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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 16 mai 2016
@author: Thibault Francois (thibault@franç
from coda.parser import Parser
from openerp import models, _
class CodaBankStatementImport(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = ''
def _generate_note(self, move):
notes = []
if move.counterparty_name:
notes.append("%s: %s" % (_('Counter Party Name'), move.counterparty_name))
if move.counterparty_address:
notes.append("%s: %s" % (_('Counter Party Address'), move.counterparty_address))
if move.counterparty_number:
notes.append("%s: %s" % (_('Counter Party Account'), move.counterparty_number))
if move.communication:
notes.append("%s: %s" % (_('Communication'), move.communication))
return '\n'.join(notes)
def _get_move_value(self, move, statement, sequence):
move_data = {
'name': move.communication, #ok
'note': self._generate_note(move),
'date': move.entry_date, #ok
'amount': move.transaction_amount if move.transaction_amount_sign == '0' else - move.transaction_amount, #ok
'account_number': move.counterparty_number, #ok
'partner_name': move.counterparty_name, #ok
'ref': move.ref,
'sequence': sequence, #ok
'unique_import_id' : statement.coda_seq_number + '-' + statement.creation_date + '-' + move.ref
return move_data
def _get_statement_data(self, statement):
statement_data = {
'name' : statement.paper_seq_number,
'date' : statement.creation_date,
'balance_start': statement.old_balance, #ok
'balance_end_real' : statement.new_balance, #ok
'coda_note' : '',
'transactions' : []
return statement_data
def _parse_file(self, data_file):
parser = Parser()
statements = parser.parse(data_file)
except ValueError:
return super(CodaBankStatementImport, self)._parse_file(data_file)
currency_code = False
account_number = False
stmts_vals = []
for statement in statements:
account_number = statement.acc_number
currency_code = statement.currency
statement_data = self._get_statement_data(statement)
for move in statement.movements:
statement_data['transactions'].append(self._get_move_value(move, statement, len(statement_data['transactions']) + 1))
return currency_code, account_number, stmts_vals