from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from import float_compare from odoo.exceptions import UserError class AccountInvoice(models.Model): _inherit = "account.invoice" @api.multi def action_invoice_open(self): to_open_invoices = self.filtered(lambda inv: inv.state != "open") if self.user_has_groups( "beesdoo_account." "group_validate_invoice_negative_total_amount" ) and to_open_invoices.filtered( lambda inv: float_compare( inv.amount_total, 0.0, precision_rounding=inv.currency_id.rounding, ) == -1 ): return self.action_invoice_negative_amount_open(to_open_invoices) return super(AccountInvoice, self).action_invoice_open() @api.multi def action_invoice_negative_amount_open(self, to_open_invoices): """Similar to action_invoice_open without UserError on an invoice with a negative total amount""" if to_open_invoices.filtered(lambda inv: not inv.partner_id): raise UserError( _( "The field Vendor is required, please complete it to validate the Vendor Bill." ) ) if to_open_invoices.filtered(lambda inv: inv.state != "draft"): raise UserError( _("Invoice must be in draft state in order to validate it.") ) if to_open_invoices.filtered(lambda inv: not inv.account_id): raise UserError( _( "No account was found to create the invoice, be sure you have installed a chart of account." ) ) to_open_invoices.action_date_assign() to_open_invoices.action_move_create() return to_open_invoices.invoice_validate()