# This module is, for now, specific to the BEES coop. # Therefore, this module depends on `beesdo_worker_status`. # If someone needs this module but has another worker_status rules # this module can be splitted into a generic part, and a specific part # that implement the worker_status rules. { "name": "Beescoop Shift Attendance Sheet", "summary": """ Volonteer Timetable Management Attendance Sheet for BEES coop""", "author": "Elouan Le Bars, Coop IT Easy SCRLfs", "website": "https://github.com/beescoop/Obeesdoo", "category": "Cooperative management", "version": "", "depends": [ "beesdoo_base", "beesdoo_shift", "beesdoo_worker_status", "mail", "barcodes", ], "data": [ "data/system_parameter.xml", "data/cron.xml", "data/mail_template.xml", "security/group.xml", "security/ir.model.access.csv", "views/res_config_settings_view.xml", "wizard/validate_attendance_sheet.xml", "wizard/generate_missing_attendance_sheets.xml", "views/attendance_sheet.xml", ], "demo": ["demo/users.xml"], "license": "AGPL-3", }