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77 lines
3.2 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.exceptions import ValidationError
from import concat_names
class Partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
first_name = fields.Char('First Name')
last_name = fields.Char('Last Name')
eater = fields.Selection([('eater', 'Eater'), ('worker_eater', 'Worker and Eater')], string="Eater/Worker")
child_eater_ids = fields.One2many("res.partner", "parent_eater_id", domain=[('customer', '=', True),
('eater', '=', 'eater')])
parent_eater_id = fields.Many2one("res.partner", string="Parent Worker", readonly=True)
barcode = fields.Char(compute="_get_bar_code", string='Barcode', store=True)
parent_barcode = fields.Char(compute="_get_bar_code", string='Parent Barcode', store=True)
member_card_ids = fields.One2many('member.card', 'partner_id')
member_card_to_be_printed = fields.Boolean('Print BEES card?')
last_printed = fields.Datetime('Last printed on')
@api.onchange('first_name', 'last_name')
def _on_change_name(self):
| = concat_names(self.first_name, self.last_name)
@api.depends('parent_eater_id', 'parent_eater_id.barcode', 'eater', 'member_card_ids')
def _get_bar_code(self):
if self.eater == 'eater':
self.parent_barcode = self.parent_eater_id.barcode
elif self.member_card_ids:
for c in self.member_card_ids:
if c.valid:
self.barcode = c.barcode
@api.constrains('child_eater_ids', 'parent_eater_id')
def _only_two_eaters(self):
if len(self.child_eater_ids) > 2 or len(self.parent_eater_id.child_eater_ids) > 2:
raise ValidationError(_('You can only set two additional eaters per worker'))
def write(self, values):
if values.get('parent_eater_id') and self.parent_eater_id:
raise ValidationError(_('You try to assign a eater to a worker but this easer is alread assign to %s please remove it before') %
#replace many2many command when writing on child_eater_ids to just remove the link
if 'child_eater_ids' in values:
for command in values['child_eater_ids']:
if command[0] == 2:
command[0] = 3
return super(Partner, self).write(values)
def _deactivate_active_cards(self):
for card in self.member_card_ids.filtered('valid'):
card.valid = False
card.end_date =
def _new_card(self, reason, user_id, barcode=False):
card_data = {
'partner_id' :,
'responsible_id' : user_id,
'comment' : reason,
if barcode:
card_data['barcode'] = barcode
def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None):
res = super(Partner, self)._auto_init(cr, context=context)
cr.execute("UPDATE res_partner set last_name = name where last_name IS NULL")
return res