from datetime import datetime from odoo import api, models, fields from odoo.addons.beesdoo_shift.models.cooperative_status import add_days_delta class TaskType(models.Model): _inherit = "beesdoo.shift.type" super_only = fields.Boolean('Referent Only') class TaskTemplate(models.Model): _inherit = 'beesdoo.shift.template' super_only = fields.Boolean(related="task_type_id.super_only") shift_presence_value = fields.Float(default=1.0) class WizardSubscribe(models.TransientModel): _inherit = 'beesdoo.shift.subscribe' def _get_mode(self): partner = self.env["res.partner"].browse(self._context.get("active_id")) return partner.working_mode or 'irregular' working_mode = fields.Selection(selection=[ ("irregular", "worker"), ("exempt", "Exempted"), ], default=_get_mode) class Task(models.Model): _inherit = 'beesdoo.shift.shift' can_unsubscribe = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_can_unsubscribe") super_only = fields.Boolean(related="task_type_id.super_only") def _get_selection_status(self): return [ ("open","Confirmed"), ("done","Attended"), ("absent","Absent"), ("cancel","Cancelled") ] def _get_counter_date_state_change(self, new_state): """ Return the cooperator_status of the cooperator that need to be change and data that need to be change. It does not perform the change directly. The cooperator_status will be changed by the _change_counter function. Check has been done to ensure that worker is legitimate. """ data = {} status = self.worker_id.cooperative_status_ids[0] if new_state == "done": data['sr'] = self.task_template_id.shift_presence_value or 1.0 return data, status def _compute_can_unsubscribe(self): now = ICP = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo() max_hours = int(ICP.get_param("max_hours_to_unsubscribe", 2)) for rec in self: if now > rec.start_time or rec.state != 'open': rec.can_unsubscribe = False else: delta = (rec.start_time - now) delta = delta.seconds / 3600.0 + delta.days * 24 rec.can_unsubscribe = delta >= max_hours # def write(self, vals): # if 'worker_id' in vals: # template_unsubscribed = self.env.ref("macavrac_base.email_template_shift_unsubscribed") # template_subscribed = self.env.ref("macavrac_base.email_template_shift_subscribed") # new_worker_id = self.env['beesdoo.shift.shift'].browse(vals.get('worker_id')) # for record in self: # old_worker_id = record.worker_id # if old_worker_id: # template_unsubscribed.send_mail( # if new_worker_id and old_worker_id != new_worker_id: # res = super(Task, record).write(vals) # template_subscribed.send_mail( # return super(Task, self).write(vals) class CooperativeStatus(models.Model): _inherit = 'cooperative.status' def _get_status(self): return [ ("ok", "Up to Date"), ("alert", "Alerte"), ("suspended", "Suspended"), ("exempted", "Exempted"), ("unsubscribed", "Unsubscribed"), ("resigning", "Resigning"), ] # TODO auto init for automatic migration sr = fields.Float() future_alert_date = fields.Date(compute="_compute_future_alert_date") next_countdown_date = fields.Date(compute="_compute_next_countdown_date") ######################################################## # Method to override # # To define the behavior of the status # # # # By default: everyone is always up to date # ######################################################## ############################## # Computed field section # ############################## def _next_countdown_date(self, irregular_start_date, today): """ Return the next countdown date given irregular_start_date and today dates. This does not take holiday and other status into account. """ delta = (today - irregular_start_date).days if not delta % self._period: return today return add_days_delta(today, self._period - (delta % self._period)) @api.depends( "today", "sr", "temporary_exempt_start_date", "temporary_exempt_end_date", ) def _compute_future_alert_date(self): """Compute date before which the worker is up to date""" for rec in self: #TODO fix infinite loop rec.future_alert_date = False continue # Only for irregular worker # Alert start time already set real_today = if rec.alert_start_time: rec.future_alert_date = False elif rec.working_mode != "irregular" or not rec.irregular_start_date: rec.future_alert_date = False else: date = counter = next_countdown_date = False while counter >= 0: next_countdown_date = self._next_countdown_date(rec.irregular_start_date, date) = next_countdown_date if rec.status != 'exempted': counter -= 1 = real_today date = add_days_delta(next_countdown_date, 1) rec.future_alert_date = next_countdown_date = real_today @api.depends( "today", "irregular_start_date", "holiday_start_time", "holiday_end_time", "temporary_exempt_start_date", "temporary_exempt_end_date", ) def _compute_next_countdown_date(self): """ Compute the following countdown date. This date is the date when the worker will see his counter changed du to the cron. This date is like the birthday date of the worker that occurred each PERIOD. """ for rec in self: #TODO fix infinite loop rec.next_countdown_date = False continue real_today = # Only for irregular worker if rec.working_mode != "irregular" or not rec.irregular_start_date: rec.next_countdown_date = False else: next_countdown_date = while True: next_countdown_date = self._next_countdown_date(rec.irregular_start_date, next_countdown_date) = next_countdown_date if rec.status != 'exempted': rec.next_countdown_date = next_countdown_date = real_today break else: next_countdown_date = add_days_delta(next_countdown_date, 1) ##################################### # Status Change implementation # ##################################### def _get_regular_status(self): """ Return the value of the status for the regular worker """ ICP = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo() suspended_count = int(ICP.get_param("suspended_count", -2)) unsubscribed_count = int(ICP.get_param("unsubscribed_count", -4)) if (self.temporary_exempt_start_date and self.temporary_exempt_end_date and >= self.temporary_exempt_start_date and <= self.temporary_exempt_end_date ): return 'exempted' if >= 0: return 'ok' if <= unsubscribed_count: return 'unsubscribed' if <= suspended_count: return 'suspended' if < 0: return 'alert' return 'ok' def _get_irregular_status(self): """ Return the value of the status for the irregular worker """ return self._get_regular_status() def _state_change(self, new_state): """ Hook to watch change in the state """ self.ensure_one() if new_state == "unsubscribed" or new_state == "resigning": # Remove worker from task_templates self.cooperator_id.sudo().write( {"subscribed_shift_ids": [(5, 0, 0)]} ) # Remove worker from supercoop in task_templates task_tpls = self.env["beesdoo.shift.template"].search( [("super_coop_id", "in", self.cooperator_id.user_ids.ids)] ) task_tpls.write({"super_coop_id": False}) # Remove worker for future tasks (remove also supercoop) self.env["beesdoo.shift.shift"].sudo().unsubscribe_from_today( [], ) if new_state == "alert": self.write({"alert_start_time":}) def _change_counter(self, data): """ Call when a shift state is changed use data generated by _get_counter_date_state_change """ += data.get("sr", 0) ############################################### ###### Irregular Cron implementation ########## ############################################### def _get_irregular_worker_domain(self, today): """ return the domain the give the list of valid irregular worker that should get their counter changed by the cron """ return [ ("status", "not in", ["unsubscribed", "exempted", "resigning"]), ("irregular_start_date", "!=", False), ] def _change_irregular_counter(self): """ Define how the counter will change for the irregular worker where today - start_date is a multiple of the period by default 28 days """ -= 1