from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError class StatusActionMixin(models.AbstractModel): _name = "beesdoo.shift.action_mixin" _description = "beesdoo.shift.action_mixin" cooperator_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", default=lambda self: self.env["res.partner"].browse( self._context.get("active_id") ), required=True, ) def _check(self, group="beesdoo_shift.group_shift_management"): self.ensure_one() if not self.env.user.has_group(group): raise UserError( _("You don't have the required access for this operation.") ) if ( self.cooperator_id == self.env.user.partner_id and not self.env.user.has_group( "beesdoo_shift.group_cooperative_admin" ) ): raise UserError(_("You cannot perform this operation on yourself")) return self.with_context(real_uid=self._uid) class Subscribe(models.TransientModel): _name = "beesdoo.shift.subscribe" _description = "beesdoo.shift.subscribe" _inherit = "beesdoo.shift.action_mixin" def _get_date(self): date = ( self.env["res.partner"] .browse(self._context.get("active_id")) .info_session_date ) if not date: return else: return date def _get_info_session_date(self): date = ( self.env["res.partner"] .browse(self._context.get("active_id")) .info_session_date ) if date and self._get_info_session_followed(): return date else: return False def _get_info_session_followed(self): session_followed = ( self.env["res.partner"] .browse(self._context.get("active_id")) .info_session ) return session_followed def _get_shift(self): shifts = ( self.env["res.partner"] .browse(self._context.get("active_id")) .subscribed_shift_ids ) if shifts: return shifts[0] return def _get_nb_shifts(self): return len( self.env["res.partner"] .browse(self._context.get("active_id")) .subscribed_shift_ids ) def _get_super(self): return ( self.env["res.partner"] .browse(self._context.get("active_id")) .super ) def _get_mode(self): return ( self.env["res.partner"] .browse(self._context.get("active_id")) .working_mode ) def _get_reset_counter_default(self): partner = self.env["res.partner"].browse( self._context.get("active_id") ) return ( partner.state == "unsubscribed" and partner.working_mode == "regular" ) info_session = fields.Boolean( string="Followed an information session", default=_get_info_session_followed, ) info_session_date = fields.Date( string="Date of information session", default=_get_info_session_date ) super = fields.Boolean(string="Super Cooperator", default=_get_super) working_mode = fields.Selection( [ ("regular", "Regular worker"), ("irregular", "Irregular worker"), ("exempt", "Exempted"), ], default=_get_mode, ) exempt_reason_id = fields.Many2one( "cooperative.exempt.reason", "Exempt Reason" ) shift_id = fields.Many2one("beesdoo.shift.template", default=_get_shift) nb_shifts = fields.Integer( string="Number of shifts", default=_get_nb_shifts ) reset_counter = fields.Boolean(default=_get_reset_counter_default) reset_compensation_counter = fields.Boolean(default=False) unsubscribed = fields.Boolean( default=False, string="Are you sure to remove this cooperator from his subscribed shift ?", ) irregular_start_date = fields.Date( string="Start Date", ) resigning = fields.Boolean( default=False, help="Want to leave the beescoop" ) @api.multi def unsubscribe(self): self = self._check() if not self.unsubscribed: return status_id = self.env["cooperative.status"].search( [("cooperator_id", "=",] ) data = { "unsubscribed": True, "cooperator_id":, "resigning": self.resigning, } if status_id: status_id.sudo().write(data) else: self.env["cooperative.status"].sudo().create(data) @api.multi def subscribe(self): self = self._check() if self.shift_id and self.shift_id.remaining_worker <= 0: raise UserError(_("There is no remaining space for this shift")) if self.shift_id: # Remove existing shift then subscribe to the new shift self.cooperator_id.sudo().write( {"subscribed_shift_ids": [(6, 0, [])]} ) if self.working_mode != "regular": # Remove existing shift then subscribe to the new shift self.cooperator_id.sudo().write({"subscribed_shift_ids": [(5,)]}) data = { "info_session": self.info_session, "info_session_date": self.info_session_date, "working_mode": self.working_mode, "exempt_reason_id":, "super": self.super, "cooperator_id":, "unsubscribed": False, "irregular_start_date": self.irregular_start_date, "irregular_absence_date": False, "irregular_absence_counter": 0, } if self.reset_counter: data["sr"] = 0 data["extension_start_time"] = False data["alert_start_time"] = False data["time_extension"] = 0 if self.reset_compensation_counter: data["sc"] = 0 coop_status_obj = self.env["cooperative.status"] status_id = [("cooperator_id", "=",] ) if status_id: status_id.sudo().write(data) else: status_id = coop_status_obj.sudo().create(data) # Normally the write method is not necessary here. # But it does not work without it. You have to make 2 registration # to a shift to keep information like "Worker mode, session info # ,... status_id.sudo().write(data) return True