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6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
  1. odoo:
  2. charm: odoo-tecnativa
  3. options:
  4. admin-password: rantanplan
  5. # docker-compose:
  6. # ## Important to keep as a list: otherwise it'll overwrite charm's arguments.
  7. # command:
  8. # - "--log-level=debug"
  9. # - "--workers=2" ## needed for long-polling
  10. # environment:
  11. # TOTO: TATA
  12. # image: mynewimage
  13. relations:
  14. postgres-database:
  15. postgres:
  16. user: odoo
  17. dbname: odoo
  18. web-proxy:
  19. frontend:
  20. domain:
  21. #server-aliases:
  22. # -
  23. apache-custom-rules: |
  24. ## Auto-redirection from http to https
  25. RewriteEngine On
  26. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
  27. RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=302,L,QSA]
  28. ## Uncomment for longpolling (don't forget --workers>=1)
  29. #ProxyPass /longpolling/ http://odoo:8072/longpolling/
  30. #ProxyPassReverse /longpolling/ http://odoo:8072/longpolling/
  31. ssl: letsencrypt
  32. # ssl:
  33. # ca-cert:
  34. # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  35. # MIIF6TCCA9GgAwIBAgIQBeTcO5Q4qzuFl8umoZhQ4zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADCB
  37. # ...
  38. # m9T8bJUox04FB6b9HbwZ4ui3uRGKLXASUoWNjDNKD/yZkuBjcNqllEdjB+dYxzFf
  39. # BT02Vf6Dsuimrdfp5gJ0iHRc2jTbkNJtUQoj1iM=
  40. # -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  41. # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  42. # MIIFdzCCBF+gAwIBAgIQE+oocFv07O0MNmMJgGFDNjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADBv
  44. # ...
  45. # Le9Gclc1Bb+7RrtubTeZtv8jkpHGbkD4jylW6l/VXxRTrPBPYer3IsynVgviuDQf
  46. # Jtl7GQVoP7o81DgGotPmjw7jtHFtQELFhLRAlSv0ZaBIefYdgWOWnU914Ph85I6p
  47. # 0fKtirOMxyHNwu8=
  48. # -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  49. # cert: |
  50. # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  53. # ...
  54. # lIxY9HJanHrWvjiz7+eToxXpZJtAPXTx5hxzcJrtWROlq7IJCMIhzr/EVA37jTCk
  55. # Xs5S6mr0T6Dqx6MQkPATSsEEJlLH5wq3DxXQcrMqnM/WHMRYUCkoTl37sXplflHe
  56. # jw==
  57. # -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  58. # key: |
  59. # -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
  61. # XeNpp2nUsq1299spGc7mlRs+PDrXNHscB5lUB5/yo2yEetYXrJacQ8n4NV9hkID5
  62. # ...
  63. # 44eHDYsofcnRbidGR+QT8PQgiiDNCkbpi2u4QnLTs0w4oW+53ZTyHYEYF2rcLbIb
  64. # vRt4kR4KG6ULXrmsRA4WQjBDJ9vZw2aK+w==
  65. # -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
  66. frontend:
  67. charm: apache
  68. relations:
  69. letsencrypt-dns:
  70. letsencrypt
  71. letsencrypt:
  72. options:
  73. email:
  74. ovh:
  75. ## see:
  76. entrypoint: ovh-eu
  77. application:
  78. key: XXX
  79. secret: YYY
  80. consumer_key: ZZZ
  81. # mattermost:
  82. # charm: mattermost
  83. # relations:
  84. # web-proxy:
  85. # frontend:
  86. # domain: mattermost.local ## <-- modify this
  87. # ssl: letsencrypt
  88. # apache-custom-rules: |
  89. # ProxyPreserveHost On
  90. #
  91. # # Set web sockets
  92. # RewriteEngine On
  93. # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /api/v[0-9]+/(users/)?websocket [NC,OR]
  94. # RewriteCond %{HTTP:UPGRADE} ^WebSocket$ [NC,OR]
  95. # RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} ^Upgrade$ [NC]
  96. # RewriteRule .* ws://mattermost:8000%{REQUEST_URI} [P,QSA,L]
  97. # postgres-database:
  98. # postgres:
  99. # user: mattermost
  100. # dbname: mattermost
  101. # bitwarden:
  102. # relations:
  103. # web-proxy:
  104. # frontend:
  105. # domain:
  106. # ## We need to specify here the port as it can't be infered easily as
  107. # ## there are 2 ports exposed by the image.
  108. # target: bitwarden:80
  109. # ssl: letsencrypt