# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from lxml import etree from openerp import _, api, exceptions, fields, models from openerp.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError class AttendanceSheetShift(models.AbstractModel): _name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet.shift" _description = "Copy of an actual shift into an attendance sheet" _order = "task_type_id, worker_name" @api.model def default_task_type_id(self): parameters = self.env["ir.config_parameter"] id = int( parameters.get_param( "beesdoo_shift.default_task_type_id", default=1 ) ) task_types = self.env["beesdoo.shift.type"] return task_types.browse(id) # Related actual shift task_id = fields.Many2one("beesdoo.shift.shift", string="Task") attendance_sheet_id = fields.Many2one( "beesdoo.shift.sheet", string="Attendance Sheet", required=True, ondelete="cascade", ) state = fields.Selection( [ ("done", "Present"), ("absent_0", "Absent - 0 Compensation"), ("absent_1", "Absent - 1 Compensation"), ("absent_2", "Absent - 2 Compensations"), ], string="Shift State", required=True, ) worker_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Worker", domain=[ ("eater", "=", "worker_eater"), ("working_mode", "in", ("regular", "irregular")), ("state", "not in", ("unsubscribed", "resigning")), ], required=True, ) worker_name = fields.Char(related="worker_id.name", store=True) task_type_id = fields.Many2one( "beesdoo.shift.type", string="Task Type", default=default_task_type_id ) working_mode = fields.Selection( related="worker_id.working_mode", string="Working Mode" ) # The two exclusive booleans are gathered in a simple one is_compensation = fields.Boolean( string="Compensation shift ?", help="Only for regular workers" ) class AttendanceSheetShiftExpected(models.Model): """ Shifts already expected. """ _name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet.expected" _description = "Expected Shift" _inherit = ["beesdoo.shift.sheet.shift"] super_coop_id = fields.Many2one( related="task_id.super_coop_id", store=True ) replaced_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Replacement Worker", help="Replacement Worker (must be regular)", domain=[ ("eater", "=", "worker_eater"), ("working_mode", "=", "regular"), ("state", "not in", ("unsubscribed", "resigning")), ], ) @api.onchange("replaced_id") def on_change_replacement_worker(self): if self.replaced_id: self.state = "done" class AttendanceSheetShiftAdded(models.Model): """ Shifts added during time slot. """ _name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet.added" _description = "Added Shift" _inherit = ["beesdoo.shift.sheet.shift"] state = fields.Selection(default="done") @api.onchange("working_mode") def on_change_working_mode(self): self.state = "done" self.is_compensation = self.working_mode == "regular" class AttendanceSheet(models.Model): _name = "beesdoo.shift.sheet" _inherit = [ "mail.thread", "ir.needaction_mixin", "barcodes.barcode_events_mixin", ] _description = "Attendance sheet" _order = "start_time" name = fields.Char(string="Name", compute="_compute_name") time_slot = fields.Char( string="Time Slot", compute="_compute_time_slot", store=True, readonly=True, ) active = fields.Boolean(string="Active", default=1) state = fields.Selection( [("not_validated", "Not Validated"), ("validated", "Validated"),], string="State", readonly=True, index=True, default="not_validated", track_visibility="onchange", ) start_time = fields.Datetime( string="Start Time", required=True, readonly=True ) end_time = fields.Datetime(string="End Time", required=True, readonly=True) day = fields.Date(string="Day", compute="_compute_day", store=True) day_abbrevation = fields.Char( string="Day Abbrevation", compute="_compute_day_abbrevation" ) week = fields.Char( string="Week", help="Computed from planning name", compute="_compute_week", ) expected_shift_ids = fields.One2many( "beesdoo.shift.sheet.expected", "attendance_sheet_id", string="Expected Shifts", ) added_shift_ids = fields.One2many( "beesdoo.shift.sheet.added", "attendance_sheet_id", string="Added Shifts", ) max_worker_no = fields.Integer( string="Maximum number of workers", default=0, readonly=True, help="Indicative maximum number of workers.", ) notes = fields.Text( "Notes", default="", help="Notes about the attendance for the Members Office", ) is_annotated = fields.Boolean( compute="_compute_is_annotated", string="Is annotated", readonly=True, store=True, ) is_read = fields.Boolean( string="Mark as read", help="Has notes been read by an administrator ?", default=False, track_visibility="onchange", ) feedback = fields.Text("Comments about the shift") worker_nb_feedback = fields.Selection( [ ("not_enough", "Not enough workers"), ("enough", "Enough workers"), ("too_many", "Too many workers"), ], string="Was your team big enough ?", ) validated_by = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Validated by", domain=[ ("eater", "=", "worker_eater"), ("super", "=", True), ("working_mode", "=", "regular"), ("state", "not in", ("unsubscribed", "resigning")), ], track_visibility="onchange", readonly=True, ) _sql_constraints = [ ( "check_not_annotated_mark_as_read", "CHECK ((is_annotated=FALSE AND is_read=FALSE) OR is_annotated=TRUE)", _("Non-annotated sheets can't be marked as read."), ) ] @api.depends("start_time", "end_time") def _compute_time_slot(self): for rec in self: start_time_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(rec.start_time) start_time_dt = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp( rec, start_time_dt ) end_time_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(rec.end_time) end_time_dt = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(rec, end_time_dt) rec.time_slot = ( start_time_dt.strftime("%H:%M") + "-" + end_time_dt.strftime("%H:%M") ) @api.depends("start_time", "end_time", "week", "day_abbrevation") def _compute_name(self): for rec in self: start_time_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(rec.start_time) start_time_dt = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp( rec, start_time_dt ) name = "[%s] " % fields.Date.to_string(start_time_dt) if rec.week: name += rec.week + " " if rec.day_abbrevation: name += rec.day_abbrevation + " " if rec.time_slot: name += "(%s)" % rec.time_slot rec.name = name @api.depends("start_time") def _compute_day(self): for rec in self: rec.day = fields.Date.from_string(rec.start_time) @api.depends("expected_shift_ids") def _compute_day_abbrevation(self): """ Compute Day Abbrevation from Planning Name of first expected shift with one. """ for rec in self: for shift in rec.expected_shift_ids: if shift.task_id.task_template_id.day_nb_id.name: rec.day_abbrevation = ( shift.task_id.task_template_id.day_nb_id.name ) @api.depends("expected_shift_ids") def _compute_week(self): """ Compute Week Name from Planning Name of first expected shift with one. """ for rec in self: for shift in rec.expected_shift_ids: if shift.task_id.planning_id.name: rec.week = shift.task_id.planning_id.name @api.depends("notes") def _compute_is_annotated(self): for rec in self: if rec.notes: rec.is_annotated = bool(rec.notes.strip()) @api.constrains("expected_shift_ids", "added_shift_ids") def _constrain_unique_worker(self): # Warning : map return generator in python3 (for Odoo 12) added_ids = [s.worker_id.id for s in self.added_shift_ids] expected_ids = [s.worker_id.id for s in self.expected_shift_ids] replacement_ids = [ s.replaced_id.id for s in self.expected_shift_ids if s.replaced_id.id ] ids = added_ids + expected_ids + replacement_ids if (len(ids) - len(set(ids))) > 0: raise UserError( _( "You can't add the same worker more than once to an attendance sheet." ) ) @api.constrains( "expected_shift_ids", "added_shift_ids", "notes", "feedback", "worker_nb_feedback", ) def _lock_after_validation(self): if self.state == "validated": raise UserError( _("The sheet has already been validated and can't be edited.") ) def on_barcode_scanned(self, barcode): if self.state == "validated": raise UserError( _("A validated attendance sheet can't be modified") ) worker = self.env["res.partner"].search([("barcode", "=", barcode)]) if not len(worker): raise UserError( _( "Worker not found (invalid barcode or status). \nBarcode : %s" ) % barcode ) if len(worker) > 1: raise UserError( _( "Multiple workers are corresponding this barcode. \nBarcode : %s" ) % barcode ) if worker.state == "unsubscribed": shift_counter = ( worker.cooperative_status_ids.sc + worker.cooperative_status_ids.sr ) raise UserError( _( "Beware, your account is frozen because your shift counter " "is at %s. Please contact Members Office to unfreeze it. " "If you want to attend this shift, your supercoop " "can write your name in the notes field during validation." ) % shift_counter ) if worker.state == "resigning": raise UserError( _( "Beware, you are recorded as resigning. " "Please contact member's office if this is incorrect. Thank you." ) ) if worker.working_mode not in ("regular", "irregular"): raise UserError( _("%s is %s and should be regular or irregular.") % (worker.name, worker.working_mode) ) # Expected shifts status update for id in self.expected_shift_ids.ids: shift = self.env["beesdoo.shift.sheet.expected"].browse(id) if ( shift.worker_id == worker and not shift.replaced_id ) or shift.replaced_id == worker: shift.state = "done" return if shift.worker_id == worker and shift.replaced_id: raise UserError( _("%s was expected as replaced.") % worker.name ) is_compensation = worker.working_mode == "regular" added_ids = map(lambda s: s.worker_id.id, self.added_shift_ids) if worker.id not in added_ids: # Added shift creation self.added_shift_ids |= self.added_shift_ids.new( { "task_type_id": self.added_shift_ids.default_task_type_id(), "state": "done", "attendance_sheet_id": self._origin.id, "worker_id": worker.id, "is_compensation": is_compensation, } ) @api.model def create(self, vals): new_sheet = super(AttendanceSheet, self).create(vals) # Creation and addition of the expected shifts corresponding # to the time range tasks = self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"] expected_shift = self.env["beesdoo.shift.sheet.expected"] s_time = fields.Datetime.from_string(new_sheet.start_time) e_time = fields.Datetime.from_string(new_sheet.end_time) # Fix issues with equality check on datetime # by searching on a small intervall instead delta = timedelta(minutes=1) to_string = fields.Datetime.to_string tasks = tasks.search( [ ("start_time", ">", to_string(s_time - delta)), ("start_time", "<", to_string(s_time + delta)), ("end_time", ">", to_string(e_time - delta)), ("end_time", "<", to_string(e_time + delta)), ] ) for task in tasks: if task.worker_id and (task.state != "cancel"): new_expected_shift = expected_shift.create( { "attendance_sheet_id": new_sheet.id, "task_id": task.id, "worker_id": task.worker_id.id, "replaced_id": task.replaced_id.id, "task_type_id": task.task_type_id.id, "state": "absent_2", "working_mode": task.working_mode, "is_compensation": task.is_compensation, } ) # Maximum number of workers calculation (count empty shifts) new_sheet.max_worker_no = len(tasks) return new_sheet @api.multi def button_mark_as_read(self): if self.is_read: raise UserError(_("The sheet has already been marked as read.")) self.is_read = True # Workaround to display notifications only # for unread and not validated sheets, via a check on domain. @api.model def _needaction_count(self, domain=None): if domain == [ ("is_annotated", "=", True), ("is_read", "=", False), ] or domain == [("state", "=", "not_validated")]: return self.search_count(domain) return def _validate(self, user): self.ensure_one() if self.state == "validated": raise UserError("The sheet has already been validated.") # Expected shifts status update for expected_shift in self.expected_shift_ids: actual_shift = expected_shift.task_id actual_shift.replaced_id = expected_shift.replaced_id actual_shift.state = expected_shift.state if expected_shift.state != "done": mail_template = self.env.ref( "beesdoo_shift.email_template_non_attendance", False ) mail_template.send_mail(expected_shift.task_id.id, True) # Added shifts status update for added_shift in self.added_shift_ids: is_regular_worker = added_shift.worker_id.working_mode == "regular" is_compensation = added_shift.is_compensation # Edit a non-assigned shift or create one if none # Fix issues with equality check on datetime # by searching on a small intervall instead delta = timedelta(minutes=1) s_time = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_time) e_time = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.end_time) to_string = fields.Datetime.to_string non_assigned_shifts = self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"].search( [ ("worker_id", "=", False), ("start_time", ">", to_string(s_time - delta)), ("start_time", "<", to_string(s_time + delta)), ("end_time", ">", to_string(e_time - delta)), ("end_time", "<", to_string(e_time + delta)), ("task_type_id", "=", added_shift.task_type_id.id), ], limit=1, ) if len(non_assigned_shifts): actual_shift = non_assigned_shifts[0] else: actual_shift = self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"].create( { "name": _("%s (added)" % self.name), "task_type_id": added_shift.task_type_id.id, "start_time": self.start_time, "end_time": self.end_time, } ) actual_shift.write( { "state": added_shift.state, "worker_id": added_shift.worker_id.id, "is_regular": not is_compensation and is_regular_worker, "is_compensation": is_compensation and is_regular_worker, } ) added_shift.task_id = actual_shift.id self.validated_by = user self.state = "validated" return @api.multi def validate_with_checks(self): self.ensure_one() start_time_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_time) if self.state == "validated": raise UserError(_("The sheet has already been validated.")) if start_time_dt > datetime.now(): raise UserError( _( "Attendance sheet can only be validated once the shifts have started." ) ) # Fields validation for added_shift in self.added_shift_ids: if not added_shift.worker_id: raise UserError( _("Worker name is missing for an added shift.") ) if added_shift.state != "done": raise UserError( _("Shift State is missing or wrong for %s") % added_shift.worker_id.name ) if not added_shift.task_type_id: raise UserError( _("Task Type is missing for %s") % added_shift.worker_id.name ) if not added_shift.working_mode: raise UserError( _("Working mode is missing for %s") % added_shift.worker_id.name ) for expected_shift in self.expected_shift_ids: if not expected_shift.state: raise UserError( _("Shift State is missing for %s") % expected_shift.worker_id.name ) if ( expected_shift.state == "absent" and not expected_shift.compensation_no ): raise UserError( _("Compensation number is missing for %s") % expected_shift.worker_id.name ) # Open a validation wizard only if not admin if self.env.user.has_group("beesdoo_shift.group_cooperative_admin"): if not self.worker_nb_feedback: raise UserError( _("Please give your feedback about the number of workers.") ) self._validate(self.env.user.partner_id) return return { "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "res_model": "beesdoo.shift.sheet.validate", "view_type": "form", "view_mode": "form", "target": "new", } @api.model def _generate_attendance_sheet(self): """ Generate sheets with shifts in the time interval defined from corresponding CRON time interval. """ time_ranges = set() tasks = self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"] sheets = self.env["beesdoo.shift.sheet"] current_time = datetime.now() generation_interval_setting = int( self.env["ir.config_parameter"].get_param( "beesdoo_shift.attendance_sheet_generation_interval" ) ) allowed_time_range = timedelta(minutes=generation_interval_setting) tasks = tasks.search( [ ("start_time", ">", str(current_time),), ("start_time", "<", str(current_time + allowed_time_range),), ] ) for task in tasks: start_time = task.start_time end_time = task.end_time sheets = sheets.search( [("start_time", "=", start_time), ("end_time", "=", end_time),] ) if not sheets: sheet = sheets.create( {"start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time} ) @api.model def _cron_non_validated_sheets(self): sheets = self.env["beesdoo.shift.sheet"] non_validated_sheets = sheets.search( [ ("day", "=", date.today() - timedelta(days=1)), ("state", "=", "not_validated"), ] ) if non_validated_sheets: mail_template = self.env.ref( "beesdoo_shift.email_template_non_validated_sheet", False ) for rec in non_validated_sheets: mail_template.send_mail(rec.id, True)