odoo.define('pos_keyboard.pos', function (require) { "use strict"; var core = require('web.core'); var models = require('point_of_sale.models'); var screens = require('point_of_sale.screens'); var _super_posmodel = models.PosModel.prototype; models.PosModel = models.PosModel.extend({ initialize: function (session, attributes) { this.keypad = new Keypad({'pos': this}); return _super_posmodel.initialize.call(this, session, attributes); } }); screens.NumpadWidget.include({ start: function() { this._super(); var self = this; this.pos.keypad.set_action_callback(function(data){ self.keypad_action(data, self.pos.keypad.type); }); }, keypad_action: function(data, type){ if (data.type === type.numchar){ this.state.appendNewChar(data.val); } else if (data.type === type.bmode) { this.state.changeMode(data.val); } else if (data.type === type.sign){ this.clickSwitchSign(); } else if (data.type === type.backspace){ this.clickDeleteLastChar(); } } }); screens.PaymentScreenWidget.include({ show: function(){ this._super(); this.pos.keypad.disconnect(); }, hide: function(){ this._super(); this.pos.keypad.connect(); } }); // this module mimics a keypad-only cash register. Use connect() and // disconnect() to activate and deactivate it. var Keypad = core.Class.extend({ init: function(attributes){ this.pos = attributes.pos; /*this.pos_widget = this.pos.pos_widget;*/ this.type = { numchar: 'number, dot', bmode: 'quantity, discount, price', sign: '+, -', backspace: 'backspace' }; this.data = { type: undefined, val: undefined }; this.action_callback = undefined; }, save_callback: function(){ this.saved_callback_stack.push(this.action_callback); }, restore_callback: function(){ if (this.saved_callback_stack.length > 0) { this.action_callback = this.saved_callback_stack.pop(); } }, set_action_callback: function(callback){ this.action_callback = callback }, //remove action callback reset_action_callback: function(){ this.action_callback = undefined; }, // starts catching keyboard events and tries to interpret keystrokes, // calling the callback when needed. connect: function(){ var self = this; // --- additional keyboard ---// var KC_PLU = 107; // KeyCode: + or - (Keypad '+') var KC_QTY = 111; // KeyCode: Quantity (Keypad '/') var KC_AMT = 106; // KeyCode: Price (Keypad '*') var KC_DISC = 109; // KeyCode: Discount Percentage [0..100] (Keypad '-') // --- basic keyboard --- // var KC_PLU_1 = 83; // KeyCode: sign + or - (Keypad 's') var KC_QTY_1 = 81; // KeyCode: Quantity (Keypad 'q') var KC_AMT_1 = 80; // KeyCode: Price (Keypad 'p') var KC_DISC_1 = 68; // KeyCode: Discount Percentage [0..100] (Keypad 'd') var KC_BACKSPACE = 8; // KeyCode: Backspace (Keypad 'backspace') var kc_lookup = { 48: '0', 49: '1', 50: '2', 51: '3', 52: '4', 53: '5', 54: '6', 55: '7', 56: '8', 57: '9', 80: 'p', 83: 's', 68: 'd', 190: '.', 81: 'q', 96: '0', 97: '1', 98: '2', 99: '3', 100: '4', 101: '5', 102: '6', 103: '7', 104: '8', 105: '9', 106: '*', 107: '+', 109: '-', 110: '.', 111: '/' }; //usb keyboard keyup event var rx = /INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA/i; var ok = false; var timeStamp = 0; $('body').on('keyup', '', function (e){ var statusHandler = !rx.test(e.target.tagName) || e.target.disabled || e.target.readOnly; if (statusHandler){ var is_number = false; var type = self.type; var buttonMode = { qty: 'quantity', disc: 'discount', price: 'price' }; var token = e.keyCode; if ((token >= 96 && token <= 105 || token == 110) || (token >= 48 && token <= 57 || token == 190)) { self.data.type = type.numchar; self.data.val = kc_lookup[token]; is_number = true; ok = true; } else if (token == KC_PLU || token == KC_PLU_1) { self.data.type = type.sign; ok = true; } else if (token == KC_QTY || token == KC_QTY_1) { self.data.type = type.bmode; self.data.val = buttonMode.qty; ok = true; } else if (token == KC_AMT || token == KC_AMT_1) { self.data.type = type.bmode; self.data.val = buttonMode.price; ok = true; } else if (token == KC_DISC || token == KC_DISC_1) { self.data.type = type.bmode; self.data.val = buttonMode.disc; ok = true; } else if (token == KC_BACKSPACE) { self.data.type = type.backspace; ok = true; } else { self.data.type = undefined; self.data.val = undefined; ok = false; } if (is_number) { if (timeStamp + 50 > new Date().getTime()) { ok = false; } } timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); setTimeout(function(){ if (ok) {self.action_callback(self.data);} }, 50); } }); }, // stops catching keyboard events disconnect: function(){ $('body').off('keyup', '') } }); return { Keypad: Keypad }; });