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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.exceptions import ValidationError
from datetime import timedelta
def add_days_delta(date_from, days_delta):
if not date_from:
return date_from
next_date = fields.Date.from_string(date_from) + timedelta(days=days_delta)
return fields.Date.to_string(next_date)
class ExemptReason(models.Model):
_name = 'cooperative.exempt.reason'
name = fields.Char(required=True)
class HistoryStatus(models.Model):
_name = 'cooperative.status.history'
_order= 'create_date desc'
status_id = fields.Many2one('cooperative.status')
cooperator_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner')
change = fields.Char()
type = fields.Selection([('status', 'Status Change'), ('counter', 'Counter Change')])
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string="User")
class CooperativeStatus(models.Model):
_name = 'cooperative.status'
_rec_name = 'cooperator_id'
_order = 'cooperator_id'
today = fields.Date(help="Field that allow to compute field and store them even if they are based on the current date")
cooperator_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner')
info_session = fields.Boolean('Information Session ?')
info_session_date = fields.Datetime('Information Session Date')
super = fields.Boolean("Super Cooperative")
sr = fields.Integer("Compteur shift regulier", default=0)
sc = fields.Integer("Compteur shift de compensation", default=0)
time_extension = fields.Integer("Extension Days NB", default=0, help="Addtional days to the automatic extension, 5 mean that you have a total of 15 extension days of default one is set to 10")
holiday_start_time = fields.Date("Holidays Start Day")
holiday_end_time = fields.Date("Holidays End Day")
alert_start_time = fields.Date("Alert Start Day")
extension_start_time = fields.Date("Extension Start Day")
#Champ compute
working_mode = fields.Selection(
('regular', 'Regular worker'),
('irregular', 'Irregular worker'),
('exempt', 'Exempted'),
string="Working mode"
exempt_reason_id = fields.Many2one('cooperative.exempt.reason', 'Exempt Reason')
status = fields.Selection([('ok', 'Up to Date'),
('holiday', 'Holidays'),
('alert', 'Alerte'),
('extension', 'Extension'),
('suspended', 'Suspended'),
('unsubscribed', 'Unsubscribed')],
compute="_compute_status", string="Cooperative Status", store=True)
can_shop = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_status', store=True)
history_ids = fields.One2many('cooperative.status.history', 'status_id', readonly=True)
unsubscribed = fields.Boolean(default=False, help="Manually unsubscribed")
@api.depends('today', 'sr', 'sc', 'holiday_end_time', 'holiday_start_time', 'time_extension', 'alert_start_time', 'extension_start_time', 'unsubscribed')
def _compute_status(self):
alert_delay = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('alert_delay', 28))
grace_delay = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('default_grace_delay', 10))
update = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('always_update', False))
print update
for rec in self:
if update:
rec.status = 'ok'
rec.can_shop = True
ok = >= 0 and >= 0
grace_delay = grace_delay + rec.time_extension
if < -1 or rec.unsubscribed:
rec.status = 'unsubscribed'
rec.can_shop = False
#Transition to alert sr < 0 or stay in alert sr < 0 or sc < 0 and thus alert time is defined
elif not ok and rec.alert_start_time and rec.extension_start_time and <= add_days_delta(rec.extension_start_time, grace_delay):
rec.status = 'extension'
rec.can_shop = True
elif not ok and rec.alert_start_time and rec.extension_start_time and > add_days_delta(rec.extension_start_time, grace_delay):
rec.status = 'suspended'
rec.can_shop = False
elif not ok and rec.alert_start_time and > add_days_delta(rec.alert_start_time, alert_delay):
rec.status = 'suspended'
rec.can_shop = False
elif ( < 0) or (not ok and rec.alert_start_time):
rec.status = 'alert'
rec.can_shop = True
#Check for holidays; Can be in holidays even in alert or other mode ?
elif >= rec.holiday_start_time and <= rec.holiday_end_time:
rec.status = 'holiday'
rec.can_shop = True
elif ok or (not rec.alert_start_time and >= 0):
rec.status = 'ok'
rec.can_shop = True
def write(self, vals):
Overwrite write to historize the change
for field in ['sr', 'sc', 'time_extension', 'extension_start_time', 'alert_start_time', 'unsubscribed']:
if not field in vals:
for rec in self:
data = {
'type': 'counter',
'user_id': self.env.context.get('real_uid', self.env.uid),
if vals.get(field, rec[field]) != rec[field]:
data['change'] = '%s: %s -> %s' % (field.upper(), rec[field], vals.get(field))
return super(CooperativeStatus, self).write(vals)
def _state_change(self, new_state, old_stage):
if new_state == 'alert':
self.write({'alert_start_time':, 'extension_start_time': False, 'time_extension': 0})
if new_state == 'ok': #reset alert start time if back to ok
self.write({'alert_start_time': False, 'extension_start_time': False, 'time_extension': 0})
if new_state == 'unsubscribed':
self.cooperator_id.sudo().write({'subscribed_shift_ids' : [(5,0,0)]})
def _change_counter(self, data): += data.get('sc', 0) += data.get('sr', 0)
def _write(self, vals):
Overwrite write to historize the change of status
and make action on status change
if 'status' in vals:
self._cr.execute('select id, status, sr, sc from "%s" where id in %%s' % self._table, (self._ids,))
result = self._cr.dictfetchall()
old_status_per_id = {r['id'] : r for r in result}
for rec in self:
if old_status_per_id[]['status'] != vals['status']:
data = {
'type': 'status',
'change': "STATUS: %s -> %s" % (old_status_per_id[]['status'], vals['status']),
'user_id': self.env.context.get('real_uid', self.env.uid),
rec._state_change(vals['status'], old_status_per_id[]['status'])
return super(CooperativeStatus, self)._write(vals)
_sql_constraints = [
('cooperator_uniq', 'unique (cooperator_id)', _('You can only set one cooperator status per cooperator')),
def _set_today(self):
Method call by the cron to update store value base on the date
def clear_history(self):
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
cooperative_status_ids = fields.One2many('cooperative.status', 'cooperator_id', readonly=True)
super = fields.Boolean(related='cooperative_status_ids.super', string="Super Cooperative", readonly=True, store=True)
info_session = fields.Boolean(related='cooperative_status_ids.info_session', string='Information Session ?', readonly=True, store=True)
info_session_date = fields.Datetime(related='cooperative_status_ids.info_session_date', string='Information Session Date', readonly=True, store=True)
working_mode = fields.Selection(related='cooperative_status_ids.working_mode', readonly=True, store=True)
exempt_reason_id = fields.Many2one(related='cooperative_status_ids.exempt_reason_id', readonly=True, store=True)
state = fields.Selection(related='cooperative_status_ids.status', readonly=True, store=True)
extension_start_time = fields.Date(related='cooperative_status_ids.extension_start_time', string="Extension Start Day", readonly=True, store=True)
subscribed_shift_ids = fields.Many2many('beesdoo.shift.template')
def coop_subscribe(self):
return {
'name': _('Subscribe Cooperator'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'beesdoo.shift.subscribe',
'target': 'new',
def coop_unsubscribe(self):
res = self.coop_subscribe()
res['context'] = {'default_unsubscribed': True}
return res
def manual_extension(self):
return {
'name': _('Manual Extension'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'beesdoo.shift.extension',
'target': 'new',
def auto_extension(self):
res = self.manual_extension()
res['context'] = {'default_auto': True}
res['name'] = _('Trigger Grace Delay')
return res
def register_holiday(self):
return {
'name': _('Register Holiday'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': '',
'target': 'new',
#TODO access right + vue on res.partner
#TODO can_shop : Status can_shop ou extempted ou part C