@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ |
'use strict'; |
odoo.define('pos_backend_partner.partner_pos', function (require) { |
var tools = require('pos_backend_communication.tools'); |
var session = require('web.session'); |
var ProductScreenWidget = require('point_of_sale.screens'); |
var translation = require('web.translation'); |
var _t = translation._t; |
var action_url = null; |
var pos_instance = null; |
function set_client(message) { |
var data = message.data; |
var partner_info = { |
'id': parseInt(data.id, 10), |
'name': data.name |
}; |
pos_instance.get('selectedOrder').set_client(partner_info); |
alert(_t('Customer set')); //try to get the focus back
} |
function open_backend(message) { |
console.log('open backend partner'); |
//lookup action_id
action_url = action_url || session.rpc( |
'/web/action/load', { "action_id":"pos_backend_partner.action_select_partner_pos"}) |
.then(function (e) { return e.id; }); |
action_url.then(function (action_id) { |
var url = "/web#view_type=list&model=res.partner&action=" + action_id; |
var msg = {'type': 'partner.choose'}; |
tools.open_page(url, msg, 'partner'); |
}); |
} |
// Bind customer button in main screen
ProductScreenWidget.ActionpadWidget.include({ |
init: function(parent, options) { |
this._super(parent, options); |
pos_instance = this.pos; |
}, |
renderElement: function() { |
var self = this; |
this._super(); |
this.$('.set-customer').unbind('click'); |
this.$('.set-customer').click(function(){ |
open_backend(); |
}); |
} |
}); |
// Bind customer button in payement screen
ProductScreenWidget.PaymentScreenWidget.include({ |
init: function(parent, options) { |
this._super(parent, options); |
pos_instance = this.pos; |
}, |
click_set_customer: function() { |
open_backend(); |
} |
}); |
tools.callbacks['partner.partner_selected'] = set_client; |
return { |
callbacks: tools.callbacks |
}; |
}); |
odoo.define('pos_backend_partner.prevent_model_load', function (require) { |
// Prevent res.partner to be loaded at startup of the POS
// we load partners from the back office
//huge perf improvement server side AND client side AND network side
// we don't need it since the client is picked from the backoffice
var pos_models = require('point_of_sale.models'); |
var partnerModelId = null; |
pos_models.PosModel.prototype.models.some(function (m, idx) { |
if (m.model !== "res.partner") |
return false; |
partnerModelId = idx; //got her !
return true; //exit early
}); |
if (partnerModelId) { |
pos_models.PosModel.prototype.models.splice(partnerModelId, 1); |
//remove the model without changing the reference to the array
} |
}); |