resigning, the cooperator will be in a specific status resigning
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] beesdoo_shift: S0048 temporary exemption
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[FIX] fix 'typo' self instead of rec
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] Implement status management for irregular worker
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
FIX stage status sequence
FIX default value for today on status
FIX default value for stage_id that allow to manually create shift
ADD un subscribed from shift during holidays
ADD Cannot subscribe to new holidays when you've already planned some holidays and they are not over yet
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[IMP] Can make mistake in status change, the counter change get revert and only the change needed by the new stage get applied
7 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] Holiday wizard
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[IMP] Holiday end with and end day rater then a nb of days after the start
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] extension wizard + [CLEAN] Abstract class for all wizard related to action on the cooperative status
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[IMP] improve order of cooperative status
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] Add unsubscribe wizard
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] Mechanism to change counter according to presence to shift or not + Option to not launch status mechanism
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[ADD] Compute state of cooperative based on their shift presence
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[TASK 0044_b] Gestion des shifts : visualiser le créneau sur la fiche du membre régulier + [ADD] Tab worker information for all information linked with the work in the cooperative + [ADD] share type for beescoop + [ADD] Specific module that make the link between beesdoo and easy_my_coop : compute the share_type base on the share bought
8 years ago
Thibault Francois
[S0047] Faire le suivi des inscriptions aux séances info/inscriptions shifts
8 years ago