# Copyright 2019 Coop IT Easy SCRLfs # @author Pierrick Brun <pierrick.brun@akretion.com> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
import logging import base64 from odoo import fields, models, api, _
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PosOrder(models.Model): _inherit = "pos.order"
email_receipt_sent = fields.Boolean()
@api.model def send_mail_receipt( self, pos_reference, email, body_from_ui, force=True ): order = self.search([("pos_reference", "=", pos_reference)]) if len(order) < 1: _logger.error(_("Error: no order found")) return if order.email_receipt_sent: _logger.info(_("E-mail already sent")) return if not email and not order.partner_id and not order.partner_id.email: _logger.error( _( "Cannot send the ticket, no email address found for the client" ) ) mail_template = self.env.ref("pos_mail_receipt.email_send_ticket") email_values = {} if email: email_values["email_to"] = email else: email_values["email_to"] = order.partner_id.email base64_pdf = self.env["ir.actions.report"]._run_wkhtmltopdf( [body_from_ui.encode("utf-16")], landscape=False, specific_paperformat_args={ "data-report-margin-top": 10, "data-report-header-spacing": 10, }, ) attachment = self.env["ir.attachment"].create( { "name": pos_reference, "datas_fname": _("Receipt_{}.pdf".format(pos_reference)), "type": "binary", "mimetype": "application/x-pdf", "db_datas": base64.encodestring(base64_pdf), "res_model": "pos.order", "res_id": order.id, } ) email_values["attachment_ids"] = [attachment.id] mail_template.send_mail( order.id, force_send=force, email_values=email_values, ) order.email_receipt_sent = True
@api.model def create_from_ui(self, orders): res = super(PosOrder, self).create_from_ui(orders) for order in orders: if "email" in order["data"]: self.send_mail_receipt( order["data"]["name"], order["data"]["email"], order["data"]["body_from_ui"], force=False, ) return res