# Copyright 2020 Coop IT Easy SCRL fs # Robin Keunen # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import models, fields, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class ProductTemplate(models.Model): _inherit = "product.template" @api.multi @api.constrains("computation_range") def _check_computation_range(self): for template in self: if template.computation_range <= 0: raise ValidationError( _("Computation range must be greater than 0.") ) computation_range = fields.Integer("Computation range (days)", default=14) range_sales = fields.Float( string="Sales over Range", compute="_compute_stock_coverage" ) daily_sales = fields.Float( string="Daily Sales", compute="_compute_stock_coverage" ) stock_coverage = fields.Float( string="Stock Coverage (days)", compute="_compute_stock_coverage" ) @api.multi def _compute_stock_coverage(self): query = """ select template.id as product_template_id, sum(pol.qty) as total_sales, sum(pol.qty) / template.computation_range as daily_sales from pos_order_line pol join pos_order po ON pol.order_id = po.id join product_product product ON pol.product_id = product.id join product_template template ON product.product_tmpl_id = template.id where po.state in ('done', 'invoiced', 'paid') and template.active and po.date_order BETWEEN now() - template.computation_range * interval '1 days' and now() and template.id in %(template_ids)s group by product_template_id """ self.env.cr.execute(query, {"template_ids": tuple(self.ids)}) results = {pid: (qty, avg) for pid, qty, avg in self.env.cr.fetchall()} for template in self: qty, avg = results.get(template.id, (0, 0)) template.range_sales = qty template.daily_sales = avg if avg != 0: template.stock_coverage = template.virtual_available / avg else: template.stock_coverage = 9999 @api.model def cron_compute_stock_coverage(self): templates = self.env["product.template"].search([]) templates._compute_stock_coverage()