=================================== Keyboard support in Point Of Sale =================================== The module allows to apply the usual keyboard (not the virtual one) in the Point of Sale. Credits ======= Contributors ------------ * `Ivan Yelizariev `__ * `Kolushov Alexandr `__ Sponsors -------- * `IT-Projects LLC `__ Maintainers ----------- * `IT-Projects LLC `__ To get a guaranteed support you are kindly requested to purchase the module at `odoo apps store `__. Thank you for understanding! `IT-Projects Team `__ Further information =================== Demo: http://runbot.it-projects.info/demo/pos-addons/10.0 HTML Description: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/pos_keyboard/ Usage instructions: ``_ Changelog: ``_ Tested on Odoo 10.0 78ba90d54826c2ba11626e9a89b142964db25e2f