250 Commits (9f77ec8158af9d78390288101293e830c983eaa9)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Rémy Taymans b148a1e830 [ADD][TASK s0010] Eaters for owners of B share 8 years ago
Thibault Francois f079d7addd [FIX] [0024-Bug] cannot set two times the same responsible 8 years ago
Thibault Francois c78b62a374 [CLEAN] Format xml file + Change position of cooperator type 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 4d02b63623 [FIX] use existing field for cooperator type + [CLEAN] hide useless tab for physical person 8 years ago
Houssine BAKKALI 1ae11e4576 Merge pull request #17 from houssine78/9.0 8 years ago
houssine 7f94562d37 [IMP] remove print 8 years ago
Houssine BAKKALI f945e5e473 Merge pull request #16 from houssine78/9.0 8 years ago
houssine d405574c58 [IMP] implement barcode generation for price to weight barcode module of 8 years ago
houssine d144367cd1 [ADD] add module that allows the pos to compute the weight base on the 8 years ago
Houssine BAKKALI 02c7f9a582 [ADD] add tehcnical feature module 8 years ago
Houssine BAKKALI 4443f7e59d Merge pull request #15 from beescoop/houssine78-technical-feature 8 years ago
Houssine BAKKALI a6ce347b46 [ADD] add module activating technical feature 8 years ago
Thibault Francois b8cd7c008a [TASK 0044_b] Gestion des shifts : visualiser le créneau sur la fiche du membre régulier + [ADD] Tab worker information for all information linked with the work in the cooperative + [ADD] share type for beescoop + [ADD] Specific module that make the link between beesdoo and easy_my_coop : compute the share_type base on the share bought 8 years ago
Thibault Francois f8946332d7 [FIX] Can see user as super cooperator 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 818115d353 [ADD] hide subscribe button is not worker 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 03e1787d9f [FIX] Import crelan use user lang to convert str balance to float 8 years ago
Thibault Francois db2f8986cd [S0047] Faire le suivi des inscriptions aux séances info/inscriptions shifts 8 years ago
Rémy Taymans 726bd15be0 [ADD][TASK s0048a] working mode 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 3c6ee31e41 [ADD] Beescard 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 4feac37930 [FIX] Duplicate coin value in order to not forget set coin value 8 years ago
EliseDup 46becbcb2c [ADD][TASK 0047] Faire le suivi des inscriptions aux séances info/inscriptions shifts 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 37f0f50ae4 [REM] remove old module needed for migration from asbl to beescoop 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 977f9dda06 [FIX] Warning on runbot 8 years ago
Thibault Francois d500a62f60 [FIX] Button should take two column 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 0f340e5bf2 [FIX] xpath in beesdoo_purchase 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 476a136ebc [FIX] Crelan, add md5 hash of the communication in order to avoid collision 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 57d8fe90ed [FIX] Change the right field 8 years ago
Thibault Francois addcd070b6 [CHANGE] Make date planned editable 8 years ago
Thibault Francois a6829cf8e7 [S0004-bis] 0004-bis - Cash Opening Balance - afficher le total 8 years ago
tfrancoi b688266c67 [S0046] 0046 - Faciliter la réception de marchandises: Add a button to copy all qty in done column at reception 8 years ago
tfrancoi 55bef1a484 [S0011C] add menu to manage label + field active 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 9fe5f9e466 [CLEAN] Remove pyc file and fix the compute field 8 years ago
Houssine BAKKALI f7a8d406f2 Merge pull request #14 from houssine78/9.0 8 years ago
Houssine BAKKALI e305cd9fe5 add pos_access_right module from la louve 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 1eac5c3a5a [ADD] Mass editing module 8 years ago
Thibault Francois b0f4e3c4d2 [TASK] Modifier les noms des PDF générés par "action imprimer" (bons de commande, factures) 8 years ago
Thibault Francois c497ff2731 [FIX][TASK] Bug pour enlever un mangeur d'un travailleur : Découplage du parent travailleur et des contacts 8 years ago
Thibault Francois b56148a4b6 Remove Add commande@bees-coop.be as follower 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 3424f103e2 [ADD] info on super cooperaive status on res.partner, it's not meant to be change here 8 years ago
EliseDup 8e777d2c9e Add eater in pos + do not allow to create a new customer 8 years ago
Thibault Francois dfbe871ab0 [ADD] Improve Shift management 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 362a5e0c25 [FIX] Change naming of button on planning to avoid confusion 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 274018ed8c [ADD] beesdoo_shift module, first version of the module to manage shifts 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 641220c64a [FIX] Bug S10, wizard should be a transient model 8 years ago
Thibault Francois 86e9574aca [REVIEW] Change onchange to new api 8 years ago
EliseDup 7c6a7ff4ac Bug Portal Access Management : only the contacts are displayed, not the partner itself ? 8 years ago
Thibault Francois b2f2b287b8 [MERGE][S0023] Articles: Prix htva et prix de vente suggéré automatique 8 years ago
EliseDup 807166e7d9 S0043 : Create a new barcode rule for beescoop product (with prefix 043), and add a button to generate a barcode for a product if it does not have one yet 8 years ago
Thibault Francois e3337f972d [MERGE][S0041] Date obligatoire pour une facture 8 years ago
EliseDup 4415002e52 S0041 : add date_invoice as required in vendor bills view 8 years ago