# Copyright 2019 Coop IT Easy SCRLfs # Robin Keunen # Vincent Van Rossem # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). { 'name': "POS Toledo Container Weighing", 'version': '', 'summary': """ Creates a container after it is lifted from a Mettler-Toledo scale """, 'description': """ The Mettler-Toledo scale has to be configured with the Checkout-Dialogue 06 communication protocol, as described in the Service Manual: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/861274/Mettler-Toledo-Viva.html?page=42#manual Once the scale answers with a 30 or 31 status code and the weight value is different than zero, the products screen is shown with the created container. Use pos_toledo_product module to order a weighted product once it is lifted from the scale. """, "author": "Coop IT Easy SCRLfs, " "Odoo Community Association (OCA)", 'website': "https://odoo-community.org/", 'category': 'Point of Sale', 'depends': ['pos_container'], 'data': [ 'templates/templates.xml', ], }