odoo: charm: odoo-tecnativa # docker-compose: # ## Important to keep as a list: otherwise it'll overwrite charm's arguments. # command: # - "--log-level=debug" # environment: # TOTO: TATA # image: mynewimage # options: # workers: 4 relations: web-proxy: frontend: domain: mydomain.org # server-aliases: # - mydomain2.org # - mydomain3.org # apache-custom-rules: # - | # ## Apache special rules ? # # # ssl: # letsencrypt: # challenge-type: http ## if 'dns', be sure to prepare 'env' correctly # # env: # # ovh: # # ## see: https://api.ovh.com/g934.first_step_with_api # # entrypoint: ovh-eu # # application: # # key: XXX # # secret: YYY # # consumer_key: ZZZ # ssl: true ## simple auto-signed SSL certificates # ssl: # ca-cert: # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # MIIF6TCCA9GgAwIBAgIQBeTcO5Q4qzuFl8umoZhQ4zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADCB # ... # BT02Vf6Dsuimrdfp5gJ0iHRc2jTbkNJtUQoj1iM= # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # MIIFdzCCBF+gAwIBAgIQE+oocFv07O0MNmMJgGFDNjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADBv # ... # 0fKtirOMxyHNwu8= # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # cert: | # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # MIIF/TCCBOWgAwIBAgIRALUydpTpCApfYMuJchDJv5AwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw # ... # Xs5S6mr0T6Dqx6MQkPATSsEEJlLH5wq3DxXQcrMqnM/WHMRYUCkoTl37sXplflHe # jw== # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # key: | # -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- # MIIJRQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCCS8wggkrAgEAAoICAQDONqqTCS4CiSi/ # ... # vRt4kR4KG6ULXrmsRA4WQjBDJ9vZw2aK+w== # -----END PRIVATE KEY----- frontend: charm: apache # options: # ## Check 0k-charms/apache/README.rst for client side configuration # ## to use ssh-tunnel. # ssh-tunnel: # domain: ssh.mydomain.org ## mandatory # # server-aliases: # # - ssh2.daowen.eu # #ssl: letsencrypt ## XXXvlab: this is still necessary (although it is auto connected ## in most cases) but we require it on some occasion (namely "run" ## actions on odoo for instance) until we decide a way to tackle ## this issue, the best thing is to keep that here relations: cert-provider: letsencrypt letsencrypt: options: email: admin@0k.io ## General configuration for this service will be applied to all linked ## services. # env: # ovh: # ## see: https://api.ovh.com/g934.first_step_with_api # entrypoint: ovh-eu # application: # key: XXX # secret: YYY # consumer_key: ZZZ logrotate: # mattermost.mydomain.org: # charm: mattermost # bitwarden.mydomain.org: # charm: bitwarden # ftp.mydomain.org: # charm: vsftp # options: # #domain: ftp.mydomain.org ## set domain if service name is not already a domain # #ssl: false ## deactivate ssl (activated if letsencrypt available) # #pasv: false ## deactivate pasv (activated if domain found) # users: # foo: # password: bar # groups: # - my_group # wiz: # uid: 3000 nextcloud: options: ## If not set, it'll be automatically created and stored in ## configstore /etc/nextcloud/user_pass ## You can set it afterwards without issue (password will then be changed ## to value specified) for the user 'admin'. admin-password: mypass ## Or you could alternatively want to use this way: #admin: # ## Changing user will create a new user and NOT delete previous user # #user: admin # password: XXXXXX relations: web-proxy: frontend: domain: drive.mydomain.org onlyoffice: relations: web-proxy: frontend: domain: onlyoffice.mydomain.org