# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from openerp import models, fields, api from openerp.exceptions import Warning from openerp.addons.import_base.import_framework import * from openerp.addons.import_base.mapper import * class odoo_connection_data(models.TransientModel): _name = 'beesdoo.import.asbl' @api.multi def migrate(self): imp = migration_framework(self, self.env.cr, self.env.uid, "Odoo", 'beesdoo.import.asbl', dict(self.env.context)) imp.launch_import() class migration_framework(import_framework): black_list_field = { } tables = ['product.category', 'product.uom', 'product.uom.categ', 'pos.category', 'res.partner', 'product.template', 'product.supplierinfo', ] table_domain = { 'res.partner' : [('supplier', '=', True), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], 'product.template' : ['|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)] } def initialize(self): self.connection = self.obj.env['import.odoo.connection'].search([], limit=1) self.set_table_list(self.tables) print self.connection.name def _get_field(self, model): fields = ['id'] for mapper_object in self.get_mapping()[model.model_name]['map'].values(): if isinstance(mapper_object, basestring): fields.append(mapper_object) else: fields.extend(mapper_object.get_fields()) print "read field", fields return fields def res_to_dict(self, fields, datas): datas = datas['datas'] res = [] for data in datas: data_dict = {} for i, field in enumerate(fields): data_dict[field] = data[i] res.append(data_dict) return res def get_data(self, table): con = self.connection._get_connection() obj = con.get_model(table) fields = self._get_field(obj) ids = obj.search(self.table_domain.get(table, [])) datas = obj.export_data(ids, fields, context={'lang' : 'fr_BE'}) return self.res_to_dict(fields, datas) def _generate_xml_id(self, name, table): """ @param name: name of the object, has to be unique in for a given table @param table : table where the record we want generate come from @return: a unique xml id for record, the xml_id will be the same given the same table and same name To be used to avoid duplication of data that don't have ids """ return name def get_mapping(self): return { 'product.category': { 'model' : 'product.category', 'dependencies' : [], 'map' : { 'name' : 'name', 'parent_id/id_parent' : 'parent_id/id', 'type' : 'type', } }, 'product.uom.categ' : { 'model' : 'product.uom.categ', 'dependencies' : [], 'map' : { 'name' : 'name', } }, 'product.uom': { 'model' : 'product.uom', 'dependencies' : ['product.uom.categ'], 'map' : { 'name' : 'name', 'category_id/id' : 'category_id/id', 'rounding' : 'rounding', 'uom_type' : 'uom_type', 'factor' : 'factor', 'factor_inv' : 'factor_inv', } }, 'pos.category': { 'model' : 'pos.category', 'dependencies' : [], 'map' : { 'id' : 'id', 'name' : 'name', 'parent_id/id_parent' : 'parent_id/id', } }, 'res.partner': { 'model' : 'res.partner', 'dependencies' : [], 'map' : { 'active' : 'active', 'barcode' : 'barcode', 'birthdate' : 'birthdate', 'city' : 'city', 'comment' : 'comment', 'company_type' : 'company_type', 'contact_address' : 'contact_address', 'country_id/id' : 'country_id/id', 'email' : 'email', 'employee' : 'employee', 'fax' : 'fax', 'first_name' : 'first_name', 'function' : 'function', 'is_company' : 'is_company', 'lang' : 'lang', 'last_name' : 'last_name', 'mobile' : 'mobile', 'name' : 'name', 'parent_id/id_parent' : 'parent_id/id', 'phone' : 'phone', 'ref' : 'ref', 'street' : 'street', 'street2' : 'street2', 'supplier' : 'supplier', 'website' : 'website', 'zip' : 'zip', 'supplier' : 'supplier', 'customer' : 'customer', 'vat' : 'vat', } }, 'beesdoo.product.label' : { 'model' : 'beesdoo.product.label', 'dependencies' : [], 'map' : { 'color_code' : 'color_code', 'name' : 'name', 'type' : 'type', } }, 'product.template': { 'model' : 'product.template', 'dependencies' : ['pos.category', 'product.category', 'beesdoo.product.label'], 'map' : { 'active' : 'active', 'available_in_pos' : 'available_in_pos', 'barcode' : 'barcode', 'categ_id/id' : 'categ_id/id', 'default_code' : 'default_code', 'description' : 'description', 'description_picking' : 'description_picking', 'description_purchase' : 'description_purchase', 'description_sale' : 'description_sale', 'eco_label/id' : 'eco_label/id', 'fair_label/id' : 'fair_label/id', 'invoice_policy' : 'invoice_policy', 'local_label/id' : 'local_label/id', 'name' : 'name', 'origin_label/id' : 'origin_label/id', 'pos_categ_id/id' : 'pos_categ_id/id', 'purchase_ok' : 'purchase_ok', 'sale_delay' : 'sale_delay', 'sale_ok' : 'sale_ok', 'standard_price' : 'standard_price', 'supplier_taxes_id/id' : 'supplier_taxes_id/id', #Taxes problème 'taxes_id/id' : 'taxes_id/id', 'to_weight' : 'to_weight', 'type' : 'type', 'uom_id/id' : 'uom_id/id', 'uom_po_id/id' : 'uom_po_id/id', 'weight' : 'weight', 'list_price' : 'list_price', } }, 'product.supplierinfo': { 'model' : 'product.supplierinfo', 'dependencies' : ['product.template'], 'map' : { 'delay' : 'delay', 'min_qty' : 'min_qty', 'name/id' : 'name/id', 'price' : 'price', 'product_code' : 'product_code', 'product_name' : 'product_name', 'product_uom/id' : 'product_uom/id', 'date_start' : 'date_start', 'date_end' : 'date_end', 'product_tmpl_id/id': 'product_tmpl_id/id', } }, }