# Copyright 2020 Coop IT Easy SCRL fs # Robin Keunen # Vincent Van Rossem # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import logging from odoo import models, fields, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PurchaseOrderGeneratorLine(models.Model): _description = "Purchase Order Generator Line" _name = "purchase.order.generator.line" name = fields.Char(string="Product Name", compute="_compute_name") cpo_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="purchase.order.generator", string="Purchase Order Generator", ) product_template_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="product.template", string="Linked Product Template", required=True, help="Product", ) purchase_quantity = fields.Float(string="Purchase Quantity", default=0.0) category_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="product.category", string="Internal Category", related="product_template_id.categ_id", read_only=True, ) uom_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="uom.uom", string="Unit of Measure", read_only=True, related="product_template_id.uom_id", help="Default Unit of Measure used for all stock operation.", ) qty_available = fields.Float( string="Stock Quantity", related="product_template_id.qty_available", read_only=True, help="Quantity currently in stock. Does not take " "into account incoming orders.", ) virtual_available = fields.Float( string="Forecast Quantity", related="product_template_id.virtual_available", read_only=True, help="Virtual quantity taking into account current stock, incoming " "orders and outgoing sales.", ) daily_sales = fields.Float( string="Average Consumption", related="product_template_id.daily_sales", read_only=True, ) stock_coverage = fields.Float( string="Stock Coverage", related="product_template_id.stock_coverage", read_only=True, ) uom_po_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="uom.uom", string="Purchase Unit of Measure", read_only=True, related="product_template_id.uom_po_id", help="Default Unit of Measure used for all stock operation.", ) supplierinfo_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="product.supplierinfo", string="Supplier information", compute="_compute_supplierinfo", store=True, readonly=True, ) minimum_purchase_qty = fields.Float( string="Minimum Purchase Quantity", related="supplierinfo_id.min_qty" ) product_price = fields.Float( string="Product Price (w/o VAT)", related="supplierinfo_id.price", help="Supplier Product Price by buying unit. Price is without VAT", ) virtual_coverage = fields.Float( string="Expected Stock Coverage", compute="_compute_coverage_and_subtotal", help="Expected stock coverage (in days) based on current stocks and " "average daily consumption", ) subtotal = fields.Float( string="Subtotal (w/o VAT)", compute="_compute_coverage_and_subtotal" ) @api.multi @api.depends("supplierinfo_id") def _compute_name(self): for cpol in self: if cpol.supplierinfo_id and cpol.supplierinfo_id.product_code: product_code = cpol.supplierinfo_id.product_code product_name = cpol.product_template_id.name cpol_name = "[%s] %s" % (product_code, product_name) else: cpol_name = cpol.product_template_id.name cpol.name = cpol_name @api.multi @api.onchange("product_template_id") def _onchange_purchase_quantity(self): for cpol in self: cpol.purchase_quantity = cpol.minimum_purchase_qty @api.multi @api.depends("purchase_quantity") def _compute_coverage_and_subtotal(self): for cpol in self: cpol.subtotal = cpol.product_price * cpol.purchase_quantity avg = cpol.daily_sales if avg > 0: qty = (cpol.virtual_available / cpol.uom_id.factor) + ( cpol.purchase_quantity / cpol.uom_po_id.factor ) cpol.virtual_coverage = qty / avg else: # todo what would be a good default value? (not float(inf)) cpol.virtual_coverage = 9999 return True @api.multi @api.depends("product_template_id") def _compute_supplierinfo(self): for cpol in self: if not cpol.product_template_id: continue si = self.env["product.supplierinfo"].search( [ ("product_tmpl_id", "=", cpol.product_template_id.id), ("name", "=", cpol.cpo_id.supplier_id.id), ] ) if len(si) == 0: raise ValidationError( _("POG supplier does not sell product {name}").format( name=cpol.product_template_id.name ) ) elif len(si) > 1: _logger.warning( "product {name} has several supplier info set, chose last".format( name=cpol.product_template_id.name ) ) si = si.sorted(key=lambda r: r.create_date, reverse=True) cpol.supplierinfo_id = si[0] @api.constrains("purchase_quantity") def _check_minimum_purchase_quantity(self): for cpol in self: if cpol.purchase_quantity < 0: raise ValidationError( _( "Purchase quantity for {product_name} " "must be greater than 0" ).format(product_name=cpol.product_template_id.name) ) elif 0 < cpol.purchase_quantity < cpol.minimum_purchase_qty: raise ValidationError( _( "Purchase quantity for {product_name} " "must be greater than {min_qty}" ).format( product_name=cpol.product_template_id.name, min_qty=cpol.minimum_purchase_qty, ) )