. /etc/shlib
include common include parse include cmdline include config
[[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != "${0}" ]] && SOURCED=true
version=0.1 desc='Manage 0k related installs' help=""
## ## Functions ##
is-port-open() { local host="$1" port="$2" timeout=5 start="$SECONDS" debug "Testing if $host's port $2 is open ..." while true; do timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/${host}/${port}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && break sleep 0.2 if [ "$((SECONDS - start))" -gt "$timeout" ]; then return 1 fi done debug " .. $host's port $2 is open." return 0 }
resolve() { local ent hostname="$1" debug "Resolving $1 ..." if ent=$(getent ahosts "$hostname"); then ent=$(echo "$ent" | egrep ^"[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+\s+" | \ head -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }') debug " .. resolved $1 to $ent." echo "$ent" else debug " .. couldn't resolve $1." return 1 fi }
set_errlvl() { return "${1:-1}"; }
export master_pid=$$ ssh:open() { local hostname ssh_cmd ssh_options ssh_cmd=(ssh) ssh_options=() while [ "$#" != 0 ]; do case "$1" in "--stdin-password") ssh_cmd=(sshpass "${ssh_cmd[@]}") ;; -o) ssh_options+=("$1" "$2") shift ;; *) [ -z "$hostname" ] && hostname="$1" || { err "Surnumerous positional argument '$1'. Expecting only hostname." return 1 } ;; esac shift done full_cmd=( "${ssh_cmd[@]}" -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-control-master-${master_pid}-$hostname \ -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=900 \ -o ConnectTimeout=5 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ "${ssh_options[@]}" \ "$hostname" "$@" -- true) "${full_cmd[@]}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { err "Failed: ${full_cmd[*]}" return 1 } trap_add EXIT,INT 'ssh:quit "$hostname"' }
ssh:rsync() { local src="$1" dst="$2" hostname=${src%%:*} hostname=${hostname#*@} local rsync_ssh_options=( -o ControlPath="/tmp/ssh-control-master-${master_pid}-$hostname" -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=900 -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ) if ! ssh:run "root@$hostname" -- type -p rsync </dev/null >/dev/null; then info "No 'rsync' available on '$hostname'. Requesting installation..." ssh:run "root@$hostname" -- apt-get install rsync -y || { err "Installation of 'rsync' failed on '$hostname'" return 1 } fi
local cmd=( rsync -e "ssh ${rsync_ssh_options[*]}" -azvArH --delete --delete-excluded --partial --partial-dir .rsync-partial "$src" "$dst" ) "${cmd[@]}" }
ssh:open-try() { local opts hostnames opts=() hostnames=() while [ "$#" != 0 ]; do case "$1" in -o) opts+=("$1" "$2") shift ;; *) hostnames+=("$1") ;; esac shift done password='' for host in "${hostnames[@]}"; do debug "Trying $host with publickey." ssh:open -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey \ "${opts[@]}" \ "$host" >/dev/null 2>&1 && { echo "$host"$'\n'"$password"$'\n' return 0 } debug " .. failed connecting to $host with publickey." done local times=0 password while [ "$((++times))" -le 3 ]; do read -sp "$HOST's password: " password errlvl="$?" echo >&2 if [ "$errlvl" -gt 0 ]; then exit 1 fi for host in "${hostnames[@]}"; do debug "Trying $host with password ($times/3)" echo "$password" | ssh:open -o PreferredAuthentications=password \ --stdin-password \ "${opts[@]}" \ "$host" >/dev/null 2>&1 && { echo "$host"$'\n'"$password"$'\n' return 0 } debug " .. failed connecting to $host with password." done err "login failed. Try again... ($((times+1))/3)" done return 1 }
rscolcat:check-install() { type -p rscolcat >/dev/null || { err "'rscolcat' is not installed. Please install it." echo " sudo wget https://docker.0k.io/downloads/rscolcat-0.1.0 -O /usr/local/bin/rscolcat && " >&2 echo " sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rscolcat" >&2 return 1 } }
ssh:run() { local hostname="$1" ssh_options cmd shift
ssh_options=() cmd=() while [ "$#" != 0 ]; do case "$1" in "--") shift cmd+=("$@") break ;; *) ssh_options+=("$1") ;; esac shift done ## XXXvlab: keeping in case we need some debug # debug "$DARKCYAN$hostname$NORMAL $WHITE\$$NORMAL" "$@" # debug "Running cmd: ${cmd[*]}" # for arg in "${cmd[@]}"; do # debug "$arg" # done { { ssh -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-control-master-${master_pid}-$hostname \ -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=900 \ -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \ "${ssh_options[@]}" "$hostname" -- "${cmd[@]}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 ## | sed -r "s/^/$DARKCYAN$hostname$NORMAL $DARKRED\!$NORMAL /g" set_errlvl "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 }
ssh:quit() { local hostname="$1" shift ssh -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-control-master-${master_pid} \ -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=900 -O exit \ "$hostname" 2>/dev/null }
is_ovh_domain_name() { local domain="$1"
[[ "$domain" == *.ovh.net ]] && return 0 [[ "$domain" == "ns"*".ip-"*".eu" ]] && return 0 return 1 }
is_ovh_hostname() { local domain="$1"
[[ "$domain" =~ ^vps-[0-9a-f]*$ ]] && return 0 [[ "$domain" =~ ^vps[0-9]*$ ]] && return 0 return 1 }
vps_connection_check() { local vps="$1" ip=$(resolve "$vps") || { echo "${DARKRED}no-resolve${NORMAL}"; return 1; }
is-port-open "$ip" "22" </dev/null || { echo "${DARKRED}no-port-22-open${NORMAL}"; return 1; }
ssh:open -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey \ "root@$vps" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "${DARKRED}no-ssh-root-access${NORMAL}"; return 1; } }
vps_check() { local vps="$1" vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || return 1 if size=$( echo "df /srv -h | tail -n +2 | sed -r 's/ +/ /g' | cut -f 5 -d ' ' | cut -f 1 -d %" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then if [ "$size" -gt "90" ]; then echo "${DARKRED}above-90%-disk-usage${NORMAL}" elif [ "$size" -gt "75" ]; then echo "${DARKYELLOW}above-75%-disk-usage${NORMAL}" fi else echo "${DARKRED}no-size${NORMAL}" fi </dev/null compose_content=$(ssh:run "root@$vps" -- cat /opt/apps/myc-deploy/compose.yml </dev/null) || { echo "${DARKRED}no-compose${NORMAL}"; return 1; } echo "$compose_content" | yq -e ".rsync-backup" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "${DARKRED}no-backup${NORMAL}"; return 1; } }
backup:setup-rsync() { local admin="$1" vps="$2" server="$3" id="$4"
[ -z "${BACKUP_SSH_SERVER}" ] || { err "Unexpected error: '\$BACKUP_SSH_SERVER' is already set in '$FUNCNAME'." return 1 }
BACKUP_SSH_OPTIONS=(-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no) if [[ "$server" == *":"* ]]; then BACKUP_SSH_OPTIONS+=(-p "${server#*:}") BACKUP_SSH_SERVER=${server%%:*} else BACKUP_SSH_SERVER="$server" fi
if ! private_key=$(ssh "${BACKUP_SSH_OPTIONS[@]}" \ "$admin"@"${BACKUP_SSH_SERVER}" request-recovery-key "$id"); then err "Couldn't request a recovery key for '$id' with account '$admin'." return 1 fi
if ! VPS_TMP_DIR=$(echo "mktemp -d" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Couldn't create a temporary directory on vps" return 1 fi
cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash || return 1 touch "$VPS_TMP_DIR/recover_key" && chmod go-rwx "$VPS_TMP_DIR/recover_key" && printf "%s\n" "$private_key" >> "$VPS_TMP_DIR/recover_key" EOF
BACKUP_SSH_OPTIONS+=(-i "$VPS_TMP_DIR/recover_key" -l rsync) BACKUP_VPS_TARGET="$vps" BACKUP_IDENT="$id"
echo "type -p rsync >/dev/null 2>&1 || apt-get install -y rsync </dev/null" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash || return 1
backup:rsync() { local ssh_options
[ -n "${BACKUP_SSH_SERVER}" ] || { err "Unexpected error: '\$BACKUP_SSH_SERVER' is not set in 'rsync_exists'." return 1 }
rsync_options=() while [[ "$1" == "-"* ]]; do rsync_options+=("$1") shift done local src="$1" dst="$2"
cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@${BACKUP_VPS_TARGET}" -- bash rsync -e "ssh ${BACKUP_SSH_OPTIONS[*]}" \ -azvArH --delete --delete-excluded \ --partial --partial-dir .rsync-partial \ --numeric-ids ${rsync_options[*]} \ "${BACKUP_SSH_SERVER}":/var/mirror/"${BACKUP_IDENT}${src}" "${dst}" EOF
backup:path_exists() { local src="$1"
[ -n "${BACKUP_SSH_SERVER}" ] || { err "Unexpected error: '\$BACKUP_SSH_SERVER' is not set in 'rsync_exists'." return 1 }
cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@${BACKUP_VPS_TARGET}" -- bash >/dev/null 2>&1 rsync -e "ssh ${BACKUP_SSH_OPTIONS[*]}" \ -nazvArH --numeric-ids \ "${BACKUP_SSH_SERVER}":/var/mirror/"${BACKUP_IDENT}${src}" "/tmp/dummy" EOF
file:vps_backup_recover() { local admin="$1" server="$2" id="$3" path="$4" vps="$5" vps_path="$6"
backup:rsync "${path}" "${vps_path}" || return 1
if [[ "$path" == *"/" ]]; then if [ "$path" == "$vps_path"/ ]; then msg_target="Directory '$path'" else msg_target="Directory '$path' -> '$vps_path'" fi else if [ "$path" == "$vps_path" ]; then msg_target="File '$path'" else msg_target="File '$path' -> '$vps_path'" fi fi
info "$msg_target was ${GREEN}successfully${NORMAL} restored on $vps."
mailcow:vps_backup_recover() { local admin="$1" server="$2" id="$3" path="$4" vps="$5" vps_path="$6"
if ! compose_yml_files=$(cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash urn=com.docker.compose.project docker ps -f "label=\$urn=mailcowdockerized" \ --format="{{.Label \"\$urn.working_dir\"}}/{{.Label \"\$urn.config_files\"}}" | uniq EOF ); then err "Couldn't get list of running projects" return 1 fi
stopped_containers= if [ -n "$compose_yml_files" ]; then echo "Found running mailcowdockerized containers" >&2 if [[ "$compose_yml_files" == *$'\n'* ]]; then err "Running containers are confusing, did not find only one mailcowdockerized project." return 1 fi if ! echo "[ -e \"$compose_yml_files\" ]" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash ; then ## For some reason, sometimes $urn.config_files holds an absolute path compose_yml_files=/${compose_yml_files#*//} if ! echo "[ -e \"$compose_yml_files\" ]" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash ; then err "Running containers are confusing, they don't point to an existing docker-compose.yml." return 1 fi fi echo "Containers where launched from '$compose_yml_files'" >&2 COMPOSE_FILE="$compose_yml_files" ENV_FILE="${COMPOSE_FILE%/*}/.env" if ! echo "[ -e \"${ENV_FILE}\" ]" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash ; then err "Running containers are confusing, docker-compose.yml has no '.env' next to it." return 1 fi echo "${WHITE}Bringing mailcowdockerized down${NORMAL}" echo "docker-compose -f \"${COMPOSE_FILE}\" --env-file \"${ENV_FILE}\" down" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash stopped_containers=1 fi
if [[ "$path" == "/"* ]]; then
## ## Additional intelligence to simple file copy ##
if [[ "$path" == "/var/lib/docker/volumes/mailcowdockerized_*-vol-1/_data"* ]]; then volume_name=${path#/var/lib/docker/volumes/} volume_name=${volume_name%%/*} volume_dir=${path%%"$volume_name"*}
## Create volumes if not existent if ! ssh:run "root@$vps" -- " [ -d '${volume_dir}' ] || docker run --rm -v ${volume_name}:/tmp/dummy docker.0k.io/alpine:3.9 [ -d '${volume_dir}' ] "; then err "Couldn't find nor create '${volume_dir}'." return 1 fi fi
echo "${WHITE}Sync from backup ${path} to VPS ${vps_path}${NORMAL}" >&2 backup:rsync "${path}" "${vps_path}" || return 1
if [[ "$path" == *"/" ]]; then if [ "$path" == "$vps_path"/ ]; then msg_target="Directory '$path'" else msg_target="Directory '$path' -> '$vps_path'" fi else if [ "$path" == "$vps_path" ]; then msg_target="File '$path'" else msg_target="File '$path' -> '$vps_path'" fi fi else ALL_TARGETS=(mailcow postfix rspamd redis crypt vmail{,-attachments} mysql)
if [[ -n "$path" ]]; then targets=() bad_targets=() for target in ${path//,/ }; do if [[ " ${ALL_TARGETS[*]} " != *" $target "* ]]; then bad_targets+=("$target") fi targets+=("$target") done if [ "${#bad_targets[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then bad_target_msg=$(printf "%s, " "${bad_targets[@]}") err "Unknown components: ${bad_target_msg%, }. These are allowed components:" printf " - %s\n" "${ALL_TARGETS[@]}" >&2 return 1 fi msg_target="Partial mailcow backup" else targets=("${ALL_TARGETS[@]}") msg_target="Full mailcow backup" fi
for target in "${targets[@]}"; do case "$target" in postfix|rspamd|redis|crypt|vmail|vmail-attachments)
volume_name="mailcowdockerized_${target}-vol-1" volume_dir="/var/lib/docker/volumes/${volume_name}/_data" if ! backup:path_exists "${volume_dir}/"; then warn "No '$volume_name' in backup. This might be expected." continue fi ## Create volumes if not existent if ! ssh:run "root@$vps" -- " [ -d '${volume_dir}' ] || docker run --rm -v ${volume_name}:/tmp/dummy docker.0k.io/alpine:3.9 [ -d '${volume_dir}' ] "; then err "Couldn't find nor create '${volume_dir}'." return 1 fi
echo "${WHITE}Downloading of $volume_name${NORMAL}" backup:rsync "${volume_dir}/" "${volume_dir}" || return 1 ;; mailcow) ## Mailcow git base COMPOSE_FILE= for mailcow_dir in /opt/{apps/,}mailcow-dockerized; do backup:path_exists "${mailcow_dir}/" || continue ## this possibly change last value COMPOSE_FILE="$mailcow_dir/docker-compose.yml" ENV_FILE="$mailcow_dir/.env" echo "${WHITE}Download of $mailcow_dir${NORMAL}" backup:rsync "${mailcow_dir}"/ "${mailcow_dir}" || return 1 break done if [ -z "$COMPOSE_FILE" ]; then err "Can't find mailcow base installation path in backup." return 1 fi
;; mysql) if [ -z "$COMPOSE_FILE" ]; then ## Mailcow git base compose_files=() for mailcow_dir in /opt/{apps/,}mailcow-dockerized; do ssh:run "root@$vps" -- "[ -e \"$mailcow_dir/docker-compose.yml\" ]" || continue ## this possibly change last value compose_files+=("$mailcow_dir/docker-compose.yml") done if [ "${#compose_files[@]}" == 0 ]; then err "No compose file found for mailcow installation." return 1 elif [ "${#compose_files[@]}" -gt 1 ]; then err "Multiple compose files for mailcow found:" for f in "${compose_files[@]}"; do echo " - $f" >&2 done echo "Can't decide which to use for mounting mysql container." >&2 return 1 fi COMPOSE_FILE="${compose_files[0]}" ENV_FILE="${COMPOSE_FILE%/*}/.env" if ! ssh:run "root@$vps" -- "[ -e \"${COMPOSE_FILE%/*}/.env\" ]"; then err "No env file in '$ENV_FILE' found." return 1 fi fi
## Mysql database echo "${WHITE}Downloading last backup of mysql backups${NORMAL}" backup:rsync "/var/backups/mysql/" "/var/backups/mysql" || return 1
if ! env_content=$(echo "cat '$ENV_FILE'" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Can't access env file: '$ENV_FILE'." return 1 fi
root_password=$(printf "%s\n" "$env_content" | grep ^DBROOT= | cut -f 2 -d =)
echo "${WHITE}Bringing mysql-mailcow up${NORMAL}" if ! image=$(cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash shyaml get-value services.mysql-mailcow.image < "${COMPOSE_FILE}" EOF ); then err "Failed to get image name of service 'mysql-mailcow' in 'compose.yml'." return 1 fi if [ -z "$(ssh:run "root@$vps" -- docker images -q "$image")" ]; then info "Image '$image' not available, pull it." if ! ssh:run "root@$vps" -- \ docker-compose -f "${COMPOSE_FILE}" --env-file "${ENV_FILE}" \ pull mysql-mailcow; then
err "Failed to pull image of service 'mysql-mailcow'." return 1 fi fi
if ! container_id=$(cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash echo "[client] password=$root_password" > "$VPS_TMP_DIR/my.cnf"
docker-compose -f "${COMPOSE_FILE}" --env-file "${ENV_FILE}" \ run -d \ -v "$VPS_TMP_DIR/my.cnf:/root/.my.cnf:ro" \ mysql-mailcow
EOF ); then err "Failed to bring up mysql-mailcow" return 1 fi
START="$SECONDS" retries=0 timeout=600 while true; do ((retries++)) echo " waiting for mysql db..." \ "(retry $retries, $(($SECONDS - $START))s elapsed, timeout is ${timeout}s)" >&2 cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash && break echo "SELECT 1;" | docker exec -i "$container_id" mysql >/dev/null 2>&1 EOF if (($SECONDS - $START > $timeout)); then err "Failed to connect to mysql-mailcow." echo "docker-compose -f \"${COMPOSE_FILE}\" --env-file \"${ENV_FILE}\" down" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash return 1 fi sleep 0.4 done
DBUSER=$(printf "%s\n" "$env_content" | grep ^DBUSER= | cut -f 2 -d =) DBPASS=$(printf "%s\n" "$env_content" | grep ^DBPASS= | cut -f 2 -d =)
echo "${WHITE}Uploading mysql dump${NORMAL}" cat <<EOF | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash
echo " DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mailcow; CREATE DATABASE mailcow; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mailcow.* TO '$DBUSER'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$DBPASS'; " | docker exec -i "$container_id" mysql
zcat /var/backups/mysql/mailcow/*.gz | docker exec -i "$container_id" mysql mailcow
EOF if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then err "Failed to load mysql dump." echo "docker-compose -f \"${COMPOSE_FILE}\" --env-file \"${ENV_FILE}\" down" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash return 1 fi
echo "${WHITE}Bringing mysql-mailcow down${NORMAL}" echo "docker-compose -f \"${COMPOSE_FILE}\" --env-file \"${ENV_FILE}\" down" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash ;; *) err "Unknown component '$target'. Bailing out." return 1 esac done
ssh:run "root@$vps" -- "rm -rf '$VPS_TMP_DIR'" fi
if [ -n "$stopped_containers" ]; then echo "${WHITE}Starting mailcow${NORMAL}" >&2 echo "docker-compose -f \"${COMPOSE_FILE}\" --env-file \"${ENV_FILE}\" up -d" | ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash fi info "$msg_target was ${GREEN}successfully${NORMAL} restored on $vps."
NTFY_TOPIC_FILE="/etc/ntfy/topics.yml" NTFY_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/ntfy/ntfy.conf" subscribe:ntfy:topic-file-exists() { local vps="$1" if ! out=$(echo "[ -f \"$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE\" ] && echo ok || true" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Unable to check for existence of '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." fi if [ -z "$out" ]; then err "File '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE' not found on $vps." return 1 fi }
subscribe:ntfy:config-file-exists() { local vps="$1" if ! out=$(echo "[ -f \"$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE\" ] && echo ok || true" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Unable to check for existence of '$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE'." fi if [ -z "$out" ]; then err "File '$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE' not found on $vps." return 1 fi }
ntfy:rm() { local channel="$1" topic="$2" vps="$3" subscribe:ntfy:topic-file-exists "$vps" || return 1 if ! out=$(echo "yq -i 'del(.[\"$channel\"][] | select(. == \"$TOPIC\"))' \"$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE\"" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Failed to remove channel '$channel' from '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." return 1 fi info "Channel '$channel' removed from '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE' on $vps." ssh:run "root@$vps" -- cat "$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE" }
ntfy:add() { local channel="$1" topic="$2" vps="$3" vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || return 1 subscribe:ntfy:topic-file-exists "$vps" || return 1 if ! out=$(echo "yq '. | has(\"$channel\")' \"$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE\"" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Failed to check if channel '$channel' with topic '$topic' is already in '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." return 1 fi if [ "$out" != "true" ]; then ## Channel does not exist if ! out=$(echo "yq -i '.[\"$channel\"] = []' \"$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE\"" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Failed to create a new channel '$channel' entry in '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." return 1 fi else ## Channel exists if ! out=$(echo "yq '.[\"$channel\"] | any_c(. == \"$topic\")' \"$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE\"" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Failed to check if channel '$channel' with topic '$topic' is already in '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." return 1 fi if [ "$out" == "true" ]; then info "Channel '$channel' with topic '$topic' already exists in '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." return 0 fi fi if ! out=$(echo "yq -i '.[\"$channel\"] += [\"$topic\"]' \"$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE\"" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Failed to add channel '$channel' with topic '$topic' to '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." return 1 fi info "Channel '$channel' added with topic '$topic' to '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE' on $vps." }
NTFY_BROKER_SERVER="ntfy.0k.io" ntfy:topic-access() { local action="$1" topic="$2" vps="$3" subscribe:ntfy:config-file-exists "$vps" || return 1
local user user=$(ntfy:get-login "$vps") || return 1 case "$action" in "write") ssh "ntfy@$NTFY_BROKER_SERVER" "topic-access" \ "$user" "$topic" "write-only" </dev/null || { err "Failed to grant write access to '$user' for topic '$topic'." return 1 } info "Granted write access for '$user' to topic '$topic'." ;; "remove") ssh "ntfy@$NTFY_BROKER_SERVER" "topic-access" -r "$user" "$topic" </dev/null || { err "Failed to reset access of '$user' for topic '$topic'." return 1 } info "Access for '$user' to topic '$topic' was resetted successfully." ;; *) err "Invalid action '$action'." return 1 ;; esac }
ntfy:get-login() { local vps="$1" if ! out=$(echo ". \"$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE\" && echo \"\$LOGIN\"" | \ ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash); then err "Failed to get ntfy login from '$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE'." return 1 fi if [ -z "$out" ]; then err "Unexpected empty login retrieved from sourcing '$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE'." return 1 fi echo "$out" }
subscribe:add() { local vps="$1" read-0 channel topic || { err "Couldn't read CHANNEL and TOPIC arguments." return 1 } vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || return 1 ntfy:topic-access "write" "$topic" "$vps" </dev/null || return 1 ntfy:add "$channel" "$topic" "$vps" || { err "Failed to add channel '$channel' with topic '$topic' to '$NTFY_TOPIC_FILE'." echo " Removing topic access." >&2 ntfy:topic-access "remove" "$topic" "$vps" </dev/null return 1 } }
subscribe:rm() { local vps="$1" read-0 channel topic || { err "Couldn't read CHANNEL and TOPIC arguments." return 1 } vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || return 1
ntfy:rm "$channel" "$topic" "$vps" || return 1 ntfy:topic-access "remove" "$topic" "$vps" </dev/null || { err "Failed to remove topic access for '$topic' on '$vps'." return 1 } }
vps_backup_recover() { local vps="$1" admin server id path rtype force type
read-0 admin server id path rtype force
if [[ "$vps" == *":"* ]]; then vps_path=${vps#*:} vps=${vps%%:*} else vps_path= fi
vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || { err "Failed to access '$vps'." return 1 }
if type=$(ssh:run "root@$vps" -- vps get-type); then info "VPS $vps seems to be of ${WHITE}$type${NORMAL} type" else warn "Couldn't find type of vps '$vps' (command 'vps get-type' failed on vps)." fi
if [ -z "$path" ]; then if [ -n "$vps_path" ]; then err "You can't provide a VPS with path as destination if you don't provide a path in backup source." return 1 fi info "No path provided in backup, so we assume you want ${WHITE}full recovery${NORMAL}." if [ "$rtype" != "$type" ]; then if [ -n "$force" ]; then warn "Backup found is of ${rtype:-unknown} type, while vps is of ${type:-unknown} type." else err "Backup found is of ${rtype:-unknown} type, while vps is of ${type:-unknown} type. (use \`\`-f\`\` to force)" return 1 fi fi else if [ "$path" == "/" ]; then if [ -z "$vps_path" ]; then err "Recovery of '/' (full backup files) requires that you provide a vps path also." return 1 fi if [ "$vps_path" == "/" ]; then err "Recovery of '/' (full backup files) requires that you provide" \ "a vps path different from '/' also." return 1 fi fi fi
## Sets VPS and internal global variable to allow rsync to work ## from vps to backup server. backup:setup-rsync "$admin" "$vps" "$server" "$id" || return 1
if [[ "$path" == "/"* ]]; then if ! backup:path_exists "${path}"; then err "File or directory '$path' not found in backup." return 1 fi if [ -z "$vps_path" ]; then if [[ "$path" != *"/" ]] && backup:path_exists "${path}"/ ; then path="$path/" fi vps_path=${path%/} vps_path=${vps_path:-/} fi fi
case "$rtype-$type" in mailcow-*) ## Supports having $path and $vps_path set or unset, with additional behavior mailcow:vps_backup_recover "$admin" "$server" "$id" "$path" "$vps" "$vps_path" ;; *-*) if [[ "$path" == "/"* ]]; then ## For now, will require having $path and $vps_path set, no additional behaviors file:vps_backup_recover "$admin" "$server" "$id" "$path" "$vps" "$vps_path" else if [ -n "$path" ]; then err "Partial component recover of ${rtype:-unknown} backup type on" \ "${type:-unknown} type VPS is not yet implemented." return 1 else err "Full recover of ${rtype:-unknown} backup type on" \ "${type:-unknown} type VPS is not yet implemented." return 1 fi fi ;; esac
vps_install_backup() { local vps="$1" admin server vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || return 1
read-0 admin server if ! type=$(ssh:run "root@$vps" -- vps get-type </dev/null); then err "Could not get type." return 1 fi backup_opts=() local opt while read-0 opt; do case "$opt" in --ignore-domain-check|--ignore-ping-check) backup_opts+=("$opt") ;; *) err "Unknown option '$opt'." return 1 ;; esac done if ! out=$(ssh:run "root@$vps" -- vps install backup "$server" "${backup_opts[@]}" 2>&1); then err "Command 'vps install backup $server ${backup_opts[@]}' on $vps failed:" echo "$out" | prefix " ${DARKGRAY}|${NORMAL} " >&2 return 1 fi
## Format of output: ## ## II Entry for service rsync-backup is already present in '/opt/apps/myc-deploy/compose.yml'. ## II You can run this following command from an host having admin access to core-07.0k.io: ## (Or send it to a backup admin of core-07.0k.io) ## ssh -p 10023 myadmin@core-07.0k.io ssh-key add 'ssh-rsa AAAAAAAD...QCJ\ ## 8HH6pVgEpu1twyxpr9xTt7eh..WaJdgPoxmiEwGfjMMNGxs39ggOTKUuSFSmOv8TiA1fzY\ ## s85hF...dKP1qByJU1k= compose@odoo.sikle.fr'
key="ssh-rsa ${out##*\'ssh-rsa }" ## remove everything before last "'ssh-rsa" key="${key%\'*}" ## remove everything after last '
if ! [[ "$key" =~ ^"ssh-rsa "[a-zA-Z0-9/+=]+" "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+"@"[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$ ]]; then err "Unexpected output from 'vps install backup $server'. Can't find key." echo "$out" | prefix " ${GRAY}|$NORMAL " >&2 echo " Extracted key:" >&2 echo "$key" | prefix " ${GRAY}|$NORMAL " >&2 return 1 fi
if [ "$type" == "compose" ]; then if ! ssh:run "root@$vps" -- \ docker exec myc_cron_1 \ grep rsync-backup /etc/crontabs/root >/dev/null 2>&1; then ssh:run "root@$vps" -- compose --debug up || { err "Command 'compose --debug up' failed." return 1 } if ! ssh:run "root@$vps" -- \ docker exec myc_cron_1 \ grep rsync-backup /etc/crontabs/root >/dev/null 2>&1; then err "Launched 'compose up' successfully but ${YELLOW}cron${NORMAL} container is not setup as expected." echo " Was waiting for existence of a line mentionning 'rsync-backup' in '/etc/crontabs/root' in it." >&2 return 1 fi fi fi
dest="$server" dest="${dest%/*}" ssh_options=() if [[ "$dest" == *":"* ]]; then port="${dest##*:}" dest="${dest%%:*}" ssh_options=(-p "$port") else port="" dest="${dest%%:*}" fi
cmd=(ssh "${ssh_options[@]}" "$admin"@"$dest" ssh-key add "$key") echo "${WHITE}Launching:${NORMAL} ${cmd[@]}"
"${cmd[@]}" || { err "Failed add key to backup server '$dest'." return 1 } echo "${WHITE}Launching backup${NORMAL} from '$vps'"
ssh:run "root@$vps" -- vps backup || { err "First backup failed to run." return 1 }
echo "Backup is ${GREEN}up and running${NORMAL}." }
vps_update() { local vps="$1" vps_connection_check "$vps" || return 1 ssh:run "root@$vps" -- myc-update </dev/null }
vps_bash() { local vps="$1" vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || return 1 ssh:run "root@$vps" -- bash }
vps_mux() { local fn="$1" vps_done VPS max_size vps shift VPS=($(printf "%s\n" "$@" | sort)) max_size=0 declare -A vps_done; new_vps=() for name in "${VPS[@]}"; do [ -n "${vps_done[$name]}" ] && { warn "duplicate vps '$name' provided. Ignoring." continue } vps_done["$name"]=1 new_vps+=("$name") size_name="${#name}" [ "$max_size" -lt "${size_name}" ] && max_size="$size_name" done settmpdir "_0KM_TMP_DIR" cat > "$_0KM_TMP_DIR/code" for vps in "${new_vps[@]}"; do label=$(printf "%-${max_size}s" "$vps") ( { { "$fn" "$vps" < "$_0KM_TMP_DIR/code" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | sed -r "s/^/$DARKCYAN$label$NORMAL $DARKRED\!$NORMAL /g" set_errlvl "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | sed -r "s/^/$DARKCYAN$label$NORMAL $DARKGRAY\|$NORMAL /g" set_errlvl "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" ) & done wait }
[ "$SOURCED" ] && return 0
## ## Command line processing ##
cmdline.spec.gnu cmdline.spec.reporting
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-setup
cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-setup:run() {
: :posarg: HOST 'Target host to check/fix ssh-access'
: :optfla: --force,-f "Will force domain name change, even if current hostname was not recognized as an ovh domain name. "
depends sshpass shyaml
KEY_PATH="ssh-access.public-keys" local keys=$(config get-value -y "ssh-access.public-keys") || true if [ -z "$keys" ]; then err "No ssh publickeys configured in config file." echo " Looking for keys in ${WHITE}${KEY_PATH}${NORMAL}" \ "in config file." >&2 config:exists --message 2>&1 | prefix " " if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" == "0" ]; then echo " Config file found in $(config:filename)" fi return 1 fi local tkey=$(e "$keys" | shyaml get-type) if [ "$tkey" != "sequence" ]; then err "Value type of ${WHITE}${KEY_PATH}${NORMAL} unexpected (is $tkey, expecting sequence)." echo " Check content of $(config:filename), and make sure to use a sequence." >&2 return 1 fi
local IP NAME keys host_pass_connected if ! IP=$(resolve "$HOST"); then err "'$HOST' name unresolvable." exit 1 fi
NAME="$HOST" if [ "$IP" != "$HOST" ]; then NAME="$HOST ($IP)" fi
if ! is-port-open "$IP" "22"; then err "$NAME unreachable or port 22 closed." exit 1 fi debug "Host $IP's port 22 is open." if ! host_pass_connected=$(ssh:open-try \ {root,debian}@"$HOST"); then err "Could not connect to {root,debian}@$HOST with publickey nor password." exit 1 fi
read-0a host password <<<"$host_pass_connected"
sudo_if_necessary= if [ "$password" -o "${host%%@*}" != "root" ]; then if ! ssh:run "$host" -- sudo -n true >/dev/null 2>&1; then err "Couldn't do a password-less sudo from $host." echo " This is not yet supported." exit 1 else sudo_if_necessary=sudo fi fi
SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE=(ssh-rsa ssh-ed25519) Section Checking access while read-0 key; do prefix="${key%% *}" if ! [[ " ${SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE[*]} " == *" $prefix "* ]]; then err "Unsupported key:"$'\n'"$key" echo " Please use only key of the following type:" >&2 printf " - %s\n" "${SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE[@]}" >&2 return 1 fi label="${key##* }" Elt "considering adding key ${DARKYELLOW}$label${NORMAL}" dest="/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" if ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary grep "\"$key\"" "$dest" >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null; then print_info "already present" print_status noop Feed else if echo "$key" | ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary tee -a "$dest" >/dev/null; then print_info added else echo Feedback failure return 1 fi Feedback success fi done < <(e "$keys" | shyaml get-values-0)
Section Checking ovh hostname file Elt "Checking /etc/ovh-hostname" if ! ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary [ -e "/etc/ovh-hostname" ]; then print_info "creating" ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary cp /etc/hostname /etc/ovh-hostname ovhname=$(ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary cat /etc/ovh-hostname) Elt "Checking /etc/ovh-hostname: $ovhname" Feedback || return 1 else ovhname=$(ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary cat /etc/ovh-hostname) Elt "Checking /etc/ovh-hostname: $ovhname" print_info "already present" print_status noop Feed fi
if ! is_ovh_domain_name "$HOST" && ! str_is_ipv4 "$HOST"; then Section Checking hostname Elt "Checking /etc/hostname..." old_etc_hostname="$(ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary cat /etc/hostname)" if [ "$old_etc_hostname" != "$HOST" ]; then Elt "/etc/hostname is '$old_etc_hostname'" if is_ovh_hostname "$old_etc_hostname" || [ -n "$opt_force" ]; then Elt "Hostname '$old_etc_hostname' --> '$HOST'" print_info "creating" echo "$HOST" | ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary tee /etc/hostname >/dev/null && ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary hostname "$HOST" Feedback || return 1 else Elt "Hostname '$old_etc_hostname' isn't an ovh domain" print_info "no change" print_status noop Feed warn "Domain name was not changed because it was already set" echo " (use \`-f\` or \`--force\`) to force domain name change to $HOST." >&2 fi
else print_info "already set" print_status noop Feed fi Elt "Checking consistency between /etc/hostname and \`hostname\`..." etc_hostname="$(ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary cat /etc/hostname)" transient_hostname="$(ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary hostname)" if [ "$etc_hostname" != "$transient_hostname" ]; then print_info "change" ssh:run "$host" -- $sudo_if_necessary hostname "$etc_hostname" Feedback || return 1 else print_info "consistent" print_status noop Feed fi else info "Not changing domain as '$HOST' doesn't seem to be final domain." fi
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-check cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-check:run() {
: :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host(s) to check'
echo "" | vps_mux vps_check "${VPS[@]}" }
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-install cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-install:run() { : }
cmdline.spec.gnu backup cmdline.spec:vps-install:cmd:backup:run() {
: :posarg: BACKUP_TARGET 'Backup target. (ie: myadmin@backup.domain.org:10023/256)' : :optfla: --ignore-domain-check \ "Allow to bypass the domain check in compose file (only used in compose installation)." : :optfla: --ignore-ping-check "Allow to bypass the ping check of host." : :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host(s) to check'
if [ "${#VPS[@]}" == 0 ]; then warn "VPS list provided in command line is empty. Nothing will be done." return 0 fi
if ! [[ "$BACKUP_TARGET" == *"@"* ]]; then err "Missing admin account identifier in backup target." echo " Have you forgottent to specify an account, ie 'myadmin@<MYBACKUP_SERVER>' ?)" return 1 fi
admin=${BACKUP_TARGET%%@*} server=${BACKUP_TARGET#*@} opts=()
[ -n "$opt_ignore_ping_check" ] && opts+=("--ignore-ping-check")
[ -n "$opt_ignore_domain_check" ] && opts+=("--ignore-domain-check")
p0 "$admin" "$server" "${opts[@]}" | vps_mux vps_install_backup "${VPS[@]}" }
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-backup cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-backup:run() { : }
cmdline.spec.gnu ls cmdline.spec:vps-backup:cmd:ls:run() { : :posarg: BACKUP_ID 'Backup id. (ie: myadmin@backup.domain.org:10023)'
if ! [[ "$BACKUP_ID" == *"@"* ]]; then err "Missing admin account identifier in backup id." echo " Have you forgottent to specify an admin account ?" \ "ie 'myadmin@<MYBACKUP_SERVER>#<BACKUP_IDENT>' ?)" return 1 fi
## XXXvlab: in this first implementation we expect to have access ## to the server main ssh port 22, so we won't use the provided port. ssh_options=() if [[ "$server" == *":"* ]]; then ssh_options+=(-p "${server#*:}") server=${server%%:*} fi
ssh "${ssh_options[@]}" "$admin"@"$server" ssh-key ls }
cmdline.spec.gnu recover cmdline.spec:vps-backup:cmd:recover:run() {
: :posarg: BACKUP_ID 'Backup id. (ie: myadmin@backup.domain.org:10023#mx.myvps.org myadmin@ark-01.org#myid:/a/path admin@ark-02.io#myid:myqsl,mailcow)' : :posarg: VPS_PATH 'Target host(s) to check. (ie: myvps.com myvps.com:/a/path)'
: :optval: --date,-D '"last", or label of version to recover. (Default: "last").' : :optfla: --force,-f 'Will allow you to bypass some checks.'
if ! [[ "$BACKUP_ID" == *"@"* ]]; then err "Missing admin account identifier in backup id." echo " Have you forgottent to specify an admin account ?" \ "ie 'myadmin@<MYBACKUP_SERVER>#<BACKUP_IDENT>' ?)" return 1 fi if ! [[ "$BACKUP_ID" == *"@"*"#"* ]]; then err "Missing backup label identifier in backup id." echo " Have you forgottent to specify a backup label identifier ?" \ "ie 'myadmin@<MYBACKUP_SERVER>#<BACKUP_IDENT>' ?)" return 1 fi
id_path=${BACKUP_ID#*#} if [[ "$id_path" == *":"* ]]; then id=${id_path%%:*} path=${id_path#*:} else id="$id_path" path= fi BACKUP_TARGET=${BACKUP_ID%#*} admin=${BACKUP_TARGET%%@*} server=${BACKUP_TARGET#*@}
ssh_options=() if [[ "$server" == *":"* ]]; then ssh_options+=(-p "${server#*:}") ssh_server=${server%%:*} fi
if ! content=$(ssh:run "$admin"@"${ssh_server}" "${ssh_options[@]}" -- ssh-key ls 2>/dev/null); then err "Access denied to '$admin@${server}'." return 1 fi
idents=$(echo "$content" | sed -r "s/"$'\e'"\[[0-9]+(;[0-9]+)*m//g" | cut -f 2 -d " ") if ! [[ $'\n'"$idents"$'\n' == *$'\n'"$id"$'\n'* ]]; then err "Given backup id '$id' not found in $admin@${server}'s idents." return 1 fi
rtype=$(ssh:run "$admin"@"${ssh_server}" "${ssh_options[@]}" -- ssh-key get-type "$id" ) && info "Backup archive matches ${WHITE}${rtype}${NORMAL} type"
p0 "$admin" "$server" "$id" "$path" "$rtype" "$opt_force" | vps_backup_recover "${VPS_PATH}" }
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-update cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-update:run() {
: :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host to check'
echo "" | vps_mux vps_update "${VPS[@]}" }
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-mux cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-mux:run() {
: :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host(s) to check'
cat | vps_mux vps_bash "${VPS[@]}" }
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-space cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-space:run() {
: :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host(s) to check'
echo "df /srv -h | tail -n +2 | sed -r 's/ +/ /g' | cut -f 2-5 -d ' '" | vps_mux vps_bash "${VPS[@]}" }
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-stats cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-stats:run() {
: :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host(s) to get stats'
: :optfla: --follow,-f 'Refresh graph every 2m' : :optval: --timespan,-t 'timespan START[..END]' : :optval: --resource,-r 'resource(s) separated with a comma' : :optval: --interval,-i 'refersh interval (default: 60s)'
local opts_rrdfetch=( -a ) if [ -n "${opt_timespan}" ]; then start=${opt_timespan%\.\.*} opts_rrdfetch+=(-s "$start") if [ "$start" != "${opt_timespan}" ]; then end=${opt_timespan#*..} opts_rrdfetch+=(-e "$end") fi fi local resources=(c.memory c.network load_avg disk) if [ -n "${opt_resource}" ]; then resources=(${opt_resource//,/ }) fi
local not_found=() for resource in "${resources[@]}"; do if ! fn.exists "graph:def:$resource"; then not_found+=("$resource") fi done
if [[ "${#not_found[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then not_found_msg=$(printf "%s, " "${not_found[@]}") not_found_msg=${not_found_msg%, } err "Unsupported resource(s) provided: ${not_found_msg}" echo " resource must be one-of:" >&2 declare -F | egrep 'graph:def:[a-zA-Z_.]+$' | cut -f 3- -d " " | cut -f 3- -d ":" | prefix " - " >&2 return 1 fi
if [ "${#VPS[@]}" == 0 ]; then err "You must provide a VPS list as positional arguments" return 1 fi
include cache if [ -z "$VAR_DIR" ]; then err "Unset \$VAR_DIR, can't downlowd rrd graph" return 1 fi mkdir -p "$VAR_DIR/rrd" if ! [ -d "$VAR_DIR/rrd" ]; then err "Invalid \$VAR_DIR: '$VAR_DIR/rrd' is not a directory" return 1 fi
( for vps in "${VPS[@]}"; do ( { { ssh:open "root@$vps" 2>/dev/null || { err "Can't open connection $vps." return 1 } while true; do if ssh:run "root@$vps" -- "[ -d '/var/lib/vps/rrd' ]"; then echo "${WHITE}Collecting stats${NORMAL}..." { { ssh:rsync "root@$vps:/var/lib/vps/rrd/" "${VAR_DIR}/rrd/${vps}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | prefix " ${DARKRED}\!${NORMAL} " set_errlvl "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | prefix " ${GRAY}|${NORMAL} " echo " ${GRAY}..${NORMAL} ${DARKGREEN}done${NORMAL} collecting stats" else warn "No stats found. Did you run 'myc-update' on the vps ?." fi [ -z "$opt_follow" ] && break echo "${WHITE}Sleeping ${DARKYELLOW}${opt_interval:-60}${NORMAL}s..." sleep "${opt_interval:-60}" echo " ${GRAY}..${NORMAL} ${DARKGREEN}done${NORMAL} sleeping" done } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | prefix " ${DARKRED}\!${GRAY} collect(${DARKCYAN}$vps${GRAY})${NORMAL} " set_errlvl "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | prefix " ${GRAY}| collect(${DARKCYAN}$vps${GRAY})${NORMAL} " >&2 ) & done wait ) & collect_pid="$!" if [ -z "$opt_follow" ]; then echo "${WHITE}Fetching last stats${NORMAL}${GRAY}..${NORMAL}" >&2 wait echo " ${GRAY}..${DARKGREEN} done${NORMAL} fetching stats" >&2 else collect_end_msg=" ${GRAY}..${NORMAL} ${DARKGREEN}stop${NORMAL} collecting daemon (pid: ${DARKYELLOW}$collect_pid${NORMAL})" trap_add EXIT \ "printf '%s\n' \"$collect_end_msg\" && kill $collect_pid" echo "${WHITE}Start collecting daemon${NORMAL} (pid: ${DARKYELLOW}$collect_pid${NORMAL}) ${GRAY}..${NORMAL}" >&2 fi ( depends gnuplot ) || { echo "" echo " Gnuplot is required to display graphs..." \ "You might want to try to install ${WHITE}gnuplot${NORMAL} with:" echo "" echo " apt install gnuplot" echo "" return 1 } >&2 ( depends rrdtool ) || { echo "" echo " Rrdtool is required to display graphs..." \ "You might want to try to install ${WHITE}rrdtool${NORMAL} with:" echo "" echo " apt install rrdtool" echo "" return 1 } >&2 rrd_tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t rrd.XXXXXX) export rrd_tmpdir export GNUTERM=qt ## rrdtool fetch will use comma for floating point depending on some locals ! export LC_ALL=C exec {PFD}> >(exec gnuplot 2>/dev/null) gnuplot_pid="$!" if [ -z "$opt_follow" ]; then echo "${WHITE}Draw gnuplot graph${GRAY}..${NORMAL}" >&2 else gnuplot_end_msg=" ${GRAY}..${NORMAL} ${DARKGREEN}stop${NORMAL} gnuplot process (pid: $gnuplot_pid)" trap_add EXIT \ "printf '%s\n' \"$gnuplot_end_msg\" && kill $gnuplot_pid" echo "${WHITE}Start gnuplot process${NORMAL} (pid: $gnuplot_pid) ${GRAY}..${NORMAL}" >&2 fi echo "set term qt noraise replotonresize" >&$PFD while true; do { i=0 data_start_ts= data_stop_ts= for resource in "${resources[@]}"; do for vps in "${VPS[@]}"; do ((i++)) { { rrd_vps_path="$VAR_DIR/rrd/$vps" if [ -d "$rrd_vps_path" ]; then graph:def:"${resource}" "$vps" "$i" "${opts_rrdfetch[@]}" else warn "No data yet, ignoring..." fi } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | prefix " ${DARKRED}\!${GRAY} graph(${DARKCYAN}$vps${GRAY}:${WHITE}$resource${NORMAL})${NORMAL} " set_errlvl "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 || continue 1 done done } >&$PFD if [ -z "$opt_follow" ]; then echo " ${GRAY}..${DARKGREEN} done${NORMAL} gnuplot graphing" >&2 break else { echo "${WHITE}Sleeping ${DARKYELLOW}${opt_interval:-60}${NORMAL}s..." sleep "${opt_interval:-60}" echo " ${GRAY}..${NORMAL} ${DARKGREEN}done${NORMAL} sleeping" } | prefix " ${GRAY}| gnuplot:${NORMAL} " >&2 fi done
if [ -n "$opt_follow" ]; then echo "Waiting for child process to finish.." >&2 wait echo " ..done" >&2 else echo "pause mouse close" >&$PFD fi }
graph:def:c.memory() { local vps="$1" i="$2" shift 2 local opts_rrdfetch=("$@") local resource="memory" rrd_vps_path="$VAR_DIR/rrd/$vps" [ -d "$rrd_vps_path/containers" ] || { warn "No containers data yet for vps '$vps'... Ignoring" return 0 } containers=( $( cd "$rrd_vps_path/containers"; find -maxdepth 3 -mindepth 3 -name "${resource}.rrd" -type f | sed -r 's%^./([^/]+/[^/]+)/[^/]+.rrd$%\1%g' ) ) gnuplot_line_config=( "set term qt $i title \"$vps $resource\" replotonresize noraise" "set title '$vps'" "set xdata time" "set timefmt '%s'" "set ylabel '$resource Usage'" "set format y '%s'" "set ytics format ' %g'" "set mouse mouseformat 6" "set yrange [0:*] " "set border behind" ) printf "%s\n" "${gnuplot_line_config[@]}" first=1 for container in "${containers[@]}"; do rrdfetch_cmd="'< rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/containers/$container/$resource.rrd\"" rrdfetch_cmd+=" AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\"'" rrdfetch_cmd_bash=$(eval echo "${rrdfetch_cmd}") rrdfetch_cmd_bash=${rrdfetch_cmd_bash#< } first_ts= first_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [ -z "$first_ts" ]; then warn "No data for $container on vps $vps, skipping..." continue fi last_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [[ -z "$data_start_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_start_ts" > "$first_ts" ]]; then data_start_ts="$first_ts" fi if [[ -z "$data_stop_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_stop_ts" < "$last_ts" ]]; then data_stop_ts="$last_ts" fi if [ -n "$first" ]; then first= echo "plot \\" else echo ", \\" fi container="${container//\'/}" container="${container//@/\\@}" echo -n " ${rrdfetch_cmd} u 1:(\$3/(1000*1000*1000)) w lines title '${container//_/\\_}'" done echo }
graph:def:c.network() { local vps="$1" i="$2" shift 2 local opts_rrdfetch=("$@") local resource="network" rrd_vps_path="$VAR_DIR/rrd/$vps" [ -d "$rrd_vps_path/containers" ] || { warn "No containers data yet for vps '$vps'... Ignoring" return 0 } containers=( $( cd "$rrd_vps_path/containers"; find -maxdepth 3 -mindepth 3 -name "${resource}.rrd" -type f | sed -r 's%^./([^/]+/[^/]+)/[^/]+.rrd$%\1%g' ) ) gnuplot_line_config=( "set term qt $i title \"$vps $resource\" replotonresize noraise" "set title '$vps'" "set xdata time" "set timefmt '%s'" "set ylabel '$resource Usage'" "set format y '%s'" "set ytics format ' %.2f MiB/s'" "set mouse mouseformat 6" "set yrange [0:*] " "set border behind" ) printf "%s\n" "${gnuplot_line_config[@]}" first=1 for container in "${containers[@]}"; do rrdfetch_cmd="'< rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/containers/$container/$resource.rrd\"" rrdfetch_cmd+=" AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\"'" rrdfetch_cmd_bash=$(eval echo "${rrdfetch_cmd}") rrdfetch_cmd_bash=${rrdfetch_cmd_bash#< } first_ts= first_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [ -z "$first_ts" ]; then warn "No data for $container on vps $vps, skipping..." continue fi last_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [[ -z "$data_start_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_start_ts" > "$first_ts" ]]; then data_start_ts="$first_ts" fi if [[ -z "$data_stop_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_stop_ts" < "$last_ts" ]]; then data_stop_ts="$last_ts" fi if [ -n "$first" ]; then first= echo "plot \\" else echo ", \\" fi container="${container//\'/}" container="${container//@/\\@}" echo -n " ${rrdfetch_cmd} u 1:((\$3 / 1024) / 1024) w lines title '${container//_/\\_}'" done echo }
graph:def:load_avg() { local vps="$1" i="$2" shift 2 local opts_rrdfetch=("$@") rrd_vps_path="$VAR_DIR/rrd/$vps" [ -f "$rrd_vps_path/$resource.rrd" ] || { warn "No containers data yet for vps '$vps'... Ignoring" return 0 } gnuplot_line_config=( "set term qt $i title \"$vps $resource\" replotonresize noraise" "set title '$vps'" "set xdata time" "set timefmt '%s'" "set ylabel '${resource//_/\\_} Usage'" "set format y '%s'" "set ytics format '%g'" "set mouse mouseformat 6" "set yrange [0:*] " "set border behind" ) printf "%s\n" "${gnuplot_line_config[@]}" first=1 for value in 1m:2 5m:3 15m:4; do label="${value%:*}" col_num="${value#*:}" rrdfetch_cmd="'< rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/$resource.rrd\"" rrdfetch_cmd+=" AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\"'" rrdfetch_cmd_bash=$(eval echo "${rrdfetch_cmd}") rrdfetch_cmd_bash=${rrdfetch_cmd_bash#< } first_ts= first_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [ -z "$first_ts" ]; then warn "No data for $resource on vps $vps, skipping..." continue fi last_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [[ -z "$data_start_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_start_ts" > "$first_ts" ]]; then data_start_ts="$first_ts" fi if [[ -z "$data_stop_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_stop_ts" < "$last_ts" ]]; then data_stop_ts="$last_ts" fi if [ -n "$first" ]; then first= echo "plot \\" else echo ", \\" fi container="${container//\'/}" container="${container//@/\\@}" echo -n " ${rrdfetch_cmd} u 1:$col_num w lines title '${label}'" done echo }
graph:def:disk() { local vps="$1" i="$2" shift 2 local opts_rrdfetch=("$@") rrd_vps_path="$VAR_DIR/rrd/$vps" [ -f "$rrd_vps_path/$resource.rrd" ] || { warn "No containers data yet for vps '$vps'... Ignoring" return 0 } gnuplot_line_config=( "set term qt $i title \"$vps $resource\" replotonresize noraise" "set title '$vps'" "set xdata time" "set timefmt '%s'" "set ylabel '${resource//_/\\_} Usage'" "set format y '%s'" "set ytics format '%g GiB'" "set mouse mouseformat 6" "set yrange [0:*] " "set border behind" ) printf "%s\n" "${gnuplot_line_config[@]}" first=1 for value in used:2 size:3; do label="${value%:*}" col_num="${value#*:}" rrdfetch_cmd="'< rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/$resource.rrd\"" rrdfetch_cmd+=" AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\"'" rrdfetch_cmd_bash=$(eval echo "${rrdfetch_cmd}") rrdfetch_cmd_bash=${rrdfetch_cmd_bash#< } first_ts= first_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [ -z "$first_ts" ]; then warn "No data for $resource on vps $vps, skipping..." continue fi last_ts=$(eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [[ -z "$data_start_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_start_ts" > "$first_ts" ]]; then data_start_ts="$first_ts" fi if [[ -z "$data_stop_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_stop_ts" < "$last_ts" ]]; then data_stop_ts="$last_ts" fi if [ -n "$first" ]; then first= echo "plot \\" else echo ", \\" fi container="${container//\'/}" container="${container//@/\\@}" echo -n " ${rrdfetch_cmd} u 1:(\$${col_num}/(1024*1024)) w lines title '${label}'" done echo }
graph:def:disk-2() { local vps="$1" i="$2" shift 2 local opts_rrdfetch=("$@") rrd_vps_path="$VAR_DIR/rrd/$vps" rscolcat:check-install || return 1 folders=( $( cd "$rrd_vps_path/$resource/data"; find -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -name "size.rrd" -type f | sed -r 's%^./([^/]+)/[^/]+.rrd$%data/\1%g' ) ) gnuplot_line_config=( "set term qt $i title \"$vps $resource\" replotonresize noraise" "set title '$vps'" "set xdata time" "set timefmt '%s'" "set ylabel '${resource//_/\\_} Usage'" "set format y '%s'" "set ytics format '%g GiB'" "set mouse mouseformat 6" "set yrange [0:*] " "set border behind" 'set key outside top right' ) declare -A colors colors[host/other]="#000000" colors[docker/build_cache]="#87CEEB" colors[docker/containers]="#0047AB" colors[docker/images]="#00FFFF" colors[docker/local_volumes]="#6495ED" colors[docker/logs]="#000080"
printf "%s\n" "${gnuplot_line_config[@]}" first=1 rrdfetch_cmd="'< rscolcat concat" lines_def=() legend_def=() label="${value%:*}" idx=1 previous_sum=0 values=( host/other docker/{build_cache,local_volumes,logs,containers,images} "${folders[@]}" ) declare -A values_colnb for subvalue in "${values[@]}" ; do idx=$((idx + 1)) values_colnb["$subvalue"]="$idx" [ -e "$rrd_vps_path/$resource/$subvalue/size.rrd" ] || { warn "No data yet for $subvalue on vps $vps, ignoring..." continue } rrdfetch_cmd+=" \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" <(rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/$resource/$subvalue/size.rrd\"" rrdfetch_cmd+=" AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' rrdfetch_cmd+=" egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\")"
done rrdfetch_cmd+="'" rrdfetch_cmd_bash=$(eval echo "${rrdfetch_cmd}") rrdfetch_cmd_bash=${rrdfetch_cmd_bash#< } eval "$rrdfetch_cmd_bash" > "$rrd_tmpdir/data.txt" || return 1 first_ts= first_ts=$(cat "$rrd_tmpdir/data.txt" | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") if [ -z "$first_ts" ]; then err "No data for $resource on vps $vps, skipping..." return 1 fi last_ts=$(cat "$rrd_tmpdir/data.txt" | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " ") last_valued_line=$(cat "$rrd_tmpdir/data.txt" | egrep -v '^[0-9]+( -)+' | tail -n 1) || return 1 if [[ -z "$data_start_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_start_ts" > "$first_ts" ]]; then data_start_ts="$first_ts" fi if [[ -z "$data_stop_ts" ]] || [[ "$data_stop_ts" < "$last_ts" ]]; then data_stop_ts="$last_ts" fi last_values=(${last_valued_line#* }) idx=0 data_sorted_values=$( for last_value in "${last_values[@]}"; do [[ "${values[$idx]}" != "data/"* ]] && { idx=$((idx + 1)) continue } if [ "$last_value" == "-" ]; then last_value=0 fi printf "%s %.0f\n" "${values[$idx]}" "$last_value" idx=$((idx + 1)) done | sort -k 2 -n | cut -f 1 -d " " ) data_sorted_values=(${data_sorted_values}) color_step=$(( 255 / ${#data_sorted_values[@]} )) toggle=10 for label in "${data_sorted_values[@]}"; do if [ "$toggle" -eq 10 ]; then toggle=240 else toggle=10 fi colors[$label]=$(printf "#%02x%02x%02x" "$toggle" $(( 255 - (color_step * idx) )) $(( color_step * idx)) ) idx=$((idx + 1)) done echo "plot \\" first=1 line_def="" ordered_values=( host/other docker/{build_cache,local_volumes,logs,containers,images} "${data_sorted_values[@]}" ) idx=0 for subvalue in "${ordered_values[@]}" ; do colnb="${values_colnb[$subvalue]}" sum_str="(valid(${colnb}) ? column(${colnb}) : 0)" line_def="" if [ -n "$first" ]; then current_sum+="${sum_str}" first= line_def="u 1:(0):(1/(1/((${current_sum})/(1024*1024)))) w filledcurves title '${subvalue//_/\\_}'" else echo -n ", \\"$'\n' current_sum+=" + $sum_str" line_def="u 1:(1/(1/((${previous_sum})/(1024*1024)))):(1/(1/((${current_sum})/(1024*1024)))) w filledcurves title '${subvalue//_/\\_}'" fi previous_sum="$current_sum" if [[ -n "${colors[$subvalue]}" ]]; then line_def+=" lc rgb '${colors[$subvalue]}'" fi echo -n " '$rrd_tmpdir/data.txt' ${line_def}" done ## Add line with "available" value from host/available echo -n ", \\"$'\n' echo -n " '< rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/$resource/host/available/size.rrd\"" echo -n " AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' echo -n " tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' echo -n " egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\"'" echo -n " u 1:(\$2/(1024*1024)) w lines title 'available' lw 2 lc rgb '#FF0000'" ## Add dashed line with 75% of "available" value from host/available echo -n ", \\"$'\n' echo -n " '< rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/$resource/host/available/size.rrd\"" echo -n " AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' echo -n " tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' echo -n " egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\"'" echo -n " u 1:((3 * \$2)/(4*1024*1024)) w lines title '75% available' lw 1 dashtype 2 lc rgb '#FF0000'" ## Add dashed line with 95% of "available" value from host/available echo -n ", \\"$'\n' echo -n " '< rrdtool fetch \"$rrd_vps_path/$resource/host/available/size.rrd\"" echo -n " AVERAGE ${opts_rrdfetch[*]} | \\"$'\n' echo -n " tail -n +2 | \\"$'\n' echo -n " egrep -v \"^$\" | sed -r \"s/ -?nan/ -/g;s/^([0-9]+): /\\1 /g\"'" echo -n " u 1:((9 * \$2)/(10*1024*1024)) w lines title '90% available' lw 2 dashtype 2 lc rgb '#FF0000'" echo
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-subscribe cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-subscribe:run() { : } cmdline.spec.gnu add cmdline.spec:vps-subscribe:cmd:add:run() {
: :posarg: CHANNEL 'Channel which will be sent to given topic' : :posarg: TOPIC 'Ntfy topic to recieve messages of given channel (format: "[MYSERVER:]MYTOPICS" Examples: "ntfy.0k.io:main,storage,alerts", "main{1,3,7}" )' : :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host(s) to get stats'
printf "%s\0" "$CHANNEL" "$TOPIC" | vps_mux subscribe:add "${VPS[@]}"
cmdline.spec.gnu rm cmdline.spec:vps-subscribe:cmd:rm:run() {
: :posarg: CHANNEL 'Channel which will be sent to given topic' : :posarg: TOPIC 'Ntfy topic to recieve messages of given channel (format: "[MYSERVER:]MYTOPICS" Examples: "ntfy.0k.io:main,storage,alerts", "main{1,3,7}" )' : :posarg: [VPS...] 'Target host(s) to get stats'
printf "%s\0" "$CHANNEL" "$TOPIC" | vps_mux subscribe:rm "${VPS[@]}"
cmdline.spec.gnu vps-clone-odoo-db cmdline.spec::cmd:vps-clone-odoo-db:run() {
: :posarg: FROM 'Database from which to clone (format : "vps:servicename:dbname")' : :posarg: TO 'Database name to clone (format : "vps:servicename:dbname")'
: :optval: --dumpfile,-d 'Dumpfile path (default: /tmp/servicename_dbname_DATE.zip)' : :optfla: --neutralize,-n 'Neutralize the new database'
IFS=':' read -r vps_from service_from db_from <<< "$FROM" IFS=':' read -r vps_to service_to db_to <<< "$TO"
echo "Cloning from VPS: $vps_from, Service: $service_from, DB: $db_from" echo "Cloning to VPS: $vps_to, Service: $service_to, DB: $db_to"
## if not -n option we warn the user if [ -z "$opt_neutralize" ]; then warn "Neutralize option '-n' not set, the new database will have email servers ON" fi
DUMPDATE=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) DUMPFILENAME="${service_from}_${db_from}_${DUMPDATE}.zip" DUMPFILE="/tmp/${DUMPFILENAME}"
if [ -n "$opt_dumpfile" ]; then DUMPFILE="$opt_dumpfile" fi
info "Dumpfile : $DUMPFILE"
clone:odoo:check "$vps_from" "$service_from" "$vps_to" "$service_to" || { err "check failed" return 1 }
clone:odoo:dump "$vps_from" "$service_from" "$db_from" "$DUMPFILE" "$opt_force" || { err "Failed to dump database $db_from from $vps_from" return 1 } clone:odoo:scp "$vps_from" "$vps_to" "$DUMPFILE" || { err "Failed to scp database $db_from from $vps_from to $vps_to" return 1 } clone:odoo:restore "$vps_to" "$service_to" "$db_to" "$DUMPFILE" "$opt_neutralize" || { err "Failed to restore database $db_to on $vps_to" return 1 }
clone:odoo:clean "$vps_from" "$vps_to" "$DUMPFILE" || { err "Failed to clean database dump $DUMPFILE" return 1 }
clone:odoo:retrieveinfo(){ local vps="$1" local service="$2" local dbname="$3" }
clone:odoo:check(){ local vps_from="$1" local service_from="$2" local vps_to="$3" local service_to="$4" local opt_force="$5"
check_vps_connection() { local vps="$1" vps_connection_check "$vps" </dev/null || { err "Failed to access '$vps'." return 1 } }
get_image_id() { local vps="$1" local service="$2" ssh root@"$vps" "docker inspect --format '{{.Image}}' \$(docker ps --filter 'name=$service' --format '{{.ID}}')" || { err "Failed to get image ID from $vps" return 1 } }
get_image_date() { local vps="$1" local image_id="$2" ssh root@"$vps" "docker inspect --format '{{.Created}}' '$image_id'" }
# Check VPS connections check_vps_connection "$vps_from" || return 1 check_vps_connection "$vps_to" || return 1
# Get image IDs image_id_from=$(get_image_id "$vps_from" "$service_from") || return 1 image_id_to=$(get_image_id "$vps_to" "$service_to") || return 1
# Compare image IDs and warn if different if [ "$image_id_from" != "$image_id_to" ]; then image_from_date=$(get_image_date "$vps_from" "$image_id_from") image_to_date=$(get_image_date "$vps_to" "$image_id_to")
info "....Image from ${DARKCYAN}$vps_from${NORMAL} created on : $image_from_date" info "....Image from ${DARKCYAN}$vps_to${NORMAL} created on : $image_to_date" warn "Image IDs are different between ${DARKCYAN}$vps_from${NORMAL} and ${DARKCYAN}$vps_to${NORMAL}, maybe an image upd is needed." fi }
clone:odoo:dump(){ local vps="$1" local service="$2" local dbname="$3" local dumpfile="$4" local opt_force="$5"
info "Dumping database $dbname from $vps:$service"
ssh:run "root@$vps" -- vps odoo dump -s "$service" -D "$dbname" "$dumpfile" || { err "Failed to dump database $dbname from $vps" return 1 } }
clone:odoo:scp(){ local vps_from="$1" local vps_to="$2" local dumpfile="$3"
info "Copying database dump from $vps_from to $vps_to"
scp "root@$vps_from:${dumpfile}" "root@${vps_to}:${dumpfile}" 2>&1 || { err "Failed to copy database dump from $vps_from to $vps_to" return 1 } }
clone:odoo:restore(){ local vps="$1" local service="$2" local dbname="$3" local dumpfile="$4" local opt_neutralize="$5"
if [ -n "$opt_neutralize" ]; then info "Neutralizing database $dbname" opt_neutralize="--neutralize" else opt_neutralize="" fi
info "Restoring database $dbname on $vps:$service" ssh:run "root@$vps" -- vps odoo restore -s "$service" -D "$dbname" "$opt_neutralize" "$dumpfile" || { err "Failed to restore database $dbname on $vps" return 1 } }
clone:odoo:clean(){ local vps_from="$1" local vps_to="$2" local dumpfile="$3"
info "Cleaning database dump $dumpfile on $vps_from and $vps_to"
ssh:run "root@$vps_from" -- rm -f "$dumpfile" || { err "Failed to clean database dump $dumpfile on $vps_from" return 1 } ssh:run "root@$vps_to" -- rm -f "$dumpfile" || { err "Failed to clean database dump $dumpfile on $vps_to" return 1 } }
cmdline::parse "$@"