@ -17,155 +17,133 @@ |
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
******************************************************************************/ |
openerp.pos_product_template = function (instance) { |
module = instance.point_of_sale; |
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; |
var _t = instance.web._t; |
/* ******************************************************** |
Overload: point_of_sale.ProductListWidget |
- The overload will: |
- display only product template; |
- Add an extra behaviour on click on a template, if template has many |
variant, displaying an extra scren to select the variant; |
*********************************************************** */ |
module.ProductListWidget = module.ProductListWidget.extend({ |
odoo.define('pos_product_template.pos_product_template', function (require) { |
"use strict"; |
var model = require('point_of_sale.models'); |
var chrome = require('point_of_sale.chrome'); |
var PosBaseWidget = require('point_of_sale.BaseWidget'); |
var screens = require('point_of_sale.screens'); |
var PopupWidget = require('point_of_sale.popups'); |
var PosBaseWidget = require('point_of_sale.BaseWidget'); |
var DB = require('point_of_sale.DB'); |
var core = require('web.core'); |
var gui = require('point_of_sale.gui'); |
var QWeb = core.qweb; |
var _t = core._t; |
screens.ProductListWidget.include({ |
init: function(parent, options) { |
this._super(parent,options); |
var self = this; |
// OVERWRITE 'click_product_handler' function to do
// a different behaviour if template with one or many variants
// are selected.
this.click_product_handler = function(event){ |
var product = self.pos.db.get_product_by_id(this.dataset.productId); |
if (product.product_variant_count == 1) { |
// Normal behaviour, The template has only one variant
options.click_product_action(product); |
} |
else{ |
// Display for selection all the variants of a template
self.gui.show_popup('select-variant-popup', product.product_tmpl_id); |
} |
}; |
}, |
/* ************************************************ |
Overload: 'set_product_list' |
'set_product_list' is a function called before displaying Products. |
(at the beginning, after a category selection, after a research, etc. |
we just splice all products that are not the 'primary variant' |
*/ |
set_product_list: function(product_list){ |
for (var i = product_list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ |
if (!product_list[i].is_primary_variant){ |
product_list.splice(i, 1); |
} |
} |
this._super(product_list); |
}, |
}); |
var _render_product_ = screens.ProductListWidget.prototype.render_product; |
screens.ProductListWidget.prototype.render_product = function(product){ |
self = this; |
if (product.product_variant_count == 1){ |
// Normal Display
return _render_product_.call(this, product); |
} |
else{ |
var cached = this.product_cache.get_node(product.id); |
if(!cached){ |
var image_url = this.get_product_image_url(product); |
var product_html = QWeb.render('Template',{ |
widget: this, |
product: product, |
image_url: this.get_product_image_url(product), |
}); |
var product_node = document.createElement('div'); |
product_node.innerHTML = product_html; |
product_node = product_node.childNodes[1]; |
this.product_cache.cache_node(product.id,product_node); |
return product_node; |
} |
return cached; |
} |
}; |
/* ******************************************************** |
Define : pos_product_template.SelectVariantPopupWidget |
- This widget that display a pop up to select a variant of a Template; |
*********************************************************** */ |
var SelectVariantPopupWidget = PopupWidget.extend({ |
template:'SelectVariantPopupWidget', |
show: function(product_tmpl_id){ |
var options = {}; |
this._super(options); |
var self = this; |
var template = this.pos.db.template_by_id[product_tmpl_id]; |
// Display Name of Template
this.$('#variant-title-name').html(template.name); |
// Define Attribute Widget
this.attribute_list_widget = new AttributeListWidget(this,{}); |
this.attribute_list_widget.replace(this.$('.placeholder-AttributeListWidget')); |
// Define Variant Widget
this.variant_list_widget = new VariantListWidget(this,{}); |
this.variant_list_widget.replace(this.$('.placeholder-VariantListWidget')); |
// Add behaviour on Cancel Button
this.$('#variant-popup-cancel').off('click').click(function(){ |
self.hide(); |
}); |
init: function(parent, options) { |
this._super(parent,options); |
var self = this; |
// OVERWRITE 'click_product_handler' function to do
// a different behaviour if template with one or many variants
// are selected.
this.click_product_handler = function(event){ |
var product = self.pos.db.get_product_by_id(this.dataset['productId']); |
if (product.product_variant_count == 1) { |
// Normal behaviour, The template has only one variant
options.click_product_action(product); |
// Render Variants
var variant_ids = this.pos.db.template_by_id[product_tmpl_id].product_variant_ids; |
var variant_list = []; |
for (var i = 0, len = variant_ids.length; i < len; i++) { |
variant_list.push(this.pos.db.get_product_by_id(variant_ids[i])); |
} |
else{ |
// Display for selection all the variants of a template
self.pos.pos_widget.screen_selector.show_popup('select-variant-popup', product.product_tmpl_id); |
this.variant_list_widget.filters = {} |
this.variant_list_widget.set_variant_list(variant_list); |
// Render Attributes
var attribute_ids = this.pos.db.attribute_by_template_id(template.id); |
var attribute_list = []; |
for (var i = 0, len = attribute_ids.length; i < len; i++) { |
attribute_list.push(this.pos.db.get_product_attribute_by_id(attribute_ids[i])); |
} |
}; |
}, |
/* ************************************************ |
Overload: 'set_product_list' |
'set_product_list' is a function called before displaying Products. |
(at the beginning, after a category selection, after a research, etc. |
we just splice all products that are not the 'primary variant' |
*/ |
set_product_list: function(product_list){ |
for (var i = product_list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ |
if (!product_list[i].is_primary_variant){ |
product_list.splice(i, 1); |
} |
} |
this._super(product_list); |
}, |
}); |
var _render_product_ = module.ProductListWidget.prototype.render_product; |
module.ProductListWidget.prototype.render_product = function(product){ |
self = this; |
if (product.product_variant_count == 1){ |
// Normal Display
return _render_product_.call(this, product); |
} |
else{ |
var cached = this.product_cache.get_node(product.id); |
if(!cached){ |
var image_url = this.get_product_image_url(product); |
var product_html = QWeb.render('Template',{ |
widget: this, |
product: product, |
image_url: this.get_product_image_url(product), |
}); |
var product_node = document.createElement('div'); |
product_node.innerHTML = product_html; |
product_node = product_node.childNodes[1]; |
this.product_cache.cache_node(product.id,product_node); |
return product_node; |
} |
return cached; |
} |
}; |
/* ******************************************************** |
Overload: point_of_sale.PosWidget |
- Add a new PopUp 'SelectVariantPopupWidget'; |
*********************************************************** */ |
module.PosWidget = module.PosWidget.extend({ |
/* Overload Section */ |
build_widgets: function(){ |
this._super(); |
this.select_variant_popup = new module.SelectVariantPopupWidget(this, {}); |
this.select_variant_popup.appendTo($(this.$el)); |
this.screen_selector.popup_set['select-variant-popup'] = this.select_variant_popup; |
// Hide the popup because all pop up are displayed at the
// beginning by default
this.select_variant_popup.hide(); |
}, |
}); |
/* ******************************************************** |
Define : pos_product_template.SelectVariantPopupWidget |
- This widget that display a pop up to select a variant of a Template; |
*********************************************************** */ |
module.SelectVariantPopupWidget = module.PopUpWidget.extend({ |
template:'SelectVariantPopupWidget', |
start: function(){ |
var self = this; |
// Define Variant Widget
this.variant_list_widget = new module.VariantListWidget(this,{}); |
this.variant_list_widget.replace(this.$('.placeholder-VariantListWidget')); |
// Define Attribute Widget
this.attribute_list_widget = new module.AttributeListWidget(this,{}); |
this.attribute_list_widget.replace(this.$('.placeholder-AttributeListWidget')); |
// Add behaviour on Cancel Button
this.$('#variant-popup-cancel').off('click').click(function(){ |
self.hide(); |
}); |
}, |
show: function(product_tmpl_id){ |
var self = this; |
var template = this.pos.db.template_by_id[product_tmpl_id]; |
// Display Name of Template
this.$('#variant-title-name').html(template.name); |
// Render Variants
var variant_ids = this.pos.db.template_by_id[product_tmpl_id].product_variant_ids; |
var variant_list = []; |
for (var i = 0, len = variant_ids.length; i < len; i++) { |
variant_list.push(this.pos.db.get_product_by_id(variant_ids[i])); |
} |
this.variant_list_widget.filters = {} |
this.variant_list_widget.set_variant_list(variant_list); |
// Render Attributes
var attribute_ids = this.pos.db.attribute_by_template_id(template.id); |
var attribute_list = []; |
for (var i = 0, len = attribute_ids.length; i < len; i++) { |
attribute_list.push(this.pos.db.get_product_attribute_by_id(attribute_ids[i])); |
} |
this.attribute_list_widget.set_attribute_list(attribute_list, template); |
this._super(); |
}, |
}); |
this.attribute_list_widget.set_attribute_list(attribute_list, template); |
}, |
}); |
gui.define_popup({name:'select-variant-popup', widget: SelectVariantPopupWidget}); |
/* ******************************************************** |
Define: pos_product_template.VariantListWidget |
@ -173,7 +151,7 @@ Define: pos_product_template.VariantListWidget |
- This widget will display a list of Variants; |
- This widget has some part of code that come from point_of_sale.ProductListWidget; |
*********************************************************** */ |
module.VariantListWidget = module.PosBaseWidget.extend({ |
var VariantListWidget = screens.ScreenWidget.extend({ |
template:'VariantListWidget', |
init: function(parent, options) { |
@ -189,7 +167,7 @@ Define: pos_product_template.VariantListWidget |
self.pos_widget.screen_selector.set_current_screen('scale',{product: variant}); |
}else{ |
self.__parentedParent.hide(); |
self.pos.get('selectedOrder').addProduct(variant); |
self.pos.get('selectedOrder').add_product(variant); |
} |
}; |
}, |
@ -213,14 +191,14 @@ Define: pos_product_template.VariantListWidget |
}, |
filter_variant: function(){ |
value_list = [] |
var value_list = [] |
for (var item in this.filters){ |
value_list.push(parseInt(this.filters[item])); |
} |
this.filter_variant_list = []; |
for (index in this.variant_list){ |
variant = this.variant_list[index]; |
found = true; |
for (var index in this.variant_list){ |
var variant = this.variant_list[index]; |
var found = true; |
for (var i = 0; i < value_list.length; i++){ |
found = found && (variant.attribute_value_ids.indexOf(value_list[i]) != -1); |
} |
@ -250,7 +228,7 @@ Define: pos_product_template.VariantListWidget |
renderElement: function() { |
var self = this; |
var el_html = openerp.qweb.render(this.template, {widget: this}); |
var el_html = QWeb.render(this.template, {widget: this}); |
var el_node = document.createElement('div'); |
el_node.innerHTML = el_html; |
el_node = el_node.childNodes[1]; |
@ -268,12 +246,13 @@ Define: pos_product_template.VariantListWidget |
}); |
/* ******************************************************** |
/* ******************************************************** |
Define: pos_product_template.AttributeListWidget |
- This widget will display a list of Attribute; |
*********************************************************** */ |
module.AttributeListWidget = module.PosBaseWidget.extend({ |
var AttributeListWidget = screens.ScreenWidget.extend({ |
template:'AttributeListWidget', |
init: function(parent, options) { |
@ -283,10 +262,10 @@ Define: pos_product_template.AttributeListWidget |
this.click_set_attribute_handler = function(event){ |
/*TODO: Refactor this function with elegant DOM manipulation */ |
// remove selected item
parent = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; |
var parent = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; |
parent.children[0].classList.remove('selected'); |
for (var i = 0 ; i < parent.children[1].children[0].children.length; i ++){ |
elem = parent.children[1].children[0].children[i]; |
var elem = parent.children[1].children[0].children[i]; |
elem.children[0].classList.remove('selected'); |
} |
// add selected item
@ -296,10 +275,10 @@ Define: pos_product_template.AttributeListWidget |
this.click_reset_attribute_handler = function(event){ |
/*TODO: Refactor this function with elegant DOM manipulation */ |
// remove selected item
parent = this.parentElement; |
var parent = this.parentElement; |
parent.children[0].classList.remove('selected'); |
for (var i = 0 ; i < parent.children[1].children[0].children.length; i ++){ |
elem = parent.children[1].children[0].children[i]; |
var elem = parent.children[1].children[0].children[i]; |
elem.children[0].classList.remove('selected'); |
} |
// add selected item
@ -329,7 +308,7 @@ Define: pos_product_template.AttributeListWidget |
var attribute_node = document.createElement('div'); |
attribute_node.innerHTML = attribute_html; |
attribute_node = attribute_node.childNodes[1]; |
var list_container = attribute_node.querySelector('.value-list'); |
for(var i = 0, len = attribute.value_ids.length; i < len; i++){ |
var value = this.pos.db.get_product_attribute_value_by_id(attribute.value_ids[i]); |
@ -361,7 +340,7 @@ Define: pos_product_template.AttributeListWidget |
renderElement: function() { |
var self = this; |
var el_html = openerp.qweb.render(this.template, {widget: this}); |
var el_html = QWeb.render(this.template, {widget: this}); |
var el_node = document.createElement('div'); |
el_node.innerHTML = el_html; |
el_node = el_node.childNodes[1]; |
@ -381,8 +360,7 @@ Define: pos_product_template.AttributeListWidget |
}); |
/* ******************************************************** |
/* ******************************************************** |
Overload: point_of_sale.PosDB |
- Add to local storage Product Templates Data. |
@ -393,7 +371,7 @@ Overload: point_of_sale.PosDB |
- Add an extra field 'product_variant_count' on product object that |
indicates the number of variant of the template of the product. |
*********************************************************** */ |
module.PosDB = module.PosDB.extend({ |
var PosDB = DB.include({ |
init: function(options){ |
this.template_by_id = {}; |
this.product_attribute_by_id = {}; |
@ -429,12 +407,12 @@ Overload: point_of_sale.PosDB |
attribute_by_template_id: function(template_id){ |
template = this.template_by_id[template_id]; |
var template = this.template_by_id[template_id]; |
return this.attribute_by_attribute_value_ids(template.attribute_value_ids); |
}, |
attribute_by_attribute_value_ids: function(value_ids){ |
attribute_ids = []; |
var attribute_ids = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < value_ids.length; i++){ |
var value = this.product_attribute_value_by_id[value_ids[i]]; |
if (attribute_ids.indexOf(value.attribute_id[0])==-1){ |
@ -480,16 +458,15 @@ Overload: point_of_sale.PosDB |
}, |
}); |
/* ******************************************************** |
/* ******************************************************** |
Overload: point_of_sale.PosModel |
- Overload module.PosModel.initialize function to load extra-data |
- Load 'name' field of model product.product; |
- Load product.template model; |
*********************************************************** */ |
var _initialize_ = module.PosModel.prototype.initialize; |
module.PosModel.prototype.initialize = function(session, attributes){ |
var _initialize_ = model.PosModel.prototype.initialize; |
model.PosModel.prototype.initialize = function(session, attributes){ |
self = this; |
// Add the load of the field product_product.name
// that is the name of the template
@ -558,4 +535,12 @@ Overload: point_of_sale.PosModel |
return _initialize_.call(this, session, attributes); |
}; |
}; |
return { |
SelectVariantPopupWidget:SelectVariantPopupWidget, |
VariantListWidget :VariantListWidget , |
AttributeListWidget:AttributeListWidget, |
} |
}); |