# Copyright 2017 - 2020 BEES coop SCRLfs # - Elouan Lebars # - Rémy Taymans # - Elise Dupont # - Thibault François # - Grégoire Leeuwerck # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). { "name": "Beescoop Point of sale", "summary": """ Module that extends the pos for the beescoop """, "description": """ This module adds the eaters of the customer to the POS ActionpadWidget and PaymentScreenWidget. """, "author": "Beescoop - Cellule IT", "website": "https://github.com/beescoop/Obeesdoo", "category": "Point Of Sale", "version": "", "depends": ["beesdoo_base", "beesdoo_product"], "data": ["views/beesdoo_pos.xml", "data/default_barcode_pattern.xml",], "qweb": ["static/src/xml/templates.xml"], "installable": True, }