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<h2 class="oe_slogan">Galicea Git hosting</h2>
<h3 class="oe_slogan">
Simple Odoo-based HTTP interface for Git repository hosting
This add-on allows you to create Git repositories hosted by Odoo, and add specific Odoo users as collaborators. Only those users will have access to the repository. It requires <tt>git</tt> package, including <tt>git-http-backend</tt>, installed in the system. For Ubuntu/Debian it's enough to call
<pre>sudo apt install git</pre>
<h3>Creating repositories</h3>
<img class="oe_picture oe_screenshot" src="images/create_screenshot.png" />
<img class="oe_picture oe_screenshot" src="images/config_screenshot.png" />
<h3>Interacting with the repository</h3>
<img class="oe_picture oe_screenshot" src="images/console_screenshot.png" />