# Copyright 2019-2020 Coop IT Easy SCRLfs # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class Partner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" info_session_confirmed = fields.Boolean( string="Confirmed presence to info session", default=False ) is_worker = fields.Boolean( compute="_is_worker", search="_search_worker", readonly=True, related="", ) def _cooperator_share_type(self): """ Return the share.type that correspond to the cooperator_type. """ self.ensure_one() share_type = None if self.cooperator_type: share_type = ( self.env["product.template"].search( [("default_code", "=", self.cooperator_type)] ) )[0] return share_type @api.depends( "share_ids", "share_ids.share_product_id", "share_ids.share_product_id.default_code", "share_ids.share_number", ) def _is_worker(self): """ Return True if the partner can participate tho the shift system. This is defined on the share type. """ for rec in self: share_type = rec._cooperator_share_type() if share_type: rec.is_worker = share_type.allow_working rec.worker_store = share_type.allow_working else: rec.is_worker = False rec.worker_store = False def _search_worker(self, operator, value): return [("worker_store", operator, value)] @api.depends( "cooperative_status_ids", "cooperative_status_ids.status", "cooperative_status_ids.can_shop", "share_ids", "share_ids.share_product_id", "share_ids.share_product_id.default_code", "share_ids.share_number", ) def _compute_can_shop(self): """ Overwrite default behavior to take the owned share into account. """ for rec in self: share_type = rec._cooperator_share_type() if share_type: rec.can_shop = ( rec.cooperative_status_ids.can_shop if rec.is_worker and rec.cooperative_status_ids else share_type.allow_shopping ) else: rec.can_shop = ( rec.cooperative_status_ids.can_shop if rec.is_worker and rec.cooperative_status_ids else False ) @api.constrains("parent_eater_id") def _check_max_parent_eaters(self): """ Check that the parent_eater_id in parnter in self doesn't exceed the maximum eater limit. See also: _check_max_child_eaters() """ for rec in self: if rec.parent_eater_id: share_type = rec.parent_eater_id._cooperator_share_type() if ( share_type and share_type.max_nb_eater_allowed >= 0 and len(rec.parent_eater_id.child_eater_ids) > share_type.max_nb_eater_allowed ): raise ValidationError( _("You can only set %d additional eaters per worker") % share_type.max_nb_eater_allowed ) @api.constrains("child_eater_ids") def _check_max_child_eaters(self): """ Check the maximum number of eaters that can be assigned to a share owner. See also: _check_max_parent_eaters() """ for rec in self: share_type = rec._cooperator_share_type() if ( share_type and share_type.max_nb_eater_allowed >= 0 and len(rec.child_eater_ids) > share_type.max_nb_eater_allowed ): raise ValidationError( _("You can only set %d additional eaters per worker") % share_type.max_nb_eater_allowed )