"""Doodba child project tasks. This file is to be executed with https://www.pyinvoke.org/ in Python 3.6+. Contains common helpers to develop using this child project. """ import json import os import stat import tempfile import time from datetime import datetime from itertools import chain from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from shutil import which from invoke import exceptions, task try: import yaml except ImportError: from invoke.util import yaml PROJECT_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() SRC_PATH = PROJECT_ROOT / "odoo" / "custom" / "src" UID_ENV = { "GID": os.environ.get("DOODBA_GID", str(os.getgid())), "UID": os.environ.get("DOODBA_UID", str(os.getuid())), "DOODBA_UMASK": os.environ.get("DOODBA_UMASK", "27"), } UID_ENV.update( { "DOODBA_GITAGGREGATE_GID": os.environ.get( "DOODBA_GITAGGREGATE_GID", UID_ENV["GID"] ), "DOODBA_GITAGGREGATE_UID": os.environ.get( "DOODBA_GITAGGREGATE_UID", UID_ENV["UID"] ), } ) SERVICES_WAIT_TIME = int(os.environ.get("SERVICES_WAIT_TIME", 4)) ODOO_VERSION = float( yaml.safe_load((PROJECT_ROOT / "common.yaml").read_text())["services"]["odoo"][ "build" ]["args"]["ODOO_VERSION"] ) _logger = getLogger(__name__) def _override_docker_command(service, command, file, orig_file=None): # Read config from main file if orig_file: with open(orig_file, "r") as fd: orig_docker_config = yaml.safe_load(fd.read()) docker_compose_file_version = orig_docker_config.get("version") else: docker_compose_file_version = "2.4" docker_config = { "version": docker_compose_file_version, "services": {service: {"command": command}}, } docker_config_yaml = yaml.dump(docker_config) file.write(docker_config_yaml) file.flush() def _remove_auto_reload(file, orig_file): with open(orig_file, "r") as fd: orig_docker_config = yaml.safe_load(fd.read()) odoo_command = orig_docker_config["services"]["odoo"]["command"] new_odoo_command = [] for flag in odoo_command: if flag.startswith("--dev"): flag = flag.replace("reload,", "") new_odoo_command.append(flag) _override_docker_command("odoo", new_odoo_command, file, orig_file=orig_file) def _get_cwd_addon(file): cwd = Path(file).resolve() manifest_file = False while PROJECT_ROOT < cwd: manifest_file = (cwd / "__manifest__.py").exists() or ( cwd / "__openerp__.py" ).exists() if manifest_file: return cwd.stem cwd = cwd.parent if cwd == PROJECT_ROOT: return None @task def write_code_workspace_file(c, cw_path=None): """Generate code-workspace file definition. Some other tasks will call this one when needed, and since you cannot specify the file name there, if you want a specific one, you should call this task before. Most times you just can forget about this task and let it be run automatically whenever needed. If you don't define a workspace name, this task will reuse the 1st `doodba.*.code-workspace` file found inside the current directory. If none is found, it will default to `doodba.$(basename $PWD).code-workspace`. If you define it manually, remember to use the same prefix and suffix if you want it git-ignored by default. Example: `--cw-path doodba.my-custom-name.code-workspace` """ root_name = f"doodba.{PROJECT_ROOT.name}" root_var = "${workspaceFolder:%s}" % root_name if not cw_path: try: cw_path = next(PROJECT_ROOT.glob("doodba.*.code-workspace")) except StopIteration: cw_path = f"{root_name}.code-workspace" if not Path(cw_path).is_absolute(): cw_path = PROJECT_ROOT / cw_path cw_config = {} try: with open(cw_path) as cw_fd: cw_config = json.load(cw_fd) except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError): pass # Nevermind, we start with a new config # Static settings cw_config.setdefault("settings", {}) cw_config["settings"].update( { "python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [f"{str(SRC_PATH)}/odoo"], "python.linting.flake8Enabled": True, "python.linting.ignorePatterns": [f"{str(SRC_PATH)}/odoo/**/*.py"], "python.linting.pylintArgs": [ f"--init-hook=\"import sys;sys.path.append('{str(SRC_PATH)}/odoo')\"", "--load-plugins=pylint_odoo", ], "python.linting.pylintEnabled": True, "python.pythonPath": "python%s" % (2 if ODOO_VERSION < 11 else 3), "restructuredtext.confPath": "", "search.followSymlinks": False, "search.useIgnoreFiles": False, # Language-specific configurations "[python]": {"editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.python"}, "[json]": {"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"}, "[jsonc]": {"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"}, "[markdown]": {"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"}, "[yaml]": {"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"}, "[xml]": {"editor.formatOnSave": False}, } ) # Launch configurations debugpy_configuration = { "name": "Attach Python debugger to running container", "type": "python", "request": "attach", "pathMappings": [], "port": int(ODOO_VERSION) * 1000 + 899, # HACK https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python/issues/14820 "host": "", } firefox_configuration = { "type": "firefox", "request": "launch", "reAttach": True, "name": "Connect to firefox debugger", "url": f"http://localhost:{ODOO_VERSION:.0f}069/?debug=assets", "reloadOnChange": { "watch": f"{root_var}/odoo/custom/src/**/*.{'{js,css,scss,less}'}" }, "skipFiles": ["**/lib/**"], "pathMappings": [], } chrome_executable = which("chrome") or which("chromium") chrome_configuration = { "type": "chrome", "request": "launch", "name": "Connect to chrome debugger", "url": f"http://localhost:{ODOO_VERSION:.0f}069/?debug=assets", "skipFiles": ["**/lib/**"], "trace": True, "pathMapping": {}, } if chrome_executable: chrome_configuration["runtimeExecutable"] = chrome_executable cw_config["launch"] = { "compounds": [ { "name": "Start Odoo and debug Python", "configurations": ["Attach Python debugger to running container"], "preLaunchTask": "Start Odoo in debug mode", }, { "name": "Test and debug current module", "configurations": ["Attach Python debugger to running container"], "preLaunchTask": "Run Odoo Tests in debug mode for current module", "internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart", }, ], "configurations": [ debugpy_configuration, firefox_configuration, chrome_configuration, ], } # Configure folders and debuggers debugpy_configuration["pathMappings"].append( { "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder:odoo}/", "remoteRoot": "/opt/odoo/custom/src/odoo", } ) cw_config["folders"] = [] for subrepo in SRC_PATH.glob("*"): if not subrepo.is_dir(): continue if (subrepo / ".git").exists() and subrepo.name != "odoo": cw_config["folders"].append( {"path": str(subrepo.relative_to(PROJECT_ROOT))} ) for addon in chain(subrepo.glob("*"), subrepo.glob("addons/*")): if (addon / "__manifest__.py").is_file() or ( addon / "__openerp__.py" ).is_file(): if subrepo.name == "odoo": local_path = "${workspaceFolder:%s}/addons/%s/" % ( subrepo.name, addon.name, ) else: local_path = "${workspaceFolder:%s}/%s" % (subrepo.name, addon.name) debugpy_configuration["pathMappings"].append( { "localRoot": local_path, "remoteRoot": f"/opt/odoo/auto/addons/{addon.name}/", } ) url = f"http://localhost:{ODOO_VERSION:.0f}069/{addon.name}/static/" path = "${workspaceFolder:%s}/%s/static/" % ( subrepo.name, addon.relative_to(subrepo), ) firefox_configuration["pathMappings"].append({"url": url, "path": path}) chrome_configuration["pathMapping"][url] = path cw_config["tasks"] = { "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "label": "Start Odoo", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": ["start", "--detach"], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "silent", "focus": False, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": {"statusbar": {"label": "$(play-circle) Start Odoo"}}, }, { "label": "Install current module", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": ["install", "--cur-file", "${file}", "restart"], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "always", "focus": True, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": { "statusbar": {"label": "$(symbol-property) Install module"} }, }, { "label": "Run Odoo Tests for current module", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": ["test", "--cur-file", "${file}"], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "always", "focus": True, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": {"statusbar": {"label": "$(beaker) Test module"}}, }, { "label": "Run Odoo Tests in debug mode for current module", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": [ "test", "--cur-file", "${file}", "--debugpy", ], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "silent", "focus": False, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": {"statusbar": {"hide": True}}, }, { "label": "Start Odoo in debug mode", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": ["start", "--detach", "--debugpy"], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "silent", "focus": False, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": {"statusbar": {"hide": True}}, }, { "label": "Stop Odoo", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": ["stop"], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "silent", "focus": False, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": {"statusbar": {"label": "$(stop-circle) Stop Odoo"}}, }, { "label": "Restart Odoo", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": ["restart"], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "silent", "focus": False, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": {"statusbar": {"label": "$(history) Restart Odoo"}}, }, { "label": "See container logs", "type": "process", "command": "invoke", "args": ["logs"], "presentation": { "echo": True, "reveal": "always", "focus": False, "panel": "shared", "showReuseMessage": True, "clear": False, }, "problemMatcher": [], "options": { "statusbar": {"label": "$(list-selection) See container logs"} }, }, ], } # Sort project folders cw_config["folders"].sort(key=lambda x: x["path"]) # Put Odoo folder just before private and top folder and map to debugpy odoo = SRC_PATH / "odoo" if odoo.is_dir(): cw_config["folders"].append({"path": str(odoo.relative_to(PROJECT_ROOT))}) # HACK https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/95963 put private second to last private = SRC_PATH / "private" if private.is_dir(): cw_config["folders"].append({"path": str(private.relative_to(PROJECT_ROOT))}) # HACK https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/37947 put top folder last cw_config["folders"].append({"path": ".", "name": root_name}) with open(cw_path, "w") as cw_fd: json.dump(cw_config, cw_fd, indent=2) cw_fd.write("\n") @task def develop(c): """Set up a basic development environment.""" # Prepare environment auto = Path(PROJECT_ROOT, "odoo", "auto") addons = auto / "addons" addons.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Allow others writing, for podman support auto.chmod(0o777) addons.chmod(0o777) with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run("git init") c.run("ln -sf devel.yaml docker-compose.yml") write_code_workspace_file(c) c.run("pre-commit install") @task(develop) def git_aggregate(c): """Download odoo & addons git code. Executes git-aggregator from within the doodba container. """ with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run( "docker-compose --file setup-devel.yaml run --rm -T odoo", env=UID_ENV, ) write_code_workspace_file(c) for git_folder in SRC_PATH.glob("*/.git/.."): action = ( "install" if (git_folder / ".pre-commit-config.yaml").is_file() else "uninstall" ) with c.cd(str(git_folder)): c.run(f"pre-commit {action}") @task(develop) def closed_prs(c): """Test closed PRs from repos.yaml""" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT / "odoo/custom/src")): cmd = "gitaggregate -c {} show-closed-prs".format("repos.yaml") c.run(cmd, env=UID_ENV, pty=True) @task() def img_build(c, pull=True): """Build docker images.""" cmd = "docker-compose build" if pull: cmd += " --pull" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run(cmd, env=UID_ENV, pty=True) @task() def img_pull(c): """Pull docker images.""" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run("docker-compose pull", pty=True) @task() def lint(c, verbose=False): """Lint & format source code.""" cmd = "pre-commit run --show-diff-on-failure --all-files --color=always" if verbose: cmd += " --verbose" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run(cmd) @task() def start(c, detach=True, debugpy=False): """Start environment.""" cmd = "docker-compose up" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="w", suffix=".yaml", ) as tmp_docker_compose_file: if debugpy: # Remove auto-reload cmd = ( "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml " f"-f {tmp_docker_compose_file.name} up" ) _remove_auto_reload( tmp_docker_compose_file, orig_file=PROJECT_ROOT / "docker-compose.yml", ) if detach: cmd += " --detach" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): result = c.run( cmd, pty=True, env=dict( UID_ENV, DOODBA_DEBUGPY_ENABLE=str(int(debugpy)), ), ) if not ( "Recreating" in result.stdout or "Starting" in result.stdout or "Creating" in result.stdout ): restart(c) _logger.info("Waiting for services to spin up...") time.sleep(SERVICES_WAIT_TIME) @task( help={ "modules": "Comma-separated list of modules to install.", "core": "Install all core addons. Default: False", "extra": "Install all extra addons. Default: False", "private": "Install all private addons. Default: False", "enterprise": "Install all enterprise addons. Default: False", "cur-file": "Path to the current file." " Addon name will be obtained from there to install.", }, ) def install( c, modules=None, cur_file=None, core=False, extra=False, private=False, enterprise=False, ): """Install Odoo addons By default, installs addon from directory being worked on, unless other options are specified. """ if not (modules or core or extra or private or enterprise): cur_module = _get_cwd_addon(cur_file or Path.cwd()) if not cur_module: raise exceptions.ParseError( msg="Odoo addon to install not found. " "You must provide at least one option for modules" " or be in a subdirectory of one." " See --help for details." ) modules = cur_module cmd = "docker-compose run --rm odoo addons init" if core: cmd += " --core" if extra: cmd += " --extra" if private: cmd += " --private" if enterprise: cmd += " --enterprise" if modules: cmd += f" -w {modules}" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run("docker-compose stop odoo") c.run( cmd, env=UID_ENV, pty=True, ) @task( help={ "modules": "Comma-separated list of modules to uninstall.", }, ) def uninstall( c, modules=None, cur_file=None, ): """Uninstall Odoo addons By default, uninstalls addon from directory being worked on, unless other options are specified. """ if not modules: cur_module = _get_cwd_addon(cur_file or Path.cwd()) if not cur_module: raise exceptions.ParseError( msg="Odoo addon to uninstall not found. " "You must provide at least one option for modules" " or be in a subdirectory of one." " See --help for details." ) modules = cur_module cmd = ( f"docker-compose run --rm odoo click-odoo-uninstall -m {modules or cur_module}" ) with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run( cmd, env=UID_ENV, pty=True, ) def _get_module_dependencies( c, modules=None, core=False, extra=False, private=False, enterprise=False ): """Returns a list of the addons' dependencies By default, refers to the addon from directory being worked on, unless other options are specified. """ # Get list of dependencies for addon cmd = "docker-compose run --rm odoo addons list --dependencies" if core: cmd += " --core" if extra: cmd += " --extra" if private: cmd += " --private" if enterprise: cmd += " --enterprise" if modules: cmd += f" -w {modules}" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): dependencies = c.run( cmd, env=UID_ENV, hide="stdout", ).stdout.splitlines()[-1] return dependencies def _test_in_debug_mode(c, odoo_command): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="w", suffix=".yaml" ) as tmp_docker_compose_file: cmd = ( "docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml " f"-f {tmp_docker_compose_file.name} up -d" ) _override_docker_command( "odoo", odoo_command, file=tmp_docker_compose_file, orig_file=Path(str(PROJECT_ROOT), "docker-compose.yml"), ) with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run( cmd, env=dict( UID_ENV, DOODBA_DEBUGPY_ENABLE="1", ), pty=True, ) _logger.info("Waiting for services to spin up...") time.sleep(SERVICES_WAIT_TIME) def _get_module_list( c, modules=None, core=False, extra=False, private=False, enterprise=False, only_installable=True, ): """Returns a list of addons according to the passed parameters. By default, refers to the addon from directory being worked on, unless other options are specified. """ # Get list of dependencies for addon cmd = "docker-compose run --rm odoo addons list" if core: cmd += " --core" if extra: cmd += " --extra" if private: cmd += " --private" if enterprise: cmd += " --enterprise" if modules: cmd += f" -w {modules}" if only_installable: cmd += " --installable" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): module_list = c.run( cmd, env=UID_ENV, pty=True, hide="stdout", ).stdout.splitlines()[-1] return module_list @task( help={ "modules": "Comma-separated list of modules to test.", "core": "Test all core addons. Default: False", "extra": "Test all extra addons. Default: False", "private": "Test all private addons. Default: False", "enterprise": "Test all enterprise addons. Default: False", "skip": "List of addons to skip. Default: []", "debugpy": "Whether or not to run tests in a VSCode debugging session. " "Default: False", "cur-file": "Path to the current file." " Addon name will be obtained from there to run tests", "mode": "Mode in which tests run. Options: ['init'(default), 'update']", "db_filter": "DB_FILTER regex to pass to the test container Set to ''" " to disable. Default: '^devel$'", }, ) def test( c, modules=None, core=False, extra=False, private=False, enterprise=False, skip="", debugpy=False, cur_file=None, mode="init", db_filter="^devel$", ): """Run Odoo tests By default, tests addon from directory being worked on, unless other options are specified. NOTE: Odoo must be restarted manually after this to go back to normal mode """ if not (modules or core or extra or private or enterprise): cur_module = _get_cwd_addon(cur_file or Path.cwd()) if not cur_module: raise exceptions.ParseError( msg="Odoo addon to install not found. " "You must provide at least one option for modules" " or be in a subdirectory of one." " See --help for details." ) modules = cur_module else: modules = _get_module_list(c, modules, core, extra, private, enterprise) odoo_command = ["odoo", "--test-enable", "--stop-after-init", "--workers=0"] if mode == "init": odoo_command.append("-i") elif mode == "update": odoo_command.append("-u") else: raise exceptions.ParseError( msg="Available modes are 'init' or 'update'. See --help for details." ) # Skip test in some modules modules_list = modules.split(",") for m_to_skip in skip.split(","): if not m_to_skip: continue if m_to_skip not in modules: _logger.warn( "%s not found in the list of addons to test: %s" % (m_to_skip, modules) ) modules_list.remove(m_to_skip) modules = ",".join(modules_list) odoo_command.append(modules) if ODOO_VERSION >= 12: # Limit tests to explicit list # Filter spec format (comma-separated) # [-][tag][/module][:class][.method] odoo_command.extend(["--test-tags", "/" + ",/".join(modules_list)]) if debugpy: _test_in_debug_mode(c, odoo_command) else: cmd = ["docker-compose", "run", "--rm"] if db_filter: cmd.extend(["-e", "DB_FILTER='%s'" % db_filter]) cmd.append("odoo") cmd.extend(odoo_command) with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run( " ".join(cmd), env=UID_ENV, pty=True, ) @task( help={"purge": "Remove all related containers, networks images and volumes"}, ) def stop(c, purge=False): """Stop and (optionally) purge environment.""" cmd = "docker-compose down --remove-orphans" if purge: cmd += " --rmi local --volumes" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run(cmd, pty=True) @task( help={ "dbname": "The DB that will be DESTROYED and recreated. Default: 'devel'.", "modules": "Comma-separated list of modules to install. Default: 'base'.", "core": "Install all core addons. Default: False", "extra": "Install all extra addons. Default: False", "private": "Install all private addons. Default: False", "enterprise": "Install all enterprise addons. Default: False", "populate": "Run preparedb task right after (only available for v11+)." " Default: True", "dependencies": "Install only the dependencies of the specified addons." "Default: False", }, ) def resetdb( c, modules=None, core=False, extra=False, private=False, enterprise=False, dbname="devel", populate=True, dependencies=False, ): """Reset the specified database with the specified modules. Uses click-odoo-initdb behind the scenes, which has a caching system that makes DB resets quicker. See its docs for more info. """ if dependencies: modules = _get_module_dependencies(c, modules, core, extra, private, enterprise) elif core or extra or private or enterprise: modules = _get_module_list(c, modules, core, extra, private, enterprise) else: modules = modules or "base" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run("docker-compose stop odoo", pty=True) _run = "docker-compose run --rm -l traefik.enable=false odoo" c.run( f"{_run} click-odoo-dropdb {dbname}", env=UID_ENV, warn=True, pty=True, ) c.run( f"{_run} click-odoo-initdb -n {dbname} -m {modules}", env=UID_ENV, pty=True, ) if populate and ODOO_VERSION < 11: _logger.warn( "Skipping populate task as it is not available in v%s" % ODOO_VERSION ) populate = False if populate: preparedb(c) @task() def preparedb(c): """Run the `preparedb` script inside the container Populates the DB with some helpful config """ if ODOO_VERSION < 11: raise exceptions.PlatformError( "The preparedb script is not available for Doodba environments bellow v11." ) with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run( "docker-compose run --rm -l traefik.enable=false odoo preparedb", env=UID_ENV, pty=True, ) @task() def restart(c, quick=True): """Restart odoo container(s).""" cmd = "docker-compose restart" if quick: cmd = f"{cmd} -t0" cmd = f"{cmd} odoo odoo_proxy" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run(cmd, env=UID_ENV, pty=True) @task( help={ "container": "Names of the containers from which logs will be obtained." " You can specify a single one, or several comma-separated names." " Default: None (show logs for all containers)" }, ) def logs(c, tail=10, follow=True, container=None): """Obtain last logs of current environment.""" cmd = "docker-compose logs" if follow: cmd += " -f" if tail: cmd += f" --tail {tail}" if container: cmd += f" {container.replace(',', ' ')}" with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): c.run(cmd, pty=True) @task def after_update(c): """Execute some actions after a copier update or init""" # Make custom build scripts executable if ODOO_VERSION < 11: files = ( Path(PROJECT_ROOT, "odoo", "custom", "build.d", "20-update-pg-repos"), Path(PROJECT_ROOT, "odoo", "custom", "build.d", "10-fix-certs"), ) for script_file in files: # Ignore if, for some reason, the file didn't end up in the generated # project despite of the correct version (e.g. Copier exclusions) if not script_file.exists(): continue cur_stat = script_file.stat() # Like chmod ug+x script_file.chmod(cur_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP) else: # Remove version-specific build scripts if the copier update didn't # HACK: https://github.com/copier-org/copier/issues/461 files = ( Path(PROJECT_ROOT, "odoo", "custom", "build.d", "20-update-pg-repos"), Path(PROJECT_ROOT, "odoo", "custom", "build.d", "10-fix-certs"), ) for script_file in files: # missing_ok argument would take care of this, but it was only added for # Python 3.8 if script_file.exists(): script_file.unlink() @task( help={ "source_db": "The source DB name. Default: 'devel'.", "destination_db": "The destination DB name. Default: '[SOURCE_DB_NAME]-[CURRENT_DATE]'", }, ) def snapshot( c, source_db="devel", destination_db=None, ): """Snapshot current database and filestore. Uses click-odoo-copydb behind the scenes to make a snapshot. """ if not destination_db: destination_db = "%s-%s" % ( source_db, datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M"), ) with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): cur_state = c.run("docker-compose stop odoo db", pty=True).stdout _logger.info("Snapshoting current %s DB to %s" % (source_db, destination_db)) _run = "docker-compose run --rm -l traefik.enable=false odoo" c.run( f"{_run} click-odoo-copydb {source_db} {destination_db}", env=UID_ENV, pty=True, ) if "Stopping" in cur_state: # Restart services if they were previously active c.run("docker-compose start odoo db", pty=True) @task( help={ "snapshot_name": "The snapshot name. If not provided," "the script will try to find the last snapshot" " that starts with the destination_db name", "destination_db": "The destination DB name. Default: 'devel'", }, ) def restore_snapshot( c, snapshot_name=None, destination_db="devel", ): """Restore database and filestore snapshot. Uses click-odoo-copydb behind the scenes to restore a DB snapshot. """ with c.cd(str(PROJECT_ROOT)): cur_state = c.run("docker-compose stop odoo db", pty=True).stdout if not snapshot_name: # List DBs res = c.run( "docker-compose run --rm -e LOG_LEVEL=WARNING odoo psql -tc" " 'SELECT datname FROM pg_database;'", env=UID_ENV, hide="stdout", ) db_list = [] for db in res.stdout.splitlines(): # Parse and filter DB List if not db.lstrip().startswith(destination_db): continue db_name = db.lstrip() try: db_date = datetime.strptime( db_name.lstrip(destination_db + "-"), "%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M" ) db_list.append((db_name, db_date)) except ValueError: continue snapshot_name = max(db_list, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] if not snapshot_name: raise exceptions.PlatformError( "No snapshot found for destination_db %s" % destination_db ) _logger.info("Restoring snapshot %s to %s" % (snapshot_name, destination_db)) _run = "docker-compose run --rm -l traefik.enable=false odoo" c.run( f"{_run} click-odoo-dropdb {destination_db}", env=UID_ENV, warn=True, pty=True, ) c.run( f"{_run} click-odoo-copydb {snapshot_name} {destination_db}", env=UID_ENV, pty=True, ) if "Stopping" in cur_state: # Restart services if they were previously active c.run("docker-compose start odoo db", pty=True)