You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
3.7 KiB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
  3. <t t-name="ListOrderButtonWidget">
  4. <t t-if="widget.pos.config.iface_load_done_order">
  5. <div class="header-button order-list-button">
  6. <i class='fa fa-fw fa-shopping-cart'/>
  7. </div>
  8. </t>
  9. </t>
  10. <t t-name="OrderListScreenWidget">
  11. <div class="clientlist-screen screen">
  12. <div class="screen-content">
  13. <section class="top-content">
  14. <span class='button back'>
  15. <i class='fa fa-angle-double-left'></i>
  16. Back
  17. </span>
  18. <span class='searchbox'>
  19. <input placeholder='Search Order' />
  20. <span class='search-clear'></span>
  21. </span>
  22. <span class='searchbox'></span>
  23. </section>
  24. <section class="full-content">
  25. <div class="window">
  26. <section class="subwindow">
  27. <div class="subwindow-container">
  28. <div class="subwindow-container-fix touch-scrollable scrollable-y">
  29. <table class="client-list">
  30. <thead>
  31. <th name="th_ol_ref">Ref.</th>
  32. <th name="th_ol_customer">Customer</th>
  33. <th name="th_ol_date">Date</th>
  34. <th name="th_ol_amount_total">Amount Total</th>
  35. <th name="th_ol_reprint"/>
  36. </thead>
  37. <tbody class="order-list-contents">
  38. </tbody>
  39. </table>
  40. </div>
  41. </div>
  42. </section>
  43. </div>
  44. </section>
  45. </div>
  46. </div>
  47. </t>
  48. <t t-name="OrderLine">
  49. <tr class='order-line' t-att-data-id='' t-att-data-Uid='order.uid'>
  50. <td name="td_ol_name"><t t-esc='order.pos_reference or' /></td>
  51. <td name="td_ol_customer"><t t-esc='order.partner_id[1]' /></td>
  52. <td name="td_ol_date"><t t-esc='order.date_order' /></td>
  53. <td name="td_ol_amount_total"><t t-esc='widget.format_currency(order.amount_total)' /></td>
  54. <td name="td_ol_reprint" t-att-data-order-id="" t-att-data-Uid='order.uid'>
  55. <span class="button order-list-reprint" t-att-data-order-id="" t-att-data-Uid='order.uid'>
  56. <i class='fa fa-fw fa-print'/>
  57. </span>
  58. <span t-if="order.amount_total >= 0" class="button order-list-return" t-att-data-order-id="" t-att-data-Uid='order.uid'>
  59. <i class='fa fa-fw fa-undo'/>
  60. </span>
  61. </td>
  62. </tr>
  63. </t>
  64. <t t-extend="OrderWidget">
  65. <t t-jquery=".order-scroller.touch-scrollable" t-operation="before">
  66. <div class="order-returned-warning" t-if="order.return">
  67. <span>Returned order: </span><t name="order-return-uid" t-esc="order.origin_name"></t>
  68. </div>
  69. </t>
  70. </t>
  71. <t t-extend="PosTicket">
  72. <t t-jquery="t[t-esc='']" t-operation="after">
  73. <t t-if="order.origin_name">
  74. <br/>
  75. <span name="order-origin-name">Rectifies: </span><t t-esc="order.origin_name"/>
  76. </t>
  77. </t>
  78. </t>
  79. </templates>