Sylvain LE GAL
[MIG][12.0] pos_picking_load (from 10.0)
[MIG][12.0] pos_picking_load_partner_name (from 8.0)
[FIX] remove obsolete commented code
[FIX] chrome / chromium patch. courtesy @kirca
[FIX] reimplement search picking feature
[FIX] replace min_date by scheduled_date
[UPD] translation
6 years ago
Sylvain LE GAL
[MIG][10.0] pos_picking_load.
[PORT] Apply new 10.0 syntax ;
[REF] Apply recent OCA convention (new readme, etc.) ;
[PORT] make the module depend on 'sale' module
[REF] remove obsolete file
[IMP] point of sale UI
[ADD] prepare function for picking_line
6 years ago
Sylvain LE GAL
[FIX] picking lines quantity are correcty loaded
[ADD] parameter to load a custom quantity of picking in PoS
[IMP] prepare function to let possibility to users to overload search function
7 years ago
Stefan Rijnhart
[IMP] API consistency
8 years ago
Stefan Rijnhart
[IMP] Link new picking to original sale order
[ADD] Tests
8 years ago
Stefan Rijnhart
[ADD] Make pos session available when selecting pickings
8 years ago
Sylvain LE GAL
[ADD] new module pos_picking_load ( #183 )
[ADD] new module pos_picking_load
8 years ago